• Published 27th Jun 2012
  • 2,138 Views, 51 Comments

Gods, Chaos, And A Teenager - BraxAttacks

A higher power gets bored and sends a random teenager into Equestria for no real reason.

  • ...

I Now am Writing Number Five

Almost as soon as Twilight sent the letter, she heard a knock on the door. Wow. I sent that letter only a few minutes ago, she thought. She hoped she wasn't keeping Celestia from anything important. Instantly, every possible way she might be inconveniencing her mentor in the slightest flashed through her head, and the unicorn started sweating suddenly.

Suddenly more nervous than she was less than ten seconds ago, Twilight grabbed the front door's handle in her magic and twisted. As she thought, It was the princess, wearing that smile Twilight always saw her with. "Good afternoon, Twilight. If you don't mind, this is a matter that needs to be dealt with quickly," she said politely.

"Yes, uh, of course! This way!" Twilight exclaimed nervously. Quickly turning around, Twilight escorted the princess through Fluttershy's house. Every few seconds, the unicorn glanced over her shoulder to check on Celestia, as if she might disappear somehow.

"I'm fine Twilight. No need to worry so much," Celestia said as she flashed Twilight a reassuring smile. Feeling slightly better, Twilight led her up the stairs, stopping in front of the door that opened into the room with Braxton in it.

Taking one last deep breath, Twilight prepared herself for something ridiculous to happen. A feeling in her gut was telling her that this was not going to work out. "Well... here goes nothing," she whispered to herself as the princess and her entered the room.

Braxton glanced at the two as they entered, then stared straight into Celestia's eyes. 1000 years of ruling a nation granted Celestia the world's greatest poker face, and she used it to stare right back at him. For many seconds, nothing happened. Then Braxton slowly swallowed. "For the sake of formalities, I'm just gonna go ahead and bow." He got off the bed he was sitting on and got onto one knee.

Celestia scanned over him, eyes darting around quickly. It must have an understanding of what royalty is, then. Or Twilight told it to do this, Celestia thought. It also speaks our language. How curious.

"What is your species called and where do you come from?" Celestia spoke in her "diplomat" voice. Braxton stood up from his kneeling position. Subconsciously, Celestia noted that he was roughly her height, only a few inches shorter.

"Members of my species are called humans. I come from earth," he said calmly.

"And what exactly is a human?" she asked. This alien could be entirely different than any other, and she wanted a bigger picture.

For a moment, a smile flashed across Braxton's face. "A miserable pile of secrets."

That manged to disrupt Celestia's poker face. "What?"

"Nothing. Humans, for the most part, look like me. Our skin varies from dark brown to a pale pinkish, our 'manes' can be different lengths, and we can be different sizes. Some of us are also slightly mean," Braxton explained, holding back a grin.

A frown settled onto Celestia's face. "What do you mean by 'mean'?" she asked cautiously.

"Hitler mean."

"Can I please have a context for that?"

Looking around the room, Braxton noticed everypony else in the room silently observing the conversation. He didn't feel like letting all of them know what the Holocaust was. "Could we go somewhere more private?"

Celestia nodded, and they left the room and went downstairs. Neither of them spoke while they descended, silent as they went into the main room of Fluttershy's home and sat down on a plush green sofa in the room.

"What is the worst thing to happen in Equestrian history?" Braxton asked, looking straight into the princesses eyes. She sighed, memories coming back to her.

"The worst thing that ever happened to Equestria was when Discord, a spirit of chaos, usurped the throne and took power for many centuries. Luna and I eventually defeated him with the Elements of Harmony, powerful magical artifacts, and peace was restored." Celestia stared back at Braxton. "Why do you ask?"

Braxton was resisting the urge to stop following this conversation, but now he couldn't back out. "Before I answer that, did anypony, uh.... die?"

The question took Celestia by complete surprise, and for a few moments, she said nothing. Blinking many times, she cast a concerned glance at Braxton. "Discord didn't directly kill anypony. That wasn't his goal," she explained, hoping that the subject of death would get dropped. She was wrong.

Leaning back into the sofa, Braxton looked at the ceiling, apparently finding it more interesting than the literal goddess sitting next to him. "Hitler was a man who caused the death of more than six million people."

The sofa shook as Celestia flinched, before looking at Braxton with some fear in her eyes. "Six million? But that's..."

"That's the reaction I was expecting. You have your context; let's move on, shall we?"

Slowly, Celestia nodded. "Yes, let's do that... Why are you here?"

Braxton looked at her and gave an exaggerated shrug. "I have no clue why I'm here, or how I got here, even. I've said it already, but I just woke up here in Fluttershy's cottage after she found me when I fell into the Everfree Forest," he explained.

"You fell into the Everfree Forest?" Celestia asked, confused. That's something I haven't heard before, she thought.

"Apparently. If Fluttershy can be believed, which I'm pretty sure she can, then she saw me falling through clouds before I landed in the Everfree Forest."

Celestia thought for many moments, unsure of how exactly that happened. Was the land he came from in the sky, somehow undetected by any Pegasus? That couldn't be; She and Luna had ventured everywhere they could eons ago. This didn't make any sense!

"What exactly were you doing before you woke up in the forest?" Celestia wanted as much information as possible if it could explain the sudden appearance of a new species.

"The last thing I can remember is being in a this weird room with floors and walls that... shifted. This voice started telling me I was going to somewhere I knew, there was a bright light, and then I was here." He shrugged. "Does that help?"

Frowning, Celestia took a deep breath to calm herself. "It only adds more questions to the ones I already had," she said quietly, almost to herself. "You said the voice was sending you somewhere you knew, and now you're here. How do you know this place?"

Subconsciously, Braxton cracked his knuckles. "Well, it goes something like this..."

As Braxton finished explaining, Celestia took a moment to digest what she had been told. Wherever the alien came from, the inhabitants there had somehow recreated events that concerned Twilight. Casting a quick glance at the stairway, Celestia hoped that the news didn't set her pupil on edge somehow. Braxton had already told them all, according to him, so the best thing that the Princess could do was hope they'd be fine.

"Well, this is certainly not how I was expecting this to go," Celestia said with mirth, smiling. "Never before has anypony told me that I'm a cartoon character. The audacity you posses is overwhelming!"

"If there's one thing I'm not, it's audacious," Braxton glanced at Celestia, "You seem to be taking this pretty well; better than I am."

The subtle sadness in his voice did not get by Celestia's ears. "What do you mean?"

Before responding, Braxton pinched himself, flinching slightly. "I'm not coping well with being completely and probably permanently separated from my family. I just..." Wiping away a small tear that had formed in his eye, Braxton sighed. "I would've thought coming to Equestria would be a little happier."

Celestia wrapped a wing around Braxton to try and comfort him. It always made her uncomfortable to see anything this distressed, and by now, doing so was a reflex to her; though it startled Braxton. "I don't have experience with traveling to different worlds, so I'm not sure how to comfort you, but know this; you are welcome here so long as you behave."

Scooting out from the princess' wing, Braxton gave a small chuckle. "Then I guess I'm going to have to straighten out my act. I've already given possible trauma to six ponies."

With a snort, Celestia retracted her wing. "They are tougher than you probably give them credit for. I am certain they will be fine, though you may have to give them some time to get used to your presence," she said with some pride, leading Braxton to guess that she had Twilight foremost in her mind.

"I can only hope they'll be fine. You know what? I'm gonna go check right now." Standing up quickly, Braxton walked up the wooden steps and peered into the room where the Mane Six were. They were conversing too quietly for him to hear anything being said, but Rarity seemed to have woken up and was part of the conversation with the rest of them.

As soon as he was noticed, they all grew silent, staring at him with slightly fearful eyes. Taking initiative, Twilight spoke first. "Oh, um, we were just uh... talking about... stuff..." she trailed off as Braxton gave her a deadpan expression.

"I know that what I told you probably isn't settling with any of you very easily, but..." He looked at Pinkie Pie, who waved happily at him. He waved back. "Just know that you're all awesome, alright? Don't get depressed or something because of me. I'd feel bad and stuff," Braxton finished lamely.

Each of them gave him a different look. Pinkie seemed completely unfazed by any of it, content with the apology. Twilight looked on edge, but smiled appreciatively regardless. Rainbow Dash barely looked at him, deep in thought. Fluttershy was peeking out from Applejack, who was scrutinizing him. Rarity was shaking slightly, which sent a pang of guilt through Braxton.

"Anyways, I'm gonna go back downstairs and keep talking with Celestia. Don't plot out how to defeat me if I turn out to be evil or anything like that!" he said over his shoulder as he left the room. Once he was gone, the mares went back to talking in hushed tones.

After every question asked was answered, Celestia nodded, satisfied with the information that had been gathered. Looking out the window, she realized it was almost 5:00 in the afternoon, and she stood up from the sofa. "Thank you for answering all of my questions, Braxton. I must return to the palace, my sister is probably worried sick by now," she said formally, a habit picked up from dealing with officials for as long as she could remember.

"Huh. Somehow, I thought you wouldn't actually leave. Weird," Braxton said as he got up at the same time. "Would it be possible to keep this quiet? I'd prefer to not deal with crowds of reporters asking me if I come from Mars."

Celestia gave a confused look at him as they walked toward the door. "I thought you said you come from Earth?"

"Never mind, just don't tell anybody, please?" he pleaded dramatically, giving Celestia puppy eyes. She chuckled, then lit her horn up, opening the door.

"I won't; at least not immediately," she said, laughing. Before Braxton could manage a response, she teleported away with a bright flash. Once he could see again, Braxton looked around and sighed.

"Why'd she even open the door?"

A/N: Well, despite what you may have thought, I am indeed still alive. I'm sorry it took so long for me to get off my lazy butt and finish another chapter, but hopefully the next one will come out a little faster than this one did. If you think really hard about it, maybe it will even come true!

Edited by Saekwaka.

Comments ( 10 )

"A miserable pile of secrets."

you got me there :rainbowlaugh:


I think I enjoy Rarity's reaction the most, and Celestia took this all very well even after
the "Hitler" thing

"Oh, um, we were just uh... talking about... stuff..."

Damn straight. :rainbowlaugh:

lol this story is so funny keep up the good work :rainbowlaugh:

1244102 Did I do an okay job on the 'serious' parts? That's where I felt I kinda sucked.

DAMN, That was funny.
DAMN, You're good.
I make DAMN good biscuits.
DAMN I ran outta things to say.

1277191 DAMN do you like this story.
DAMN, I have to get off y butt and write more!
DAMN damn.

1278765 DAMN right I like this story!
DAMN straight you need to write more!
DAMN I need to stop saying DAMN!


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