• Published 14th Oct 2015
  • 11,009 Views, 1,421 Comments

Oh Captain, My Captain - Onomonopia

And there came a day unlike any other. A day when Equestria needed to be avenged.

  • ...


Rogers smirked slightly when all of the conversation died in the room when he entered. He had just pushed open a pair of large, wooden doors into the cafeteria, where most of the Crusaders had gathered for the evening. As the doors swung shut behind him, Steve took that chance to turn his gaze upon each and every one of the awed ponies that stared back at him.

With a friendly smile and a nod to the massive group of pastel ponies, he took a tray and stood in line with the rest of the hungry horses. The second he entered the line every pony in front of him moved out of his way and motioned for him to go before them. He shook his head with a smile, but when they persisted he gave them a strong stare that made them all fall back in line.

'So, it seems that army training might work on them after all,' Rogers noticed as the line slowly moved up, giving him a chance to glance around the room. Unlike the other rooms, the walls and floor were mostly made of mismatched metal and the tables were instead made of wood. A pony behind him cleared her throat and broke apart his thoughts, allowing him to see that the line had moved up.

"So, what kind of grub do you dish out to the ponies here?" Steve asked the cook behind the counter before he had the chance to lay eyes on them. But when the cooks turned to look back at him, both his and the cooks' eyes went wide when they spied the other. "Children?" he muttered when he saw a pair of young foals, a unicorn and a Pegasus, staring back at him.

"No way! It's the Captain!" one of them exclaimed with a huge smile while they rushed forward, knocking over the Pegasus as they did so. The Pegasus landed face first into a pile of stew, while the unicorn beamed up at the Captain with huge eyes. "It's so nice to finally meet you!" she sang with delight in her voice. "I'm Pumpkin!"

"Hello Pumpkin, it's nice to meet you as well," Steve replied while glancing at the Pegasus who was pulling his head out of the dish. He wiped his face on a rag that hung from the wall, before stalking over to the unicorn and glaring at her with burning eyes. "Oh, this is my brother, Pound," Pumpkin introduced with barely a glance at her sibling before turning her eyes back to the Captain. "What brings a hero such as yourself down here?"

"Hunger, actually," Rogers replied with a thin smile. The hint was lost on Pumpkin, but her brother caught on and scooped some of the stew onto Rogers' tray. He also added some broccoli and a chunk of chocolate for Steve, who couldn't help but notice that his rations were far larger than the others around him.

"Oh, well...it's just our way of saying thanks for all you've done for us," Pound bashfully admitted after the Captain pointed that out. "I mean, you're a hero! You've shown us that the Five...no, FOUR can be beaten! That this crusade of ours isn't in vain!" A smile spread across Rogers' face at the kindness, but with another glance at the other ponies with their smaller portions, he returned to the tray and his discussion with the young colt.

"I appreciate the gesture, I truly do, but I'm a soldier like the rest of the ponies here, and I'd prefer to be treated as such," Rogers remarked before taking another tray with less food on it. "I'm not any more important than any of you. So if you want to break out the good stuff, then wait until we've won this war. Until then, I'm just like the rest of you."

Steve walked to an open table after saying his piece, able to see the foals' and ponies' eyes shining in the reflection of his glass. After seating himself he reached up and slid his mask back, finally allowing his blonde hair to breathe once more. To his surprise though, the first few bites revealed the rations in this army were far better than in both his old unit and the modern day one in which he served.

His solitude was short lived, because pony after pony came up to talk with him, asking for an autograph or simply to admire the shield on his back, which had become nearly as legendary as he had become after rumors spread of its durability. The last of the ponies to come up to him were the two foals that had served his food, food that he had just finished when they sat down on either side of him.

"So, rumor has it that you're a hero from another reality, one that has saved his world on like, a dozen different times," Pumpkin began as her brother took his tray and walked off with it. "Is that true?"

"A dozen? I'm fairly certain that we've saved the world far more times than that," Roger's replied, a smile spreading when the filly's eyes lit up with amazement. "That was quite the meal that you served. Far better than what I ate in my unit. Did your parents teach you how to cook or did it come with practice?" Rogers' question was answered in a different way than he anticipated, when Pumpkin's face fell.

"Actually, both of us were orphaned," Pound spoke up for his sister when he sat down next to the Captain once more. "When Ponyville was initially attacked, our parents were two of the many that didn't make it out. The only reason we survived was thanks to Belle and her friends."

"Our parents were good chefs though, at least that what the ponies that used to live there said," Pumpkin managed to mutter. "So I guess the reason we can cook so well is, because of our genes."

"I'm sorry for your loss. If I had been here sooner..." Rogers lamented, but with shining eyes the two foals looked up at him with nothing but admiration.

"Well, you're here now. And now we can finally beat down those Four and take back our home!" Pumpkin said with a fiery determination as she and her brother both high-hoofed. Rogers couldn't help but smile when the pair started to do a war chant, being joined by nearly every other pony in the hall.

'And you will all get your home back. I promise."

/ \
/// \\\

"Come in," Applebloom grunted after hearing somepony knocking on her door twice, growling becaue the distraction made her cut the wrong wire. She sighed while she tossed the wire to the side and grabbed another from beside her. "So what can ah do fer ya, Cap? Ah know it's ya, yer the only creature here that doesn't make hoofsteps."

"Very observant of you," Rogers stated when he walked into the mare's room, glancing around with interest with what she had used to decorate her room. Half of the room looked like a workshop, while the other half seemed to be the part of the room in which she slept. Numerous items with apples on them took up most of the space, but his eyes were also drawn to the cowboy hat that was resting on her bed. Upon closer inspection, Rogers found that the hat seemed far more beat up than it had seemed.

"So, did ya actually need me fer something or are ya just here to go through my stuff?" Applebloom teased before letting out a curse as sparks flew. "Oh come on, ya shouldn't be doing that anymore!"

"Wings being difficult?" Steve asked as he peered over her shoulder to find a pile of scrap and parts that had once been a pair of wings.

"The wings are just as difficult as their owner! Ah swear that Scootaloo, ever time she goes out into the field she brings these things back in worse and worse condition. It's a miracle she's survived without ruining herself!" Applebloom vented to Rogers, who stood off to her side with hands behind his back. "Sorry, ya probably didn't come here to hear me rant about Scootaloo, did ya?"

"We all need to get it off of our chest sometimes. Besides, I like to learn about those who I fight alongside," Rogers replied with understanding, before a question sprung to the front of his mind. "Speaking of your friends, you and Scootaloo talk about each other a lot, but I've rarely heard the pair of you speak about Belle. Why is that?" Steve knew he touched on a delicate topic from the way Applebloom leaned back in her chair and let out a sigh while staring at the ceiling.

"The destruction of Equestria changed all of us, made the three of us grow up far faster than we were supposed to. But even though we were forced to become leaders in a matter of days, Scootaloo and I managed to hold onto some of our younger selves. But Belle? The old 'her' died the day our homes did," Bloom explained sadly. "She told ya that she got her mark fer killing one of Tirek's forces, right? Well, that pony wasn't the only one who died then. Ever since that day she's been super-serious, always putting the resistance first and never thinking about anything else...and never daring to put her faith in heroes again."

"Did her hero fail her the day your world fell?" Rogers asked. In reply Applebloom walked over to her bed and picked up her hat, brushing the dust off with soft affection before gently offering it to the Captain.

"All of our heroes failed us, in a way. Mah sister was one of the six we told ya about, the six that had always protected us from evil. That hat's all ah have left of her," Bloom revealed before fire lit in her eyes once more. "But ah refuse to believe that they're dead like Belle does. Ah believe that they're out there somewhere, just waiting fer us to rescue them! And we will!"

"What of the other heroes that she mentioned?" the Captain brought up, remembering Belle mentioning other names when he had first arrived. "Sunset, Daring Do and the Wonderbolts?"

"All of them failed as well. As good as they were, they weren't on the same level as mah sister or the princesses. The magic of the Five...now Four, was too strong for them to face alone and they were quickly overpowered," Bloom solemnly answered, hanging her head for her fallen friends. Rogers was starting to piece together more and more of what made Belle and her friends act the way they did.

"So, was one of the six Belle's family?" Rogers asked.

"That's...not something ah should tell ya," Bloom hesitantly answered after a moment's wait. "She'll tell ya if she wants to. And to answer yer next question, Scootaloo didn't have a family, so she didn't lose any family that day...at least blood related family."

"Can you tell me more about the princesses and the heroes that used to protect you?" Rogers asked, and he got a quizzical look from Applebloom in reply. "When Scootaloo and I battled with Starlight, she was able to tap into the power of Twilight. If the other Four have access to your protectors' powers, then I need to know what I'm up against."

"Well...Celestia and Luna could move the sun and moon respectively, and since the days are still turning ah guess now the Four can as well," Applebloom said with a shiver of fear at that kind of power. "If ya have already fought Twi's power, then ya know what she could do. As fer the others...Rainbow was incredibly fast and mah sister was one of the strongest ponies around. Pinkie could do whatever she wanted and Fluttershy was good with animals. As fer the sixth...talk to Belle about her."

"So...those were the ones you looked up to? The ones that you believed in?" Roger's recapped with a furrowed brow.

"Yep. But most ponies here have given up on the idea of being saved by the six or the princesses once more. In fact, for the longest time nopony here actually believed that we even had a chance of winning this war." Then Bloom turned to look at Rogers with a look of both admiration and gratitude in her eyes. "And then the star-spangled human showed up out of the blue and reminded us what a true hero was. Thank ya, Steve. Thanks fer helping us to believe once more."

"Don't thank me yet. First we need to win this, then you can thank me," Steve replied with a small smile.

It was then Applebloom's turn to cast Rogers a glance, a glance that caught the nervousness and uncertainty in the Captain's eyes. "Why are ya asking me all this stuff? Ya probably have dealt with far greater things when defending yer world from evil as often as ya said ya did."

"Yes and while I will admit that your villains are far weaker than the ones I fought, I still knew what I was getting into. What I was fighting most of the time. But your villains all have strange abilities that I'm not familiar against. And I don't like uncertainties. Plus," Cap began as he removed his shield from its magnet and held it with both hands, gazing into his reflection. "Back home my shield could protect me from nearly anything. But here, the magic of the unicorns can get around it, can get past my impervious defense. If I'm to help you win this war, I'm going to need a way to combat magic."

Bloom spun around in her chair while looking Rogers up and down, muttering to herself before she reached into a cabinet at her side and began to shuffle through numerous papers that were practically overflowing. She tossed a few out of the way before finally finding the one she wanted, which she then smoothed out on the desk before waving Rogers over.

"Ah can make ya some armor and weapons that will help ya to fight against magic users, but before ah can ah'm gonna need the right materials to do so," she began, with Captain America looking at the map to figure out the rest. "This here is the city of Trottingham, where the biggest supply of anti-source metal is mined. That's the metal that's used to suppress the power of magic wielders such as unicorns."

"So you want me to go here, find some of this metal for you and bring it back? Sounds simple enough," Rogers believed with a nod, but a wicked smile spread across Bloom's face while she shook her head.

"It's nowhere near as simple as you believe it to be. See, with all the anti-source, Trottingham is the only city that runs completely free of magic...and that also means that ever magic user is powerless there. So that means, no teleporting in and no magic to save yer hide. If ya want to do this, ya got to do it the old fashioned way. Ya walk."

"That's perfectly fine with me. A jog would be good for these old bones," Steve joked before remembering something else. He reached up and plucked his communicator out of his ear before placing it on the table before an intrigued Applebloom. "This is what was supposed to allow me to communicate with my world, but it's not working. If you can get it to work again, I should be able to call in the rest of the Avengers to help us battle this threat."

"Ah'll...ah'll see what ah can do," Applebloom muttered to herself as Rogers began to head for the door. "Go find Belle and see if she'll assign some ponies to go with ya to Trottingham. Ah have a feeling this is a mission ya don't want to go in solo."

"If you think it's best for me to take some soldiers with me, I will. However, I want to make sure that I only bring the best with me. I can't risk the lives of rookies in an environment like this. So before I go, I'm going to see how much training your troops are going to need before we deploy." When Steve left the room, Applebloom grabbed one of her screwdrivers from the drawer beside her, fiddling with the earpiece for nearly five minutes while she tried to get the thing open. Only after changing her approach and some very inappropriate language did the mare finally crack open the device...only to have her jaw drop at what was on the inside.

"Cap wants me to fix this?" she asked herself as she stared at an invention that was centuries beyond her understanding. "This looks like it was built by a super genius! Or a psychopath."