• Published 11th Dec 2015
  • 5,788 Views, 136 Comments

A Shifting Sunset Shimmer - Vinyl-ScratchDJ17

Sunset Shimmer comes across a severe problem she cant quite solve on her own

  • ...

Let This be a Nightmare

Sunset sat away from everyone else on the bus, keeping quiet as she stared out the window.

“Why is this happening to me? Am I gonna end up going having to go to school as a pony? What’s even causing this to happen? Nobody just starts turning into ponies out of nowhere. My friends probably think I’m a freak.” Sunset thought with her cheek propped up on one hand, her forehead leaning on the cold, transparent glass.

“I’ve got hooves, and half my legs are covered in fur. My horn has gotten a bit longer, and my boobs got bigger. If I’m turning back into a pony, why are my boobs getting bigger?”

Sunset sighed heavily, turning her gaze to her friends at the front of the bus. They were chatting and laughing and smiling. Every now and again one of them would glance at her for a short moment, and maybe wave, but that’s it.

As the bus came to a stop in front of the school, Sunset felt even more nervous. How will everyone react? Are they going to stop being her friend? She really doesn’t want that, since she’s finally become a normal student among everyone else, and now she finds herself turning into a pony. She let out another sigh and exited the bus with her friends.

During the time they walked, Sunset had been keeping a keen eye out for anyone looking too closely who might see her changes. Her whole body tingled, and felt slightly numb, which had only made her feel worse, since she knew her body was still changing. While her friends chatted alongside her, Sunset was trying to make herself as invisible as possible.

Upon reaching the lunchroom, which had been half filled with other students it seemed, it would be hard to keep her changes from going unnoticed. Her friends seemed to be caught up in talking about their concert next week to even notice she was there, and right before they entered the cafeteria, Sunset managed to sneak away. She decided to hide out until the first class started as the best way to stay away from the other students.

“Why is this happening to me?” Sunset asked herself again as she stared at her reflection in the mirror.

Her hair and changed to be more of the way it was as a mare, her horn was now about two centimeters long, but easily hidden in her hair. The yellow fur had now crawled half way up her upper legs, and her tailbone tingled slightly, signaling she’d be growing a tail soon. She hated the thought of being a pony in a school of humans, but it seems to be that she had somehow gotten on Karma’s bad side.

She stood with her hands tightly holding onto the sides of the sink, the light above giving off a bluish glow. The thought of her friends leaving her had started to become a reoccurring thought. The ones that helped her become who she was today, and had been with her through thick and thin, not giving a single thought as to how bad she used to be. To lose them, would probably shove her into the deep end of the pool of depression.

To be outcasted for the freak she was becoming made her feel horrible inside. She didn’t want to go back to everyone hating her. She didn’t feel strong enough to take that kind of mental stress. She felt the tears creeping into her eyes, and as one fell, the bell rang. She sighed heavily and wiped her face clean with her sleeve.

She left the bathroom into the hall which had been stuffed with students, squeezing to get past others as the go to and fro. Sunset held her arms across her stomach, looking down to hide the pain in her eyes as she made a right down the hall. She very highly considered skipping first period, since she had gym, which meant shorts, sports bras, and things like that, exposing her furry legs for all to see, as well as the possibility of a tail.

Even though she wish she could, she didn’t want to make anybody suspicious she might be going back to her old ways.

“Guess you gotta bite the bullet this time, Sunset” she muttered as she turned to go up a skinny flight of steps and to the girls locker room. She walked past the many rows of pink lockers and other teenage girls, all chatting about ‘whatever,’ but Sunset paid no mind as she came to her own locker.

She eased her arms and let her backpack fall with a heavy thud, and set to unlock her locker, undoing the master lock. Inside were a red sports bra and shorts, as what was given to her to wear for gym. She really didn’t want to wear these. Especially now. The ‘I forgot my clothes’ excuse won’t work since they were right there, and if she didn’t change, she’d get in quite a bit of trouble. But then again, if she did change, everyone would know her secret. It would spread out through the school about her legs being covered in fur, and she could only imagine the names she’d be called.

Why does it seem to be turning into a pony is making everything into a big struggle now? She knew she’d regret it, but she had to. She sighed and put her gym clothes on the shelf in the locker and closed the door, locking it back up. She’ll have to take a scolding or two, but it’s better than having the whole school thinking of her as a freak.

She sat on a bench away from the others, waiting for the teacher to come and call everyone down into the gym. She reached down for her backpack, unzipping the zipper, she pulled her book out to send a message to Twilight, since she may know what’s going on. She opened it to find she had gotten a reply to the message she sent yesterday. It read;

Dear Sunset Shimmer.

That was so much good news to hear from you! It’s good to know you’ve changed your ways are are still doing what you can to improve! I can bet things are still only getting better for you and the rest of the gang, and I miss you all, so I’m planning to visit sometime soon! The gang here all say hi, and wish you luck on making new friends and adventures!

Princess Celestia even told me to tell you she misses you, since you were her student before me, and she watched you grow. Much like she watched me grow. That was also a good point you had brought up if you hadn’t of been banished, or did you run away? I heard you ran away. It doesn’t matter.

Anyway, I think you are totally right in your hypothesis! There would have been no magic for the Dazzlings to use to turn everypony against one another. Sorry to say this, but you’d still be the old you as well. And the other me would have never been suspicious of CHS since there would have been nothing to be suspicious of!

Well, Spike just made a huge mess of books, so I’m gonna have to clean it all up now. Good luck with everything, and I will try to stay in touch!

Until next time, your friend,

Twilight Sparkle

P.S. Check your locker!

Sunset smiled, letting out a little giggle as well from reading. It was Spike’s aloofness that had got her to laugh, and the smile from just reading. It had always made her feel good she had such amazing friends like Twilight and the others. But then she remembered what’s currently going on with her body, and began to wonder if she was going to lose them, and how much longer would she have her friends? She sighed heavily from the thought, and while she read, she contemplated telling Twilight what was going on. She went into the smaller pouch of the bag and was about to start writing.

“Alright girls! Time to head to the gym!” a deep voice called into the locker room. Sunset peeked around the lockers to see the six foot tall, well built man with a light shade of brown to his skin, short black hair, and a clipboard and pen in hand. “Let’s go! Let’s go! Let’s go!”

With a sigh, Sunset returned her things to her bag, and got up to leave. The teacher stood by the doorway, watching each student leave. For a reason since they’re female. Trying to spot a way to stay hidden, Sunset tried to hide behind a group of girls while walking out. It got her as far as just past the door.

“Sunset Shimmer!” the teacher boomed in a deep voice.

Sunset stopped and turned, knowing this was it. He was going to have her change, and everyone would know her secret. She looked up to see the face of bemusement from the teacher.

“Ye-yes, M-Mr. Browning?”

“Where are your gym clothes and why are they not on!?” he demanded, mere inches from Sunset’s face. She could just feel the pressure building up inside. She wanted to let it all out in a loud roar and be done with it.

“Well, I…” she gazed down, twirling a bit of her hair in her fore finger.

“I...lost them!? You better not have! Or did you forget them at home?”

Sunset shook her head.

“Then why is it you suddenly feel that you no longer need to change!?”

Sunset knew she needed to try and explain things to him and hope he has a big enough heart down in his chest somewhere.

“Look...I need to show you something…” Sunset tried to grab his arm and to lead him into the locker room.

“What do you think you’re doing thinking you have the right to put your hands on me!? And there is nothing to be shown, since you just need to change!”

Sunset finally gave up knowing she wasn’t going to win, since nobody ever did, when it comes to arguing with Mr. Browning. She sighed again, feeling the deep hole in her chest as she went back to her locker. Once again she undid the master lock, and pulled her gym clothes out.

She pulled off her leather jacket and shirt, quickly replacing them with the sports bra, to find her breasts had gotten a bit bigger as well. Then she saw it. Out of the top of her pants, the fur was poking out, showing it had gone up to her waist. She sighed heavily, and closed her eyes as she changed. Her cutie mark was once again visible on her hips.

She couldn’t do it. She was now going with plan C: Skip. Scool. Entirely.

As fast as she could, she changed back into her normal, clothes and put her gym clothes away, grabbed her bag, and made her way to the door. The gym was just across the hall, but the door was down quite a ways. She could hear Mr. Browning blow his whistles, soon followed by the sound of balls hitting the floor. She can assume they’re playing basketball, but that was the least of her worries.

She took off running down the hall, and took a right down another hall. She kept running as if her life depended on it. Was she really going to do this? Skip school just like that after a year now of perfect attendance? Was she going to have to stay away from school nw? what would happen if the wrong people found out? What would happen to her then?

She came to a stop at the front door as she thought these terrible things, wishing she could just wake from this horrible dream, but this was reality. One she no longer knew. So forward she pressed, out the front door, and down the sidewalk, stopping only to look at herself for a second in the reflective surface of the portal.

She no longer liked what she saw, so she kept running, and running, never stopping until she reached the sanctuary of her home. The door was locked, so she took the key from under the rug to open the door and rushed inside, slamming it behind her, quickly locking it. She slumped against the door, slowly sliding to the floor, where upon landing, she held her head in her hands and cried.

She knew she could never go back. They’d all laugh and point. Call her names, reject her, push her away, and maybe even bully her. Whatever it was, they couldn’t do it here. She was safe here. Yes. Safe from the rest of the world which happens to be normal, not turning into ponies or anything.

Suddenly she felt a foreign movement upon the top of her head, to reach she did not reach, for she knew already what it was, and found it irrelevant to even bother looking.

This was it for her, she thought. That soon she might become the outcast nobody likes, and talks shit about. She couldn’t, and still she cried, pleading for help that may never come. As of now, all she can do is beg for this nightmare to be over with soon.


She sat there, not knowing what to do for the first few minutes after bawling her eyes out, especially since she couldn’t avert her mind from her slowly changing body. She had moved to the couch where she now stared at a photo of her and her friends.

Rarity was to the right with a sweet smile, a kicked up heel, and a hand to her hip. Next to her was Rainbow Dash who wore a face of determination, followed by Applejack giving a tip of her hat as she smiled. Then it was Twilight in the middle, smiling at the camera with a hand out to hold it. Fluttershy looked shy as always, twirling her hair, with bunny in one arm. Next was Pinkie Pie who had a large grin, with her arms around Sunset’s neck. Sunset had a simple small smile, waving a hand. The photo was taken in front of the portal on a bright sunny day.

Sunset wanted to smile, she wanted to be happy, she wanted to hug the wooden framed photo, but she couldn’t knowing she’d just lose them. She felt her ears droop from the thought.

Bling! Came the sound of her phone, just receiving a new message.

She pulled her phone out from her pocket, having a red and yellow case, with the image of her cutie mark on the back. She pressed the power button to see who it was. After going into her messages, she came to find the text had come from Pinkie Pie.


“At home. Not feeling good.” she quickly typed back.

She let out a sigh, and leaned back on the couch. For a little while, she thought about her situation, and why she was so worried. Her friends all knew that she was originally a pony, so if she’s turning into one, why should she fuss? They didn’t say anything bad or good of her, but it was the latter of the two that scared her. Maybe they they do think of her as a freak, but just didn’t say anything.

Her body tingled where the changes were currently happening. A stubby horn adorned her forehead. her feet had become hooves, and up to her waist is covered in fur. Her tailbone tingled the most. She sighed and looked back and lifted her shirt a bit, to see a small stub sticking out of her spine.

She groaned in frustration from the fact she had found herself turning into another species, with it showing no signs of stopping. How would everyone react? Would they laugh and point, bully her, support her and help her feel better? The latter of the few is what frightened her. She stared blankly at the photo of her friends in her hands as she took account to every thought over the matter of her situation.

Her stomach rumbled.

Sunset hadn’t eaten the whole day. She didn’t eat at Pinkie’s, nor did she eat breakfast at school, and Pinkie had texted asking where she was since she wasn’t there for lunch either. Now that she thought of it, she was pretty hungry, so she got up from her spot on the couch, and with a sound of clopping hooves, she shuffled her way into the kitchen.

She went into the refrigerator located by the door to the backyard across the kitchen, where she retrieved a carton of eggs, and a stick of butter. She set it down on the counter just to the right of the fridge. She then bent down to open the cupboard where she grabbed a frying pan from a stack of pans with the biggest ones at the bottom. After obtaining the necessary items to make eggs, she cracked two into the pan over a teaspoon of butter and began cooking.

A few minutes later after scrambling the eggs with a spatula, she scraped the eggs onto a plate where she garnished them with salt, pepper, and Montreal Steak Seasoning. With a glass of milk and plate of eggs in hand, she sat up on the counter, ‘stress eating’ away. The eggs didn’t taste the best, since she was too upset to care, and the milk served little to rid her throat of the bland and bitter after taste they left behind.

She ignored the never ending barrage of ‘blings’ her phone made due to Pinkie Pie non stop texting her. Quickly, she cleaned her dishes, and left to her room where she lay on the bed. She turned off her phone for the sake of peace as she climbed under the covered and closed her eyes, laying on her side.

She prayed that when she woke up everything would go back to normal, and soon, her sleep took over.


“I’m worried about Sunny. She hasn’t texted back within the…” Pinkie trailed off, counting her fingers. “Six hundred and sixty six times I texted her!” She said as soon as she counted up to seven. “And for some reason, I feel that number is the phone number to a very bad person in an alternate world” Pinkie shrugged.

“I’d believe it.” Applejack stated, sitting in the chair across from Pinkie Pie at the lunch table.

“Yeah, I mean she totally called it that Twilight was a pony from a parallel universe!” Rainbow added.

Fluttershy gazed sadly down at her hands. “I’d really hate for something bad to happen to her. Besides her current...situation?”

“Ah for one don’t believe she’s sick. N-not that ah’m sayin’ anything bad about her! It’s just, ah’d assume she’s have gone home because of what’s happenin’ to her,” said Applejack. “Ah’ wouldn’t wanna be in school during an epidemic like hers, that’s for sure!”

The others nodded in agreement.

“Well, I think we should pay her a visit! See how she’s doing. I mean, we’re her friends and she’s obviously stressed about this. She didn’t say a word to any of us this morning, and she’s usually the one to start all the gossip and jibber jabber!” Rarity said with a spin of her hand.

“I don’t know why you guys would be so secretive about it.” Rainbow blurted. “If that was me I think it would be totally awesome! I’d have my wings, that’s for sure!” she said excitedly.

“If that was me, I’d probably have a party!” cheered Pinkie.

“Well, it's good to hear y’all wouldn’t mind it, but we aren’t Sunset who must be really confused right now. And Ah agree with Rarity about payin’ her a visit. Probably bring her some gifts to cheer her up!”

“CAKE!” Pinkie shouted, slamming her palms down onto the table with a wide smile.

“Perfect!” Rarity agreed as the bell rang to go to class.

“Well, I’ve gotta hit the gym, since that’s what I have next” said Rainbow, as she got up from the table.

“I’ve got life science” Fluttershy said quietly.

“I have foods class!” said Pinkie.

“Okay, ah’ think we all know who has what. Ah’ve got agriculture, and Rarity has fashion designing.” Applejack stated.

“Well, lets stop wasting our time here, telling each other what we already know, and head for class.” Rarity stood, swinging her bag over her back.

“Uh-huh!” The others agreed.

“So, if Sunset is turning back into her pony self here, what are we gonna do about our gig next week, since I know she isn’t going to wanna be there! I mean, she’s got the guitar solo this time,” said Rainbow worriedly.

The others stared back at her with the same worried expression.


Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle,

I wish I could say everything was fine and dandy, but since this morning, things have been quite the opposite. For me anyway. I woke this morning to find I had hooves in place of my feet, and a very small horn at the top center of my forehead. Throughout the day, I’ve been growing fur everywhere.

I don’t have a clue as to what caused it, but I may have a lead as to why. Yesterday after school, I was out by the portal, doing my homework, when I my hand through the portal. I saw it as a hoof and everything, but when I pulled it out, it remained a hoof for a few seconds before changing back. The portal didn’t want to let go of me for some reason, and when I finally got my hand free, I had felt quite the electric shock.

I’m not sure how my friends feel about this. They haven’t said anything to me since I came out and told them this morning. I’m getting the fear they might not like me anymore. I also ran away from school because of this. I’m practically a satyr as it is, and the changes keep happening. Half my body is covered in fur, and I’m growing a tail. I’m hoping maybe you have a way to stop this because I can’t take much more of it.

I’m writing this in hopes you may know why I’m turning into a pony all of a sudden, or if there is a way to stop it.

Your Friend, Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset closed her book and set it down on her nightstand next to the bed. With a sigh, she laid down under the covers, hoping to get the sleep she wants as she closed her eyes. She laid curled up on her side, with her head on her hands, slowly drifting off into a world of sleep.


“N-no! Leave me alone!” Sunset cried as she stood in the center of the main hallway of CHS. The other kids surrounded her, laughing and pointing in her direction in a synchronized echo that assaulted her ear drums. Those other kids just happened to be Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity, with many other kids standing behind them.

“Look at her!” Rainbow chuckled.

“Yeah, what a freak!” Another kid remarked.

“Please, just go away!” Sunset pleaded as tears ran down her cheeks. he collapsed to the ground with her head in her hands. She was about to, when she noticed yellow fur begin to rapidly grow around her hands and fingers, quickly scaling her arms while the others laughed at her. She gasped in shock as it crawled up her legs.

She cried, trying her best to hide herself, but what could she do when she’s being surrounded by the whole school? The changes kept happening, and her feet were now hooves. There was a ripping sound as a long yellow and red curly tail burst from her shorts.

Applejack lifted her chin to look at her. “Ah haven’t the slightest clue why we were ever friends with a no good waste like you!” She glared and gave Sunset a hard shove.

“But I didn’t do anything! Don’t leave me!” Sunset begged as she was now covered up to her neck in fur. Her ears drooped as they now re positioned themselves atop her head. Next was for her mouth and nose to form a muzzle as her eyes largened.

Her friends tsk tsk’d and began to walk away with the laughing crowd, chanting and pointing.

“Time to go to class!” Pinkie smirked. “And don’t forget your cake!” Pinkie reached off to somewhere out of Sunset’s view and a large cheesecake appeared. “Here you go!” Pinkie drew her hand back and shoved the cake into Sunset’s face.

Sunet laid there, a bipedal pony freak, crying in the middle of the floor, with no one to save her. Shortly after everyone had left the scene, the bell rang as everything seemed to fade away.

“Ding dong! Ding dong!” only, it sounded more like a doorbell.


“Ding dong! Ding dong!” it continued as Sunset woke with a start.

Sunset sprung up into a sitting position, and let out a sigh.

“Just a dream, Sunset...just a…” she trailed off until she saw herself.

Fur had covered her entire being, her tail lay at her side, and she could just see her muzzle at the bottom of her view. Her breasts had grown a bit larger again, which had caused her shirt to tear a little down the middle.


With a heavy sigh, sunset got up from her bed and shuffled her way to the front door. She opened it as far as the chain lock would allow.

“H-hello?” she asked quietly.

“Sunset, is that how you greet your best friends,” said Rarity’s voice in a humorous tone.

Sunset disregarded the statement. “What do you want?”

Pinkie answered this time. “We came to visit!”

“We all wanted ta see how ur doin’!” Applejack stated in a happy voice.

“Oh...I’m...fine…” Sunset gazed down sadly, knowing she was anything but fine. She’d become the creature from her dream, and found herself afraid to reveal herself to her friends.

“Sunset. Let us in, we know ya aren’t feelin’ well by how you skipped school, today.” Applejack said in a firm tone. “Ya aren’t sick either.” she said with a sigh.

“Darling, we know how you told us what’s going on this morning, and we came by to wish you best of luck and try to cheer you up. We don’t care what you might look like now-”

“We just wanna help!” Rainbow blurted.

“I don’t know…” Sunset said quietly, remembering her dream how they were all picking on her. “What if this is contagious…”

Applejack sighed again. “We’d happily go through it with you to make sure you’re alright. Can ya let us in?”

Sunset was quiet for a moment when she came to the realization they weren’t going anywhere, and so she unlocked and opened the door. The first of course to enter was Applejack who gave a small gasp. A tear fell from the tip of Sunset’s muzzle. She didn’t look at either of them until she saw a blur of orange pull her into a tight hug. She looked up to see Applejack and the rest of the girls all hugging her, and for the first time, she allowed herself to cry.