• Published 24th Sep 2015
  • 201 Views, 0 Comments

The Trotting Dead - SongBirdtheAlicorn

(If you do not like storys with ocs in them, do not read please! Also, she is not an alicorn in this, she is a Unicorn.) SongBird was just an ordinary pony, she had a job, a life, but all of this changed the day IT happened.

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Chapter 1; Blood-Shed

Previously, on The Trotting Dead...

The sounds of tearing flesh and screams could be heard, as SongBird and The Doctor ran to the window, pulling back the curtains. They could not believe what they saw.

SongBird's purple and pink eyes went wide under her black glasses. "Oh my sweet Celestia......" Ponies were scattering and running around the town in fear, dark clouds circling the once beautiful blue sky. Infected ponies were chasing the noninfected, pouncing and scrambling to get their hoofs on them. She gasped, seeing a bloody stallion covered in the infected hit the window, screaming in pain as the infected ponies vigorously feasted on him. SongBird yelped in surprise, falling back on her flank. The Doctor watched in utter fear as tears pierced his vibrant colored eyes.

"Oh my......." He breathed out, picking up SongBird to her hooves. "I'll get what we need to get things to defend ourselves, try and block the door and windows!"

"O-Okay!" The young mare nodded, quickly rushing to pick up any furniture she could find and blocking the door, the groans and moans of the infected ponies growing rapidly as if they were right outside. She then tipped a bedroom dresser over to cover the windows, and went to The Doctor. He was grabbing kitchen knifes from their drawers, and even picked up a butcher knife.

"Here." He said, setting it on the dining table. "Your gonna need it." He then rushed to his saddle bag, grabbing SongBird's on the way. "I need you to pack food and water, med supplies and other weapons." He instructed while stuffing his saddle bag full of knifes, food and other supplies.

She nodded, grabbing the rest of the food, Med supplies, water and knifes that The Doctor couldn't carry, and kept the butcher knife in her magical aura, standing in front of the door to keep watch, until the door broke, and the infected started to thrust their way through the broken wood, their coats and manes covered in blood, but this blood was different. It was still red like normal, but it was mixed in with a blackish-green, thick and murky liquid, possibly the infected's own blood. Their lifeless, cold, bloodshot eyes stared at the mare, who was trembling in fear.

"Songbird, we need to leave, now!" The Doctor's voice boomed as he ran to her, breaking a window in the kitchen, and jumping out along with SongBird. They ran through town, their saddle bags thumping against their sides, the straps rubbing their stomachs raw. Ponies throughout the town that were not infected ran, some being pounced on by the infected and torn apart, their screams piercing SongBird's ears.

She hated the sound as the screams made her ears ring and feel as if water was clogged in them. The Doctor kept his same determined facial expression as they passed through out the town, until he was pounced on by a familiar face. It was Ivory Lily, but her eyes were bloodshot, her teeth covered in the thick murky blood that they had seen before. He struggled to keep Ivory from biting him, as she growled, snarled and hissed in response to the restraining stallion. SongBird could only stare in fear, shocked. Her nerves felt shot, keeping her from moving, so she did what her mother had taught her before when she was just a young filly.

Count to five, her mother would say in situation SongBird found terrifying. Then your fears will fade away.

So she counted in her head, her aura becoming pressured as she held the butcher knife.

One... She started, the Doctor starting to break a sweat, keeping Ivory off of him.

Two... Ivory started to get closer, as the Doctor's strength began to fade.


"SONGBIRD, HELP!" The Doctor yelled, as he tried to reach into his bag to grab a knife, but couldn't.

Four... Ivory was inches from his face, as The Doctor braced for his demise.

"FIVE!" SongBird yelled as she lifted the butcher knife with tears in her eyes, as she swung the blade at Ivory, knocking her off the Doctor, but she was still alive, the cut she had received bleeding the dark green, murky substance. SongBird swung again, cutting down Ivory's eye, making her snarl, and lunge at SongBird, but SongBird stopped her in midair, throwing the knife into Ivory's skull, making her land on her abdomen, her bloodshot eyes rolling into the back of her head.

The young mare panted, hot tears rolling down her cheeks. She couldn't believe she had to kill one of the mares she had worked for months ago, the mare that even gave her a few lessons on guitar. SongBird pushed the thought out of her head, and focused on the tired Doctor. "D-Doc! Are you alright? Did she hurt you?" She frantically asked, helping up her friend.

"I-I'm fine...thank you for helping me..." He smiled in an exhausted way.

"No problem, but we need to hurry." She looked back, seeing a horde of at least a dozen infected after them. "Come on!" SongBird ran along The Doctor, running to the edge of town, where they stopped in front of the EverFree forest. "SongBird, wait! We cant go in there!" The Doctor yelled.

"What would you rather do? Stay in a spooky forest or be devoured by infected ponies?!" She exclaimed, already a few feet inside the dark forest.

The Doctor grimaced and was hesitant, but he ran in next to her, following her into the depths of the forest.

Author's Note:

WOOO! I'm done! Jeez, this chapter took an eternity to write! Well, i hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll hopefully get to update soon again! School starts this Friday for me so, yeah. We;;, Bye-ya! ~SongBirdtheAlicorn