• Published 27th May 2012
  • 2,291 Views, 92 Comments

Memories: Another Time - Wishes

Scootaloo has grown up...Can she still make time for her friends?

  • ...

Chapter Four: Treats, Tea, and Twilight

Ding, Dong.

Twilight Sparkle groaned.

Her hoof slid against the bindings of colored books alphabetically ordered. She couldn't find the book anywhere, and that wasn't an exceptional outcome for her.


She heard soft footsteps. Soon enough, she saw her dragon Spike on the stairs. He had a frown on his face.

"Get me the copy of Advanced Mind Magic," she said simply, "And while you're at it, open the door. It's rude to keep ponies waiting."

Spike nodded, then sighed.

"I'll get it," he said lamely, walking slowly towards the door.


Waiting for somepony, or, in their case, somedragon, to open the door was boring.

"This is taking longer than I thought," Scootaloo told Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash had led her to Twilight Sparkle's home---well, tree--in Ponyville. She knew the unicorn harnessed a great and powerful magic which must have improved much during her long days away from Ponyville, being a Wonderbolt longer than Scootaloo was. Rainbow Dash was absolutely sure that Twilight Sparkle knew a way to fix this...this "amnesia"...and bring back all her memories of her old friends.

Finally, the door opened...no, slammed open...

In front of the two pegasi stood a familiar looking purple-and-green dragon. He blinked his eyes, his grimace changing into a comforting, welcoming smile that seemed to have some surprise and excitement to it. He had grown, surely. He was a foot, probably, taller and larger in size than he was when Rainbow Dash left to be a Wonderbolt.

Suddenly, as soon as he had started to smile, he ran off. When he came back, next to him was a grumpy looking, messy-mane purple unicorn. When she had realized the company, her expression changed also.

"Rainbow Dash! Oh, hello, Scootaloo! I haven't seen you two in a while."

"Talk about it..." Spike grumbled, "She hasn't gone out of the library for days!"

"Oh, shush, Spike," Twilight Sparkle scolded.

"Um..." Rainbow began to say.

"You can both come in," Twilight said, trotting into the library. Rainbow and Scootaloo followed behind her.

Scootaloo flew in gently. Looking around, she noticed books, books, and more books on the walls. Rainbow Dash did say that Twilight Sparkle loved to read.

"Do you want any tea? Cookies?" She asked, but before Rainbow Dash or Scootaloo could answer, her horn glowed, there was a popping sound, and tea and cookies on a tray appeared right before their very eyes on a table that also came out of nowhere, along with two chairs.

"Um...sure..." Rainbow Dash said, "You've improved your magic, haven't you?" She slid into the chair, Twilight Sparkle taking the other one.

It was an awkward time for Scootaloo.

Twilight glanced at Scootaloo with understanding. "You'd like a chair? Or I know some books you'd love to read while you take some cookies and tea."

"Oh, it's okay. I'm not hungry...but I like the reading idea. I always love a good book."

Twilight smiled. "Which book?"

"Daring Do, please." Scootaloo loved the series, and was on the last book. She planned to read the series over and over again...

"You've gotten her interested, haven't you?"

Rainbow nodded, then hesitated.

"Um...listen, Twilight...we have something important we'd think you could fix..."

"Oh, Rainbow, don't worry," Twilight Sparkle laughed warmly, "I think you need some rest. Same with Scootaloo."

There was another popping noise. She glanced at Scootaloo.

"The book's upstairs waiting for you now," she said kindly, "And...um...are you sure you're not hungry? I'd hate to be rude to my guests."

"It's fine..." Scootaloo replied, and went on the way up the stairs. She truly wasn't hungry. They had stopped at a restaurant and had gotten some food; Rainbow Dash only wanted a snack, so she should have been hungry now.

She wondered...


"Have you known? Rarity made a new fashion line, and it's totally in!"

"No, I've been traveling. But I've read the news a bunch of times, and I've heard that Cloudsdale..."

Scootaloo eavesdropped on the two friend's conversations. She knew it wasn't right...but...she was just so bored. The book she was reading was interesting, but she just wasn't in the mood for books right at the moment, which was pretty rare. Her small eyes peeked out from a corner in the wall separating something Twilight Sparkle called the Guest Room, that connected to a banister that showed the front room of the library.

She sure fixed the place up, Scootaloo had noticed. There were doors, more rooms, and the newest furniture. Twilight knew the art of transporting, not only herself, but other things, Scootaloo had heard. She also heard that Twilight heard that she was going to get guests, so had prepared cookies and tea for the company. But she was surprised that it was her old friend!

Scootaloo knew other things she transported. For example, the Daring Do book she didn't want to read. Not only did she do that she also transported a bean bag to the guest room so she could sit on it...

"Scootaloo, come down here please," Twilight Sparkle's kind voice echoed through the rooms.

Scootaloo flew down from the banister. Twilight was waiting for her, horn-ready. She must have not eavesdropped on the most important parts of the conversations, because Scootaloo didn't know what this was about.

"Stay still, Scootaloo," Twilight advised, "This a memory spell. It will help you regain your memory...hopefully."

Scootaloo did. Her mind raced, but soon it was blank...

Applebloom. Sweetie Belle. Applebloom. Sweetie Belle...

When she awoke from some sort of dream, she was dizzy. Very.

"Huh..." she said.

"Don't worry," Twilight smiled, and helped Scootaloo up, "The dizziness will go away."

"How do you know...?"

"Books, basically," Twilight Sparkle said gently, "Other than that, I've used the spell before."


Rainbow Dash turned to Twilight, who looked her in the eyes.

"So, you'd better be on your way," Twilight Sparkle said, "And be sure to stop on the way to the other's places. I'm sure they'd like to see you."

"Oh, and Twilight?"

"Yes, Scootaloo?"

"I want to send a letter, but I think you could send it faster than me..."

Spike walked up, with a feather and scroll in his claws. He smiled. "I'm ready whenever you are."