• Published 14th Oct 2015
  • 11,009 Views, 1,421 Comments

Oh Captain, My Captain - Onomonopia

And there came a day unlike any other. A day when Equestria needed to be avenged.

  • ...

What They Needed

"Ah, good thing I remembered to bring my scaled-down model throne of the ancient temples I've looted, or else who knows what you ponies would have had to carry me on," Ahuizolt said with a small chuckle while twirling the liquid within his glass, casting a smile down at the dozen ponies who were dragging along his golden throne that was in the shape of a temple.

The mix and match of animals then stared up at the sky with a small sigh, drinking in the beauty of the thundering blackness that rumbled overhead. "I must admit that I wasn't a fan of Chrysalis's idea to block out the sun and moon at first, but I must say that it has proven to be a most interesting idea. I mean, no matter how long I'm outside I no longer sweat. It is magnificent, is it not?"

He then placed the glass into his tail hand before resting his arms behind his head, sitting back with a smile while he smirked at the captured ponies--twelve in all--with each of them chained by their neck and hooves so that they were forced to pull the massive, solid gold throne with all of their might. Groups of large cats flanked the throne, occasionally snarling at the ponies if they weren't pulling fast enough.

"So why, may I ask, did you bother trying to fight against us? "Ahuizolt asked the enslaved ponies while he stalked down from his throne next to where the ponies pulled, a toothy smile spreading on his face as some glared at him with fear and others with anger. "I mean, we've already won, so what's the point in trying to defeat us. Is it because of your loyalty to your now deceased princesses? Or is it another reason?"

He sighed when the ponies failed to answer before he climbed back onto his throne, the smile returning to his face when he saw spotlights shining in the black clouds in the far off distance. "Ah, we are almost to your new home: The Pit. Hurry along now, or you might be late for your dinner. And who knows at that place when you'll get another meal?"

Ahuizolt chuckled with delight as he rubbed his hands together, enjoying the fear that began to spread across the ponies' faces when their destination came into view, a massive, concrete camp that had hundreds of yards of fence wrapped around its edges. As the throne and the enslaved ponies got closer to the structure, Ahuizolt could practically hear the sounds of ponies suffering in the air. But then the throne skidded to a stop, snapping the tyrant out of his thoughts. His eyes snapped open and his fury directed itself down at the ponies.

"Why are we stopped? I do not remembering allowing you to..." But as his words went quiet in his throat, his eyes gazed upon the same figure that had caused both the ponies and the cats cease all movement. A figure wearing red, white and blue stood before the group, his eyes gleaming while his shield on his left arm shined with the light of the spotlights. "And just who might you be? And why are you in my way? Do you wish to die?"

"I'm called Captain America. And I'm in your way," he began as he slightly crouched down with a smile on his face. "Because I want to see those prisoners of yours freed." Ahuizolt threw his head back and laughed at the sky just as the jungle cats that had walked beside the throne slowly stalked the Captain, who paid them no mind while he continued to glare down at the creature sitting on the throne.

"You truly are a strange creature and one that must not be from around here," Ahuizolt sighed with a smile as he held out a hand, his cats immediately freezing in place. He then walked off of his throne and through the chained up ponies, smirking at the Captain while he stared right into the mans eyes before pulling out a black and red hammer. "Tell me, Captain, do you know what this is? Of course you don't, because you've made it obvious that you are intellectually inferior to me, and therefor must have everything explained to you."

"This, dear Captain, is the Black Hammer of Hades, a weapon that is so powerful that I used it to bring down some of the strongest beings in all of Equestria," Ahuizolt explained while he showed the Captain the hammer, yet Steve only looked at the weapon with moderate interest. "This weapon is capable of destroying any magic that it touches, no matter how powerful. Like the shield Trixie tried to use to save herself, like the hands of that fool Discord who thought he was so clever...like that shield...of YOURS!"

Ahuizolt let out a cry as he turned and lifted the hammer over his head, yet the second he turned to face the Captain all that happened was that a gloved fist cracked him right in the nose and sent the ruler staggering back as he held a hand to his face.

"So, what kind of hybrid are you anyway?" Captain America asked when the felines began to surround the star-spangled soldier, who kept an eye on each of them while continuing to speak to Ahuizolt. "Because you have the face of a dog, the hands of the monkey, the feet of a cat...and an extra hand on your tail. Not the strangest creature I've seen in my life, but strange none the less."

"I could ask you the same question, dear Captain," Ahuizolt replied as his tail coiled behind him and began to make different hand signs for the cats. "You are most clearly not of this world, but if that is the case, how did you get here? It must have surely been by magic, but that would make you magical. Yet my artifacts sense no magical energy emitting from you."

"You're right about me using magic to get here, but I can assure you that I'm not magical at all. I'm just a man. A man who's going to beat you." Ahuizolt smirked at the response before the tiger on Cap's left roared and hurled itself towards him with claws extended. Like a flash the Captain raised his shield and slammed it into the gut of the animal, using his legs to toss the kitty away from him. The puma attacked from the Cap's other side, going low as its fangs snapped at his heels.

A kick to the cat's jaw shattered the teeth and sent it hissing away in pain as it fled, yet Cap had just a second to gather himself before Ahuizolt swung the hammer at the Captain once more. Without waiting a moment, Steve swung his shield to intercept the hammer, clashing hammer against shield. A burst of black light erupted from the impact, hurling Ahuizolt backwards while the Captain remained rooted in place by sheer willpower. Ahuizolt groaned as he slowly pushed himself back to a sitting position, rubbing his head while he glanced down at his hammer...to find the weapon completely shattered.

"And that's another thing you got wrong about me," Captain America said with a smile while he tapped his knuckles against the star embedded on the shield. "The old gal right here isn't magical either. Just metal and paint. So now that I've busted that mighty, god slaying hammer of yours...what say you we actually get this fight started?"

With a scowl, Ahuizolt raised all three of his hands in the air to reveal that each of them was holding a different stone. With a maniacal laugh he called down a blast of lightning on top of the Captain while the earth erupted at his feet, spraying magma in every direction. Cap was used to lightning bolts, though, and was able to hurl himself away from the flash of destruction, using his shield as a platform to slide along the lava until he reached rock again.

"Not bad. But now try my magic act," Steve threatened before hurling his shield with a laser-like precision, catching one of the stone items with the shield and shattering it to pieces. The shield bounced at a perfect angle and slammed into the second artifact, cracking that one in two as the shield ricocheted once more and made dust of the last artifact. Ahuizolt looked down at the ruined stones in his hands with disbelief while the Captain caught his shield, slipping it over his arm with a smile.


Chilling the ponies with the look of fury that flashed in his eyes, Ahuizolt wrapped a green necklace around his neck and began to mutter words into it. Steve raised an eyebrow under his mask before Ahuizolt's muscles began to expand rapidly, quickly looking like a miniature version of the Hulk, if he was far uglier.

"Do you like it, Captain America? This is the Chain of Chokoko!" Ahuizolt roared with a far deeper voice than he had a moment ago, shaking the ground with each step as he advanced towards the Captain. "This increases my strength a hundred fold, essentially making me a god!"

"That's quite the magic. But are you sure its worth never being allowed to compete in sports again? It's clear you've been-" Cap never got to finish his attempt at humor as a massive fist swung itself at his head, making Captain America leap to the side while the air exploded behind him. Steve pushed himself off of one hand before tossing the shield while upside down in the air, striking Ahuizolt under the eye.

Steve jumped after his shield and slipped it back onto his left arm after gathering it, slamming himself shield first into Ahuizolt's face and creating a loud ringing in the beast's ears. As he landed on the ground, though, a hand wrapped itself around his ankle, getting the Captain to glance down to see that Ahuizolt's tail hand was 'roided out as well and now had a death grip on him.

"Tag, you're it!" the tyrant roared as he slammed the Captain onto his back, kicking the shield away before driving his fists down onto the Captain. Yet Steve's own hands shot out and grabbed the fists of the monster, his arms shaking under the pressure while he was slowly overpowered by Ahuizolt.

"You have given me quite the fight Captain, but this battle must end now," Ahuizolt snarled as he continued to push, his face mere inches away from the Captain's. "And may your death finally show these fools that any kind of resistance against us is completely-AAARRRGGHHH!" Ahuizolt howled with pain when the Captain slammed his forehead into Ahuizolt's eye, causing the beast to release him in pain as it clutched at his eye.

"Help me, my pets!" he roared while trying to clear the pain out of his eyes, the panther and lion roaring with fury as they sprung out from behind the back of the throne. Roger's head swiveled towards the pair of cats and he raised both of his hands while sliding a foot back. The panther kicked off with its powerful legs as it extended its claws on both the front legs and its back, planning to shred all of the Captain. Yet Steve took a step forward before kicking up, exploding with a dropkick that shattered the panther's ribs while his legs connected with the kitty's chest.

The panther collapsed with a weak moan while the Captain landed on his back, though he quickly kipped up and leapt to the side to retrieve his shield once more. And his timing couldn't have been better, for the second his fingers wrapped around the edge of the shield the lion let loose a bellow and slashed at him with the might of the king of the jungle.

But the poor creature's claws ran into the same problem nearly everything else had when they struck the shield, and that was they failed to even scratch it. Cap's counterattack however, did far more than scratch the lion when he slammed his shield right into the cat's face. The lion howled when it fell over, groaning weakly as it slowly staggered away while barely able to see straight. Steve slid the shield back onto his arm as he turned around to face Ahuizolt once more, but this time the creature held another stone in his hand, one that was an orange and red color that shone like the sun.

"This is over, Captain America," he promised while he took up the stone with all three hands. "This very stone holds within it the same kind of power that Celestia used to move the sun. You will not survive it, and I will be able to tell all how I felled the hero from another world. Now please do me a favor...and DIE!"

A blast of brilliant sunlight erupted from the stone as he roared, sending a beam of pure, white fire streaking towards Rogers. His Avengers training kicked in and Rogers sidestepped the attack, turning his head to watch as the beam incinerated the ground while it traveled by him. Ahuizolt screamed with fury when he fired another shot towards the Captain, but once again Steve moved out of the way as the tiny yet powerful beam destroyed the area around him.

"Hold still! Or are you afraid that your Frisbee will not be able to take the might of the sun?!" Ahuizolt roared when the Captain rolled, flipped and dodged to avoid the beam. Blast after blast just narrowly missed the human, but what Ahuizolt failed to notice was that with each shot, Captain America moved a little bit closer...and that the stone was losing its glow.

"You want me to stand still? Alright," Rogers acquiesced and landed right in front of the muscular monster, who seemed dumbfounded for a moment before with a snarl, he thrust the stone at Steve...to no effect. Ahuizolt let out a gasp of disbelief before looking up, only to be punched in the face once more. He staggered back with a bellow of fury and tried hurling a fist forward, his flesh connecting with the vibranium that had yet to be bested.

"Why?! Can't! I! Break! This! SHIELD?!" Ahuizolt bellowed as each air-shattering punch pummeled the front of the shield over and over, yet the metal refused to even bend at the full fury and might of Ahuizolt's magical enhancements. Ahuizolt screamed with rage as he began to wind up his biggest punch, giving Captain America his moment to act.

"Because just like me, it's made of stronger things than you are!" Rogers roared before ducking under the wind-up punch, leaving Ahuizolt completely open. "And because it's taken blows from things far stronger than you! So it's shown that it can take hits from you, but can you take a hit from it?!"

Rogers then threw a left punch with all of his might, driving the edge of shield directly into the face of Ahuizolt. And as the ponies and the felines watched, the impact of the shield shattered the bones in Ahuizolt's face and snapped his head back. Ahuizolt let out one last exhale before he collapsed onto his back, eyes rolling up in his head while blood poured from the gash on his skull, while the Captain stood tall and victorious.

Captain America let out a small sigh before he turned his attention to where the ponies were chained up. He walked over to them, glaring at the cats as he approached them. They bowed their heads in defeat and silently slunk off to the side, allowing the Captain unopposed access to the chained ponies. Their eyes were wide with both awe and gratitude when the Captain slammed his shield into the chains, shattering them with ease as he freed each and everypony.

"Don't worry everyone. You're going home," he informed them with a comforting smile before taking an orb out of his belt and tossing it into the air, his eyes filled with color when the orb exploded into a plethora of colors that illuminated the black sky. A few seconds after the orb exploded, Belle and two other unicorns teleported into the area, the two unicorns teleporting the freed ponies away while Belle glanced back at where Ahuizolt lay with disbelief.

"There's no way...you actually beat him," she whispered, her voice revealing that she had held no faith in the Captain. "One of the five most evil and powerful beings in the world...and a guy with a shield beats him by himself...how?"

"I figured that you guys needed a victory. This should do wonders for morale back at the base," Steve said with a smile that only made Belle scowl at him. "Now let's get back and help those ponies get adjusted to things." A white light began to envelope the both of them, but Roger's cast a glance to Ahuizolt who was slowly getting back up.

"You believe that you have won this day by besting me? No, all you have done is show that you are a threat, Captain America," Ahuizolt informed the Captain with a bloody grin that had a few teeth missing. "And that means that the other five will come for you, and they will not stop until you're dead."

"They're coming for me, huh? Good," Steve replied with a smile as confusion spread on Ahuizolt's face. "Saves me the trouble of going to find them." And with that last remark, the Captain and Belle vanished in a flash of light, leaving Ahuizolt alone to inform the others of the terrible news.