• Published 24th Aug 2015
  • 3,842 Views, 76 Comments

The Surgeon of Death - Mountainmanmad

Trafalgar Law finds himself lost on a continent he's never heard of inhabited by small equine beings. All things considered, he's taking the situation rather well.

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Chapter 3 - The Lesser Evil

An hour of walking in silence could get to a person, but Law found it to be rather refreshing. Since the run-in with the Diamond Dogs, Dopple had remained surprisingly silent. Law would occasionally notice the changeling glance up at him as they walked, but would quickly look away when he made to meet her gaze. To his own surprise, he found the changeling's change in attitude towards him to be rather... distasteful.

Known throughout the Grand Line, Trafalgar Law was known for his great acts of cruelty. Those who crossed swords with him rarely left to tell of the encounter, and more often than not died in excruciating or unnatural ways. Law wouldn't let any obstacle, regardless of how big or small it was, stall him in chasing his goals.

And yet, despite all that, Trafalgar D. Water Law was not heartless.

If one were to look beneath his cold, calculating demeanor, they would find a man with great tolerance and a capacity for love. Indeed, Law had shown this side of him in the past, even if it was occasionally buried under his cynicism. On Punk Hazard, he helped to rescue the children from Caesar, even when it wouldn't benefit him. Later, when he and the Straw Hat's successfully did so, they were left wondering what they should do with them.

Law suggested, with a dead voice, that they should leave the kids to perish. They were going to die from the poison to begin with, and they would be too much of a burden otherwise.

While it was a logical solution to the problem, it was one that neither the Straw Hat's, nor himself, believed to be the right course of action. The children eventually ended up staying with the marines until they could be returned home safely. Even then, Law went one step further and cured them of the poison within their veins, even when he had no reason to do so.

Later, off the coast of Green Bit, Doflamingo almost killed half of the Straw Hat crew and destroyed their ship. In an act of great kindness, Law gave them the chance to escape while he remained behind to deal with both an Admiral and a Shichibukai. Doing so would eventually lead to where he was now, displaced in an unfamiliar land surrounded by unfamiliar creatures.

Which is why, as the silence between the two traveling companions grew, Law found himself growing increasingly upset. Tired of it, he broke the ice, "Dopple."

Dopple paused in her steps for a moment, before resuming once more. She responded to Law's voice, but she did not look his way, "Yes, Law?"

"You've been silent for quite a while now, is something bothering you?"

Dopple bit her lip as she thought on how to respond to the question, "... Yes, there is something bothering me."

Law grunted. "Does it have to do with how I handled the dogs?"


"I can assume you've never seen something so violent as that before?"

"... Yes."

Law sighed and stopped walking, motioning for Dopple to do the same. He walked over to a nearby tree and leaned his back against it, crossing his arms as he looked down at the bug. He needed to find a way to calm her about the situation, and for a number of reasons. He didn't want to travel with an individual that was afraid of him, as it could cause trouble further down the road. Furthermore, if Dopple was afraid of him, it could put him in a bad light when she brought him to her city.

Law thought for a few moments before speaking, "Do you want to talk about it?"

Dopple was silent for a few minutes as she sat on the ground across from Law. Her head was faced down, and her ears were drooped. Just when Law was about to break the silence once more, she finally spoke up, "Why did you kill them?"

Law raised an eyebrow in surprise. He knew for a fact that the dogs fates were obscured by the vegetation of the forest. Still, somehow Dopple knew, and lying now would only make things worse. "Because they were slavers, and deserved to die."

Dopple raised her head from the ground and Law saw tears running down her face. "N-No creature deserves to die, especially not in the way you did it! I could sense their fear as we walked away, only for the emotions to suddenly vanish one by one! I don't know exactly how they died, and I don't want to know!"

"Dopple... there are some beings in this world that no longer have the right to live. Once they forfeit that right, they are fair game to remove from this earth. Everyone will be much happier in the end with them gone."

Dopple was horrified as she looked back at Law. "How could you say such a thing! What about the families they had? Maybe they had children of their own! Maybe they-"

"Maybe they currently have children enslaved within their mine."

Dopple closed her mouth as Law cut her off. It was a like a slap across the face as her mind conjured images of terrified children, working in such harsh conditions. Law apparently had the same thoughts.

"Slavers and marauders such these are a blemish upon the lives of those who wish to live peacefully. Right now there are no doubt dozens, if not hundreds of innocents currently enslaved by these dogs, knowing nothing in life but the lash of the whip or the ache of tired muscles. What I plan on doing is freeing those individuals the only way I know how: killing the opposition. Do you really believe that such individuals as those dogs will allow me to walk into their encampment, and negotiate a deal with them? They would sooner attempt to enslave me as well."

Dopple closed her eyes and lowered her head in defeat. She felt like everything she had learned growing up had just been turned upon its head. Was it really necessary to kill in order to help others? Did some truly deserve to die? Dopple wasn't sure anymore, and it brought her no small amount of fear.

Law sighed and adjusted the sword on his shoulder, walking north once more. After a few more seconds thought, Dopple followed after him. She didn't quite feel safe around him still, but she now knew he wasn't the monster she thought he was. She was left with even more to think over when Law spoke his next few words.

"There are many different kinds of evil in this world, Dopple. I'm one of the lesser ones."

Another hour of walking and the two found themselves in a large open clearing. A giant oak tree was the centerpiece of it all, and it towered above everything else in the area. Law spun as he searched for the hill, finding it a little ways off to the side. It was an odd shape, and if one were to look closely, they would be able to tell it had been tampered with.

Law glanced at his nervous companion. "Dopple, you have wings, correct?"

Dopple looked at him oddly as she flexed her delicate appendages. Law nodded and pointed at the oak tree with a thumb. "I want you to fly up into that tree and remain there until I return. I'm going to be fighting in close quarters, and it's obvious you don't have any combat experience. If you were to come with me, you'd be more of a burden than an asset."

Dopple exhaled a shaky breath and nodded in understanding. It was true, she had no combat experience, and even if she did, she wouldn't want to witness what Law had planned for the dogs.

"Alright, just... stay safe, okay?"

A corner of Law's mouth twitched upwards into a smirk. "I'll be back in a bit."

Dopple nodded and took off into the air, flying upwards to land on a branch within the oak tree, allowing her to observe the ground below. With Dopple taken care of, Law began his march towards the hill, drawing his sword as he walked.

Spot hacked and spat out... something, as he stood guard in front of the entrance to his clan's home. Standing beside was Garble, another one of his clan mate's and current guard buddy. The two Diamond Dogs watched the forest before them with sharp eyes. Despite the boring job that had been placed upon them, they would still do it well for fear of angering their Alpha.

"Oi, what dat thing there?"

Spot looked in the direction Garble was pointing in and saw a strange, clothed, bipedal creature walking towards them. Once Spot got over the strange appearance, he realized the creature was armed with a large blade.

Spot growled and hefted his spear, Garble doing the same once he too realized the weapon it was carrying. The creature was unlike anything the two had ever seen before, and the aura it released caused their hackles to rise. Still, Spot would protect his clan, and he stepped forward to confront the being.

"Halt! What you want?"

The creature stopped a few feet before them, his blade still rested upon his shoulder. The creature didn't speak, and the two groups were drawn into a battle of silence. Just as Spot was ready to yell another order, it spoke, "I have a request to make, on behalf of an ally. Release all the slaves you own, and abandon the practice of slavery for good."

Spot heard Garble laughing behind him, and only through force of will did he manage to maintain his posture. "Oh? Who you to say such things?"

"Me? I'm your executioner."

Faster than Spot could react, the creature rushed forward and swung his sword. Spot's confusion grew as he saw the world begin to tilt, and then fall. Darkness consumed him before the pain could even reach his brain.

Garble looked on in horror as Spot's upper body fell sideways onto the ground. The dog's flesh had been cut cleanly through like a knife to butter. Bone and muscle crumpled before the might of the swing, and the sharpness of the blade. Spot's innards began to seep out of the massive wound, coating the ground in copious amounts of blood and gore.

It was the last image Garble would ever see.

Growl oversaw his underlings and slaves from his balcony as they worked the mine. Gems of all kind covered the wall, and it was the slaves job to extract them. While the slaves would extract and move the acquired gems, he would send his best diggers to clear out more tunnels. If the tunnel seemed to have a decent number of gems hidden within, they would go through the process of expanding it, and begin laying down tracks for the minecarts to travel on. After that, the slaves would begin to clear out that area as well, and the process would begin again.

Growl smirked as he watched an overseer whip a young pony. The mare was covered in blood, gashes and dirt, just like intended. Growl saw the creatures as nothing more than an untapped work force to be exploited. All they were good for was hard work. Well... Growl had to admit, some of the females were useful when satisfying his "base" requirements. He enjoyed the clan's bitches only so much before his tastes became exotic.

He was just about to retreat to his private quarters when he heard a scream come from below. He rushed back to the railing, and his eyes bugged out of his head at what he saw. On the level below was a strange bipedal creature, standing over the overseer he had just watched previously. The overseer in question was on the floor, missing his head.

Growl rubbed his eyes in confusion. The creature had seemingly appeared from nowhere. His assumptions seemed to have some weight as he noticed both his slaves and his clan's shocked expressions. Growl quickly composed himself as he made his way to the lower level. Along the way he began shouting out orders.

"Oi! Stupid dogs! Kill the intruder!"

The order seemed to do the trick, and armed dogs began to charge the individual, waving swords and spears in the air. The slaves that were closest to the strange creature struggled to flee from it, getting only as far as their chains would allow it. Growl's triumphant smirk turned to one of horror at what happened next. He swore, all he did was blink before the scene changed once more.

The first wave of dogs that charged the creature lay upon the floor, dead. Three casualties in total with a fourth slowly dying due to loss of blood. The next wave of dogs, seeing their brethren defeated, let out a cry of anger and rushed forward. The scene repeated itself, and a total of seven dogs lay dead at the swordsman's feet. Whatever rage that had grown within the dogs all but died out, many of them running in the opposite direction. Growl, having noticed the cowardice of his clan, began to grind his teeth in anger. This creature was, with a single paw, destroying his position as Alpha. The easiest way to get it back now would be kill the nuisance.

As Growl finally made it down the stairs to the lower level, he drew his own sword. Not wanting to make the mistake his clan made, he halted a few feet away from the swordsman. He called out a challenge to him, "Freak! I Alpha Growl, head of clan! Who are you to come and challenge me!?"

The creature turned his head towards Growl. The Alpha's anger grew as he took notice of the cocky smirk it had on its face.

"My name is Trafalgar Law. Remember it well... for the small amount of time you have left."

Growl snorted and fell into a battle stance. "I not afraid of you! I been Alpha for long time, and good reason too! I kill you now, and show rest of clan how strong I am!"

Law turned to face Growl, his smirk evaporating as his expression returned to its cold, uncaring base. He hoisted his sword upon his shoulder, leaving himself unguarded against the dog.

"If you're truly so strong, than come at me with everything you have," Law taunted.

Growl let loose a howl of rage as he charge at Law. The swordsman didn't even react as the Alpha descended upon him. Growl grinned as he drew closer, believing to have scared Law into submission. It was clear to him now, when faced with a real challenge the creature froze in fear. He noticed the rest of his clan had gathered in the open area, awaiting him to claim victory.

Growl made for a diagonal slash, planning on cutting through the weakling from top down, right to left. Law simply watched with cold eyes, not bothering to defend himself. Just before Growl struck the creature's left shoulder, Law moved.

Growl gripped his sword with both his paws, straining against the force that met him. His eyes were wide in amazement as he beheld how the creature before him blocked the attack.

Law blocked the attack with his left arm.

Law's skin was black as night, and Growl struggled both physically and mentally, wondering how this could have happened. How could a creature made of flesh and bone have blocked the strike of a sword!?

Law tsked and twisted his hand, grabbing onto the blade. "Even from a distance I could tell the blade was of poor quality. Looking at it up close, I doubt you've actually sharpened it once within the past six months. A pathetic weapon for a pathetic individual."

Law closed his fist and shattered the blade, rendering the weapon useless and broken beyond repair. Growl stumbled back from the force and stared at his shattered sword wide eyed. The slaves and Diamond Dogs around them were in much of the same state. Growl felt something grow within him, something he hadn't felt since he first became Alpha so long ago...

Law spoke up, letting his voice carry to those all around him, "I want you to know something before you die." Law opened his fist and let the splintered metal fall to the ground, "I wasn't even using my full power."

... unbridled fear.

Law stepped forward and unslung his sword, holding it in his hands once more. In a single fluid motion, and with a burst of speed, he flung himself at the paralyzed Alpha. Within a blink of the eye, he appeared behind the upright dog, knees bent and sword hugging the floor. Law slowly stood up and sheathed his blade, walking towards the remaining Diamond Dogs. Only when he passed the Alpha, did those present realize what the swordsman had done.

The dog had been vivisected, his body falling in two separate parts as they hit the ground with a smack. All present watched in horror as the Diamond Dog leader lay dead, his inside's visible for all to see.

Like any professional doctor, the cut was strait and clean.

"You dogs have two options. Either release the slaves, let them go, and I'll let you live or I kill all of you here, right now."

"Your choice."

Dopple squirmed upon her branch nervously, waiting for Law to emerge from the entrance of the mine. It had been almost two hours since he first entered, and in that time nothing had entered or left the cave. During that time she had gotten use to seeing the dead bodies of the dogs, but the initial shock had originally been too much for her.

The side of the tree was covered in green bile.

Dopple shook her head, trying to relax her mind and body. Law was a capable fighter, she was positive that he would come out unharmed. All she had to do was wait, and believe in him.

Ten minutes later and her waiting payed off.

She watched in relief as Law stepped from the entrance of the cave, looking exactly the same as he did when he entered. Her relief turned to surprise, followed by joy, as dozens of ponies, mares, stallions, and foals alike, followed after him. She noticed more than a few of them were giving Law uneasy looks, but a good number of them were smiling and crying tears of joy.

She jumped off her perch and glided down to the ground, calling out to the human, "Law, you're okay!"

All heads turned upwards at the voice. Law gave a single wave in response while most of the ponies looked at her in confusion. She did notice, however, a few of them looking at her in fear. She had hoped that none of the rescued slaves would care about her since they were free now, but a few of the ponies panicked cries quickly dashed her hope away.

"Keep it away!"

The rest of the ponies, not knowing what a changeling was, looked at those who screamed out in confusion. Many of them, however, realizing the words and fear of their fellow escapees, prepared to drive back the creature. They were halted when a cold voice sounded out above them.

"The first to attack her, is the first to die."

The freed slaves went silent and all opposition immediately died out.

Dopple landed on the ground, a good distance away from the group. She wasn't sure if she was hurt by the words screamed at her, horrified by the fact that Law would readily kill those he rescued, or touched that Law had actually spoken out in her defense. She was sick of all the mixed emotions at this point, and being a changeling only made it worse for her.

A mare yelled out from the crowd, "You don't understand, that thing is a changeling! They're vile creatures who prey on others!"

Law looked between the mare and Dopple, still sporting his blank slate of an expression. His eyes finally settled on the mare. "I'm aware that she is a changeling, however, I would refrain from insulting a... friend of mine."

Dopple, as well as the rest of the ponies, looked at Law in surprise. The mare went to argue once more, but a stallion standing next to her punched her shoulder and pulled her ear down to whisper in it. Whatever was said to the mare caused her face to pale. When she was released, she didn't make another sound.

A single stallion left the group and stood before Law, looking up at him with a tired smile. "While the others may be too afraid to even come near you, I want to thank you for what you've done today. I've been in those mines for over a decade, and I've seen both my wife, and my child, killed by those beasts. I'm more than happy to see those creatures got what was coming to them."

A few of the former slaves looked at the stallion in horror, while a few others nodded their heads in understanding. Dopple quickly realized a few things from what the pony had said. Law must have violently, and efficiently, killed all of the dogs within the mine. The ones who were pleased by this were most likely those enslaved by them the longest.

Law looked over the stallion in silence before he turned to Dopple. "How much farther are we from your hive?"

The question surprised her, as well as the stallion that addressed him, expecting some form of response. "W-Well, we were roughly eight hours away before we came here. Now it'll take around nine to ten hours."

Law let out a grunt of annoyance. "We've wasted enough time here, let's get moving. I have my own problems to attend to. If we move fast we can make up for lost ground."

Dopple looked between Law and the group of ponies. She didn't think it was right to just leave them out here, but with their numbers they should be fine. Dopple nodded and rushed ahead, leading Law deeper into the forest once more. He quickly followed after her, keeping up with her pace with a steady jog. The group of ponies they left behind waved and yelled their thanks to the swordsman, but they never got a response from him. Soon the odd couple were out of sight, once more concealed by the thick forest.