• Published 24th Aug 2015
  • 3,841 Views, 76 Comments

The Surgeon of Death - Mountainmanmad

Trafalgar Law finds himself lost on a continent he's never heard of inhabited by small equine beings. All things considered, he's taking the situation rather well.

  • ...

Chapter 2 - Ope Ope no Mi

Author's Note:

A bit of a warning to those who follow One Piece. I'll be bringing up information regarding Law's life and his trials as a child. Possible spoilers ahead if you don't keep up to date with the manga.

The child put his ear up against the chest, frowning as he strained to hear through the wooden surface. Despite all the reassurance he received, he didn't see how his friend could come out unscathed. He listened as the two adults outside talked, the argument getting tenser by the second. His eyes widened at certain revelations, the ones outside just as surprised as him.

Soon the pressure grew to be too much, and it was released violently. A gun shot filled the silence. The child winced at the sound of a body collapsing upon the chest. Tears began to fill his eyes as he realized what had happened.

He was gone...


Law shot up from from the ground, his hand clutching his sword. Nearby Dopple screeched, frightened by the sudden yell. She herself was breathing heavily as she looked over the dead fire to Law. He was sweating profusely, panting as he looked around the forest clearing. The sudden movement caused him pain, and he clutched his chest with a free hand.

Dopple hurriedly got up and moved beside him, rubbing her hoof against his back in an effort to comfort him. "Hey, it's alright, it was just a bad dream. You should lay back down, you're not fully healed yet."

Law closed his eyes as he tried to calm himself, not bothering to push the changeling away. He breathed deeply, steadying his nerves. He turned his head to look at Dopple, his face once more a mask of indifference. "I'm fine, you don't need to fawn over me like I'm some helpless child."

Dopple puffed up her cheeks in indignation, removing her hoof. "Considering the state I found you in, I feel responsible for your safety. Besides, from what you told me you're lost in a land you know nothing about." She gave him a smug grin, "Face it, you need me right now."

Law could only stare into the creature's eyes in agitation, his right eyelid beginning to twitch. Law knew she was right, and that made it all the worse for him. He couldn't afford to push her away until he knew where he was exactly.

Dopple's grin widened with the silence, noticing the annoyance on Law's face. "Yep, you're stuck with me until further notice, and until then I need you to rest."

She placed a hoof on his chest and tried to gently push him down. She backed away when Law gave a grunt of pain, her ears folding. "Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you!"

Law grit his teeth as he placed his palm on his chest. "It's fine, I need to operate on myself anyway."

Dopple's eyes widened at the words. "O-Operate!? Why do you need to operate? Do you even know what you're doing? Do you even have tools for that!?"

She shut her mouth as Law shot her a glare. "I'm a doctor, I know what I'm doing, and besides, I don't need tools. What I do need, however, is for you to be quiet so I can concentrate."

Dopple sat on her haunches and nodded, keeping her mouth shut.

With the promise of silence, Law went to work on his body. He closed his eyes and focused on his devil fruit powers. A small blue sphere grew outwards from his palm, encompassing his upper body. He heard a small gasp from Dopple, but ignored her.


Law grunted in pain as he removed the bullets from his body. He praised his luck when he discovered that the final shot had missed his heart by mere centimeters. By the time he was done he was clutching several lead bullets. He scowled at the bullets before tossing them off to the side, leaving them discarded in the grass. He was thankful to not have died by the ammo. No doubt Doflamingo wanted to kill him with lead simply out of spite.

The irony certainly wasn't lost on Law.

He turned his head to Dopple, noticing the amazed expression on her face. Realizing that Law was staring at her, Dopple quickly recomposed herself as best she could. "Wh-What was that!? How did you do that? was that some kind of magic?"

Law went through several emotional phases in a span of seconds. First he was annoyed by the questions. Then he was confused as he considered their meaning. Last, he felt a cold trill of fear run down his spine as he looked over what he had previously thought to be a Zoan devil fruit user. Surely she wasn't born the way she was now, right? He'd heard of mythical creatures before, but she looked like something out of a nightmare.

Law shook his head, clearing his thoughts. Now was as good a time as any to ask her questions. Might as well start by answering hers, "That was the power of my devil fruit. I ate the Ope Ope no Mi, allowing me to control anything within my sphere of influence. Whether or not if it's magic, matters little to me."

Dopple tilted her head, thinking on what Law told her. She had never heard of a devil fruit before, she didn't even know what a devil was to begin with. "Hey Law, what's a devil fruit?"

Law's heart stopped for a moment as he gazed at Dopple. He noticed genuine confusion on her face and he felt his brow begin to sweat. "... A devil fruit is a fruit that, when eaten, gives the consumer powers."

Dopple smiled as she thought about that. "Powers? Like super powers!? That's what you have, right? So, does that make you a super stallion!?"

Law's eyelid began to twitch again at the sudden onslaught of questions. The sexual innuendo at the end did not help his mood. He let out an insufferable sigh as he stood up from the ground, stretching to relieve his stiff body from all its kinks.

Dopple gazed up at Law in amazement, having to crane her neck to look up at him. only her horn managed to reach past his waist.

“Wow, you’re a tall one!” Dopple exclaimed with glee.

Law gazed back down at the Changeling, smirking. “Are you sure you’re not just short?”

Dopple scoffed at the notion and rolled her eyes. She suddenly remembered a question she had been meaning to ask Law since last night.

“Hey, Law? I was wondering, what are you?”

The question raised some red flags in Law’s mind. He countered the question with one of his own, “What do you mean?”

Dopple tilted her head in thought. “Well, last night you asked me what I was. I’m a Changeling, but I don’t know what you are!”

Sweat once more began to form along Law’s hairline as he took in the question, and all the implications that came with it.

“Well… I’m a human.”

Dopple smiled in excitement, alleviating some of Law’s worries.

“I've never heard of a human before!”

And just like that all hope immediately plummeted. Law’s stomach tightened as his trepidation rapidly grew. He needed to be absolutely sure of his situation though before he made any irrational decisions.

“Dopple, have you ever heard of the Grand Line?”


“What about the World Government?”

“There's a government for the world!?”

That morning Law swore an oath to break every bone in Doflamingo’s body.

Dopple watched Law in concern as she sensed his ever growing rage. Even if she didn't have the ability to sense emotions, anyone could see the aneurysm on his forehead.

She had never heard of the locations Law had mentioned, but he seemed so convinced they existed. He was obviously lost, and much worse than Dopple had originally believed. Now she was in a real bind. Should she delay her mission even further to help Law, or leave him to his own devices? She couldn't just travel with the human, she had a responsibility to her hive!

Well... What if she dropped him off at her hive? The other changelings could help him and she would be free to start her mission.

Dopple smiled at Law as he forced himself to calm down.

"I've come to a decision, Law. I'm going to help you! I'll take you back to my hive, I'm sure one of the scholars there know about the locations you're talking about!"

Law grimaced as he looked down at the changeling. While the idea itself was fine, he wasn't so inclined to travel with the mare.

"Thank you, but all you need to do is point me in the right direction and I can head there myself."

Dopple shook her head, smiling. "Nope, I'm coming with you! I still feel responsible for your safety!"

Law glared at the bug, hoping he could scare her off. All it did, however, was cause her to giggle.

"That's not gonna work! I know you won't hurt me for two reasons. One, you're too nice, and two, you actually need me to vouch for you to get into the city."

Law let out a sigh of annoyance, beginning to understand his position. "Fine. Let's head out now then, the sooner we get there the better."

Dopple squealed in excitement as she began running east into the forest. "This is so exciting! It's like an adventure within an adventure!"

Law realized why he found the bug to be annoying, she reminded him of Straw Hat and his antics.

"Oi, slow down!"

Hours later and the strange duo continued to traverse the large forest. Law found himself growing irritable while Dopple managed to remain in good spirit. Over the past several hours Dopple had not remained silent for more then ten minutes. Question after question was tossed Law's way, and only the reminder that he needed the changeling later helped stay his hand from taking action.

It was during one of these Q&A's when Law sensed the presence of multiple beings surrounding them. Law stopped and scanned the trees, his eyes narrowed.

Dopple noticed law had stopped, and was scanning the trees with narrowed eyes. She hurried to his side and asked him, "Hey, something the matter?"

"We're being followed," Law responded simply, drawing his sword as he did so, holding the blade in his right hand while he held its sheath in the other.

Dopple's eyes shifted between the surrounding woods and the large blade. Every time her eyes made contact with the weapon she felt a shiver of fear run through her body. There was something terribly wrong with Law's sword.

She was torn from her inner thoughts when Law spoke out, "I highly suggest you show yourself, else I end up killing an innocent."

Dopple found herself shivering once more, but for a different reason. The idea of death wasn't foreign to her, it wasn't to anyone. But, to speak so casually about taking a life. It sent chills down her spine.

The hidden individuals must have sensed the threat as much as she did. The bushes rustled and, much to Dopple's woe, several large Diamond Dogs appeared, five of them in all. Each of them were armed with crude spears.

Dopple looked between the Diamond Dogs and Law, concerned for her new human friend. One of them was bad enough, but with five here things weren't looking good for the swordsman and herself. She's heard the horror stories where Diamond Dogs capture ponies and any other species, forcing them to work in their mines as slaves.

She was just about to warn Law about the danger they were in when the lead dog started to speak.

"Look like us got bug pony and a... err... somethin," the leader tilted his head as he looked at Law in confusion, "don't matter. You still fit for mine. Make you pull cart or somethin."

Law, meanwhile, was still trying to get over the fact that a mutt was actually talking to him. His surprise turned to fury as the implication's of what it said hit him. Slavers, the lot of them. It reminded him of the poor kids in Caesar's lab, which in turn reminded him of what Doflamingo originally planned to use him for.

Beneath his calm exterior was a storm of rage. One he needed to release.

Law spoke in a dead voice, "So, you're planning on enslaving us then?"

Each of the dogs nodded dumbly.

Law gave them a cold smile. "In that case, I personally have no qualms killing you here and now."

The dogs looked to each other before bursting into a fit of laughter and howls, highly amused by Law's implication. Their laughter quickly died out at what happened next.


The five Diamond Dogs, as well as Dopple, watched as a blue sphere began to surrounded them. Using his opponents confusion to his advantage, Law went for the easy win. He slashed his sword horizontally, the group of dogs an easy target.

Dopple's jaw dropped in horror at what happened next. Immediately after Law slashed his sword, all of the heads of the Diamond Dogs popped off. Her horror only grew as each of the severed heads began screaming in fear.

Law controlled the bodies and heads with his powers, coordinating their movement with his hands.


The bodies of the Diamond Dogs immediately fell to the ground, pinned by some unknown force while the heads began flying towards a nearby tree. The heads of the Diamond Dogs made contact with the bark, and stuck to the surface like glue. Each of them were stacked upon another, forming a morbid pole.

Law lowered his hands as he walked over to still howling heads.

Dopple remained behind, still numb from what Law had done. In all her life, even as a changeling, she had never seen something so morbid. She fought to contain her bile as she looked between the prone bodies and the severed heads.

"Shut it."

The dogs immediately complied with the pirate's wishes. Each of them were crying, their eyes wide in horror as they looked between their lifeless bodies and the monster before them.

Law himself was unsure how to proceed. He needed to get back to Dressrosa as soon as possible, but the idea that these dogs kept slaves left a foul taste in his mouth. As much as he hated to admit it, the Straw Hat crew really changed his mind on some things.

"... Tell me which way your mine is and I'll let you live," Law stated sourly.

The lead dog would have nodded his head if he could have. "It north of here, near big tree! Tree is good landmark! Mine entrance in nearby hill! Please, don't kill me!"

Law didn't say another word as he retrieved his scabbard and began walking north. He glanced back at Dopple. "Dopple, we're taking a short detour, come on."

Dopple was ripped from her trance as Law called out to her, and she found herself hurrying after him. She kept her head low to avoid looking at the bodies. Once the dogs were out of sight she looked up and asked him, "Law... you're still going to let them live, right?"

Law glanced down at her before looking ahead once more. "Sure."

Still within the fringe of his Room, Law focused on the bodies of the dogs behind him. Without turning to look, he exchanged each of the heads with the insides of a tree.

Neither Law nor Dopple heard the dogs scream as they slowly suffocated to death.