• Member Since 17th Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen Oct 15th, 2015


Hey there! Im Songbird, an alicorn. I like singing, drawing, and writeing stories about many wonderful things. Im not a princess though, sad to say, but I m friends with some!


The day a baffling virus infected Equestria. Ponies started to get terrible fevers, nausea, and becoming limp, and acting weak. Ponies called it, "Zomian" as during the sickness, infected ponies would repeatedly say this during the fever stage. As the Zomian virus progressed, ponies became violent, aggressive and vicious, craving the taste of flesh, the taste of blood, the taste of anything living they could get their hoofs on! They soon started to die out, leaving the world in war, chaos and calamity. Songbird was one of the few survivors around Equestria. Now, instead of calling the ponies by names, she calls them "Trotters", the dead reanimating themselves. This is the world now, and what is to come.

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