• Published 25th Oct 2015
  • 311 Views, 2 Comments

A Very 'Grey' Trail - Crimson Twilight

Follow Moon Dust on a journey to find a long lost family member. Luna seams to be getting quite a long day.

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Chapter 4, The Darkest of Nights

The sun was starting to get low on the horizon as Moon Dust and Princess Luna walked through a forest. It wasn't a dense forest per say, definitely not close to the likes of the Everfree, it was still somewhat hard to see further than a couple of meters. The trees were large and sturdy, with some even nearing Luna's age. There wasn't a lot of grass as only the smallest amounts of light seeped through the impressive foliage. Due to this Luna was forced to cast a illumination spell lest she or Dust trip on roots, sticks or stones. Luna had managed to get Celestia to agree to rise the moon in her place while she was gone. It hadn't been easy to make the older Alicorn agree to it, but after a lot of pouting and the like Celestia had agreed to do it, even if she was a bit unhappy at the prospect of rising the moon in her sisters place as it brought back memories of the thousand years that Celestia had to rule Equestria alone. It was only a few more hours until moonrise, the first moonrise for Luna not rise it since her return.

As they reached a glade Luna spoke up, "We should set up camp here, lest night fall be on us before we art done, little one. If thee will get a fire started, we shall get the 'tents' up and running."

Dust was quickly running to gather the needed materials, "Will do, Princess! You can count on me!" She was soon out of dodge. Luna started to fidget with the tent, trying to figure out how to actually set it up.

Meanwhile Dust was trying to find sticks and stones for the campfire, happily trotting about with a illumination spell gathering them. While she didn't have the easiest time finding them, they weren't scarce ether. After picking up as much as she could with her magical grip, she quickly made her way back, only to find Luna ensnarled in the different tent components. "Hey, Lulu, do you need a hoof, or what. I'm guessing this is your first time camping, or am I wrong to think that?"

Luna jerked slightly, not having seen Moon come, and maybe just a bit too quickly replied, "Of course we have! We just, eeh, need to, err, make a few minor adjustments. Yes! Just a few minor things, nothing else!"

It didn't take a specialist to know that Luna had no idea what she was doing whatsoever. Shaking her head, Dust put the things in two different piles, one for the stones and one for the sticks, before heading towards Luna with her horn glowing an eerie green as she prepared a spell. A chill when down Luna's spine as she was engulfed in Dust's magical grip. "Hey, are you okay, Luna? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Dust was just finished unwrapping Luna from her attempt of a tent when she got the feeling of being watched. "Err, Luna, I don't think we're alone..." Luna was snapped back to reality. For the first time since she had met her, Dust was serious, she had always had a bit of silliness in her voice. Not now though.

"Art thee sure? 'Tis not a prank I hope?" She gave Dust a questioning look, but she didn't falter under it.

"No. I'm sure of it... Though, I'm not entirely sure what 'it' is." Dust said as she looked into the darkness of the forest.

"Perhaps 'tis only a woodland creature? A simple fire should keep them away. It would also allow us greater sight and warmth in this cold."

"...Yes, we still have to get that fire going. Even if it doesn't keep whatever is following us at bay, we still need the heat. Just--just keep your eyes open for anything. I still don't like this..." Without the fire it was soon impossible to see where the forest ended and the opening began. Worse yet, it seemed as if the world was swallowed into the oblivion when even the moonlight was seemingly nonexistent.

As Dust was lighting the fire with a fire spell, she asked, "Hey, Luna. Tell me again, why we are walking on hoof instead of taking the train?"

"W-well, it seamed as a good idea then... Perhaps we were wrong--" A twig being broken in the distance silenced her for a moment before she continued talking, "Actually, we most definitely were wrong..."

"Have you found them?"

"Yes, it looks as if they are 'camping' just a little to the west of here. It's only the two of them and at least three miles to the closest town."

"Good. Go back and tell the others that operation Shadow Hooves is a go."

Author's Note:

Hello! I'm terribly sorry for not updating this story sooner, but always when I had planed to write something else got in my way.

I'll try update quicker, but school is soon beginning. I will try at least get one more chapter p soon enough.

Comments ( 1 )

6893400 Thanks! I shall look into it. :twilightsmile:

I also want to mention that at the time that I wrote that, I was still very new to Elisibethian English, I have simply forgotten about looking back at those chapters.

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