• Published 11th Dec 2015
  • 5,788 Views, 136 Comments

A Shifting Sunset Shimmer - Vinyl-ScratchDJ17

Sunset Shimmer comes across a severe problem she cant quite solve on her own

  • ...

Not Afraid

Sunset Shimmer sat on the couch, suddenly regretting her actions at Vinyl’s music shop, Her friends were only trying to help and she just blew up at them. She wanted to go back, she wanted to say sorry, but there were too many people out who could see her. What she’d become, the freak she was. She lay balled up, holding her tail in her arms like a stuffed teddy bear, fearing whatever may come next.

She didn’t know how much more of this mental abuse she could take, or how long she would last. She did her best to hold back the tears that threatened to leak from her eyes, fighting the pain of her aching heart. She felt so alone, where everywhere she goes, everyone points and laughs due to her being a freak. She felt like she was going to lose everything. Everything she’d gained in the last year would be all in vain, and once again, she’d be alone.

She’d have to drop out of school, and try to find a job in a place where nobody would like her. She wouldn’t be able to pay her rent, and would be thrown to the streets, with nothing at all. She couldn’t hold it in any longer as a tear slipped from her eye, and soon found herself bawling her eyes out.


Applejack let out a heavy sigh, which was soon followed suit by the rest of the gang. Being their friend, Vinyl did what she could to try and cheer them up, but what could such a mute person do in a music shop to cheer up five friends in distress?

“Ah’ feel really sorry for Sunset…”

“We all do, Darling” said Rarity with a hand on Applejack’s shoulder.

“Well what are we all doing here then!? Let’s go see if she’s okay!” Rainbow shouted, with determination in her voice.

Applejack shook her head. “Sometimes people need their space, and qh’ think she ran off because she wants some time to herself. Ah’m just hoping she doesn’t start to…”

Rarity gasped slightly, “You don’t mean what I think you mean...do you?”

Applejack hung her head, “Ah’ do.”

“Poor Sunset. We wouldn’t be able to tell if she does that, because the fur on her arms would just cover the scars…” Rarity sighed sadly.

“That’s why ah’m worried. She could use that fact to her advantage if she started. If she ever changes back, ah’ don’t wanna see scars all the way up an’ down her arms…”

Rarity sighed. “I hope Sunset is strong enough to fight any urge to do so.”

“I really don’t think we should be leaving her to her lonesome. I mean, there’s a lot more than cutting that depressed people will do, to get rid of their pain!” Rainbow blurted. “I mean, if we’re her friends who will always be there for her,” she said with emphasis, “then we should be there right now!”

Applejack sighed heavily. “We all know that’s what we said, but sometimes people do need some time alone.”

Rainbow got up from where she sat on the floor. “You guys do what you want, I refuse to leave a hurting friend on her own!”

With that said, Rainbow left the building.

“She is the element of loyalty in the other world,” Rarity stated. “So I can understand why she doesn’t want to leave Sunset to herself.”

Applejack and the other two nodded in agreement. Vinyl nodded as well.

After a few minutes of speed walking, Rainbow approached Sunset’s home, where she began knocking on the door. “Sunset, open up!”

Sunset was up in her room, about to call herself in sick tomorrow, when the knock came. She let out a low groan as she stood from her bed again, and snuffled her way out to the living room. She peeked out of the keyhole, to see Rainbow Dash lift her hand to knock again.

“What do you want, Rainbow?” Sunset asked, sounding a little frustrated.

“Let me in” she shouted through the door.

Sunset sighed with a roll of her eyes. “I’m trying to take a nap!”

“Well, either you let me in or that nap ain’t gonna happen,” said Rainbow Dash with crossed arms.

“How come I can’t just go to sleep?”

Rainbow put a hand under her chin, gazing upwards questionably. “Let’s see here! You took a nap already today, you’re really upset, you stormed out of the store, and now you’re using a ‘nap’ as an excuse to get me to leave. Well it ain’t happening! I know how depressed people make up excuses to get away from everyone because they feel their friends don’t care. I care, and I won’t settle with no for an answer!” Rainbow shouted with a single bang on the door.

“Fine” Sunset groaned as she unlocked the door.

Rainbow walked into a glare from Sunset Shimmer.

“Now, you’re acting mad to get me to leave” said Rainbow with a shake of her head. “Just stop trying because I am not leaving!” Rainbow glared back, and locked the door after shutting it.

Sunset’s glare faded into a frown turned towards the floor. Rainbow sighed and pulled her into a tight hug. “I just wanna make sure you’re okay, okay? I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if you got hurt, and I didn’t do a thing to help. I know you want some time alone, but I’m just scared you might hurt yourself or something” Rainbow said softly.

“Do you really mean that?” Sunset asked. Rainbow nodded as she pulled away.

“To be honest, I’m kind of jealous” Rainbow blushed. “You look so cool like that in my opinion! Would be neat if it happened to me too, but oh well.”

Sunset couldn’t help but giggle. “Thanks Dash. Th-this means a lot to me. Sorry for yelling…”

Rainbow smiled. “Don’t worry about it.”


Twilight ignored the stares as she boarded one of the city busses to get to Sunset’s place. All eyes were fixed on her, and her awkward appearance. She had been used to stares from much larger crowds, so this was child’s play compared to that. The bus driver gaze an unbelieving stare as she paid her fare. Just a regular mare hoping to get from here to there.

She took her seat, in the front most spot, as the bus parted from the curb. The whole while, she had been asking herself why the portal was causing such problems, and was curious as to why she hadn’t turned fully into a human. She didn’t mind what the portal had turned her into, since she was more concerned about Sunset Shimmer.

Luckily the bus would pass right by her house along its route, so Twilight could just tell the driver to stop. It was a long ride for the bus to go down that very road. Being her first time on a bus, she was slightly scared such a huge vehicle wouldn’t be able to make the turns and avoid hitting other cars.

“Hey, I need to get off here” said Twilight to the bus driver as soon as Sunset Shimmer’s house came into view.

The bus driver gave a nervous nod, pulling the several ton vehicle to a stop at the curb just down the road. Twilight grabbed her bag and unboarded the bus. As she was walking down the sidewalk, Rainbow Dash came into view.

“Sunset, you’re not cooping up in there all day! I know you’re upset, but I won’t allow it, now get out here!” Rainbow yelled towards the house.

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight called out, quickening her pace.

Rainbow turned her head, smiling and about to wave. “Twilight?” Rainbow tilted her head.

“Yeah, it’s me” she smiled as she neared. Rainbow groaned.

“Man, why does it seem like everyone else is turning into awesome ponies but me!?” Rainbow huffed with crossed arms as Sunset came into view.

Sunset rolled her eyes. “It’s only me who changed, you silly filly.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes back. “Then how do you explain this!?” Rainbow gestured to Twilight as she came up to the house.

Sunset gasped and threw herself into Twilight, wrapping her arms around her. “Twilight! You’re here!”

“Not...for much...longer...if...I can’t...breath,” said Twilight gasping for air.

“Oh, sorry! I’m just happy to know you’re here.” Sunset removed herself, blushing.

Twilight giggled a little. “Now then, how about we try to figure out what’s causing this, and change you back?”

“I would really like that, but let’s go inside.” Sunset looked down. “I didn’t have the best experience when I was out and about last. Like this…”

“Of course!” Twilight smiled.

Rainbow tapped Twilight on the shoulder. “Hey, if you can change her back, maybe you can change me into that?” Rainbow asked, blushing slightly from such an odd request.

Twilight sighed. “I don’t think that would be a great idea, with how Sunset Shimmer is making it seem like.”

Rainbow face palmed. “That’s because she’s thinking negatively about it! Come on, please!? I wanna have wings permanently!” Rainbow pleaded. “Please?”

Twilight gave a groan of slight frustration. “Fine. If I find a way, I will, but if it ends up not being what you want, don’t say I didn’t tell you so. Now come on.”

“Yess!” Rainbow fist pumped as she followed Twilight inside.

Sunset took a seat in the armchair, while Rainbow and Twilight sat on the couch. All had been silent for a short time while Sunset stared at her hands, and the thin fur that covered them. She wanted so badly to just turn back, knowing it probably won’t happen. Twilight was confused as well as to why she was a humanoid alicorn, while Rainbow was jealous she wasn’t one. She wore a slightly irritated expression with her arms crossed over her chest.

The smell of lavender that emanated from Twilight’s coat had eventually filled the room with its smell. The only things to be heard were the sounds of breathing and the ambience of the grandfather clock, located by the door. After the first minute or two after entering the home, Twilight cleared her throat to speak.

“So, this began yesterday, right? The whole turning into a pony thing?”

Sunset nodded. “I don’t think any other changes are going to happen. I’ve been this way for a few hours now without anything else changing.”

“And you had gotten electrocuted when you put your hand in the portal?”

Sunset nodded again.

“Hmm,” Thought Twilight. “Maybe the portal is taking in too much magical use or something. Also, when I went through the portal to get here, the end of my mane got fried.” Twilight showed Sunset her blackened mane with a slight frown.

“That could be it,” Sunset agreed. “And sorry about your mane.”

Twilight gave a dismissive wave of her hand. “It’s alright. I’ll probably do some magic level tests on the portal, and how much of the lingering magic there is here, and is being used.”

Rainbow put her hand up. “Can I say something?”

“Yeah, go ahead,” said sunset.

“So, if all the magic we’ve used since Twilight came here, did that all just come out of nowhere, or did it come from Equestria? I mean all that magic had to of come from somewhere! So, maybe that’s putting a strain on the portal, since it’s the gateway from here to there. Maybe that’s what’s doing it,” shrugged Rainbow.

Twilight nodded in agreement. “You seem to be onto something, Rainbow Dash!” Twilight grinned as the door opened, and Pinkie walked in.

“AAAANNDD!” Pinkie began as the rest of the girls walked in. “Now that the magic is here, and so much of it, makes it think it’s still in Equestria! And the magic in Equestria is what makes Equestria...Equestria! You and Sunny are the only two here from Equestria, which in turn with the magic, are transforming to your original equine bodies!” Pinkie smiled wide with her hands behind her back, while Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight Sparkle all stared with dropped jaws. “Smart, ain’t I!?”

“You’re right…” said Twilight. “I mean, you’re never wrong, so, you must be right.”

“Well, at least we know what’s happening to me. But, what’s keeping me from changing any further?” Sunset asked curiously.


Pinkie closed the curtains to the windows, and brought one of the lamps te the floor in the center of the living room, and flipped it on.

“You see, your body is also under the influence of this world, which used magic to turn you into a human,” said Pinkie who made a shadow puppet of Sunset Shimmer with a hand. “So, if you mix the human transformation, and pony transformation magic.” Pinkie made a pony shadow puppet of Sunset with the other hand. “And when you mix those two together, you get what humans in an alternate world who are probably watching us right now, call an anthro, or furry!” Pinkie then pushed her hands together, making a human pony mix. “Get it?”

Pinkie turned around to the audience of six girls, watching her immensely with her hands stuck together, her fingers all tied up in ways never thought possible. Sunset gave out a sigh, leaning back further into her chair.

“Yeah, I get it. Would be nice if it never happened in the first place. I can’t even leave the house any more…” Sunset muttered, bringing her knees to her chest. “I’m gonna be stuck in here my whole life!”

“Sunset,” Twilight began. “Don’t think like that, okay? I just got a bunch of stares on my way here is all!” She chuckled slightly. “I mean, Flash Sentry saw me, and we were both blushing up a storm!”

“That’s because Flash is into you, and wants to be with you. I bet everybody on the internet knows about me, since Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were recording me on their phones,” said Sunset with another sigh.

“Wait a sec!” Rainbow blurted, taking out her phone. “Let me check something!”

With a few bleep bloops, taps and screen swipes, Rainbow handed her phone to Sunset, as the rest of the girls grouped up to see. Sunset took the phone in her hand and a gasp pierced her lips at what she saw.

“What kind of costume even is that?” Diamond asked in a hushed whisper as Sunset and the rest of the girls came walking down the street. The phone turned to the left to get a view of Silver Spoon giggling up a storm as she took her own phone out.

“I don’t know, but it’s freaky” laughed Silver Spoon. Diamond Tiara turned the phone back to see Sunset and the girls. “Wait...is that Sunset Shimmer?”

They could make out the general idea of who the girls were, but at such a distance, they couldn’t tell who the other person was, especially with a ‘freaky’ costume on.

Diamond leaned forward to get a better look as the girls neared, with winced eyes.

“I’m gonna take a picture!” Silver Spoon gave a devilish, sly smile as the girls neared, somehow not taking notice to them yet. “Juuuuusssst wait for it.”

The two mischievous girls saw Pinkie was petting what looked like fur on Sunset’s arm, which only made them giggle a little more. Diamond zoomed her camera in while recording to get a better look.

“Here we seem to have what looks like Sunset Shimmer turning into a sasquatch!” Diamond stated, fighting back a laugh.

As the girls came closer, Silver Spoon set the camera to flash to hopefully give her a spook.

Closer they came, closer and closer. As soon as Silver Spoon felt they were in range, she lifted her phone up, and snapped a photo, while Diamond’s phone caught Sunset’s reaction, which ended up with her taking refuge in Vinyl’s record shop.

“Wait, how many views does this have?” Sunset asked. She noticed Rainbow had the video on fullscreen so, she minimized it, to see it already had, “Over two thousand already!? Either people are watching this over and over, or everybody in town knows already! I…” Sunset gave Rainbo her phone back with a small sniff,a s a tear streamed down her right cheek.

She quickly got up and ran to her room, shutting and locking the door behind her.

Applejack sighed, where she leaned against the wall near the front door. “Poor Sunset.”

It wasn’t too much longer before a soft cry was heard coming from Sunset’s room.

Twilight got up from the chair and made her way down the hall to Sunset’s door. “Sunset, are you okay in there?

“Leave me alone” muttered Sunset. “I’m never leaving this house again!”

“Rainbow, what are the comments on that video?” Twilight asked, returning to the living room.

“I’ll look.” Rainbow replied. She scrolled along the screen, reading various comments. She came to find most of them had been positive, defending Sunset against Diamond’s cruel ways, thus most of the votes on her video were downvotes. It was seldom seen that there were comments agreeing Sunset was a freak, but about nine out of ten commenters felt bad for her. “Hey, Sunset!” Rainbow called.

Sunset groaned, throwing the covers off, and drying her tears, which was a bit difficult since the fur on her cheeks were soaked and matted down with them. With a sigh, she got up and walked over to her door, just about to open it as Rainbow came it.

“What do you want? Nothing is gonna make me-”

“Just look at this.” Rainbow interrupted. Sunset rolled her eyes and took the phone.

“This has to be a joke. Nobody would actually like me like this…” she gave the phone back and sat on her bed.

“How about this?” Rainbow dialed a few numbers into her phone. After a few rings, the phone was answered. “Oh, hey, Lyra! I just wanted to ask you something!”

“Yeah, what is it, Dashie? Talk quick, I’m trying to watch this video I heard about Sunset Shimmer turning into a sasquatch!”

Rainbow facepalmed. “She didn’t turn into a sasquatch. She turned into a humanoid pony, okay?”

“Really!? That is so cool! Only if that were to happen to me…” Lyra muttered.

“I totally agree! I’m so jealous! Well, not much, but still!”

Lyra smiled. “Well, tell Sunset I say hi!”

Rainbow nodded. “Sunset, Lyra says hi.”

Sunset looked confused for a few seconds. “Sure. Tell her I say hi back.”

“Sunset says hi.”

“Alright. and maybe we’ll turn into ponies too!”

“That would be so cool! Twilight said if she can, she’ll try to turn me into a pony!”

“Oh, Dashie, I hate you! Tell her to turn me as well! I-if she can.”

Rainbow nodded again. “I’ll see.”

“Lyra, who are you talking to?” Came another voice from Lyra’s end.

“Oh, hi, Mom! It’s Rainbow Dash! We’re talking about Sunset Shimmer!” Lyra replied excitedly. “Sorry, Dashie, I gotta go! Bye!”

Beep! Was the sound that had indicated Lyra had hung up, and thus, rainbow reposited her phone back into her pocket.

“See, Sunset? People didn’t hate you, so I don’t see what you’re getting all upset about.” Rainbow shrugged.

“Lyra loves ponies, so I think it would be understandable for her to be the only one besides you guys to care!” Sunset snapped, with a roll of her eyes, crossing her arms.

“Sugarcube,” said Applejack with a hand on Sunset’s shoulder. “You saw the comments yerself, an that the larger majority of people who saw, were defending you. And that larger majority kind of out-weighed the haters by like….”

“Ten thousand, four hundred and twenty seven to aboouuuttt eight hundred and sixty four. The other three hundred and nine people haven’t seen it yet.” Pinkie smiled. “It’s like I told Sunny. I know everything!”

“What color are the underwear I’m wearing?” Rainbow asked with a flat expression.

“Cyan of course!”

Rainbow facepalmed. “Pinkie, I’m really starting to consider the act that-”

“That I’m really a secret spy working for some spooky cool government, where they make miniscule cameras that I put in all your houses to watch you guys from?”

Rainbow sighed. “Yes, Pinkie.”

“Well, in that case, I don’t” shrugged Pinkie.

“That’s not important right now, anyway.” Rainbow deadpanned.

Sunset let out a heavy sigh. “Yeah I think I’d like it if everybody would tke their colored spy underwear business out of my room.”

“An’ we’d like it if ya came to play with us at the mall.”

Sunset gazed down to the floor. “I can’t…”

“Sunny, darling, if I may say something” Rarity began where she stood against the wall by the door. “We all know how Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon can be a couple of trouble makers, so I think you should give the outside world another try, since it’s no surprise they’d pick on you.”

“What’s up with this new nickname all of a sudden?” Sunset asked. “Not that it’s a bad thing, it just came out of nowhere” said sunset with gestures of her hands to go along with what she was saying.

“Well, I heard Pinkie call you Sunny a few times, so I thought I would try it!” Rarity blushed.

“Alright. Also, Can I wear a hoodie? If I don’t feel too comfortable I can just put the hood up.”

Rainbow smirked. “What about your horn?”

“What abou- oh, yeah...can’t hide that. Or the tail...or hooves.” Sunset sighed. “But yeah, I’ll try again...if it makes you guys happy.” Sunset muttered, deciding it was futile to prolong the inevitable.

Twilight spoke up. “Before we go, we need to know how long I’m going to be here since I have dutie back in Equestria and all, and can’t be gone too long, and how long it’s going to fix this whole situation. Also, when is this thing at the, mall supposed to happen exactly?”

“A week from now,” answered Sunset. “Maybe have this fixed at least before then?”

“Oh...because I can just feel how much magic there is, as if I’m still in Equestria, where there’s been a lot of shortages, where someponies just can’t use magic anymore. Like whole towns! So, the more magic that is used here, sucks it out of Equestria from what I see.” Twilight stated. “To shove all that magic back into the portal will take quite some time.”

Sunset sighed, gazing at the floor. “Guess I won’t be going, then,” she shrugged where she sat at the edge of her bed.

The rest of the girls sighed as well.

“I’m sorry, Sunset,” said Twilight. “I don’t think it can be done in a week. Plus I would have to find away to get it all back through the portal.”

“I know.” Sunset muttered.

“Then none of us are goin” said Applejack.

Fluttershy nodded. “We’re not Rainbooms if we aren’t all together” said Fluttershy, twirling her hair with a finger. “It just wouldn’t be the same without you.”

The rest of the girls nodded with Fluttershy.

Rarity kneeled down in front of Sunset. “You gotta realize, darling, that we’re here for you. Just like everyone else. Remember Vinyl? She didn’t care what you were. She saw you were hurt, and helped you up again. Nobody hates you, Sunset. Yes you’ve done wrong in the past, but that was then, and now, you’re one of the most popular girls in the school!” Rarity smiled. “I’ve even seen a few guys checking you out.”

Sunset blushed. “Stop it! You’re making me blush! Besides, who’d look at me like that anymore, like this? I’m half horse, okay!”

Twilight stood up from where she sat next to Sunset. “Well, so am I, but I’m not letting it get in the way of me helping you, and you should do the same for your friends. Do you know why?”


Twilight winked to the other girls, sending them telepathic messages using very little magic. They nodded and stood in front of Sunset, linking their arms together. “Because…” Twilight smiled, reaching a hand out to Sunset, and in unison they sang “We’re here to sing our song out loud! Get you dancing with the crowd! And together, we will never be afraid of the dark!”

Sunset took a second to comprehend what they were doing, and as she did, a smile formed upon her cheeks. As the girls sang, she took Twilight’s hand.

“We got the music in our hearts! We’re going to blow this thing apart! And together, we will never be afraid of the dark!”

Author's Note:

I feel like I got the lyrics switched around when they sang ;~; I looked it up. I DID mix them up. ALSO, I've got quite the plot twist in store for you guys :D you'll have to read to find out as more chapters come

Comments ( 58 )

oh my, new chapter

So sweet.


Do what you want. I can guarantee it won't be the worst I've proof read.

So magic is a finite resource? Wouldn't it make more sense if magic was created, like part of a pony's natural metabolic process? And then used by enchantments and spells? I mean, magic is a form of energy after all.

6754857 you saying i suck at writing?


I always thought magic was like gravity. The more mass, the more gravity. The more living organisms, the more magic.

I also tend to think of it as a field, like gravity. Ones ability to use magic is how well they can manipulate and channel the energy, and the amount of magic is how much they can store.


Nah m8

But then again, you have me for a reason :3

6755054 but by that logic, there'd already be magic present in the EQG world, which there wasn't until the first movie. Additionally, it seems like you take inspiration from the Force.

6754968 exactly this pulling magic from Equestria turned me off.

6755746 feels like an unneeded aspect. You had enough with Sunset and Twilight half pony.

6755837 there needed to be a reason for their transformations

6755176 one thing, its kind of hard to create without magic. there was no gaic in the human world at first, and each time magic is used, more is pulled from equestria

6755850 Damage from the battle and the repairs makes enough sense. Twilight was likely lucky nothing happened when she came through in Friendship Games. I just don't like this idea at all.

6755856 except we know that doesn't happen. Not once in canon did the mane 6 feel any magic loss when their human selves ponied up.


I have no idea what a gaic is, and apparently neither does google.

its kind of hard to create without magic

Create what, exactly? more magic? Even if Earth has no real way of producing magic yet, that shouldn't be causing problems in Equestria where magic can be created, and properly stored, at will. Magic is not air or water, it is energy, and spells/enchantments expends magic to enact a change (frogs into oranges for example). So if magic is expended in spells, then it must be recreated at some point, hence why Equestria shouldn't be suffering any real side effects. Let alone whole towns being without magic. Besides, Twilight didn't seem all too concerned about said towns being without magic, she was just kinda clinical about it.


Exactly, Equestria Girls kinda breaks my theory. I need to find a fix.

Also, the force? As in the thing from Star Wars? I've only seen episode 7 m8

6755952 magic without magic. Man i just woke up. my rain is too weak for all this complication XD

Rainbow face palmed. “That’s because she’s thinking negatively about it! Come on, please!? I wanna have wings permanently!” Rainbow pleaded. “Please?”

:eeyup: That's our Rainbow... :pinkiecrazy:
Nice work.

Loved the update! I look forward to the next and especially when Principal Celestia is told about Sunset's condition. :twilightsmile: Hope you have a wonderful Holiday!

6756626 thanks :D It will definitely happen next chapter

Come on - it's fanfiction.You're not tied by age restriction.
Yes, this is EqG but this doesn't mean you can't call Men in black/SCP foundation? Where is something like that?
At moments like this I think I could walk with thermonuclear bomb in the streets of the city and everybody would just stare at me.At least in the universe of that story.

6769249 was this message for somebody?

6769261 Actually, it was for You, Author. But I, as always, forgot to adress the message.
I hope you,at least,understood me.

I am patiently waiting for the next chapter. I just hope you haven't canceled this story because I really enjoy it.

6845488 I havent cacelled it. The next chapter is just proving to be a a challenge to write to get it to work out correctly

I can live with that.

This is really interesting! Waiting for the next chapter :twilightsmile:

6882615 next chapter is going to be a while. Im trying to figure a way to get a certain thing to work out right which is proving to be a challenge.

Lot of small problems all over this story:applejackunsure:. Past present and future tense issues, plot holes and pacing, and the characterization feels way off. You could use an editor and proofreader. The premise is interesting though, if a bit weird.:twilightsmile:

6928090 and whats the plot hole? I've heard it many times yet i see nothing

6928161 an editor or a proofreader? A proofreader corrects typos and misspellings. An editor corrects wording, pacing, and plot issues.

I can see you having a proofreader. I only remember finding one or two typos mostly "he" being used instead of she or her.

But some of the wording and tense usage is really off. Like talking in both past and present tense at the same time. I can go more in depth when I get off work and I can message about the plot holes as I reread it later.

I'm not an editor though just noticed things here and there that felt off as a reader.

6928195 i know the difference between editor and proofreader :D

A great story! It's so good that it would be a travesty to allow it to be ruined by spelling and grammar mistakes. Here's some of the big ones I noticed,

Chapter 1:

It has now been a full month since the incident during the friendship games, as well as the battle between me and your Twilight counterpart, and things have gone back to normal.

"your Twilight counterpart"? Aren't they both Twilight? That gets me thinking: Where is that other Twilight during all this, anyway? Shouldn't she be here, too?

and you wouldn’t of met your versions

"Wouldn't have".

The thought of returning home reocurred in her mind many times


“Applejack took a slice eyeing it scepticaly.


Chapter 2:

To be outcasted for the freak she was


if you hadn’t of been banished,

Delete the "of".

when I my hand through the portal.

missing a word between "I" and "hand"

with a tone of sympatheticness,


The bus driver gaze an unbelieving stare as she paid her fare. Just a regular mare hoping to get from here to there.

I see what you did there.:rainbowwild:

I thinking if you make a villain in this story like how he be preison and mess the portal and to creast his own kingdom. his name be king dramka the king of anthro kingdom

Comment posted by Sputniik deleted Dec 4th, 2018

7080646 Sadly I forgot the password to my account so I have to use this...my back up.

Aw, dang, I hope you remember soon :fluttershyouch:

7120372 i wont. i tried for a month so i gave up.

Comment posted by Sputniik deleted Dec 4th, 2018

7122135 None of those will work for me and how would that last resort thing even work???

Comment posted by Sputniik deleted Dec 4th, 2018


7378580 Yes, and I was simplifying. Thank you for being better informed than...entirely too many of the pony artists I see drawing anthro.

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