• Published 23rd Aug 2015
  • 5,742 Views, 135 Comments

An Unprecedented Advancement - GravelordNito

Twilight is having a same-old night of hard studying at her castle in Ponyville, until Discord unexpectedly arrives, and is acting as he always does. However, something seems a little off about his attitude tonight.

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Chapter 6 - An Interesting Arousal

A blindingly bright strip of light poured through a gap in the curtains, into the temporary domain of the Lord of Chaos, as the Princess of the Sun rose her Sun into the morning sky with her magic. With a startled gasp, Discord woke up and wiped his eyes with a currently bloodless and suffocated paw. Noticing a distinct lack of feeling in his limb, he gave it a shake and a rubbed it in order to get blood to flow back into the strangled appendage. He looked over to the clock on the wall of the room to check how cruel Celestia had felt that morning.

6 am… Six o’clock, in the morning. Discord could never understand why ponies liked to wake up this early, it seemed to him like nothing more than a bother to wake up before your body told you it was ready to do so.

The memories of the previous night suddenly flooded his mind, and he realised where he was. Jumping out of bed, he snapped his fingers and teleported into Twilight’s study, the place he thought he would most likely find her. Discord had not given much thought as to what he was going to do this morning in order to follow up on the previous night’s, “complete success”, as he considered it.

This realisation hit much too late, as he was now already in the study and possibly in the presence of a certain lavender mare, whom he eagerly sought to impress with his decisiveness, confidence and… Handsome-ness? The doubt as to whether or not this was actually a word was short lived due to his vastly superior vocabulary. It should have been obvious to him from the start that “handsomeness” was a real word, as he was Discord, the one and only super-intelligent stud in Equestria, who had seen more days than most ponies had brain cells... Or so he liked to think.

Once he had finished glorifying himself in his own mind, he realised he had been stood for a long time with his talon to his chin in a deep state of meaningless contemplation. He had not been able to decide whether he was an amazing draconequus, or whether he was just an amazing draconequus; his chaotic mind eventually told him the answer was goulash, and that was a plenty satisfying revelation. He had been stuck in his trance for much too long if it was his aim to remain undetected by any other presence in the room with him at the time.

Discord could not believe his luck when Twilight was nowhere to be seen. This meant he had some extra time to think about how fantastic he considered himself, in order to bolster his confidence. He needed this confidence for the day ahead, after all, if all was to go his way.

A sudden idea came into his head which made him rather giddy: What if Twilight is not awake yet? Do I dare take a peek at her sleeping face? He quickly shook the idea out of his head, picking up the goofy grin threatening to jump off of his chin, literally. The runaway smirk had been attempting to abseil down his goatee in vaguely disturbing silence, subverting into a frown upon capture by a large paw.

He had to focus less on creeping, and more on impressing. I think I have just the thing… He chuckled to himself contentedly, quickly turning his frown upside down and smiling once again. His mind danced with images of Twilight blushing and jumping into his outstretched arms, accepting all he was, and all he had to offer her.

Stop it, Discord, get your head out of the clouds, you already took one successful gamble, but that does not mean she will be showering you with love and kisses after one unofficial date! He cursed himself. He had to be careful, not only in his actions, but also in his expectations in respect to his crush’s responses to said actions. Whether things went his way or not, Discord knew he was going to be under a lot of stress today. This is going to be a long day; better get to work on phase one of my master-plan…


Twilight Sparkle opened her eyes, and hopped out of bed, surprisingly well-rested after the previous night’s happenings, ready to tackle the day head-on. She looked over to her clock, and realised how late it was: 7 am. She had overslept! Ears pressed against her head, Twilight began to feel her skin crawl with discomfort upon realisation of the fact that she had broken her daily routine of being up by 6:30 am at latest every single day, no matter what time she had gone to sleep the night before. Her left eye involuntarily twitched several times, and Twilight suddenly felt much less prepared to embrace the day ahead of her than she had mere moments ago.

Twilight swore to herself that she would never commit such an inexcusable act ever again. Realising there was little she could do about it now, she let her head droop in a sulk, and made her way to the bathroom to freshen up with a nice, long and relaxing shower.


It’s perfect… Discord’s eyes twinkled with mirth as he gazed over his creation: pancakes with golden syrup and lemon juice, prepared with love in the kitchen, ready on a tray to be delivered to its intended recipient on a silver platter. Discord felt very proud of his accomplishment; it had taken a large bulk of his resolve to stop himself from snapping some pancakes into existence with his magic. After all, where would the love in that be?

Wheeling the cart on which the platter was placed across the ceiling, Discord set out to deliver his masterpiece to the sleeping beauty upstairs. Discord knew exactly where Twilight’s room was, as he had taken a few trips to have a look on one or two evenings... Or ten, 'to see how his favourite pony was doing'. However, he excused himself from feeling creepy through logical reasoning: I needed to know where she slept in advance, just in case anything like this came up. You never know what will happen to me, after all, I am the Lord of Chaos!

Discord zig-zagged his way through the painfully straight hallways of Twilight’s castle with his currently anti-gravity breakfast on wheels in hand. Once he had reached the spiral staircase, he realised he couldn’t think of anything interesting to do in order to traverse them, and so snapped his fingers to teleport, thus skipping them. No harm in cheating every once in a while to mix things up a bit.

He had finally reached the doors of his - the princess’ bedchamber, he checked himself. Slowly and awkwardly letting himself in, Discord looked around the room, his eyes passing the unfortunately regularly rectangular window directly across from him, until his mismatched pupils landed squarely (and slightly less regularly) upon Twilight’s bed, to his left.


Where in Equestria is she?! I had better not have worked my backside off making these pancakes, only for Twilight to have up-and-left me here alone… As though in answer to his cries, Discord heard a loud running of water coming from the door just across the room from Twilight’s bed. Without considering for even a second what he could be walking into, Discord was absolutely fixated on delivering this platter to Twilight. Time seemed to slow down as Discord approached the door with a grin across his face, his mind up in cloud nine, and thus he failed to recognise his unnaturally sluggish movements. Despite this slow-motion almost definitely meant to be being taken as a sign of alarm, Discord continued his advance upon the door, a feeling of anticipation welling up inside of him for all the wrong reasons. As he reached for the handle, the only thoughts he let pass through his head were of what he hoped Twilight’s reaction would be, just as he had made the mistake of doing earlier.


*sigh*, much better. Let the stress melt away with the water, as it cleanses both your body and mind… Twilight was thinking deeply and comfortably to herself as she basked in the delightfully refreshing walk-in shower she had within her luxury ensuite, or at least, she was thinking comfortably at first. she was still decoding her still cryptic memories from last night. She had had a little to drink after all; she had always been a light drinker. She remembered an interesting situation with Discord in the oddly lain-out dining room, and she had yet to decide upon what she made of Discord’s advances. She could not get her head around it, no chain of reasoning she could put together seemed to make complete and undisputed sense to her. It had been nagging in her mind for a while now, like a thorn rupturing the spleen of her sanity.

As Twilight was enjoying her well-earned shower, she suddenly remembered what had happened just before she had gone to bed the previous night. It had not stopped raining, and their little session together was over, and she had made off to her bedroom to hit the hay for the night. Not however, before offering for Discord to… Stay the night… Oh, horse-apples, he could have done any number of things to my castle! What if he plotted to put his plan into effect once he had my trust, and had me out of the way for the night?! What if… Twilight began to panic once again, her mind suddenly being yanked cruelly back into the realm of constant stress and worry by a long, shadowy, clawed limb. Its icy digits clasped around the remainder of what had been her slowly recovering mind, giving her a cold and fear inducing feeling, which brought her out in a non-temperature related sweat.

Twilight jumped out of the shower, which had all been for naught on account of her current state, both physically and mentally. She realised that she had forgotten to turn it off, and so she jumped back in again to turn the nozzle. As she reached for the knob, she heard the door of her ensuite click, and the handle turn. She jumped out of the shower again in order to cover herself; after all, in the land of Equestria, any time in a restroom was private time. It was poor etiquette to allow oneself to be seen exposed in such an environment. In an embarrassed follow-on of her manic state of panic, Twilight collapsed onto the floor, bringing her towel down with her. She had given up, and decided to lay there in exhaustion, as her towel had landed on top of her, just barely covering her now almost completely exposed body.

Discord opened the door, stepping into the room, with his cart in tow.

“Surprise!” Shouted Discord, bringing his arms up into a ‘Y’ shape above his head. He was a little let-down at first, as he had yet to receive a reaction. However, the reason for this soon became apparent, as his eyes landed upon a small, purple body, sprawled out across the soaked floor of what Discord had just discovered to be her bathroom. The panting mare was soaking wet through, in a rather undignified position on the tiles. Unfortunately for Discord, a towel had plotted against him, just barely covering up what he would really have liked to see. Curse you, towel, you will pay. I will be sure to make your life, and that of all your kin who follow, a living nightmare for the rest of eternity! Coming down off of his brief high of rage, Discord came to terms with what he was actually witnessing. A crimson blush spread from ear-to-ear across the draconequus’ face, as he could not tear his gaze away from the spectacle in front of him.

As if in shamelessly perverted trance, Discord continued to gawk, not breaking his gaze even to blink, as he committed this image to his permanent memory. He attempted to lean his gaze round the edges of the towel, but to no avail. Twilight was in just as much of a daze, as she slowly recuperated from her episode of panic and needless worry. She was the first of the two to realise what was happening, and matched Discord’s blushing expression. She gazed up at him from the floor, sitting up and covering her front with her arms, holding her towel up in a defensive position as part of a natural response. Discord gasped and reeled back in shock at his own actions, as Twilight’s eyes continued to grow wider with each passing fraction of a second. Please don’t scream, please don’t scream, please don’t scream… Discord was practically begging an unseen force to pluck him away from his current predicament.

“T-Twilight, I can explain!”

Author's Note:

Gah! This one took a while once again! Sorry about that, :twilightsheepish: but this chapter took a lot more time and effort than all the ones previous. :twilightsmile:

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and I will get right to work on the next one. Sorry these notes are brief, but I don't really have much to say at the moment, I may make some amendments if I come up with anything. :facehoof:

As always, Lots of Love from Lord Nito :heart: