• Published 27th May 2012
  • 2,291 Views, 92 Comments

Memories: Another Time - Wishes

Scootaloo has grown up...Can she still make time for her friends?

  • ...

Chapter Three: Sweetie Letter

Sweetie Belle awoke with a soft groan.

The day was awfully pretty to her, though every day seemed to have some beauty in some way or another to her.

She pushed her blankets off her body with her hooves, and smiled at the morning light. It seemed to shine on her in a special way that accentuated the thing she was most proud of--her cutie mark.

It was a pretty one of course: a pink heart with little light pink swirls coming out at the sides. Sweetie Belle didn't know what it really represented specifically, but she knew mainly that it meant she was good at singing. No, she was fantastic at singing...not that she was conceded or anything, though.

She listened to the birds softly singing outside her window. Smiling, she sung along to the simple but beautiful tune.

There was a window right behind her bed. Her bed had silver-colored headboards and backboards, and the blankets and pillows were all the color of her mane. The bed sheet was white: the color of her coat. The walls were all fuzzy and pink, and the carpet was a candy purple color. The door, obviously, was right in front of her bed.

She glanced at the fuzzy walls. They reminded her so much of Opal, Rarity's old cat. She had sadly passed away, but they made sure to bury her in the boutique's backyard. Rarity didn't speak much for two weeks after that, but soon she was fine. Sweetie Belle hoped, at least.

Sweetie Belle rolled over and looked at her mini clock. It wasn't digital, but in the middle there was a picture of her and the clock hands as her hooves. She was extremely famous, so of course they just had to make a clock like that. As a famous singer, of course.

"8:14," she muttered to herself.

Even though she was rich, she still liked to spent time with her sister. That was why she still slept while not touring in her sister's boutique.

Her sister didn't really mind, she had grown, married, and had a little filly of her own. Their filly wasn't exactly Sweetie Belle's favorite, though, but if spending sisterly time was what came out of behaving well with her sister's filly, that was what she had to do.

Suddenly, the door slammed open and her sister came in.

"Sweetie Belle!" she moaned, her voice dramatic even though she new better as a fully grown mare, "You were supposed to get up an hour ago! Even if you are a princess..."

"...Singer....," Sweetie Belle interrupted.

"...doesn't mean that you can lay back and enjoy yourself every day! I'm here to teach you to be hard working and you'd better get used to it now your tour is coming! Waking up every day at 6:00...really..." her sister said.

"But Rarity..." Sweetie Belle complained, "I'll miss you and all but just before all my waking up early and going to bed late thingies I want to have some time to 'lay back'."

Rarity hesitated, then changed the subject. "I'll try to be there, your concert, of course," she said, then flipped her mane, "But there's so much to do. Like Starfire and Ruby are really going to wait..."

"Ruby?" she muttered to herself.

Ruby was Rarity's filly and brat that hated Sweetie Belle's guts. She was the princess, but Rarity thought she was a fine jewel. The only thing Sweetie Belle thought was good about Rarity's opinion in ponies were her friends and Starfire. Starfire was Rarity's colt, her groom. The wedding was fantastic, and they had their first anniversary already. But the baby shower was horrific, just like the baby...

"Did I hear someone say my name, Mommy?" a familiar voice said.

A shadow hopped into the room, along with a sinister pony. She was small and light blue and her mane was beautifully combed and purple. Her eyes were a great, dark red, one of the reasons why she was named Ruby. The other reason was Rarity's cutie mark. She seemed beautiful on the outside, but she was evil on the inside.

"Oh, hi, squirt," Sweetie Belle said happily.

"Don't call me squirt!" Ruby squealed. Her voice was high and childish, because she was a child. A squealing, complaining, picky one at that.

"Sweetie Belle! Be nice to Ruby," she scolded. Then she turned to her unicorn child, who was frowning with fake tears in her eyes. "Come on. Breakfast's waiting."

Ruby was very lazy. That was why Rarity had to use her unicorn magic to pick her up and get her to the breakfast table.

For what Sweetie Belle knew, she was a disgrace to the family. But there were no waits.

She hopped onto the floor and transported herself to the breakfast table.


"Oh, Sweetie Belle, finally, you're here," Ruby teased.

Ruby was the only pony there besides Sweetie Belle. Rarity must have dropped Ruby here and went to work on a dress probably.

"Two seconds, squirt," Sweetie Belle laughed, "It was only two seconds. Learn your time, alright?"

"I know my time!" Ruby claimed, "And don't call me squirt or I'll tell mommy!"

"I'm the touring superstar that can move out whenever I want," Sweetie Belle said coolly, "You're just the little bratty squealing tattletale."

Ruby whimpered.

"Mail's here," Rarity announced as she walked fancily into the room. Her horn glowed as she carried three pieces of mail with her magic, "Two for you, and one for me."

She gave two envelopes to Sweetie Belle.

"Probably fan mail," Sweetie Belle muttered.

"Oh, don't suspect that all the time," she said, "And the silver one looks important. Very."

True, it didn't look like usual fan mail to her. Oh well.

"What about me?" whined Ruby, "Why can't I have fan mail?"

"Um...Because you don't have a tour soon. Sweetie Belle's got to prepare..."

"It's in a week or so, Rarity..."

Sweetie Belle and Rarity had developed magic better than before. Sweetie Belle knew a few advanced tricks for help with her signing and singing and fan mail, and Rarity advanced her magic so it could help with her fashion. Her buisness was booming so far, as a role model to some but they were undiscovered ponies to Rarity.

Sweetie Belle used her magic to open the envelopes. First, the regular one. She wanted to save the cool envelope for later. Save best for last, that was the saying.

Sighing as she finished reading the letter, she threw it in the garbage. "Fan mail," she muttered, "Again."

Rarity smiled at her sister. She had finished reading her letter already too. Now she used her magic to hold up a newspaper to her face to read. When she seemed to finish reading a sentence, her expression changed.

"Oh, Sweetie Belle," she said, almost purring, "What a wonderful friend you have! I don't really enjoy roughian sports but I do love popularity. Here: Another Successful Show an article written by Letter Spark. Oh, you made a good choice hanging with...um...a to-be Wonderbolt!"

"You too, Rarity," Sweetie muttered, playing back her memories, an angry expression growing on her face, "You too."

Sweetie Belle disliked the way Scootaloo treated her for the past. They never messaged--well, Scootaloo never messaged--but Sweetie Belle sent emails and letters of all sorts but never got any reply. Sweetie Belle almost forgot about her until she remembered her promise made in the old tree house they had...

"Okay, now that we're going our own separate ways, I think we'll have to contact," Applebloom said, smiling joyfully.

It was right after they had each earned their cutie marks. Scootaloo, having a butterfly, joined the Wonderbolts with Rainbow Dash, Rarity's friend. Sweetie Belle found an agent who loved her music and promised to make her famous, and Applebloom, with an apple-shaped palette, was working for a company called Fruit Art because of her amazing art talent and work with Apples.

"How about we promise each other?" Scootaloo had asked. "It is what best friends do, anyway, and we're basically best friends."

"Yeah, great idea!" Sweetie Belle agreed gleefully, "I have another idea, too!"

She put her hoof in the middle. The rest all followed, having their hooves on top of Sweetie Belle's.

"Tomorrow is a new day,
Let us never forget,
That we used to play,
Or it makes us regret."

Sweetie Belle tilted her horn forward, and squeezed her eyes shut. Chanting a rhythm in her head, she finished it. When she was done, she realized she was sweating a bit.

"Huh?" Applebloom had asked, curiously, "What did you do? Did you just make it up?"

"It's supposed to bond our hearts, and yes, yes I did. I know it's stupid, but..."

It was supposed to bond their hearts. But, actually, it was more supposed to go as the poem did: if one forgotten their friendship, they would forget them entirely. It was something to regret, surely. But it wasn't a very strong curse. It could be broken by only a little magic...

"It's awesome, Sweetie Belle," Scootaloo seemed to lie, and used her hoof to lift her head.

What she didn't know was that she was crying. Tears filled her eyes and the other's expressions changed.

"What's wrong, Sweetie Belle?" Applebloom asked, "That was good. Really good. Nothing to cry about!"

Sweetie Belle had known these were good friends. They cared about her. Obviously.

"That's not why I'm crying, Applebloom," she said, looking in Applebloom's eyes with a small smile on her face, feeling tears soaking her cheeks, "It's just that I'm so sad, and kind of happy, that we've grown up, and achieved what we wanted to...our cutie marks, our life..."

Now they seemed like they weren't the Cutie Mark Crusaders anymore. It seemed like they were nothing special. But they were. They were best friends...real best friends...

Sweetie Belle smiled at the thought of it.

Sweetie Belle grimaced.

That was why. Scootaloo had gone and forgotten about them. Now she had forgotten them entirely. Or so it was...

"Oh, Sweetie Belle, you're crying! That's uncool," she said, but in a worried voice, wiping her tears away, "Are you okay?"

"Of course she's okay!" Ruby said, but received a glare from Rarity.

"Shut up squirt," Sweetie Belle muttered softly so only Ruby could hear.

Ruby gasped, but continued eating her food, only angrily.

Suddenly, she remembered the silver envelope she just only have forgotten about.

Using her magic, she flipped it over to see the stamp. She loved seeing the cool designs of stamps from fan mail, and sometimes--just sometimes--they were inspiration for her songwriting hobby. But the envelope was odd. There was no stamp, or address for that. There was only cursive writing that read: To: Sweetie Belle. It seemed hoof sent...

"That's odd," she muttered to herself.

"What's odd?" Ruby squealed, not knowing the meaning of personal space and pushing her big head against Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie Belle snatched it away before she could see it. "Nothing, squirt," Sweetie Belle said angrily, "None of your buisness."


"Oh, Ruby, don't be so selfish," Rarity said, then nodded at Sweetie Belle understandingly, "Auntie Sweetie Belle needs her own space and you don't need to know her buisness. It's not very nice and it won't make you a good mare when you grow up."

"But Mommy..."

"No buts, darling. Mommy's just trying to teach you to be nice." Rarity said, then looked back at the newspaper article she seemed to be reading.

Ruby whimpered. She always whimpered when she felt defeated.

When Rarity wasn't looking, Sweetie Belle stuck her tongue out at Ruby, who whimpered some more.

Looking back at the envelope, she carefully opened it. She could reuse the envelope sometime else, and that would be good for her. Very good.

Suddenly, her eyes widened as she read the letter, inky cursive making up the words.

A tear appeared in her eye.

Dear Sweetie Belle,
I am an old friend. I am sorry to say that I have done something horribly. I hope you haven't forgotten me.

I just want to say I'm so very sorry for what I did. This seems like my first letter to you since I left Ponyville. I hope you forgive me. That's all I'm hoping.

If you want to know who I am, please go to the tree house that I remember so clearly now at midnight.

I just can't bear to tell you in a letter my sorrow and hope for remembrance all in a letter. It'd be painful for me to not express my true feelings and wait for you to forgive me. This is too much.

Hope You Have Hope For Me,

All she knew was that she was having plans that night.