• Published 25th Oct 2015
  • 311 Views, 2 Comments

A Very 'Grey' Trail - Crimson Twilight

Follow Moon Dust on a journey to find a long lost family member. Luna seams to be getting quite a long day.

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Chapter 1, The Journey Begins (being revisited)

Where are you, brother? Have you already left this town? Why are you always one step ahead of me?

(Three years ago)

"Hey, ~Gray! You there, bro?" The silence was her only answer. "It's me, Moon Dust. Hello?"

As she entered the dimly lit bedroom she found a note on the 'bed'. In reality, it wasn't really much of a bed, but more like a large stone carved to look like a bed with an old mattress and a cover that had seen better days. While the bad shape, it could probably fit eight or so ponies. Dust went inside the large room that was her and her siblings' bedroom, one being her adoptive and favorite brother, 'Gray'. Gray had gotten that nickname because he was gray, unlike Moon Dust who was almost night black.

She picked up the note in her magic and as she finished it a tear dropped from her Capri colored eyes on it.

Drear Moon Dust,

We left home to find my destiny and when we do or if something else important happens we shalt write back to thee. We understand that thee shalt be upset with our decision, but please, do not follow us, thee knows what they shall do to thee if they find thee runnin' away. And thee art everything to us, we wouldn't be able to live knowing that we art the reason thee hast gotten hurt, or worse.

We love thee sister, please, stay safe
Thy brother, Gray.

I will find you, brother... And I will keep you safe, just as I have when we found you, I promise.


Canterlot, capital of Equestria, home of the dreaded Princesses of Equestria. Why of all places would he wander here? He's a good shapeshifter, sure, but no changeling. Worst of all would be if they capture him for the use of dark magic. It's actually a wonder that he never got corrupted from it. He always said that it wasn't dark magic, but some kind of long-forgotten one. Dust thought as she wandered the streets of Canterlot. It had been one year since she had last seen her brother. And that time she had missed him. Like his brother used to say 'life always have to mess with me', or something like that. 'Just mah luck...' very fitting in my case, though that poor guy really was clumsy to the point that it wasn't funny. Even if he was a pony, or whatever he was.

Dust kept looking for her lost brother, he might have been adopted, but that didn't change the fact that she loved him, or whatever it's called. She would keep looking for him until he was safe back home with his family. He was and still is the most important pony for Moon Dust. Deep in thought, she didn't notice the black Alicorn in front of her.

"Umph, hey, don't just stand in the way!" She quickly regretted her choice of words after noticing to just who she was speaking to, "I'm so sorry, Princess Luna! I didn't notice that it was you!"

"Do not fret, child. While thou should think before thou talk, it seemest thou hast much upon thy mind, am I correct?" Luna's warm smile made Dust relax a little.

"Yeah..., but you don't need to listen to my problems, you probably got enough yourself." So far Luna was nothing of what Dust thought, probably because she had left her home two years before her return and hadn't had time to look into the matter as finding her brother was the top priority.

"My job is to make sure my subjects are happy and well. 'Tis not thy problems not important then why are thou so troubled? I would also appreciate if thou would tell us your name."

"Well, I'm looking for my brother. He left home three years ago and I'm trying to find him again. As for my name, it's Moon Dust."

"Moon Dust, thou say? I do enjoy it, but as for thy brother, if you wish, I could help thou out in the matter."

"Princess Luna? This may just be a stupid question, but I thought you slept during the day? I don't really know much about you since your return because I've been to busy looking for my brother."

"A fair question if thou ask me. It is because of a recent event that has broken my sleep pattern, a quite embarrassing one if thou must know the truth. But thou avoided my question, I would want a straight answer, soon hopefully."

"Oh, heh he... Just not used to be asked like that by royalty." Technically that is not a lie. "I guess if you really want to I can't really stop you, only help, even if I wanted to."

"Not the straightest of answers, but I wouldn't have said it better myself. So where do we begin?" With Luna's help maybe I'll find him sooner than without, I just have to act cool and not blow my cover.

(Two years ago)

I've probably searched the whole badlands and still no sign of my brother. I must move on if I wish not to starve. But should I go north towards Equestria or south to the griffon kingdom? What would my brother have done, hmm, probably Equestria, but with my luck, it's probably the other way around? Then the Griffon Kingdom it is!

Getting food in the Griffon Kingdom is not easy especially since everyone is so grumpy and egoistic since the downfall of their king. Now all they want is money and since I had none, I've lost precious time that I could be looking for my brother on working for those bastards. And they try to make all excuses not to pay too! Even more, time that I could be spending on finding my brother. Maybe I should have gone to Equestria instead... At least they are more honest, usually. But if I find him here than all of this has been worth it and if I don't at least I can check this area off. Hopefully, I find him soon, I must!