• Published 24th Aug 2015
  • 3,837 Views, 76 Comments

The Surgeon of Death - Mountainmanmad

Trafalgar Law finds himself lost on a continent he's never heard of inhabited by small equine beings. All things considered, he's taking the situation rather well.

  • ...

Chapter 5 - The Black Tower

Insects form colonies, usually creating tunnels that lead deep into the earth, or use existing locations as the foundation for an abode. Law expected to find some form of open hole in the ground as the entrance to Dopple's hive. What he saw upon cresting the next sand due left him bemused. Regardless, he still found his breath taken from him as he beheld the sight.

A single, black tower rose from the sand, piercing the sky.

Dopple looked at Law with no small amount of pride as she noticed his shocked expression. She returned her gaze to home and lifted a hoof, announcing their destination, "The Black Tower."

Any pride she held died when Law snorted at the unoriginal name. He smiled when he noticed Dopple's sour expression. Law chuckled and began to walk towards the large spire, Dopple close by his side.

"So," Law began, "Is that where you live exactly? How many floors is there to it?"

Dopple shook her head. "Actually, there aren't any floors to it. It's mostly a solid structure."

Law looked at her in confusion, and so she elaborated, "You see, we changelings have a city, but many consider it to be more of a colony. The spire is used as a landmark so wayward changelings know the way back home. It's useful for those who either aren't connected to the hivemind, or have little experience interacting with it. Underneath the spire is where all of the changelings live. Our 'city' is actually a multitude of tunnels which lead to different areas that serve a function. We have a meeting hall, sleeping hall, dinning hall, nursery, bathing area, and so on. There are tens of thousands of changelings present, so we need a system such as that to keep everyone together. All of the areas are set up, however, that if new space is needed, we can easily expand to accommodate greater numbers."

Law nodded and took note of what Dopple said. If the size of the place was as large as he imagined it to be, then he was not looking forward to the long walks from one point to another.

"Near the top of the city closest to the entrance of the hive, the base of the spire, is the barracks. There are always several guards stationed there to oversee the entrance and exit of changeling workers. With most of the guard there, it will allow them to quickly mobilize against any invading enemy forces. Furthermore, due to the single entryway, a decent size platoon of soldiers could easily defend it until more forces arrive."

As they drew closer Law could pick out one or two changelings that seemed to shimmer in the sunlight. He squinted his eyes to get a better look, and realized that the changelings were wearing black plated armor.

"At the next layer, the middle layer, we have most of the recreational areas as well as the sleeping areas for drones such as myself. This is where you and I will most likely be spending our time together unless we are needed further down the chain of command."

Law watched as a few changelings buzzed around the entrance to the tower. He saw a few of them point hooves in their direction, the soldier's eyes following their limbs. Some of the soldiers remained still while a few more rushed into the tower, no doubt in order to call for back up. Unfortunately, Dopple was unaware of this as she continued to educate Law on the layout of the changeling city.

"The lowest level is where most of our important areas are located. Down below you'll find the nursery, the labs, the bathing areas, and the Queens throne room. While the bathing area is open to everyone, it's located so far down because the natural warmth of the desert helps heat the water below. there's actually a natural spring there and plenty of space for most of the hive to enjoy themselves in their free time. Since it's usually considered impolite to walk directly into a lower level without reason, multiple side tunnels have been created which lead from the middle layer directly to the springs."

Dopple hummed to herself carefully, looking up at Law. "Well, that's more or less all the basics you should know regarding the city. Do you have any questions?"

Law nodded, still looking ahead. "I do. Does your hive have a feeding ground or a dungeon to house dangerous individuals?"

Dopple frowned at the question. "Well... yes, but it's a bit complicated. The feeding area is located on the middle layer as it's free to use by everyone, and the dungeon is on the upper layer, near the barracks. Why do you ask?"

Law pointed ahead of him. "Because I think I'm about to become either food for you hive, or thrown in prison."

Dopple followed Law's finger and her eyes dilated at what she saw. A small contingent of guards was approaching their position, a total of ten in all. Her fear grew when she noticed Law grip his sword a bit tighter. Dopple desperately hoped that everything would turn out all right in the end. The last thing she wanted was for a fight to break out.

It would make it a lot harder for Law to be welcomed into the city if he killed ten guards.

When the guard was several yards from their position, Law paused, allowing the changelings to approach. Realizing that the individual wasn't initiating a fight, the leader of the group gave orders to his troops. Law watched in silence as the guards surrounded them in a circle, cutting them off each and every way.

Dopple shivered nervously as the changelings lowered their spears, and she found herself hugging the human's leg. Law looked down at her unamused before returning to address the guards, "Is there anything we can help you with?"

The leader of the group, a sergeant most likely, stepped forward and confronted Law, "Yes, you can start by releasing the changeling mare that you're currently holding hostage."

Law raised an eyebrow and looked down, noticing Dopple had yet to remove herself from his leg. He looked back at the sergeant in amusement. "Are you sure it's her that's being held hostage?"

The sergeant glanced between the shaking changeling and the strange creature, unamused by the joke. "Yes, I do. I have never seen a creature like you before and as such I will assume the worst of the situation. Couple that with the fact that the mare seems terrified, I have reason to believe that you previously threatened her, and forced her into performing the charade."

Law let out a cold laugh, the sound causing everyone around to shiver. Law pried Dopple from his leg, eliciting a squeak from the startled creature. He held her in both hands, holding her out like a stuffed doll to the sergeant. "Here, you can have her. I don't know how much longer I can stand the chatterbox anyway."

The sergeant and the rest of the guards blinked in surprise. Dopple's jaw dropped at the statement and she pried herself from Law's grasp, flying up into his face. "Chatterbox!? I thought you liked talking to me, how could you say such a thing, do you even know what manners are, didn't last night mean anything to you, I thought we had a special connection going on, but no instead I've been demoted to 'chatterbox', well I'll have you know-"


The sergeant's shout ended Dopple's rant, and the changeling mare fell to the floor with a sheepish smile. The surrounding guards looked much less sure of themselves after the outburst, wondering if this creature was really a threat to begin with. The sergeant was convinced of the fact, for only a warrior would carry a sword, and the fact that it was so large told of its true strength. With the conclusion that the changeling mare was hardly a hostage of the creature, however, the sergeant was at a loss of what to do. He needed more information.

"Changeling, state your occupation."

Dopple stood up strait. "Dopple, infiltrator of the hive, current mission: Ponyville."

The sergeant blinked in surprise before he furrowed his brow in confusion. "An infiltrator? If so, what are you doing with this creature then? Your mission is important, and through you the hive can hope to survive. I hope you have a good reason for going against that."

Dopple nodded in excitement. "Actually, I do. Law here is lost, and he told me where he came from. The only thing is, I've never heard of the locations he's mentioned. So I thought I would bring him to the hive, and perhaps a scholar would know the direction of his home. Better yet, if we don't have any operatives out there, we could use Law as a compass to find this land, giving us additional areas to feed off of."

Before the sergeant could speak, Dopple cut him off, "In addition, if you haven't noticed, none of us are transformed and Law has no fear or bias against us. If the rest of his people are like that then maybe we could actually start relationships with a species that will accept us for who we are!"

Law blinked in surprise at the conclusion while all the guards had dropped their jaws. The sergeant made to speak, but he was cut off once more, from a private no less, "'Accept us for who we are?' Just how delusional are you? Do you really think the-"


The private shut his mouth and stood at attention, nervously looking ahead to escape meeting his sergeant's gaze. The sergeant huffed and looked between Dopple and Law. Despite the insubordination, his private did have a point. He doubted any creature could love them for what they are, regardless of the species. Of course, he could always just ask the being himself.

"Creature, I-"

Law cut him off, "My name is Trafalgar Law. Please refer to me as Law."

The sergeant closed his eyes and took in a shaky breath. When he had calmed down, he spoke once more through gritted teeth, "Law, while a single voice has little to say in the matter, do you believe others of your species could accept us for what, and who, we are?"

Law had to think on the question. While it might help him now to lie and say yes, it could come back to bite him later. "... It depends on the individual. I personally can think of a few individuals who would be more than happy to call you friends, and just as many more who would shun you. There will no doubt be a large range of reactions should you reveal yourself. There will be some who will hunt you, some who will enslave you, and yet others who would go so far as to extend their love. I've seen stranger things then you changelings, and that goes for a good number of humans as well."

The sergeant thought on what Law said. If changelings could form actual relationships with others, the amount of love they could collect would reach all new highs. In addition, since the changeling would be free to engage in sexual activities, the amount would only continue to grow. Even if they made the occasional trip to deposit their love, they would always have a welcome home back with their mate.

It would be a dream come true.

The sergeant didn't have the authority to make such a decision on the spot, but if Law was truly the gateway to a better life, surely the higher ups would grant him amnesty? He closed his eyes and reached into his connection with the hive mind. He sent several signals through it, the destination reaching the one individual who could make such a decision.

Queen Chrysalis sat upon her throne, bored out of her mind. Her court was completely empty save for a few guards posted at the entryway. She was growing restless, and wished for something, anything exciting to happen. She would get her wish.

The doors to the throne room opened and a single changeling walked through. Chrysalis perked up as she saw the individual, recognizing him as the lead scientist of research and development. Not too long ago Chrysalis had asked the scientists to begin work on a little project of hers, one she hoped would yield success, and bring prosperity to her hive.

The changeling stood before his Queen and bowed to her, rising a few seconds later. "My Queen, I come to bring you some interesting finds we have discovered. We have experimented on the strange crystals as you asked, and we-"

He stopped when he noticed his Queen's posture: stiff and un-moving. The changeling stepped back a pace as the guards near the door rushed forward in worry. Several seconds of silence and the Queen blinked, snapping out of her trance. She shook her head and removed herself from her throne, making her way towards the doors. "I apologize, but I'm currently needed elsewhere. An emergency signal had just been sent out, and I'm required at the entrance to the hive. I'm still curious of the progress on the crystals, but continue your work and fill me in when this situation has been sorted out."

The scientist gave her retreating Queen a small bow. "Yes, Queen Chrysalis."

He remained bowed until the doors closed behind her.

Law and Dopple sat next to each other on the sandy ground near the entrance of the spire, waiting for permission to enter the city. When the sergeant had told them he had alerted Queen Chrysalis, Dopple had immediately began to hyperventilate while Law wondered if he would come to blows with her. Given his history, it certainly wasn't unlikely.

With the eventual presence of the Queen imminent, the guard attempted, politely, to disarm Law of his weapon. Several minutes in and they had yet to successfully do so.

"I told you, you can't be armed while in the presence of the Queen! Her safety comes before all else, and I am unsure of your skill with a blade. Hand it over before I have to forcibly remove it from you."

Law looked bored at the sergeants order. "If you try to take my sword from me, you'll die."

The sergeant's eye twitched in annoyance and he stepped forward. "Are you threatening a soldier of the Queen's army!?"

Law shed a brief smile. "No, I'm giving you a warning. If you take my weapon, you, or someone near you, will most likely die."

The sergeant growled and took another step forward. "And what exactly is that supposed to mean!? Do you honestly think I-"

"Is this the problem I was told about? Surely you don't need me to help you disarm a creature of its weapon, sergeant?"

The sergeant's eyes bugged out at the voice and he quickly spun around and bowed. "Q-Queen Chrysalis! I apologize, the individual known as Law has been most uncooperative!"

Chrysalis looked down at her soldier in amusement while several high ranking guards behind her frowned at the sergeant, unhappy he had been unable to ensure the Queen's safety.

Law stood up from the ground, Dopple rushing to beat him as she fell into a bow. When she noticed that Law was simply staring at her Queen instead of bowing, she hissed at him, "Law, bow already!"

Law glanced at Dopple before returning his gaze to the still amused Queen. "No."

Most of the surrounding changeling's jaws dropped at the blunt response. Chrysalis, however, found it more amusing than anything else, and began to laugh softly.

"Oh, I like you. Something tells me you're more of a free spirit, aren't you?"

Law smiled. "Something like that."

"Well, I can understand why my guards might have had a hard time with you then. We don't usually get visitors, and even if we do, they tend to be raiding parties from neighboring Diamond Dog clans."

Law nodded in understanding. "I had a run in with a Diamond Dog clan not too long ago. You might know of them, their mine was located beneath a large oak tree."

Chrysalis scowled in recognition. "Yes, I know of that particular clan. That clan is one of the more aggressive of the bunch. What's worse is that the Alpha has his dogs work as much as his slaves, using it for both productivity and as a means to grow stronger. I've lost many guards to his warriors."

Law shook his head. "I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm pleased to tell you that you won't be bothered by that clan in the future."

Chrysalis frowned in confusion as Dopple looked up at Law in alarm. Still, she didn't dare interrupt the conversation, knowing she could be punished much more severely than one who has earned the Queen's favor. She held her breath waiting for the inevitable announcement.

"And why won't they be a problem for us anymore? Were they wiped out by another clan?" Chrysalis asked.

Law smirked. "No, a clan didn't wipe them out. I heard they were holding slaves, and decided to investigate the matter. When I learned that they indeed used slave labor, I politely asked them to free the slaves and abandon the practice. They refused, so I killed them all."

The silence which followed was supplemented by the horror on each of the changelings faces. Only two had different reactions: Dopple and Chrysalis.

Chrysalis was stunned and horrified by such a claim, but she did not readily buy into it. To kill a patrol of dogs alone would be a feat in itself, but an entire clan? Someone only of Chrysalis' power could hope to accomplish such a feat, and the only reason she didn't was because she couldn't afford to be away from her hive too long. Worse yet, if she wiped out a clan, she could run the risk of uniting the other dogs to march against her.

Yet this being claims to have disposed of an entire clan on his own, and judging by the aura of confidence, she was almost inclined to believe him.


Chrysalis looked down at the changeling besides Law. If she had heard through the connection correctly, the creature had been accompanied by a changeling mare. Chrysalis addressed the mare directly, "infiltrator Dopple, were you with Law when he attacked the Diamond Dogs?" A nod from Dopple prompted Chrysalis to continue, "And can you confirm that Law had indeed disposed of the clan?"

Dopple looked back and forth between her Queen and human friend. She sighed and nodded once more. "Yes... Law killed the entire clan. I wasn't there with him in the mine, but I could sense the life forces of the dogs vanishing one by one."

Law spoke up, "After I killed their leader in a one on one duel, I offered them the option of surrendering. Some young idiot thought that would be the perfect chance to 'claim role of Alpha' as he put it. His dreams died with him."

Chrysalis bit her lip, considering her options. Before her was a being with as much strength as herself, and with less of an inhibition towards violence. From the hive mind, she had garnered that this creature could be the 'gateway to a better future', but after hearing such a story she wasn't so sure.

She looked to Dopple once more, relying on her advice. "Dopple, you have been with Law the longest, and from the sounds of it have experienced horrific things. Regardless, do you believe that Law is a threat to us?"

Dopple immediately shook her head. "Law might be a strong fighter, but I still trust him! He even shared some of his history with me last night and he's had the most tragic past I've ever heard! He was-"

Law's eye began twitching. "What happened to promising to keep that a secret!"

Dopple puffed her cheeks as she turned to Law. "I'm just telling her a little of your history so she knows you better."

"That's still breaking a promise you made!"

"Well excuse me for wanting to help you get home!"

"Why you insufferable little bug!"

"You're just jealous cause you know I'm right."

Chrysalis watched the two banter in amusement. While an answer to her question would have sufficed, the verbal argument was more than enough proof that the two shared some connection. When the argument seemed to begin to die off, she coughed, getting both her attention. Dopple turned to her Queen with a blush and Law snorted in amusement.

Queen Chrysalis stepped forward and extended her hoof.

"Trafalgar Law, welcome to the Changeling Hive."

Comments ( 18 )

And that was the day everything changed...

Luffy and most of his crew would love them only one who wouldn't would probably be Nami.

6712306 I actually think Zoro and Sanji would probably be ambivalent towards them.

6712321 Sanji would be cause they aren't beautiful women and yes I agreed about Zoro

6712282 When the fire nation attacked...


Wild Ace falls from the sky....

Good to see frequent updates on this :)

I was going more for an Attack on Titan reference, but your mark is still appreciated.

6712306 Yeah I know Luffy would love the changelings to death, though he might be a little sad at times. Since the Lings would be a very big reminder of Bon Clay...-sniffle- that poor magnificent Okama bastard.

The fools, even if they take Law's sword away doesn't mean they can keep their organs.


Makes me think what will happen when word about Law allying himself with the changelings reaches the Princesses and the Mane 6 via the freed pony slaves.

Glad to see this updated

"Trafalgar Law, welcome to the Changeling Hive."

Yes I was happy to have a new chapter, but then I was sad again, that is was already over.

Well good story I really like it, it is just that most of the storys I follow, donĀ“t get an update as often as you would believe they would get, I mean I follow rather many.

I shall continue to wait for more.

I would like to have a new chapter please.

Another probably dead story to favorite, I guess.

Do you till want to right for this story?

Would be nice to see this story continue

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