• Published 24th Sep 2015
  • 201 Views, 0 Comments

The Trotting Dead - SongBirdtheAlicorn

(If you do not like storys with ocs in them, do not read please! Also, she is not an alicorn in this, she is a Unicorn.) SongBird was just an ordinary pony, she had a job, a life, but all of this changed the day IT happened.

  • ...

Before the Plauge part 2

Two months later...

SongBird watched as a few ponies were wheeled away, growling as they were being restrained by leather straps, only able to make moans, groans and watch as they were taken away, out of the apartment complex. In the meantime, Ponies in the complex were being relocated, the town trying to keep the virus in containment. The plague had gotten worse than it had two months ago, and SongBird was getting concerned about her friend, The Doctor. He had been staying up all night long, doing research on the "Zomian", trying to find something, anything that would slow or cure the virus. Unfortunately, he had no luck. He was becoming stressed night after night, day after day thinking he could help ponykind.

"Doc, you really need to rest...You've been pulling all-nighter's for almost two weeks...." Songbird pleaded to the tired Stallion.

"I-I'm fine...don't worry about me, SongBird." The Doctor replied to her as he continued to test the research he had found already.

"Your not fine, Doctor! You've practically gone half insane trying to help the society! Face it, the virus can't be cured!" SongBird exclaimed, tears threatening the corners of her eyes. She cared for her friend, she wanted him to be safe, to stop this madness that he had started, to be the stallion he once was.

"SongBird, please," The Doctor got up from his seat, walked to SongBird and stared her in the eyes. "Trust me....I can cure this, stop the madness this virus has caused, and keep you safe as well as I..." He gently hugged the young mare, his warmth calming her.

"I just don't want to lose the only friend I have...." SongBird sniffled, hot tears rolling down her cheeks to her chin, and staining The Doctor's light brown shoulder.

"You'll never lose me....I swear on my life...." The stallion hugged her tighter, laying his chin on the top of her head. "Promise I wont lose you...?"

"....Promise..." She smiled softly. Suddenly. screams and yells of pain and fear were heard outside and in the building they were move to, as well as growling, snarling and tearing flesh. SongBird's ears perked up, as her and the Doctor ran to the window, pulling the curtains away. They couldn't believe what they saw.

Author's Note:

OH MY GOSH! I bet you guys are wondering what they saw, are ya? Eh, Eh? Hehe! Guess you'll have to wait till next chapter! Sorry for it being short as well, I will probably make the other chapters longer. Hopefully I will get to it soon, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Bye-ya! ~ SongBirdtheAlicorn