• Published 25th Oct 2015
  • 311 Views, 2 Comments

A Very 'Grey' Trail - Crimson Twilight

Follow Moon Dust on a journey to find a long lost family member. Luna seams to be getting quite a long day.

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Chapter 2, Luna's Nightmare

"So Moon, what does your brother look like? Does he have a name, perhaps? I don't really get a lot to go on right now." Luna was giving Dust a look that was quite serious yet playful. She was taken aback by it and the fact that she had completely forgotten to describe her brother. It was midday so they still got some time left for searching.

"Oh..., right, I completely forgot about that. Well, he got a similar body to yours, though he's a bit shorter, gray and red eyes." Luna took some time before she answered expecting more.

"What race is he? Is he a Unicorn like thou or maybe a Pegasus? What does his cutie mark look like? Does he usually were anything special or maybe something else we could use in our quest to find thy brother?" Luna started to trot towards the castle motioning Dust to follow her, which she did somewhat hesitantly.

"Well he's actually my adoptive brother and as for race, well, he's an Alicorn like you–" At this point, Luna zoned out and didn't notice when her companion stopped talking nor the wall in front of her, well until she walked into it. The look of confusion and embarrassment on Luna's face caused Moon to let out a small giggle which in turn caused made Luna's face to turn just a little redder.

"That did not happen– Moon?" Luna tried to look serious, but at that time it only made her look ever more ridiculous.

"Right, because you didn't just walk into a quite obvious wall right in front of you and do not look completely adorable right now, of course not!" Dust's face and tone were screaming of sarcasm which made Luna release a sigh.

"Thou are not going to let this go, are you?" Luna's voice was showing a glimpse of hope, which was quickly crushed with a single word.

"Never." Luna hung her head in defeat resulting in the forming of a smirk on Dust's face. The moment was soon over, though, as they remembered what they were doing. "Maybe we should get going? Unless maybe you'd like to embarrass yourself some more?"

"Right thou are, standing here will not result in us finding thy brother! Err, could thou repeat what his name was?" Picking up where they had left, they continued towards the castle.

"Well, we used to call him 'Gray'. While not his real name, it is what we always used."

"Ah, a very original nickname I see. Are thou always this creative?" This time it was Luna's time to have fun at Moon's cost. Which resulted in her getting a glare from Dust. "Ah, vengeance is sweet, isn't it?"

"Just wait, I'm not done with you."

"So, why are we at the castle, Princess Luna? Shouldn't we be looking for my brother?" Walking up to the port to the castle the guards blocked Dust's path.

"Let her pass, guards." She walked up beside Luna again as they continued. "As for why we're at the castle is because first off, I have a night court and I will have to cancel it if I am to help thou. Secondly, I believe that you would do good to get some rest. If we prepare well, we might have a higher chance of finding thy brother, don't thou agree?" She did have a point, Moon Dust was exhausted as she had yet to get some real rest and thinking about it some rest did sound good.

"Fine, but shouldn't I get going then?"

"Nay, thou may stay in the castle for the night, we have plenty of empty guest rooms that otherwise only will gather Dust." The pun did not go unnoticed.

"Was that a pun? With my name? You know that you have doomed yourself now." All Luna could do is giggle.

"Hey is that you, Lulu?" Luna instantly stopped, her face burning bright red. Moon's face was now decorated with a smug grin.

"I believe that this new information will serve as payback, Lulu..." Luna was just about to give Dust a nasty glare when Princess Celestia entered the room.

"Hey, who's your friend there, Lulu?" Luna was going to have a talk with Celestia later, as soon Moon Dust couldn't hear them. A long one.

"Yeah, do tell, Lulu." Luna gave her a quick glare before addressing Celestia.

"Ah, yes. 'Tia, this is Moon Dust. Moon Dust, I believe thou know who 'Tia is, am I correct?" A sinister grin formed on Celestia's face.

"I see you have a tendency to befriend ponies named after the sky and the celestial bodies. What's next, Meteor or Comet or something like that, Lulu? Not to mention that she has roughly the same name as you" Both Celestia and Moon Dust had smirks on their faces. Luna scowled at them, but her blush betrayed her.

"Will thou two stop! It's not funny! It's just a coincidence that our names mean the same thing, nothing else! Can we please talk about something else! And please stop calling me Lulu!"

At least Celestia knew when to stop even if it was hard with Luna looking completely adorable, the only thing that could make her even more adorable would be if she was still a filly. "Well, you could tell me more about your friend here."

"Fine sister, let me first show her to her room and then we can talk about it later, okay?" Luna was a bit rushed to separate the two of them as a mean to not have them conspire against her. Though knowing Celestia it would be hard, but thou must try. Thankfully she got what she wanted, she didn't know how much longer she could stand them both at the same time.

"Well, good night, Princess Celestia. We can talk more tomorrow!" Luna shuddered at the thought and tried to move Dust quicker away from her sister.

"I can't wait, I have a lot to tell about when Lulu was still a little filly!" Luna knew at that point that she wasn't going to sleep well, she could already imagine Celestia telling Moon Dust all about the embarrassing things she did when she was young, and it wasn't pretty.