• Published 23rd Aug 2015
  • 5,742 Views, 135 Comments

An Unprecedented Advancement - GravelordNito

Twilight is having a same-old night of hard studying at her castle in Ponyville, until Discord unexpectedly arrives, and is acting as he always does. However, something seems a little off about his attitude tonight.

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Chapter 3 - Setting Up Shop

"Hmm, what to do, what to do," Discord pondered aloud, as he paced throughout the castle. He was unsure of how long he had left before Twilight awoke, "perhaps I could... No, that wouldn't... Or maybe I could simply be myself? No, maybe not. Twilight doesn't find 'myself' all too appealing." As Discord ran his thoughts, a sudden idea came into his head, however for a reason beyond himself did not find its way past his lips: What if I were to be myself, but in a romantic way that is sure to tingle Twilight's heartstrings?

Knowing now what it was he was to do with her castle, Discord set to work on making it happen. With a snap of his fingers, Twilight's dining table became laden with candles which floated upside down about half a foot off the table, their dripping wax forming a heart shape as it dripped onto the ceiling, defying both gravity and the laws of motion. Perfectly subtle, thought Discord, with a satisfied grin on his face. Two wine glasses with snaked necks and swiss cheese bases were placed across from each other, either side of the table. A little late for dinner, but it's never too late for a glass of wine or two and a friendly chat.

Discord was pleased with his work thus far, however he was not yet finished setting the scene for his night alone with whom he believed to be a particularly bright sparkle in the desolate sands of over-abundant life. After having had a sudden thought cross his mind, Discord came to the realisation that he and Twilight could not be any more different from one another. Twilight was a perfectionist who cared a whole lot for following rules and set routines, whereas Discord was all about breaking the rules and preferred everything to be not quite right in one way or another. Despite this fact, Discord believed that it was this which would bring them together, as opposites generally attract. He would have to remember that one for later; Twilight loves science after all.

With another snap of his fingers, Discord replaced the regal curtains with blocks of chipboard, which he decided would look lovely painted red with a diagonally placed oblong window or two through them. The curtain supports could not support the chipboard blocks, so they simply hung in the air in front of the windows. They span in a clockwise motion, and then an anti-clockwise motion, swapping direction in short intervals and turning at varying speeds. He considered flipping the castle upside down and/or causing it to spin randomly, however he realised that this would be too much. He couldn't get carried away, or Twilight would not be impressed.

Next, Discord decided that the carpet had to go. He replaced the carpet with a seemingly endlessly deep body of water, with two small groups of lily pads across the table from one another. They were sprouting on the surface of the water from the flower beds which previously adorned the carpets. After hanging some streamers made from interlinked pretzels from the ceiling, Discord, with a loud chuckle, decided that he had done enough to the dining room. Now to move onto the rest of the castle...


Twilight Sparkle had begun to stir due to the sudden changes in magic concentration in her castle. At first she jumped up, alarmed at the presence of a magic-wielding intruder, but she soon remembered that Discord had shown up earlier, and she had allowed him entry. Twilight was unsure of exactly how long she had slept. However, she was sure it had not been too long, as upon gazing from her study windows, it was clearly still the dead of night.

Twilight became aware of Discord's absence, and suddenly experienced a sinking feeling when she realised that she had dozed off and left Discord not only unsupervised, but also with a free run of her castle. She heard a loud cackling noise coming from her dining room and set off to investigate,

"Discord! You better not have caused any trouble while I was asleep," called Twilight as she ran to the dining room.

In a sudden panic, Discord decided not to bother with the rest of the castle for now, and snapped his claws to produce what he considered to be a rather dapper outfit: a purple shirt, a green blazer, a blue tie and a walking stick made from polished oak, topped off with a silk, green top hat to match his blazer. Discord quickly teleported into the hallway to greet Twilight before she reached the dining room,

"Miss Sparkle, I would be most delighted if you would join me in the dining room for a glass of wine, and a friendly chat between two close friends," hummed Discord, rather courteously.

Author's Note:

After some very kind and helpful comments on my story so far, I have produced this chapter with their advice in mind, and I hope it is as good as you all are expecting. I have to be honest, this chapter was a little difficult to write, as I knew what Discord aimed to achieve with his changes to the castle, I was just unsure of how he was to go about it. But in a sudden moment, the idea for a simple glass of wine in a specially prepared dining room crossed my mind, and I latched onto it. I still don't think I have remedied all the problems with my previous chapters which were kindly pointed out to me. However, I have given it a try, and hopefully I am steadily improving.

Thanks so much for your continued support,

Love, Lord Nito :heart: