• Published 23rd Aug 2015
  • 5,742 Views, 135 Comments

An Unprecedented Advancement - GravelordNito

Twilight is having a same-old night of hard studying at her castle in Ponyville, until Discord unexpectedly arrives, and is acting as he always does. However, something seems a little off about his attitude tonight.

  • ...

Chapter 2 - Alone Time

At first Twilight could not believe her eyes; what business did Discord have at her home in the dead of night? As this thought crossed her mind, Discord spouted in an overenthusiastic tone,

"Why, good evening, Miss Sparkle! In need of some wonderfully entertaining chaos this evening? Well, no need for you to answer that one. Judging by the your dishevelled mane and the bags under your eyes, you have been bored out of your mind working on an assignment for Princess Sunbutt, I presume?"

Upon hearing her mentor's most distasteful nickname, Twilight shot a furious and impatient glare straight into the eyes of the Lord of Chaos before her and demanded,

"What on Earth do you want from me at this late an hour Discord? Or is that a stupid question to ask? Because knowing you, you are here for no particular reason at all, and unfortunately for the rest of us, it's in your nature to do so."

Discord was rather disappointed that Twilight had chosen not to comment on his mock checklist, and thus rolled it away without further comment, and instead chose to keep the chaos to a minimum. At least, until she let him inside...

"Oh Twilight, my dear, what do you take me for, some sort of nuisance?" Discord chuckled, "Now wouldn't that be just ridiculous?" Upon meeting Twilight's deadpan expression, he knew he was heading in the wrong direction if it was his wish to be invited into her home, and so decided to hold up on antagonising her further.

Discord suddenly had what he considered to be a brilliant idea, which would be the means by which he would achieve his goal of being invited into the abode of Twilight Sparkle. And so, he snapped his fingers as subtly as he could and caused it to begin to rain heavily. He was almost certain that Twilight knew he had caused this abrupt downpour, but that was not what mattered, because without proof Discord could simply deny any accusations if Twilight decided to pursue her suspicions.

Discord wrapped his arms around his torso and shivered intensely, whilst looking at Twilight in a pleading manner of an exaggerated nature. This caused Twilight to roll her eyes and sarcastically say,

"Would you like to come inside?"

"Oh yes I would Twilight, yes I would," said Discord, in a deep tone which made Twilight's skin crawl for a reason she could not quite put her hoof on, "I would like nothing more than to spend some quality time with a close friend of mine."

And so Twilight begrudgingly stepped aside to allow the now soaked Discord into her home. Discord could taste the scent of initial success on the tip of his tongue, and decided that now was a good time to resume his previous antics in order to pursue his cause further. Twilight walked past him and noticed something rather peculiar about her floor, it looked a little more glossed than usual. However, she thought little of it and proceeded back to her study, choosing not to offer Discord any pleasantries.

The sooner he was out of her hair the better, and in order to achieve this, her best bet was to ignore his antics as best she possibly could. After all, she felt sure that Discord's only aim was to rile her up as usual and provoke reactions from her. And Discord would feel more tempted to linger the more he saw that he was getting under her skin.

"Twilight, I couldn't help but notice the absence of a certain baby dragon; is he away?" asked Discord.

"Yes, he is for now. Why do you ask?" Twilight explained.

"Oh, I was simply curious, you know how well little Spike and I get along and all," remarked Discord.

Perfect, thought Discord. He would have little interference in his efforts tonight, he may even be successful after just this one night. However, it was still too soon for him to get his hopes up.

After Twilight had picked up a book, notepad and quill, and resumed her reading and taking notes, Discord decided to mess with her a little bit and thus regain her attention. After a brief period of thought and awkward silence, at least on his side, Discord said,

"Well, Twilight, you are clearly having a much more fun time reading those books than you would be indulging in pro- I mean, recreational activities with a rather dashing draconequus, who happens to be sat right behind you," commented Discord, "however I cannot help but point out that you are not going to get very far with your notes if you continue to scrawl along the paper with your heavily overused toothbrush."

"I'm not using a toothbrush, I'm using one of my qui-" she glanced at the two items held within her magical grasp, "Discord! No funny business or you are out of here! I'm only letting you stay until this rainstorm is over, despite the fact you could probably just teleport home at any time if you wanted to,"

"Wasn't me, you must have picked it up by mistake," he said with a small grin as he held up his hands in front of him in order to emphasise his supposed innocence.

With an irritated grunt of dismay upon realising that she just gave Discord exactly the kind of response he probably wanted, she lay the toothbrush down and picked up another quill. However upon glancing back a few seconds later, she found that another quill had appeared in place of the toothbrush.

Keeping her cool, she resumed her work, surprised at how mild this prank was for Discord, he would usually turn her limbs to silly string, or mould her horn into an ice sculpture or something like that.

Discord noticed that he had to step it up a notch, if he was to get her to react how he wanted her to. So, Discord turned all of her chairs into beds of flowers and disappeared from sight for a while, intentionally not speaking to her at all, and leaving her alone on her freshly transformed bed of flowers. Twilight didn't think much of it as she absentmindedly sank into the flowers, feeling her drowsiness slowly overcome her as she dropped what she was holding and drifted off. Discord, who was watching from a mirror in Twilight's room, pumped his fist into the air as he succeeded in his aim yet again.

With twilight asleep for the time being, Discord began to make some changes to the castle which were sure to give her a surprise when she woke up. Whether or not it would be a positive surprise for her or not was not yet certain in Discord's mind, however he could only hope for the best.

Author's Note:

The story is now much less descriptive than the first chapter, and much more focused on story progression, as my main objective with the first chapter was to set the scene. The story is going to take off from this chapter onwards!