• Published 27th Jun 2012
  • 2,142 Views, 51 Comments

Gods, Chaos, And A Teenager - BraxAttacks

A higher power gets bored and sends a random teenager into Equestria for no real reason.

  • ...

Chapter the First

Braxton was sitting at a massive table covered with a fancy white table cloth. A huge selection of food was in front of him, from chocolate covered strawberries to deep-fried ice cream. There was no silverware in front of him, only a plate. He looked over the large selection, searching for something that would satisfy the aching that ate away at his stomach. Everything in front of him looked incredible, and he was having trouble deciding what would be the best choice to go with.

"Chuck? What do you recommend?"

At Braxton's request, Chuck the alligator, dressed in a formal vest, cleared his throat and spoke in a clear voice, with a ridiculous french accent. "I would recommend the European Death Walrus, I hear it is quite exquisite this time of year."

Just then, a door slammed open, revealing Alfred the lobster standing in the doorway, panting for breath. "Sir! The Octopus are invading! They are already breaching the marshmallow walls!"

Braxton quickly sat up in his chair, almost knocking over his goblet of infinite soda. "Order the Monkey battalion to form some sort of intelligent defensive position and not die!" He turned to Chuck. "Prepare my escape pod."

As soon as they moved to accomplish their tasks, all of the walls began to turn into-


"Son of a..." Braxton moaned as he pushed himself up from the cold stone floor beneath. "That is the last time I drink a liter of soda before bed," he said through gritted teeth as he realized that he probably bruised his chest when he fell from his bed. Although, he could have sworn that his room had a carpet.

As soon as he made the realization, Braxton frantically examined the room he was in. It was nothing like his room. The floor beneath him was a dark stone, with purple swirls moving through it. Not the 'they look like they're moving,' but the literal kind of movement. The walls were made of the same type of stone, though they were decorated with dark crimson curtains and torches placed high up in the arching roof. Red windows allowed some light to seep in, staining all of his clothes a red color. He was laying next to a king-sized bed that was covered in a fur blanket.

Braxton stood up, dusted him self off, and straightened his glasses. One of the lenses had cracked when he fell, rendering one of his eyes practically useless. Cursing under his breath, he tried to remain calm. There weren't many things that could have happened to him; a double dream or kidnapping were the only likely options. The look of the place seemed to be a dead give-away.

Looking around, he realized that there wasn't a door in the entire room. Trying the windows, he found that none of them budged an inch. His calm gradually diminsihed. He sat down on the bed, shaking slightly. Staring at the moving patterns in the stone, Braxton decided that he was definitely in another dream.

An idea entered his head.

Raising his hands, Braxton concentrated. He pictured a giant banana appearing out of nowhere. It didn't work.

"Okay, so I'm not in a dream...." he muttered. Nothing was making any sense. There were no doors or walls, he wasn't dreaming, and the moving floor patterns were starting to piss him off. Braxton was quickly becoming frustrated with everything that was happening to him.

"Calm yourself, mortal," a deep, echoing voice spoke. Braxton startled, jumping into the air and crashing to the ground for the second time that day. He was beginning to notice a trend.

Braxton stood up, quivering even more than before. "W-Who are you?"

"I am the messenger of the Gods," it stated with pride. Braxton scanned the room for any sort of speakers, worried that somebody was having way too much fun with kidnapping him. He found none.

"What d-do you mean, 'messenger of the gods'? Who are you?" Braxton continued looking for anything that could be projecting the voice, and once again he didn't find any.

"I communicate to mortals like you for the gods, who would obliterate you if you were to be near their presence."

"Obliteration is bad, so these 'gods' send you. Alright. Nothing weird here." Braxton had come to the conclusion that he had been kidnapped by a very rich, very insane man. If the movies were any sort of indication, that was not a good thing. Then again, movies aren't the most realistic of things.

"Indeed. Puny as you humans are, killing you left and right wouldn't help anyone. The gods prefer to use you for their own entertainment."

"How will a 'mortal'," Braxton used air quotes, "Entertain gods?"

"The gods are easily entertained."

Braxton resisted the urge to facepalm. His kidnapper didn't seem to be doing anything close to threatening, and his nerves were slowly beginning to relax. His posture became slightly less agitated.

"Okay then, what exactly am I going to do that will entertain the gods? I'm no comedian. The best jokes I can make are memes, which aren't even my own jokes."

If the Messenger of the Gods had a face, it would have looked very confused. "What is a meme?"

"Never mind, just tell me when I can go home," Braxton demanded. The blunt nature of his question, and the consequences it could have, were only realized after the words had been said. Inwardly, Braxton flinched, hoping that he didn't just seal his fate.

"Ah, that is where I must apologize. You will not be going home for a very long time, perhaps, never." The Messenger of the Gods didn't say it in a threatening voice, but Braxton was suddenly deeply regretting his remark. He briefly reflected on the fact that he would never see his family again, and decided that there was only one way he could survive the situation.


"I-I don't want to die, please don't kill me. I have a mom, a dad, a brother, a sister, and they would be destroyed if I died," Braxton pleaded, on the verge of tears. He slowly sat down and curled up on the cold stone floor, completely unaware of the messenger's chuckling.

"The gods have you intention of killing you. Did I not just say that we don't kill your kind often?" The sound of crying stopped as soon as the sentence was finished. He wasn't going to die. His family wouldn't have to suffer through the loss of losing a member.

"But to everyone you know, you may as well be dead." That made Braxton whip his head up.Now he was just confused, unsure of weather or not to continue crying or to cheer. He settled on staring at a random spot on the wall.

"What does that mean?"

"You will be sent to another world, one that you are familiar with, and the gods will observe the chaos that you will undoubtedly cause there."

Before Braxton was given a chance to respond, he found himself surrounded by a swirling purple energy that coated his body, spreading to all of his limbs and covering his head. Dizziness overtook him as he spun around, faster and faster with every passing second, lifting into the air. With a pop, he disappeared.

Fluttershy was having a good morning. There was nothing special that made the morning any better than her normal mornings, which was fine with her. No interruptions, no sick animals, nothing that could put a damper on her happy mood.

She was pulled out of her reflection by a tapping on her leg. "Sorry Angel, I'll grab you your carrot now," she apologized, receiving a satisfied snort from her long-time friend, Angel Bunny. Fluttershy hurried back inside her home, immediately moving to the correct cabinet, and pulled out a carrot. She flew back out to the white rabbit.

"Alright Angel, here's your food. Make sure to eat it all, or else you'll be hungry until lunchtime." She laid the carrot at Angel's feet, giving him a hopeful look.

Slowly but surely, Angel started eating.

Glad that she didn't have to deal with the almost daily refusal of whatever food was put before Angel, Fluttershy flew around her abode, giving food to all of the other residents the area had. Once that was done, she heated up some water to make tea, in order to to complete the comfort of the morning.

While she waited for the water to come to a boil, Fluttershy pulled out a book to read. Fantasy wasn't a genre that she read very often, but from time to time she picked one up anyways. The daring feats of the protagonists almost always frightened her, so she sometimes had to take breaks to calm herself down mid-chapter.

The sound of a cart speeding away caught her attention. The mail must have arrived, she thought. Marking her page, she went to see if she had gotten something other than letters saying that she had won the grand prize. The first time that happened, she got a scolding from Rarity about how she should never trust 'those horrid scandals!'

Sure enough, her mailbox was full. Halfway to it, Fluttershy heard a sound in the distance that sounded like clouds being broken apart. She distinctly remembered that it was supposed to be slightly cloudy. So why were there clouds being broken apart?

She glanced in the direction of the sound, and saw something falling through the air, below a fresh hole in the cloud above it. Her heartbeat quickened as she realized that it wasn't something, but someone.

Immediately forgetting about the water heating up on her stove and her mail, Fluttershy flew as fast as she could in the direction of the falling silhouette. She barely noticed when she entered the Everfree Forest.

Oblivious to everything around her, Fluttershy dodged branches as she flew in the direction she knew the pony had fallen. As the light shining from above became blocked out by the thickening canopy of leaves, she didn't slow down for a second. The most important thing was saving the pony that fell from the sky, and nothing would stop her from doing exactly that.

She briefly considered the event as something out of her imagination. Even with the improved vision that being a Pegasus gave her, she could have easily mistaken a dropped package for a pony. Maybe it was a diving bird, or just a bit of dust that looked like it was in the distance.

But that didn't explain the sound.

Pushing her thoughts aside, Fluttershy tried to fly even faster. The possibility that what she had seen was a pony was good enough a reason for her to plunge into the deadly forest. It had its reputation for a reason.

Scattering leaves, Fluttershy burst into a clearing. Or, at least, what initially looked like a clearing. A hole in the canopy, broken twigs hanging loose, let the light into the otherwise dark forest. A crater was located directly below the hole, pieces of brush scattered around it. In the center of the crater was... something.

A monkey came to mind, but at the same time the creature was very different. It was taller than most monkeys, roughly 5 feet, and didn't have hair covering its body. Instead, it was wearing blue pants and a shirt made from a cloth. A wavy light brown mane sprouted from it's head. A pair of glasses balanced on its nose, somehow intact after the fall. Fluttershy began to shiver at the alien sight in front of her. What she had thought to be a falling Pegasus was something completely different, something totally unknown to her.

Her shivers stopped when she noticed the many cuts and bruises on the exposed parts of the creature, very few of which were minor. Fluttershy could see its chest rising and falling slowly, assuring her that it was alive. Twigs snapped underhoof as she slowly approached, moving into the crater. She slowly moved her hooves underneath its arms, and lifted it upwards into the sky.

It would be a tough flight home.