• Published 25th Sep 2015
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Spiders and Magic IV: The Fall of Spider-Mane - Maximus_Reborn

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Two Spiders, One Web, Part III

Chapter Thirteen "Two Spiders, One Web, Part III"

Peter and Gwen sat comfortably in the confines of the cellar, with the mare stretched out across the backseat of the Spider-Mobile while the stallion rummaged through an array of circuits and wires within the glider. Mayday hurried downstairs, passing her father a small circuit breaker. The past three days were relatively peaceful, and Gwen spent it mingling with those around her, especially Peter. The pair had become almost inseparable, making the most of this temporary visit. Peter gave Mayday an affirming nod, sliding the circuit breaker into place while the filly climbed onto the available space on the backseat alongside Gwen.

"You're quite the technogeek," Gwen grinned, alternating her gaze between the small device in her hooves and Peter. "A customized car, glider, and armor? You could make a fortune and give Tony Stark a run for his money."

Peter chuckled, feeling the temperature in his face rise. "I wouldn't say that, but I appreciate the compliment."

Gwen silently eyed the stallion with a warm smile, unaware of the rose tint filling her cheeks. "You're very modest, you know that? Now I see why you're a prince here. You're also as handsome as one," she whispered, the latter of her statement barely audible. She rolled her eyes, chiding herself. "I'm gawking at a pony version of my ex. How weird is that?"

Peter continued to work on his glider nonchalantly. "Hey, you're a pony, too. I had to tell myself that a million times when I started finding the girls here attractive. Just look at me as a human with fur, hooves, and a tail. It's kind of kinky when you think about it… especially since we're pretty much always naked."

"Oh, stop it!" Gwen playfully whined, throwing a folded up piece of paper across the room and hitting the back of the stallion's head. She glanced to the side upon spotting Mayday's wide eyes fixated on the device in her hooves. "What's on your mind, Mayday?"

Mayday shook her head, freeing herself from her self-induced trance. She tapped its screen, inadvertently activating its light. "What is that, exactly?"

"Oh. It's an iPod, a portable music player," Gwen simply stated, grumbling as she clumsily fumbled the device in her hooves while attempting to fiddle with it. "Iwouldshow you how it works if I could get my hooves to cooperate. Not having thumbs is a real downer."

Peter paused, sighing as he stole a glance at his own hooves before continuing his work. "Ain't that the truth."

Mayday's smile grew as bright as the sun, and it was matched only by the glimmering starry gaze she held. "That sounds so cool! How many songs does it hold and what kind?"

"On average, they hold over a thousand. It depends on how much memory the iPod can hold," Peter murmured, closing the hatch to the circuit board before grabbing a screwdriver. "As for what kind of songs, it's all up to the owner. They can put in whatever songs they want. Some companies made you pay for whatever song you wanted, but some people found ways around that and downloaded music from whatever hard drive they had available." Peter turned and gave the mare a smirk. "Let me guess. You're open-minded to all kinds of music, but you prefer rock and hate Eminem."

Gwen exhaled, frowning. "That guy just reeks of corniness."

Mayday hopped out of the Spider-Mobile, nearly stumbling in the process, but she recovered, leaning over Peter's shoulder until their cheeks brushed against each other. "Could you make one for me? If you totally could, please?" Her voice cracked and lower lip quivered as her eyes held a milky glow. "Pretty please, Daddy?"

Peter could only give the filly a helpless chuckle, his great strength again futile against the persuasion of a female. He scratched the back of his head. "How can I say no tothat? I guess I can create a portable version of a music player after I install one in the Spider-Mobile. Music's great to have for those long roadtrips."

Mayday released a high-pitched squeal before planting a firm kiss on Peter's cheek. "You're the best, Daddy!"

"You're welcome, kiddo," Peter grinned, smiling as the filly pranced in place. He groaned inwardly after a duration, holding a hesitant expression after having some time to think it over. "On second thought... I think this might be a bad idea."

"What's the worst that can happen?" Gwen chuckled through a whisper. "It's a music player, not a death ray."

Peter glanced at the mare from the corner of his eye. "You don't know how that girl gets. She's smart… probably too much for her age. I really hope this doesn't start anything that I can't undo."

Gwen smiled. "Kids will be kids. They all grow up eventually, but you can't smother them. I think as long as they realize that their parents love them, a child will eventually understand where their mother and father were coming from."

Peter readied himself to respond, only to let out a defeated sigh. "I guess an iPod is harmless enough."

"Thanks, you big softie," Gwen grinned, playfully poking a visibly-disturbed Peter until his demeanor relaxed. As Mayday celebrated, Gwen stared deeply at the stallion. "The tough guys are always the biggest softies. You kind of remind me of my dad. He's always gotta be the tough cop, but if I squeal a little, he bends over backwards."

Peter shrugged. "What can I say? Fathers love their daughters."

Gwen stood from the backseat, hurdling over the door effortlessly before gently nudging the stallion. "Trust me. I mean it as a huge compliment. It's just weird seeingyouas a father, but it's clear you have a knack for it. Your daughter's crazy about you. It's pretty cute, really." She sobered, holding a genuine smile. "You're a lot more mature thanmyPeter was. If he was still alive, I'd want him to be like you."

Peter blinked, as if contemplating what the mare said before returning her smile with one of his own. Just like that, he took her breath away without knowing it. "I've had a lot of help making it this far. My friends here really pulled me out of a slump, and I figured that I have to set an example to help pay them back for what they did, especially for Twilight. She was there for me the whole way after I lost you."

Gwen playfully winked before placing a hoof over the stallion's shoulder. "Well,I'mjealous. She's doing a great job of keeping you in check." The mare paused, furrowing her brow deep in thought. "Also…" she trailed off, planting a soft yet swift kiss on Peter's cheek.

Peter froze, his face burning. "What was that for?"

Gwen smiled. "MaydayGwendolynParker Sparkle? You honestly think I wouldn't have noticed? You really are a sweetheart, Peter."

The pair shared a warm smile, but before their conversation could proceed further, Mayday hopped between both ponies and poked Gwen's side. "Could I see your iPod? It's for… scientific purposes." Peter arched a knowing brow at the filly. Mayday cleared her throat and huffed, unable to contain her embarrassment. "I'm not gonna take it apart! I just wanna know how it works before you make one for me. Consider this... er... a practice run!"

Peter snorted, waving a hoof dismissively. "Whatever you say, May."

Gwen nodded, stifling her laughter before offering Mayday the device. "Since your hoofwork is better than mine, I'll walk you through the steps." Her eyes widened at a belated realization, prompting the mare to retrieve a pair of earplugs from the backseat of the Spider-Mobile. "Put these into your ears individually. After you do that, press that button on the side to pull up the main menu." Mayday did as she was told, and her ears perked as words appeared on the screen. Gwen grinned. "Good. Now, just slide your hoof across the screen to the left until you see a list."

"This is surprisingly simple yet sophisticated," Mayday giggled, unable to contain her swelling glee.

"Just think JARVIS, but without any of the charm," Peter muttered, causing the engine's artificial lifeboard to activate momentarily.

"Thank you, Mister Parker,"JARVIS politely interjected before fading into black.

Peter rolled his eyes. "If you had a body, I'd hug you, JARVIS."

"There's so many to choose from," Mayday inhaled sharply, her wide eyes scrolling through the list of songs. They seemed practically endless. "Where should I start?"

Gwen smirked. "Oh, try that one! It's a personal favorite of mine."

Mayday tilted her head to the side. "'It's On Again?' What does that even mean?"

"It's a hipster thing," Gwen chuckled, nudging the filly. "Go on! Check it out."

"Okay. I'll try it," Mayday whispered, tapping the title before relaxing into place. Her ears twitched in response as the lyrics filled her brain, accompanied by a lively tune. Mayday's features brightened and her wings sprang to life, echoing her excitement. "It's music to my ears! Uh, no pun intended!"

Gwen placed a hoof over her chest and smiled victoriously. "Looks like she loves it."

Peter grinned, shrugging. "I guess I'd better get to work on making her an iPod."

While all three ponies continued their conversation with laughter, Twilight listened from outside of the cellar. She simply grimaced before walking off with a saddened expression.

The following day, Rarity held out Gwen's heroic costume, rubbing her hoof across its smooth design. "Darling, I must compliment you. Your design is stylish and exquisite." She shot a glare at Peter from the corner of her eye. "I can't say the same forcertainothers."

Peter waved his hoof dismissively. "Hey! It's a timeless design!"

Gwen smirked, leaning over the stallion's shoulder. "It's cool, but it's missing something. Maybe it's the hoodie?"

Rarity scoffed. "Nothing can save it at this point. However, I must say that I simply adore the design of his Spider-Armor. He actually resembles a knight. I only wish he would consider wearing it more often." Her features flushed as she cupped her face with her hooves. "There's nothing more attractive than a knight in shining armor."

"You're only saying that because you don't like tailoring my costume anymore," Peter muttered under his breath, earning a sharp glare from the mare.

Rarity's horn glowed, causing magical energy to envelope Peter's ear before the mare dragged him out of the room. "Speaking of which, your last costume was destroyed beyond measure. You know what that means."

Peter groaned, lowering his head shamefully. "Measurements, again?"

Rarity nodded, leading the stallion out of the room. She gave the mares in the room a soft wink. "We'll return shortly."

Applejack walked over to the table, holding her emerald gaze on the black and white costume. "Pete always told me that costumes are a thing in your world. Ah get that ya'll need to protect your identity and whatnot." She chuckled. "Ah'd be lying if Ah said they didn't look cool. Ah mean, Pete even got Twilight to start wearing a costume on their patrols."

Gwen arched a brow, managing a smile before offering the mare her costume. "You should try it on!"

"N-Now, hold on a minute," Applejack stammered, raising a hoof and waving it dismissively. "Ah don't know about that."

"Come on, Applejack!" Gwen persisted, bringing the heroic costume closer to the other mare. "It'll be fun!"

"Ah don't know..." Applejack alternated her gaze between Gwen and the outfit she held out to her hesitantly. "Won't Ah look silly?"

"You'll never know unless you try," Gwen declared reassuringly, poking the mare's side. "Besides, Peter thinks we favor each other somewhat, so I think you have a pretty good chance to look great in my costume."

Applejack glanced off to the side, as if contemplating the mare's words, but she eventually nodded, taking the costume in hoof. "Alright. I'll give it a try. Just this once."

"That's the spirit!" Gwen whooped, jumping in place.

Adjusting her hold on the outfit, the farmpony snuggled her body into the tights, blushing as the attire hugged her features prominently. Once situated, Applejack turned and swayed her hips until her tail popped out of the backside. Gwen walked up to the mare, straightening her costume before pulling its hood over her head. Applejack made her way to the nearest mirror, managing a confident smile as Gwen gave an approving nod.

A smirk played across the farmpony's features. "Not half bad, Ah reckon?"

"See? I told you that it'd look great!" Gwen exclaimed, nodding. "You clearly work out."

"Ah've been working on the farm since I was a filly. Years of applebuckin' does wonders for the body," Applejack replied, eyeing the curves on her lower region. "Though Ah gotta ask... why does this make my flank look so big?"

Before anypony could react, Peter walked back into the room. "I'm glad that's over. Hey, Gwen. You wanna go—?" His words fell into his throat as he caught sight of the farmpony garbed in Gwen's tights. He alternated his bewildered gaze between both mares. "Well… this is awkward."

Applejack nervously chuckled, walking to the stallion until they were hoof-lengths apart. Her face flushed as she bumped her flank against his playfully. "So, what do ya think?"

Peter grinned sheepishly, unable to stop the temperature in his face from rising considerably. "It looks great on you, AJ!"

"What about me?" Gwen questioned as she walked next to the blonde mare before grabbing her scarf, hat, and apple. Pulling a hay stem from the inside of the hat, the mare gripped its end in her teeth. While Applejack lowered into a squatting position, Gwen stood upright on her hind legs and gave the stallion a friendly wink. "Ah reckon Ah look pretty good, too?"

Peter could only chuckle. "You both look great. The problem is that you two can almost pass for twins. Your new names are Spider-Jack and Applegwen."

Applejack straightened her posture, playfully punching the stallion's shoulder. "Quit jokin' around, Pete. Ah'm gettin' outta this getup. Ah'll be right back." The farmpony excused herself, smiling as the pair shared a moment of laughter. Entering the hallway, the mare quickly found herself face-to-face with Mayday. Applejack stammered about. "Uh…"

The filly's eyes traced Applejack sternly before slowly widening as her expression fixed with horror. "Oh, no... It'sspreading!"

Applejack raised a hoof with a nervous smile. "Now, hold on one—"

Before the farmpony could hope to finish, the filly turned and immediately retreated to her bedroom, slamming the door shut. Applejack could only heave a defeated sigh before finding herself an empty room and managing to remove Gwen's costume without too much trouble. However, as Applejack walked back through the hallway, she caught sight of Twilight, who seemed downtrodden. The alicorn sat alone at a table, holding a glare.

Applejack took the available seat across from her. "Hey, Twi. Why are ya sittin' in here all by your lonesome? The fun's in the other room."

Twilight's brow lowered, deepening her glare. "Those two haven't stopped talking to each other sinceshecame here."

Applejack chuckled. "Hey, it's just a temporary visit. Let Pete and Gwen enjoy each other's company a bit."

"You don'tgetit," Twilight stated lowly through a growl. "Gwen can't take her eyes off of him. Ican'tbe the only one that's noticing this!"

Applejack tilted her head to the side, raising an eyebrow. "Sugarcube, your husband's been voted the sexiest stallion in Equestria for ten years runnin'." As Twilight arched a brow in return, the blonde's face grew as red as a freshly-polished apple. "Ah collect the Equestria Monthly magazines, all right?" Clearing her throat, Applejack placed a hoof over Twilight's shoulder. "My point is that we've always known that Peter's a likable pony, and a lot of mares have crushes on him. So, why is it bothering yanow? Stop thinking so much, sugarcube. You're worryin' yourself over nothin'. Pete's eyes are clearly only for you. Anypony with half a brain knows that."

Twilight quietly watched Applejack leave the room, but her glare only grew more venomous as she grit her teeth.

Sonata quietly trotted through Ponyville with a widened gaze, pausing to analyze her surroundings, and she smiled upon spotting her destination on the horizon. The mare approached the giant tree, knocking on its front door and taking a step back. It slowly opened, revealing a green mare with a blonde mane.

The mare eyed Sonata suspiciously before raising an eyebrow. "Isn't this a library? Do you even really need to knock?"

Sonata brought a hoof to her chin. "Good question. Though poniesdolive here if I'm not mistaken. So, wouldn't it be rude to just walk in?"

Gwen paused for a moment before nodding. "Good point. I guess I'm not used to the idea of a library being a home… or a tree, even," she lowly replied, stepping to the side and waving her hoof suggestively. "Come on in. I'm Gwen, by the way. Can I help you with something?"

Sonata beamed the mare a smile as she entered the Treebrary. "I'm Sonata. It's nice to meet you." She looked about the room before coming to stand in its center. "Wow! This place reallyisa tree. Or... is it a library that just looks like a tree?"

Gwen blinked, scratching the side of her head. "I... I don't know, honestly. I'mstillasking myself that. I haven't exactly been here long myself. I'm just visiting." An awkward amount of time passed with the two staring at one another before she laughed in an uneasy manner. "So, uh..."

"Oh! Is Peter here? I heard that Peter Parker lives here. I'm looking for him," Sonata answered crispy, beginning to scan the many rows of books lining the walls. "He made a promise, and I told him I'd hold him to it, so I'm here to do that."

Gwen's smile twitched a little. "What does that even mean? Well, whatever. I'll just... go find him for you then." Trotting out of the room and heading for Peter and Twilight's room, she glanced back briefly. "Peter sure knows some weird ones. Then again, she can't be as weird as Pinkie Pie."

Before she could reach the door, Peter stepped out before turning back momentarily. "Be back in a few, hun. I'm gonna grab a quick bite to eat with Gwen," he whispered, closing the door behind him. His brow perked up at the sight of Gwen. "Oh, hey, Gwen. What are you up to? Wanna come grab some lunch?"

Gwen smiled wryly, pointing a hoof over her shoulder. "Maybe later. Someone's here to see you. She says her name was Son-something?" She brought a hoof to her chin, tilting her head. "Light blue mare with a blue mane tied back in a ponytail with a stripe in it.Reallyweird. Ring any bells?"

Peter nodded. "Yeah. That'd be Sonata." Peter paused briefly before his eyes widened. "Wait. Sonata's here!?" Peter blurted out, quickly rushing past Gwen before she could hope to reply, leaving her to simply shrug and follow after the stallion.

The pair entered the main room of the building, finding the siren toting a large number of books stacked on her back. Upon noticing the two, she waved a hoof with a large smile. "Oh, hey! There you are!" She glanced to the books she was balancing. "Wow! Who would've guessedsomuch had happened while I was gone! It's gonna take meweeksto catch up with modern times." She paused for a moment before looking to Peter. "Wait. There isn't a limit to how many books I can check out, is there?"

"You'd have to check with my wife. All of these books are hers," Peter chuckled, waving his hoof dismissively. "What a dork, right?"

Gwen gave the stallion a coy smirk. "Says the adult that keeps a chemistry set under his bed."

Peter groaned under his breath. "Shush your mouth, Gwen. There's a clear difference between nerds and dorks. It's like comparing apples to oranges." The stallion cleared his throat. "Anyway. What brings you here, Sonata?"

Sonata sobered, inhaling deeply before letting out a low sigh. "I saw your fight with Venom. Are… you okay?"

Peter blinked, scratching the back of his head. "I'm still a little banged up in places, but I'm good. I've had worse. Like, when I died, but it was definitely a close second."

"Dying then coming back to life? Sounds like a deus ex machina to me," Gwen muttered, giving a small 'ow' as Peter elbowed her forehoof.

Sonata's eyes softened. "I'm really sorry. I had no idea that the others wanted you dead." The mare closed the gap, wrapping her hooves around the stallion's neck affectionately. Once they parted, Sonata held a smile. "I'm just glad that you're okay."

Gwen arched a brow. "The others?"

Peter nodded. "Oh, yeah. Gwen. Sonata's a siren, and… she's associated with Discord."

"What?! And you're letting her in yourhouse?!" Gwen blurted out, rushing toward Sonata before Peter grabbed the mare by her waist. She broke free from the stallion's grasp, giving him an exasperated glare while pointing a hoof at the siren. "Have you lost yourmind?! How do you know this isn't a trap?"

Peter stared blankly at the mare. "Technically,youlet her into my house."

"Semantics!" Gwen shouted.

Peter held a humorless smile, placing a hoof over Sonata's shoulder while standing firm against Gwen. "She's my friend, and I trust her." Unbeknownst to everypony in the room, Twilight peeked her head from the bedroom and watched the spectacle with a wary gaze. Peter shook his head. "Just trust me on this, Gwen. Sonata's different. I promised to help her out, and I intend to do just that. Her race is on the verge of extinction. I can't just ignore that."

Sonata intruded between the pair, holding a concerned expression. "Do you really think you can do it? I know you helped the changelings and all, but... is it really possible to do the same for us? Creatures that survive off of negative emotions?"

The stallion shrugged. "I'll never know unless I try. For starters, I'll need a blood sample. Do you have a fear of needles?" Peter questioned, causing the siren to shake her head.

The stallion trotted into the library, rummaging through an array of cabinets before coming back. He approached Sonata with a box of syringes, cloth, and bandage. Following procedure, Peter slowly drove the point of the syringe into Sonata's limb, causing the siren to wince involuntarily. After taking a few more samples and readying them accordingly, he cleaned the siren's small wound before placing a bandage over it.

Peter nodded, eyeing one of the blood samples. "That should do it for now. I'll need to run a few tests to understand exactly how your biology works, but it's a start."

Sonata rubbed the sore spot on her forearm, managing a smile. "Thanks, Peter. I really appreciate that you're willing to go through all of this trouble for us." Her gazed softened before she looked away, averting her gaze to the ceiling. "After all, we've done nothing to deserve your help. If anything, it's the opposite… especially after Discord had you fight that Venom creep in that arena."

Peter waved a hoof dismissively. "Don't worry about it. That wasn't your fault. I honestly don't understand Discord's infatuation with me. No one does. As far as I know, he's some demi-god whacko that's getting his kicks tormenting me."

Sonata shrugged. "We don't really get him either. He simply appeared in front of us and offered a way home if we helped him with a few things." She scratched her head. "Other than that… I can't say I know anything about him. He just kinda comes and goes. You'd have to ask Adagio sometime. She might know more."

Peter folded his forelegs with a frown. "That might take a little bit of work. She didn't seem too happy with me the last time we spoke." After a moment, he managed a smile. "I'll still give it a shot if I get a chance to speak with her."

Sonata beamed the stallion a smile. "Thanks again, Peter."

Gwen chuckled, easing herself over the stallion's shoulder. "I don't believe it. You reallyarespecial, you know that? I mean, you've already saved one race from extinction, and now, you're off to do the same for another?" She leaned closer, holding a warm smile. "Ireallywish my Peter was more like you. You're a dad, prince, knight, hero, fun friend, and you're really…" she trailed off, looking away as she felt her face burn. "You're really—"

However, before Gwen could finish her sentence, Twilight materialized between herself and Peter in a flash of light. "I have heard enough!" she barked, shoving the mare away. "You have donenothingbut be all over Peter since you came here!"

Peter's eyes widened at his wife's outburst. "Whoa! Twilight! Hold on!"

"Oh, shut up. How stupid do you think I am, Peter?!" Twilight snapped back, glaring down the stallion. "You haven't eventriedto turn away any of her advances!"

"Advances!?" Gwen stepped in front of Twilight, inadvertently shoving Peter to the side as she matched the alicorn's glare. "What is yourproblem?! Peter and I have just been enjoying each other's company!"

Twilight's eye twitched. "Yes. I canclearlysee that! He's donenothingbut spend time with you since you've gotten here!" She let out a frustrated groan. "I may as well not evenexistnow that you've come into the picture!"

Gwen heavily rolled her eyes. "God, will you quit being soparanoid? You're hiswifefor crying out loud!"

"Yeah! Iamhis wife!" Twilight replied while stomping her hoof. "Which isexactlywhy I say that it's time for you to go! Get out of my homenow!"

"Are you for real?" Gwen half laughed before gritting her teeth. "You know what...? Maybe you don'tdeservePeter. Youclearlydon't trust him as much as you should!"

Peter meekly stood behind both mares. "Girls! Please! Calm down!"

"Shut up, Peter!" both mares shot out, causing the stallion to shrink even further.

Before the situation could escalate further, Aunt May stepped in from around the corner. "What is going on here?" She stepped into Peter's place, shaking her head disapprovingly. With a stern yet soft glare, she alternated her gaze between both mares. "You two should be ashamed of yourselves! You're both acting like children!"

Gwen's ears lowered into her mane while Twilight's eyes softened. Both mares turned their gazes away from each other while an awkward silence filled the room. Twilight pursed her lips, growling. However, as Mayday peeked her head into the room, hesitantly taking a place beside her father, the alicorn shook her head before storming out of the Treebrary in a huff. Gwen went in the opposite direction and retreated into the library, slamming the door behind her. Ben started crying from his room, prompting Aunt May to go tend to the baby colt. Peter shared a bewildered gaze with Mayday and Sonata as Trixie was the last to enter the room.

"What just happened here?" Peter questioned, arching a brow. "I've never seen Twilight act like that before."

Sonata stared intently at the door before giving the stallion a stern expression. "Wow. I haven't felt negative emotions like that in a while. Twilight must bereallyupset. That would've been a great meal, actually." She paused, holding a smile. "But I couldn't do that to a friend."

"Thanks, Sonata," Peter whispered, placing a hoof over the siren's shoulder.

Mayday looked up at her father. "What's wrong with Mom?"

Peter shrugged. "I don't know, sweetie. She'll be fine. Your mother's just upset." The stallion eased the filly out of the room, offering supportive words. Once she was back in her own room, Peter scratched the back of his head. "I don't get it.Whywas she so upset?"

"It's quite obvious actually," Trixie calmly interjected, earning the collective gazes of both Peter and Sonata. The mare took a seat at the table. "Twilight feels threatened by Gwen's presence."

Peter snorted. "What? No way! That's ridiculous!"

Trixie smiled. "It's not ridiculous to Twilight." She patted Peter's shoulder. "That's why I love you. You're the oblivious, simple-minded fool. Sadly, Twilight's seemed to have forgotten that in her frustration."

Peter's eyes softened. "Is that why she's been so quiet lately? I knew something was wrong, but Twilight never wanted to talk about it." The stallion rushed to the door. "I'm going after her."

Sonata slipped between him and the door, shaking her head. "That's... probably not a good idea, Peter." She managed a small smile while glancing off to the side. "Aria gets like this, too, sometimes. She'll bottle things up until she finally explodes. The best thing you can do right now is give Twilight a little space to cool off."

Aunt May entered the room with a sleeping Ben in her hooves, giving the stallion an affirming nod. "She's right. Don't worry, son. Trixie and I will calm Gwen down. You just sit tight for a while. Twilight will come back when she's good and ready too."

Peter hesitantly nodded, holding his soft gaze on the ground. "Oh, Twilight. I'm so sorry."

Just outside of the Treebrary, Adagio watched with a wicked grin. "Great job, Sonata. I guess even you can be quick on the uptake from time to time." She shifted her gaze towards the direction where Twilight retreated. "And she's headingrightfor them, too. This is almost too easy!" The siren hurried after the alicorn with no objection. "I can't wait to see exactly what those things do. I guess the little princess will just have to find out first."

To be continued...

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