• Published 11th Dec 2015
  • 5,788 Views, 136 Comments

A Shifting Sunset Shimmer - Vinyl-ScratchDJ17

Sunset Shimmer comes across a severe problem she cant quite solve on her own

  • ...


Author's Note:

Sorry, brain dead for chapter name ideas :p Next chapter should come out tomorrow or the day after

Sunset sat, staring at the cake on her small plate. It was ironic how it looked identical to the same cake from in her dream. She left out a sniffle after having cried for about three minutes. She sat now on the couch, embarrassed, unable to look at her friends. She held the plate in her hands as she sat, somehow feeling she doesn’t deserve such good friends. She hadn’t touched her cake, either, too stressed to eat as of now.

“You guys must think I’m a freak…” Sunset said in a blunt and quiet manner.

She felt a hand on her shoulder who she saw to be Applejack, who wore a sincere smile.

“Sunset, you’re our friend, we’d never think anything like that of you. Yes you were pretty bad and rotten when we first knew ya, but that was then, and this is now. We’re here for ya, sugarcube. And whatever it is that’s causin’ this ta happen to ya, Ah’m sure we’ll find a way to change ya back.”

Sunset Shimmer was silent. She didn’t know whether to believe her or not. Based off of her dream, Applejack was the one telling her how she couldn’t believe she was friends with her. This time she’s saying she was always be friends with her. Several unanswered questions flew through Sunset’s mind, only making her stress worse.

Rainbow cleared her throat. “Okay, I don’t know if this is the right time to ask, so I’m just gonna say it.” Rainbow took in a breath. “Are you still up for our gig next week? I mean you do have the solo this time.

Sunset hung her head in shame. “I’m not going…” Sunset set her cake down on the table “Pinkie can eat it,” she said as she left the living room, with her ears drooping.

Within a nanosecond, the cheesecake Sunset put on the table was devoured by Pinkie. Everyone else sighed in defeat.

Rarity propped her head up on her hands, with her elbows on her knees where she sat on the couch. “What are we gonna do about poor Sunset Shimmer?” she asked softly, just above a whisper.

“Oh, I hope she gets better soon…” said Fluttershy.

Applejack stood up. “Ah don’t know what we can do to make her feel better as of now, but Ah sure ain’t lettin’ her sulk her life away!”

And with that, Applejack followed Sunset to her room. She quickly opened the door to see Sunset taking her shirt off.

“Hey!,” Sunset barked.

Somehow, someway, Applejack was quicker to close the door, than Pinkie was to eat that cake.

“Sorry!” Applejack called. She sighed in relief and went back out into the living room.

“I heard the door slam, what happened?” Rarity asked.

“Oh...y’all don’t wanna know…” Applejack said awkwardly, taking her seat back in the armchair.

Sunset sighed as she slipped another shirt on, hoping it wouldn’t tear. She also kicked her shoes off, seeing no point in hiding her transformation anymore, plus the fact her hooves felt really uncomfortable in there. She threw her ripped shirt into the trashcan by the door and went back out into the living room. Applejack looked away as soon as she walked out.

“Why did you come into my room?” Sunset asked.

Applejack blushed from embarrassment. “Ah didn’t know ya were changing ur shirt. Ah thought you were just locking yourself in ur room or somethin…”

Sunset shrugged. “Basically what I was doing till you guys came over.” Sunset took her seat back on the couch. “So now what?”

Rarity was the first to speak up. “Well, darling, we came to ask what we could do to cheer you up in your time of need, since we all care about you so much!” Rarity smiled.

“To be honest Sunset, since you’re just turning back into a pony, which everyone knows you were in Equestria, why would anyone care? Yeah it’s going slow, and you're some...pony...human mix kind of thing, I don’t think anyone would even bat an eye.” Rainbow stated.

The others nodded in agreement. Sunset twiddled her thumbs.

“Do...do you guys really think so?” She asked nervously.

“Well, they might look at you funny for a sec, and probably be curious, but that’s probably about it. Seriously, this isn’t even bad! Think of the other things you’ve turned into! Like, that raging-she-demon!” Rainbow said with her arms out.

Again, everyone nodded, and Sunset smiled a little with a small blush.

“Thanks, guys, this means a lot.”

“GROUP HUG!!” Pinkie hollered as she threw herself into Sunset, nuzzling cheeks with her, and soon everyone joined.

Sunset could only giggle, being immobilized by five bodies being thrown onto her, and the bombardment of cheeky nuzzles.

“Okay, that’s enough, guys!” Sunset laughed, and the others removed themselves from her, all with rose red blushes upon their cheeks.

“And thanks for...for cheering me up,” she smiled.

“Hey, th-that’s what we’re here for!” said Rainbow Dash.

“Well, I agree with Applejack about hiding myself away, so who wants to go for a walk? Maybe stop at a few places?” Sunset asked.

“Sounds good to me!” Applejack said with a smile.

“I’m trusting what Rainbow said about people not caring what I look like, so I at least wanna try and see how things will go.”

“I’m sure nobody would really care,” said Rainbow with a shrug.

Sunset nodded and began out the door, welcomed by the late afternoon sun. She took in a deep breath, wondering if this was a good idea or not. There was a slight breeze, which blew through her mane, slightly comforting the bipedal unicorn. She looked back to see her five friends standing there behind her with approving smiles on their faces. Applejack put a hand on Sunset’s shoulder with a sincere smile.

“We’re all here for ya, Sugarcube,” She said softly, with a tone of sympatheticness, showing they really cared.

Im mere seconds, the mare threw herself into Applejack, wrapping her in a tight hug, smiling wide.

“Thanks guys. For caring and all.”

“Don’t mention it,” Applejack chuckles slightly, hugging Sunset in return.

Sunset removed herself, blushing. “I know, it just means a lot. I thought you guys were avoiding me at first, and wanted nothing to do with me…” Sunset turned her gaze towards the cement walkway, with its grass and weeds growing between the cracks from old age.

“Well, let’s not waste our time standing around here, and let’s go!” Rainbow blurted with a determined expression.

“Ah agree! “ Applejack nodded and they began walking.

Sunset still wasn’t sure how to feel about all of this, so she decided to just roll with it, to see how things will turn out. She was at least glad to know her friends cared about her, even in her situation. Her tail swished from left to right on instinct for balance, her fur made her warmer than usual, and her ears flicked now and again, but sunset didn’t mind.

She just wanted to be with her friends

Like normal, Sunset was the one to the left, next to Pinkie Pie who lost herself in petting sunset’s arm.

“So soft!,” she whispered with wide eyes, which made Sunset giggle.

“What are you doing, Pinkie?”

Pinkie drew her hand back, and gave a rather wide smile. “Sorry!”

“It’s cool, I don’t mind. it kind of felt nice, anyway. But then again, ponies always liked being pet, and what am I turning into again?” Sunset asked.

Pinkie shrugged as they walked. “I have no clue,” Pinkie giggled.

Sunset only shook her head. “You can pet me if you want,” said Sunset, offering her arm to Pinkie, who took it and ran her fingers over her arm. “So where are we gonna go?”

“Well, you’re the one who decided to leave, so why don’t you choose our first destination, dear?” Rarity suggested.

Sunset shrugged. “How about the first place that seems interesting?”

“Sounds good ta me,” Applejack said with a nod of her head as they entered town.

Sunset gazed around, seeing mostly everyone around had been staring at her with curious eyes. It made her feel rather uncomfortable since staring was never a good thing, due to her past experiences. She nervously twirled a finger around a bit of her mane, feeling rather awkward.

“Everybody is staring at me…” Sunset whispered. “I don’t like it…”

“Hey, it’s nothing bad! People always stare,” said Pinkie who fixed her eyes on Sunset Shimmer.

Flash! Went the camera on somebody’s phone, followed by giggling and then more flashing. Sunset turned to see Diamond Tiara and her friend, Silver Spoon taking pictures of her with their phone. Immediately she ducted into the nearest building for cover. She breathed heavily with a hand to her chest, from slowly building anxiety. She slumped to the floor and leaned against the wall as her friends came rushing in.

“Sunset, what happened!?” Applejack asked in surprise as she entered, to see her friend sitting on the floor, knees to her chest with her arms around them. “Sunset?”

“I don’t like it when people stare,,,and I really don’t like it when they take pictures...It’s because of...of this!” she gestured to her whole being.

“Oh dear…” Fluttershy whispered, with a face of worry.

“Well, who was it, Darling?”

“Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon…” Sunset sighed. She looked around to see they were in a music shop with short shelves lined with music equipment, CD’s, vinyl’s, and records. Straight down the alley, she saw a familiar two-toned blue haired teen walk up to the counter. She saw Sunset and her head tilted in confusion. Sunset sighed. “Everyone is gonna think I’m a freak!”

She lowered her head in shame. A few seconds later after a few sighs, Sunset felt a hand on her right shoulder. She looked up to see Vinyl Scratch smiling down at her with a hand out. She stared at it for a second or two, and hesitantly took it in hers, allowing herself to be pulled up.

“Th-thanks...I guess…” she looked down and away, only to be tapped. She turned back to face Vinyl who was offering a fist bump. Sunset shrugged and bumped fists with her and gave a slight smile.

Vinyl gave her a pat on the back and a thumb up.

“So now what?” Sunset asked. “I haven’t been out for long and I already can’t take it..” She gazed down in embarrassment.

Rainbow groaned. “I hope this is contagious, so I can show you there’s nothing to be afraid of, Sunset! Just ignore people, okay!?”

“It’s not as easy as you think it is…” she said in a sad tone.

“Sugarcube, you aren’t gonna get better if you just let these thing get to ya, okay?” Applejack stated.

Rarity spoke up next. “Darling, We’ve all had our own mishaps where we’ve been sad, but if you don’t try to overcome these things, you’ll just get worse, and you know we don’t want to see you like that.” Rarity pulled Sunset into a hug.

“Yeah, and we can’t help if you don’t let us!” yelled Rainbow.

Sunset sighed. “I know...it’s just not easy since I’m not used to...to bullying. I think I’m just gonna go home and call in sick tomorrow or something...I’m not ready yet to just go, hey world! I’m a freakish human pony hybrid! But I don’t mind!”

“Sunset…” the girls sighed.

With tears in her eyes, Sunset rushed out of the shop to find Diamond Tiara and Silver spoon had been videotaping her through the window. Her hands balled into fists as she growled at the two as she passed. She hurried home before the others could catch up, and once inside her home, she shut and locked the door.

She groaned as she slapped a hand to her face, wondering why no more changes have occurred yet, but she didn’t care. There’s nothing she could do about it anyway. She sulked off to her room, with her arms around her stomach, where she saw her book glowing a yellowish color on her nightstand.

She shuffled her way over to it, and sat on the bed, and read after opening it to the correct page.

Dear Sunset Shimmer,

I am deeply sorry to hear this is happening to you. Has it happened to anyone else? Are you sick running a fever because of this? And about your question, I’m stumped as to what may be causing it.

You told me how you put your hand through the portal and all, which I know it what caused it, but why it happened, I have no clue. I think I should make my visit early, to check it out to get a more thorough investigation on this.

Also, please try to stay strong and don’t be skipping school. I know it must be hard, and you’ve got many friends who will be there to help you every step of the way. See you soon!

Best regards, Twilight Sparkle.


“Spike!” Twilight shouted as she shut her book. “Stop. Eating. The walls!” she yelled at Spike who was currently consuming part of one of the many pillars around the room that held up the ceiling.

Spike groaned. “Awe…”

“I know now the pillars and parts of the wall are covered in crystal, but it doesn’t mean to go and eat them!”

“This place is such a big tease.” Spike grumbled and began to leave the room which Twilight had the portal placed in.

Twilight groaned as well. She learned her lesson to keep a good supply of consumable gems for Spike, since Spike almost went hungry one day, and came to the realization that parts of the castle were made of crystal, which is just what he eats.

“Oh, and Spike, I’m going to the human world to check on this situation with Sunset Shimmer.”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” he said with a dismissive wave of his hand and left the room.

Twilight shrugged.

She set her book back down on a nearby shelf, and slowly approached the mirror. With a sigh, she touched the mirror with a hoof. What she wasn’t expecting was for it to suck her in. She gasped in surprise, and after a few electrofied seconds, and a partially singed mane and tail later, she appeared a slightly smoking heap on the other side.

Her body ached and her eyesight was blurry. She groaned as her body twitched now and again where she lay on the ground, due to the electrocution. Slowly she tried to get up, her body feeling somewhat foreign. With multiple blinks, her eyesight returned as she sat up, and looked at her surroundings.

Canterlot High School was just ahead, as well as a few people who had stopped to see the commotion.

“T-Twilight?” A very familiar voice asked.


She gazed up to see the fiery blue haired, yellow skinned guitar player standing above her. He wore a curious look, mixed in with confusion, and a hint of “Who roofied my drink!?”

“Flash...you look like you’ve seen a-WAH!?” she gasped.

She stared at her hands, but were covered in lavender purple fur, which continued up her arms,to her chest, and her legs. In sort of a freak out, she ended up scanning her whole body to figure out she still had the head of an equine, with a horn and wings upon her back. Her tail stuck out between her shirt and shorts, and her shoes were torn, not being big enough to fit her hooves.

“Twilight...is that you? Or...did you have some sort of humanoid twin…?” He asked, obviously sounding flummoxed. He held out a hand.

“N-no...It’s me...just something going on with this portal from what it looks like,” Twilight sad as she took his hand and stood. She blushed like she always does when she’s around Flash.

“Well...hi again..,” Flash blushed as well. “Well, I would love to stay in chat, but me and the band have a gig to rehearse for. There’s something going down at the mall next week where people are just going to play. You know, just to play.

Twilight put on a straight face. “So, suddenly gigs are more important than me?”

Flash blushed even further. “Of course not, it’s just…”

“It’s cool, Flash. I’m actually pretty busy to be sticking around. I gotta head over to Sunset Shimmer’s since she apparently looks like I do.”

“Oh. And your mane is a bit burned…”

Twilight sighed. “Don’t remind me.”