• Published 27th Jun 2012
  • 2,143 Views, 51 Comments

Gods, Chaos, And A Teenager - BraxAttacks

A higher power gets bored and sends a random teenager into Equestria for no real reason.

  • ...

Chapter the Second

Twilight liked having things go according to plan. This morning was as far away from the plan as it could possibly get.

On a normal day, Twilight would have been drinking a warm cup of coffee, her daily savior, and been reading a relaxing book on complicated magical theory, just some light reading to get her brain in working condition. Everypony else seemed to think that was a terrible idea, for some reason.

When she had read a few chapters and had an inner mental debate over them, she would make something for breakfast, get some some gems for Spike, and then attend to her daily duties. Occasionally, she'd write a friendship report resulting from some adventure that she got dragged into with her friends.

This day, however, Fluttershy had shown up at her door in a panic. She begged Twilight to come look at some strange animal she had found in the Everfree forest. While Twilight didn't know why Fluttershy would be there in the first place, if it was an animal that even Fluttershy didn't recognize, then there could an unknown species to learn about, which was an opportunity that Twilight would refuse to miss out on.

"So what does this creature look like?" Twilight asked as she pulled a small notebook out from her saddlebags. She came prepared, with as much equipment stuffed in the bags as possible.

"Well, i-it um, it... oh, you'll see for yourself once we get there!" Fluttershy stammered out. Whatever this creature was, it had set Fluttershy on edge, Twilight noted. That, or the Everfree forest itself had done that.

"Why were you in the Everfree forest in the first place? It isn't exactly the best place for a morning stroll."

"Actually, I saw something falling from the sky. I thought it was a Pegasus, so I flew towards them to try and help them if they were hurt. I didn't even completely notice that I was in the Everfree forest at first."

Twilight shifted the packs on her back so they were more comfortable. "So instead of finding a hurt Pegasus, you found some creature that you've seen or heard of in your entire life? After I take a look at it, I could send a letter to the Princess with a description and see if she recognizes it," Twilight offered. If there was anypony other than Fluttershy who would know of this animal, it would be Celestia.

Fluttershy didn't respond. They had arrived at her home, and stopped at the small cobble-stone bridge that arched over the small river that ran trough her yard. The usual sound of animals moving about in the bushes and trees was strangely absent, replaced with a silence that felt somehow wrong to Twilight.

Leading the way, Fluttershy quickly moved towards her destination, the stairway leading up. Every creak of the stairs was louder than either pony was used to in the odd silence. The first door on the right of the upper level hallway was slightly ajar, letting the light inside the room spill out. The excitement of discovery was building Twilight's body, enough that she felt the urge to rush past Fluttershy and into the room.

Stopping just in front of the doorframe, Fluttershy turned to Twilight. "I-It was asleep when I left. I hope it hasn't woken up. It might get frightened by us and hurt itself more than it already is," said Fluttershy, shifting uneasily on her hooves.

Twilight smiled supportively, laying a gentle hoof on the pegasus' shoulder. Leave it to Fluttershy to fear for the animal's safety before she knew what it was. "Don't worry, I don't anything could be afraid of you."

Twilight chuckled when Fluttershy's cheeks flushed red. "I can be f-fierce!"

"Oh really?" Twilight raised an eyebrow as a smile crept onto her face. "Make a 'fierce' face, then."

Taking a deep breath, Fluttershy put all of her effort into looking mean and tough. She lowered her brow brow, bared her teeth, planted her hooves on the wooden floor, and spread her wings to their maximum size. A small feeling of satisfaction rose within her as she saw Twilight's eyes widen slightly.

The feeling was crushed when the unicorn started snorting with laughter.

"I apologize, but you look more confused and worried than you do fierce!" Twilight giggled, trying hard to stop her laughter from escaping her muzzle.

With an even bigger blush than before, Fluttershy fully opened the door, refusing to look at Twilight. "I think we should check on it now, don't you agree?" Without waiting for an answer, she swiftly trotted into the room, Twilight stifling her laughter as she trailed behind.

The room was relatively small, with few furnishings other than a plush green rug and a shelf filled with all kinds of bird seed. On the far wall, the creature was laying on a guest bed. A blanket lay next to the bed, thrown off of the creature at some point.

Twilight instantly submitted to her childish curiosity. She skipped up to the creature, levitating a pair of glasses out of her saddle bags, placing them on her muzzle. Getting a view of the entire animal, still asleep, the unicorn leaned back, moving her eyes across every part of the animal she could. It was apparent that it was an intelligent creature. The glasses and clothing were evidence of that. There didn't seem to be any dirt on it, suggesting that it was either cleaned or cleaned itself recently. Poking and prodding, Twilight got no reaction from the creature.

"You said you found it in a crater, right?" Twilight asked. Fluttershy nodded, giving her confirmation. It must be extremely tough to have not only survived the fall, but take almost no harm, Twilight mused, taking note of the creature's gentle breathing and the bandaged cuts that were scattered across the visible parts of it's body.

Removing the glasses, Twilight turned towards Fluttershy. "The Princess will definitely want to hear about this. From the looks of things, you may have just discovered a new, unheard of sentient race, Fluttershy."

The significance of that news staggered Fluttershy. She wasn't even close to what you'd call a scientist, but she knew that such a thing was an incredible discovery. "Y-You mean... I found an alien in the Everfree fore-"

She stopped her sentence short as she noticed the creature sit up. Twilight, on the other hoof, was totally oblivious. "Um, what was that, Fluttershy? You just kinda stopped mid... sentence..." She spun around when she realized Fluttershy was starring at something behind, and that the only thing behind her was the creature.

The creature yawned loudly. Making a sound suspiciously similar to a goat's bleating, Fluttershy tipped over.

Twilight hadn't even written her letter yet.

Fearing what might happen if she were to make a sound and attract its attention, she slowly, deliberately, started stepping backwards, carefully dragging Fluttershy after her by the tail. She was almost out of the room when her hoof landed on a weaker board, letting out a long and loud creak that forced her ears to clamp down on her head.

The creature stopped, sleep pushed out of its mind by the sound. Twilight tensed, her entire body freezing up as its eyes settled on her, widening. Please don't attack, please don't attack... she prayed. Swallowing her fear after many moments of nothing happening, which she considered a good thing, she cleared her throat and prepared to speak.

"H-hello, my name is, uh..." She started lamely, unnerved by the continued starring.

The creature pinched it's arm. Somehow, this made it recoil from the two ponies, pushing itself against the wall. Panicked breathes escaped from it's mouth, the only sound in the room. Slowly, it raised a shaking finger at them.

"Am I dreaming?"

The question was as far from what Twilight expected as she could have imagined, and was in Equestrian to boot. The strange nature of the conversation was making the coat on the back of her neck stand on end. "No...?"

"Either you haven't become self aware, or I'm not dreaming," it said, sounding more like it was reassuring itself of something than making an observation. The bed creaked quietly as the creature, a 'he' from the sound of the voice (at least she hoped it was a 'he'), settled itself into the matters, retracting from the wall and taking a more relaxed, if tense, posture.

"Why are you so intent on dreams? That doesn't seem like it should be important right now, considering the circumstances," Twilight noted cautiously, hoping that she didn't somehow offend him.

He snorted, completely lacking mirth. "But it's very important, Twilight. If I'm dreaming, I don't need to worry. If I'm not, then everything I know is gone."

At first the purple unicorn was confused, the vaugeness of his sentance telling her almost nothing about why something as irrelevant as dreaming needed to be discussed, before she startled with realization. "H-How do you know my name? " she demanded, suddenly on the defensive. Her horn lit up with magical energy that was without a spell to channel into.

"Woah woah woah, watch the magic!" said the creature, raising his hands in the universal sign of 'please don't hurt me.' "I'm not a spy or something. You don't need to murder me."

Twilight's magic dissipated into the air. She was losing her calm, and that wouldn't help talk to this creature and figure out how he knew her name. "Sorry, just... you can probably guess how unnerving it is to have an alien know your name." She paused. "... Are you physic?"

It smirked. "Yes, I'm a physic. you will be thinking of donuts in two seconds."

A brief silence settled over the room, before Twilight's eyes widened. Then she scowled. "This doesn't seem like a time for you to be joking around."

It smiled regardless. "Hey, it's not my fault that I'm trying to cope. Mostly."

"What do you mean, cope?"

Taking a deep breath, the creature leaned back against the wall, staring at the ceiling for a few moments, seeming to collect its thoughts. Twilight was intrigued with how similar its behavior was to that of a regular pony. It was making jokes, it was talking, and those two similarities was unnerving. Coincidences like this just didn't happen, especially when she factored in that they were speaking the same language.

"Well, imagine yourself having an ordinary day. You wake up, you do everything you need to to get ready for what's to come, and you step out the door, only your suddenly waking up in a bed in a room that you've never been in before, with beings out of your imagination poking and prodding you."

Twilight had the decency to look slightly ashamed.

It sighed, releasing a breath. "You can probably imagine that your average Joe wouldn't handle something like that very well."

Slowly, Fluttershy raised herself from the floor. She suddenly felt sympathy for this creature, even after it had frightened her so recently. With caution, she pulled herself onto the bed, trying to ignore the mildly intrigued stare that she was getting from it. Pushing her nerves away, Fluttershy sat next to him.

He beat her to talking. "May I help you?"

Fluttershy started shivering. "I-I'm sorry."

She got no other reaction other than, "For what?"

For a moment, the Pegasus didn't speak. "For what happened to you."

The creature looked away, sighing. "You don't have to apologize for something you didn't do, you know. It isn't like it was your fault," it said quietly. Even as it rejected her apology, Fluttershy could see that it had relaxed even more, apparently less on edge.

"Well I'm still sorry, i-if that's alright."

Its laughter startled both Twilight and Fluttershy, making both of them jump. "At least I know you're you," it joked, smiling.
Fluttershy sat there confused, before the creature stood up, stretching and cracking his back. "I'm Braxton by the way. Nice to, uh, meet you two for the first time."

Braxton started walking towards the door, before getting tugged back into it by a glowing aura that surrounded him. "Where do you think you're going?" Twilight demanded.

"I... have no clue. But I'm doing it anyways!" he exclaimed as he ran out the door, suddenly free from the unicorn's spell.

Twilight face-hoofed. "I need more caffeine."