• Published 14th Oct 2015
  • 11,009 Views, 1,421 Comments

Oh Captain, My Captain - Onomonopia

And there came a day unlike any other. A day when Equestria needed to be avenged.

  • ...


Steve Rogers wore his smile with pride when hundreds of ponies applauded like thunder, able to see the amazement--but more importantly the hope--in the eyes of all those who looked upon him. For once the underground base of the Crusaders seemed alive, and those that he had rescued were thanking him with huge smiles, even tears.

"Well ah'll be damned. Ya actually did it," Applebloom said with a small shake of her head as she walked up to Captain Rogers, sticking out a hoof to him with a huge smile. "Thank ya, Captain America. Ya actually managed to beat Ahuizolt. Ah don't think that any of us here believed in you one hundred percent."

"Well, at least I know for certain which one of you didn't believe in me at all," Rogers teased as he smirked over at Belle, who was too busy speaking with the ponies that had been captured to notice him. After that, it took nearly an hour for Captain America to wade through the ponies that all wanted to thank him. He shook hooves and talked with a few, but he drew the line at signing autographs. There was still too much to do before he would act like he'd won.

"Word sure spreads fast. How did so many hear about what happen in such a short period of time?" Rogers asked when a pair of ponies ran off with huge smiles on their faces, happy to meet the Captain. "But I am happy to help them smile, even if it is only for a day."

"Well, we've never had anything like you. Literally, your species is new to us. Speaking of..." Applebloom and Scootaloo then dragged the Captain away from the crowd of applauding ponies to a more quiet room, sitting him down while taking out notepads.

"Ah know that ya probably want to bask in the glory more, but we've got a few questions to ask you," Applebloom said with a serious expression that was mirrored by her friend. "Yer the first one of us that's encountered one of the Five Dark Gods and survived, so we need to know all that happened during that fight so that we can make preparations for if we fight him again."

"You're calling them the Five Dark Gods now?" Steve asked with raised eyebrows.

"Well, we couldn't keep calling them 'those damned assholes', so we figured to give them another name," Scootaloo answered with a smirk, Roger's sighing with a small smile while Scootaloo looked down. "So first things first, what kind of weapons or artifacts did that freak of the week use against you in the fight...and how the hell are you alive?"

"I'll start with your first question. The main artifacts he used were ones that manipulated the elements, such as lightning and fire. He also used a magic-destroying hammer, but he failed to grasp the fact that I don't use magic," Rogers reminded the pair, the two nodding as they wrote down what he said. "But his "greatest" weapon was an amulet that made his muscles grow nearly ten times in strength, increasing his physical combat capabilities greatly."

"Wow, Ahuizolt got that strong and you didn't even leave with a scratch?" Scootaloo asked with a smile--a genuine one--if the Captain was reading her face correctly.

"After getting punched by the Hulk, everything below that is manageable," Captain America replied with a small shake of his head, knowing that the two mares were looking at him with confusion on their faces. "To answer the second question, I've fought hundreds of beings that have strength that far surpasses mine. Dealing with Ahuizolt was hardly a challenge."

The Cap then raised an eyebrow at the fact that his words made the faces of the two mares light up with excitement, concerning him for a moment as they moved their heads closer together and began to whisper to one another.

"Sorry, it's just...Ahuizolt is one of the five beings that took over the world, that helped to kill Celestia and Luna in battle...and yer saying that he was barely a problem," Applebloom smiled with a shake of her head, amazed by the nonchalant way that Rogers had dismissed Ahuizolt. "If ya dealt with Ahuizolt so easily, maybe we'll actually manage to-"

The three went silent as the door to the room swung open and Belle stalked inside, her eyes blazing like flames as she registered the Captain's existence before turning to her friends. "We've got an issue in the command center. The generals want the three of us there on the double."

"Got it," Scootaloo and Applebloom both nodded while they shot up, racing to the door before Scootaloo glanced back at the Captain. "Hey, while we're taking care of this problem, feel free to wander around and get your bearings. If you're going to be helping us, then you need to learn this place inside and out. See ya!"

Rogers stood up as the door slammed shut behind him, able to hear the running of hoofsteps for a few seconds before the room went silent. He then glanced around the room, taking in the fact that the place was mostly empty boxes and destroyed pieces of metal. He made a note of that as he opened the door and left the room, looking down both ends of the vine crafted hallway before choosing to go in the opposite direction from the way he entered.

'They want me to fight alongside them, yet from what I've seen they can barely stay together as an army, let alone fight against the kind of forces I've seen,' Rogers analyzed while he walked by a pair of ponies, nodding to them when they stared up at him in awe. 'I can train them to deal with the armored ponies, but those gargoyles are going to be a problem. What bothers me the most is that it seems each one of the five fools have their own personal army. Sombra, I believe, has the gargoyles, Ahuizolt had the cats...what are the other three?'

Captain America emerged from his thoughts when he realized he walked into a room with a massive trunk, one that seemed to go higher and higher into the dark ceiling until it vanished into the blackness. At the bottom of the trunk he noticed a pair of ponies in lab coats who were attending to the tree, and both gaped with awe as the Captain approached.

"So, is this the central support of the base?" the Captain asked, observing the way that sun lamps had been position around the base of the three, while a moat of greenish water wrapped around the trunk. "Or is this the trunk that created this whole thing? It's clear we're at least under a forest, but I'm just wondering if it's a single plant or a whole bunch of them."

"You're really tall."

Rogers couldn't help but smile widely at the remark, letting out a small sigh before he tilted his head down towards the two. Upon closer inspection, he discovered that one of the ponies was an adult, but the other one seemed to be a child, at least he assumed she was from her voice and a wide smile crossed her face.

"Wow, I've never seen anything like you! A creature that stands up on two legs yet manages to keep its balance! Doesn't look that strong, but there have been reports that you took down one of the five," the filly muttered to herself as she began to circle the Captain, who watched with curiosity as she began to write down notes on the Cap. "Strange attire, but perhaps it's battle garb in his culture..." The filly then began to poke the Captain with a pencil, finally getting the mare to step in.

"Please excuse her...Mr. America. She's never really seen any other creature aside from a pony," the mare apologized while she dragged the filly back as she waved her pencil at the Captain.

"It's alright. It can't be fun having to be cramped in a place like this for such a young kid," Cap said understandingly with a smile before he waved and walked towards a room on his left, his smile turning into a cold frown when he walked out of view. 'Even the children here are feeling the depression that comes with being in a hopeless situation. Before she looked at me, she had the deadest eyes that I have seen in a long time. The sooner I can end this war, the better.'

A blinding flash of light snapped the Captain out of his thoughts, causing the Cap to swivel his head towards the wooden door when another flash of light went off. He rapped his knuckles against the door twice before opening it, sticking his head in only to whip it back a moment later when a pot barely missed his head.

"Go away! You'll ruin the atmosphere for my plants!" a voice from within roared. Cap barely caught a glance of an orange mare with a carrot on her flank. He closed the door and glanced up at a sign next to him, smirking when he discovered that the room he had entered was where the food was grown.

'That answers another question. Now to answer the next one hundred that I want answered.' Steve continued his walk, taking in a number of places while he did so. A room where ponies were (poorly) trained to fight, another that spiraled down into a large room where dozens of foals played while the five caretakers who tried to reel them in were completely outmatched.

But the room that got the Captain to stop and stare for a moment was behind a wooden door at the end of a brightly lit hallway that had a red cross painted on the door. The Captain stole a glance into the room through one of the windows, his heart sinking when he saw just how many wounded and sick lay in the infirmary. He shook his head sadly as he turned to leave, but then something smacked into the window and drew Roger's attention back to it. One of the ponies that was missing two of his legs waved the Captain inside, gaining the attention of other ponies as he did so.

"Well look who it is! The hero of the Crusaders!" the pony cried out with a laugh before coughing heavily for a moment. "This guy's only been here two days and already he frees a prison camp filled with ponies before kicking Ahuizolt's teeth in the next day. If that's how fast you work, then we'll have won this war by the end of the week!"

"I take it a pony's already told you about me?" Roger's asked as crossed his arms, smiles spreading on the ponies' faces while nearly all of the wounded focused on the Captain.

"Told us about you? Hell, you're the Captain! The guy that's done more in two days then we've done in...whoo, she does not look happy." Rogers glanced over his shoulder to see Belle standing at the door, motioning for him to join her with a look that made the Captain's hair stand on end a bit. "Guess that's all the time ya got for now, but listen Captain. We're all behind you, each and every one of us," the wounded pony said as he motioned to the others, each of whom nodded with smiles. "A lot of us were starting to think that this war was pointless, that we were just prolonging the inevitable. Thanks for show us that there's hope, almighty hero."

"I'm just a man. If we're to win this war, then it will be an effort that requires all of us," Captain America said while his eyes glanced around the room, making sure to make eye contact with each of the wounded. "And it's clear I'm not the only one brave enough to fight. Rest up guys."

America heard the ponies laughing as he pushed the double doors open and smiled down at Belle, who made sure to keep her face blank before she turned away with a shake of her head. "I take it that you need something from me, or else you wouldn't have bothered to get me."

"Wow, you must be psychic or something," she replied with a cold tone while she motioned him to follow her. "After much debate with my friends and the other generals, we've decided that we should let you in on our plans, since you are the super awesome hero and all."

"I almost can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not," Rogers joked, but the cold glance Belle gave him in reply silenced any other attempt at humor. "What's the mission that you need me for?"

"It's not a mission. It's a warning," Belle replied, the warning interesting the Captain more than possible mission. "You've made a mark on our world. Already your name is spreading across what remains of Equestria and many are starting to believe that you're the hero that will free us all. Idiots."

"And that's a bad thing?"

"It's bad because you've made the first move. And now it's the Five's turn to make theirs," Belle replied with hints of fear in her face as she glanced back at the Captain. "And you better believe that when they retaliate, there will be bodies."

/ \
/// \\\

Ahuizolt gritted what remained of his teeth in pain while he placed a ball of blue light into the cradle of each of the four torch stands, trying to make himself as presentable as possible, The blue balls shone with an unholy power, each of them shining like stars except for the one that remained dull. Then shadowy images of three beings appeared before the tyrant, who was able to tell from their faces that none of them were amused.

"Ahuizolt. It has been a while since you have called with the orbs," an ancient and powerful voice boomed that made the other three shudder slightly. "It had better be important, for I have far more important things to do than tolerate your sniveling."

"I...I am sorry Tirek, but I have just had an incident that I needed to inform each of you of...where is Sombra?" Ahuizolt asked, getting another one of the shadows to roll their eyes.

"That lazy fool is probably fast asleep. I swear, ever since he took over the Crystal Empire he has gotten lazier and lazier," a female voice said before spitting off to the side. "But go ahead and tell us what's the matter, darling. I promise that I won't kill the messenger, at least."

"I...was beaten in battle. By a hero calling himself Captain America." For a long moment each of the shadows went silent, sharing glances with one another before the third shadow spoke.

"Well, this is not unusual, for you at least. Even after the fall of the Ambassadors and the princesses, you were bested by Daring Do before we dealt with her. If you wish, I will come to aid you and we will kill this-"

"You do not understand. This was no pony fool, that thought they could somehow stand against us. This creature...was human. And he carried a shield that would not shatter, even when I hit it with my strongest attacks. Every one of my strongest artifacts...useless against his defense," Ahuizolt admitted with shame, getting a snicker out of the shadow of Tirek.

"Your strongest attack amounts to a light breeze, Ahuizolt. I fail to see why this would be relevant to any of us," Tirek chuckled, but a flash of darkness went off and a fourth shadow joined in on the conversation. "Oh great, now you bother to finally show up. Did we interrupt your nap, your laziness?"

"In fact, you did. But do not worry, I have been listening in. And I say we would do well to heed Ahuizolt's warning. Even if this...person doesn't seem like much of a threat, it is best we exterminate problems like this before they become a real issue," the voice of the king of shadows offered, getting nods from the other four as they agreed. "But I have also heard of this "hero" and that his name is starting to spread amongst our subjects, giving them...hope."

"Then we shall exterminate that hope and remind them why we are the rulers of this land," Tirek promised before turning towards one of the shadows. "Starlight, take the Starfall and make an example out of one of their cities. Show them what happens if they even tease the idea of rebellion."

"I have not had the chance to drive the Starfall in a long time. I wonder if the power source is still alive?" Starlight chuckled before her shadow vanished and her orb went cold.

"Do not worry, Ahuizolt, we powerful beings will deal with this...Captain America for you. You just focus on ruling that swamp you call a kingdom." Tirek's shadow was the next to vanish, followed by Ahuizolt, who muttered a few obscenities beneath his breath. That left only Sombra and the other shadow, that gazed at Sombra with curiosity.

"What is the matter Sombra? For the first time in a while you actually look interested in something," she teased with a smile. Sombra chuckled as he shook his head, ignoring her words while he turned away.

"Please Chrysalis, I have seen Captain America in pony and he is nothing to worry about. No magic, no wings, and not even a magical artifact like the Elements. In a few days he'll be dead and everything will go back to how it was...and so I return to my nap."