• Published 25th Sep 2015
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Spiders and Magic IV: The Fall of Spider-Mane - Maximus_Reborn

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Fall of an Empire, Part VI

Chapter Twenty-Two "Fall of an Empire, Part VI"

Ursa walked to the Treebrary with Peter riding on the back of her neck. The night had been long and rest had eluded the stallion for a plethora of reasons, with mental and physical stress being the focal points. Every day for this particular week came an attack, whether it was by a siren or some old foe from his past. Peter groaned as he glanced off to the side, knowing that, if the pattern persisted, another attack would surely come soon.

In spite of the clear skies and warm atmosphere this evening offered, the stallion could only dread in his anguish. Bolts of pain coursed through the entirety of his body, and his muscles felt light, weakened from excessive use. The trip to Canterlot was brief, thanks to Ursa's speed and Celestia's understanding of the situation. Luna was severely injured during the encounter with Electro last night, leaving the alicorn to require immediate medical attention from Zecora.

While Luna was considerably better thanks to the zebra's wealth of knowledge in herbs and medicine, she was in no condition to move. It was decided that the alicorn would stay in the Treebrary under Zecora's watch for the time being. Celestia was just thankful that her younger sister would live to see another day. She gave Peter her blessing as well as something to accommodate for the unforeseen dangers that possibly loomed.

Peter let out a low sigh. He wanted to see his family, specifically Twilight's beautiful smile, to hear Mayday's wonderful laughter, and to hug his son, Ben. However, the stallion merely told Celestia to inform them that he would see them at another time. His heart ached, almost matching the pain coursing through his body.

In his current condition where the simple task of walking was dreadful, Peter did not want Twilight to see him in this condition. Considering he currently had just recovered from internal bleeding, had broken ribs, multiple bruises, and a concussion, it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to see that the stallion was worse for wear, let alone his wife with her pesky mare's intuition. Twilight would rush home before her rehabilitation ended, and Peter did not want to risk her safety because of her tendency to worry excessively. For now, they would continue to exchange letters until his accelerated healing took care of the worst of his wounds.

Peter turned, proceeding to climb down from the back of Ursa's neck, but a bolt of pain throbbed through his side. The stallion instinctively clutched at the spot, causing him to slip from his position. He landed roughly on his back, and the ground didn't give, only worsening his pain. Peter grimaced as his ribs practically burned. As if sensing his dilemma, Ursa lowered her head until the tip of her nose rubbed against the stallion. Placing a hoof against the astral bear, Peter used the given leverage to pull himself up.

"Thanks, girl," Peter whispered, smiling as Ursa gently licked the front of his body. He rubbed a hoof through her fur, sighing as the cub purred in response. "You're right. Idoneed a vacation, but it'll have to wait. We really don't know what Discord has planned next." Ursa nudged the stallion, her large yellow and red eyes holding a soft gaze. Peter nodded. "Don't worry. I'll get some rest soon. I just have to make sure everyone else is okay first."

However, before the stallion could reach the door, a flash of light ignited hoof-lengths away. The energy dissipated before Chrysalis stepped forward. "Peter, it's urgent," she quickly declared, pausing upon earning a dreary glare from the stallion. The mare's eyes softened as she stared at his bandaged form. The bags under his eyes were heavy, darkened from the lack of sleep, and bruises were scattered across his body, visible behind the areas that weren't bandaged. "Darling, you look terrible."

Peter leaned back, collapsing onto Ursa's leg. "Well, I feel terrible, too. It's been alongweek." Inhaling deeply before sighing, the stallion gazed at the mare weakly. Even his vibrant hazel irises lacked the glow that Chrysalis adored. "If you're here, that means something's up."

Chrysalis closed the gap until they were hoof-lengths apart. "I apologize. If I was able to handle the situation on my own, I wouldn't have come here." She trailed off, pausing to pet Ursa before returning her concerned gaze to the stallion. "My central hive is under attack. My changelings are holding the line of defense, but the attacker is too powerful. I'm afraid they won't last without immediate assistance." Chrysalis frowned, a softened expression forming on her features. "This hive is my home, and so many eggs and hatchlings are in danger… mine in particular…" Chrysalis trailed off, biting down on her lips as the temperature in her face rose. "I know it's selfish, but Ineedyou, Peter."

The stallion nodded, forcing a smile. "What did I tell you, Chryssi? You're my friend. I'll do anything for you. Even if I'm broken in half, I'll still help you."

The mare's ears dropped into her silky mane, and her lips curled into a warm smile. The tip of her horn glowed, and magical energy spiraled into her body. Chrysalis could only nod appreciatively. "That means the world to me, Peter. Thank you so much."

Peter's eyes widened at a belated realization. "Who is it?"

"It's one of the sirens. She has a poofy, orange mane," Chrysalis declared, extending a hoof to the stallion.

Peter accepted the gesture, groaning in pain as the mare helped him to a standing position. "That's Adagio. I was afraid this would happen. This is the fifth day straight there's been an attack. First, they've been attacking the cities, and now, they're going after you. Whatever Discord's game is, I'm getting sick of it." Peter walked over to the cellar's doors. "We should hurry. There's something I need to grab first. I have a feeling Adagio won't be as understanding as Sonata and Aria."

Soon the stallion returned with a small bag. before joining back with Chrysalis. Both ponies vanished in a flash of light, leaving for their destination.


Deep within the hive's cave grounds, many changelings were left in heaps on the stone floor, beaten and unconscious. The few that remained charged towards the one responsible with their fangs drawn. Adagio simply smirked before unleashing a potent melody from her mouth. A shockwave erupted around the siren's position, blasting away the entire swarm of changelings, and cracks spread along the stone walls of the hive's foundation, nearly succumbing to Adagio's might.

She surveyed the field with a scowl, furrowing her brow upon spotting a lone changeling stirring hoof-lengths away. It attempted to crawl, desperate to escape, only for Adagio to step directly in its intended path. The siren hummed lowly, causing small chains of magical energy to seep out of her body, and as she heightened her pitch, they snaked around the changeling's neck and body. Lowering her tempo, Adagio held that tune while the chains lifted her prey hoof-lengths from the ground.

"I don't have time to play games. Tell me where your queen is.Now!" Adagio growled, in turn causing the chains to tighten around the changeling's neck. It struggled to breathe, let alone talk, but its defiant hisses were clear indication to what its thoughts were. Adagio scoffed in response before closing her eyes. "Well, aren'tyouloyal? I guess that makes you…" she trailed off, using her magic to throw the changeling behind her shoulder high into the air, "expendable."

The changeling flew towards a gathering of sharp rocks, unable to cease its momentum. Before it could meet with a gory fate, a crimson blur swept through the air and snagged the bug-like creature out of the air. Adagio furrowed her brow at the sight, attempting to make out the equine-shaped silhouette as it landed in the shadows with the changeling in their hooves. Suddenly, Chrysalis materialized into existence in a flash of light, earning her full attention in return.

"It's sad. You take your anger and lash out against everypony around you. This is my home, and I will not allow you endanger my people. Mychildren," Chrysalis huffed, glancing off to the side. As if rejuvenated to a degree, the entire swarm of changelings stood from the ground, shifting their collective blank gazes towards their queen. They quickly turned to retreat after mentally heeding their leader's words. Chrysalis narrowed her emerald gaze on the siren. "Do not worry about me, children! I've brought help. Find a safe haven until I call for you all!"

Adagio arched a brow at the changeling queen before shifting her gaze to the mystery individual coated in the shadows. Soon, a stallion unicorn clad in armor stepped forward, pausing to gently lower the changeling in his hooves. Amidst the glow of red, a black spider insignia was emblazoned at the center of his chest, its shade matched only by the dark padding he wore underneath the protective gear. The stallion stood upright on his hind legs as the blank white lenses on his helmet emitted a bright light.

With a wicked smile, Adagio pointed a hoof at the stallion, specifically the spider insignia on his chest. "Oh, yes.You'rethe one I'm looking for, Spider-Mane! I should've known you'd come running if I threatened these crying, baby cockroaches."

The padding underneath the armor glowed, giving off a blue energy signature as the circuits came to life. "Adagio, you shouldn't be here. Whatever it is that Discord's promised you, it's not worth this. We don't have to fight. I'm just here to make sure the changelings are safe."

Adagio scoffed, gritting her teeth at the stallion. "Is that so? Well, I'm here foryou! I'm getting sick and tired of hearing Sonata and Aria trying to pretend you're their friend! They don't understand that ponies like you always end up betraying their allies! I know what that's like. I made the mistake of trusting somepony once, and it's a mistake I willnotmake again. I won't let you stand in our way!"

Chrysalis frowned, her eyes softening. "It doesn't have to be this way. I've been where you are now. It's easier to hate and distrust when the world has pushed you into a corner. I nearly drove the changeling race into extinction because of my stubborn pride. I implore you to not make the same mistakes that I did and accept the help offered to you."

Adagio forced a laugh, crossing her forelegs. "Because you've also stood as one of the last of your kind, right?" She shot the changeling queen an icy glare. "Don't you evenpretendthat you know what it's like."

Chrysalis shook her head, sharing a glance with the armored stallion. "Peter's intentions are pure. Just give him a chance before you alienate any possible means of saving what's left of your race."

"Alienate?" Adagio half laughed, her eyes darkening. "Don't give me that crap! It wasyourcomplete incompetence that almost destroyed the changeling race! Me?Myrace is gone because of Celestia! So don't youdaretry to lecture me about options!Iknow what's best for us! Not you!" A pair of magical wings sprouted from the siren's back as dark energies emitted from the rest of her body. "Aria and Sonata don't have it in them, but I will see you diemyself, Parker!"

The confines of the cave's walls shook wildly as tremors ruptured through the surrounding stone. Chrysalis staggered, barely able to hold a vertical stance until Peter took her hoof and allowed the mare to lean against his unmoving form. Stalactites broke from the ceiling, shattering upon falling to the ground, and the fissures spread along the floor, the stone unable to withstand the maelstrom of sound. Chrysalis raised her gaze to the other side of the room, an area unaffected by the surrounding chaos, but the fissures began to near it with falling rocks landing closer and closer.

A look of concern filled the mare's eyes. "Peter! My eggs! They need my protection!"

Peter nodded, waving the mare off before lowering into a defensive stance against the siren. "Go! Seal yourself off and make sure they're safe! I'll handle this!"

"I'll finish what they started," Adagio muttered, inhaling deeply as Chrysalis vanished in a burst of light and materialized within the room. The changeling queen's horn glowed, causing a barrier to form over the area. Adagio scoffed at the sight, turning to the stallion. "I don't care about those stupid eggs! You're the one I'm after, Parker!"

The siren planted her hooves and screamed at the top of her lungs, sending a large vibrational wave out towards the stallion. Peter jumped to the side, flipping over a stone before galloping up the side of the nearest wall. The waves shattered the boulder, reducing it to rubble, and the energy projections tore through the path behind the stallion as they closed in on his position. Spider-Mane tapped the button over his right glove, prompting a crystal heart to free itself from the compartment on the underside of his hoof.

The stallion threw the stone into the center of the wave, triggering an explosion of light, and the rays filled the vicinity, blinding the siren. Spider-Mane lunged out, spinning several times before swinging his leg for a kick. However, Adagio's vision cleared, and her eyes shot open at the sight of the approaching stallion. She sang a low melody, conjuring a bubble shield around her position.

Peter struck the barrier, managing to shatter the defense, but Adagio heightened her pitch, causing the broken energy to spiral around Spider-Mane before retaking its bubble shape. Ensnared, Spider-Mane could not react as the siren raised her hoof and shouted, unleashing a force wave that rocketed his body across the cave and into a wall. The impact sent tremors coursing through the entire vicinity as Peter's form was imbedded deep in the stone. Adagio vanished from sight before materializing inches away from the stallion, pressing her hooves firmly against his chestplate.

The siren inhaled deeply before shrieking at the top of her lungs, releasing an assault of vibrational waves at point blank range. The attack hammered into Peter's body, denting his armor until he managed to place a hoof over Adagio's shoulder before delivering a strike to the center of her chest just above the crimson gem she wore. The blow staggered the mare, ceasing her falsetto. Peter extended a hoof as energy spiraled into it before firing a concussive blast, sending the siren flying for several yards.

As the stallion struggled to free himself from the stone, Adagio's wings flapped and spread, managing to stop her body's momentum. She scowled at the stallion, shifting her gaze to the side, and she quickly spotted Chrysalis in the distance, raising her gaze to the stalactites protruding from the ceiling directly above the changeling queen. The siren channeled her screams and aimed at the rocks, unleashing a vibrational wave upon them. The stalactites broke away from the ceiling before they fell down onto the barrier, causing cracks to spread across the shield.

Adagio's eyes widened as she sang a low-pitched tune, causing energy to spiral into a large orb mere hoof-lengths away. The siren cackled before shrieking, launching the sphere at Chrysalis. Peter pried his body free from the stone before galloping full speed across the room in a blur. He skidded to a halt, managed to extend his hooves and block the attack before it could reach Chrysalis. The stallion strained as the energy ripped through his armor, but he howled, lifting the orb over his head before slamming it into the ground.

The energy tore through the earth, burrowing into the dirt and stone while a seemingly bottomless pit formed. Peter fell to a kneeling position, his breathing resembling the sound of glass scratching against a rough surface. Adagio materialized inches behind the stallion before screaming at the top of her lungs, unleashing a shockwave. Peter was launched, pinwheeling before slamming face-first into the wall of the pit, and he limply plummeted into the darkness, his form disappearing in the distance.

Adagio readied to bask in her victory, evident by the wicked smile she bore, but a strand of webbing shot out from the depths of the pit, latching onto her chest. Before the siren could react, she was pulled into the chasm, her body bouncing violently off of the walls. Adagio attempted to grasp an edge, only to be pulled further into the slippery descent. Peter was the first to strike the ground, landing roughly on his stomach while the mare crashed mere hoof-lengths away on the side of her shoulder.

Both ponies had landed in the lowest level of the caves. The stallion groaned, sliding a hoof under his chestplate before tossing the piece of armor to the side. He took in ragged breaths, coughing up a fair amount of blood from the confines of his bruised chest. Peter eventually managed to pull himself from the ground, though not before collapsing to a kneeling position for the second time. Adagio gritted her teeth, slamming a hoof into the ground as she forced herself to a standing position. The siren snarled, seething as the crimson gem around her neck glowed.

"That's it! I'm through screwing around!" Adagio howled, black energy glowing in her eyes. The gem imbedded itself into the mare's fur, and her teeth sharpened into fangs. "It's high time that you died!"

Adagio's body trembled violently as her fur dissipated, scales taking its place. The mare's pupils took a slitted form as her limbs grew in length. A large fin sprouted from the siren's back, extending until it reached her lower regions. Adagio's hind legs faded from sight, and a fish-like tail took their place. She hovered hoof-lengths from the ground while fins materialized under her limbs.

The gem imbedded in Adagio's chest morphed to a darker shade of yellow, matching her tail color. Her body continued to grow in size, until she towered over Peter, her shadow enveloping his form entirely. Fins sprouted out of each side of the siren's face before she stared down at the stallion, her transformation having been completed. Adagio roared with enough force to send brutal shockwaves echoing throughout the caves.

Peter staggered, disoriented as the siren's scream blurred his vision, but he ran forward under Adagio's body, narrowly avoiding the stones that fell from the far-off ceiling. Something captured the stallion's leg, halting his progress as he fell to the ground. Peter turned, spotting Adagio with her hoof wrapped around his limb. He threw a kick, causing the siren to instinctively relinquish her hold. He rolled to the side, avoiding a massive stone that would've otherwise crushed him before resuming his retreat.

Adagio's screams echoed throughout the cave, shattering the stone in a massive explosion, and the blast radius knocked the stallion to the ground, giving the siren time to close the distance. Peter scampered, hopping over the vibrational wave his attacker unleashed. The siren dashed towards the stallion as the dust cleared, but Spider-Mane lifted a slab of stone before slamming it against her head, reducing the rock to pebbles upon impact. The blow staggered Adagio, giving Peter time to put more distance between himself and his pursuer.

Peter reached the end of the cave's lowest region, eyeing the sunlight escaping in the distance. Before he could act, Adagio tackled him, using her weight to pin him to the ground. She opened her mouth, ready to unleash a malevolent melody, but the stallion shot several strands of webbing around her muzzle. The thread spread on impact, encasing the entirety of the siren's head. Peter hopped up while Adagio scratched at the webbing, running through the long corridor that led to the outside. The siren ripped the gossamer free from her mouth, howling in frustration before giving chase.

Spider-Mane sprinted desperately with Adagio closing in, ignoring the pain circulating through his midsection. He reached the end of the pathway, skidding to a halt upon realizing it was a cliff. The drop was immense, matching several stories. Before Peter could attempt to think of an alternate route, Adagio drove the point of her head into his back, sending the stallion flying over the edge. Spider-Mane gathered his bearings before activating the thrusters built into the legs of his armor.

Peter took flight, only for Adagio to again slam into his body, tackling him into the rocky side of the cliff. Spider-Mane ruptured the stone, tearing it asunder, but he slipped free, attempting to gain altitude despite losing his helmet in the scuffle. Adagio reached out and captured the stallion, wrapping her hooves firmly around his back. Peter screamed as the siren applied pressure in her hold, feeling his ribs crush his lungs. He peeked up, his eyes widening as Adagio inhaled deeply. Trails of energy spiraled into her mouth, giving clear indication as to her intentions.

Spider-Mane slammed his hoof into the back of his free glove, revealing a crystal heart. It was the last in his arsenal, but he quickly threw the jewel directly into Adagio's mouth just as she unleashed a scream. The vibrational wave collided with the crystal heart, filling the gem with energy before it detonated. A chain reaction was triggered and caused a massive explosion of light and energy to fill the air, engulfing both the stallion and siren. Peter was launched, breaking through a stone pillar before landing back within the cave, and Adagio fell lifelessly into the waiting rivers below.

Discord stood by the river bank, smiling before clapping his paw and talon together. Adagio materialized next to the draconequus in her equine form, coughing. Discord reached down and brushed the dust from the gem, holding it until the crack at the center healed. Adagio's eyes widened as she glanced about her surroundings wildly, as if just realizing what had just taken place. However, as she stood with a scowl, glaring at the caves high above her position, Discord shook his head.

"That will not be necessary. The damage has been done, and you performed quite admirably, my dear," Discord chuckled, nodding. "Who knew you had such ferocity in you? Save that energy for the main event, though. Trust me, youwillneed it." The draconequus waved a glowing paw. "Shall we go?"

Hesitantly, Adagio huffed before giving Discord an affirming nod. She glanced back at the cave. "You were lucky this time, Parker. We'll meet again," she growled before yielding.

"Most certainly. I just hope he enjoys the last surprise. We saved the best for last. I just hope the next target is tough enough to withstand our fair Carnage," Discord grinned, disappearing from sight in a burst of light alongside Adagio.

Peter's eyes shot open before he rose from the ground. "What?" he blurted out, cringing as bolts of pain rushed through every inch of his body. The stallion rubbed the side of his face, glancing off to the side upon noticing Chrysalis sitting nearby with a warm smile on her face. Peter blinked, eyeing his surroundings. He was back at the center of the hive, specifically the queen's chambers. He still wore what remained of his armor, but it was damaged beyond repair, evident by the dents and exposed circuits spread over the entire design. The stallion shook his head. "What just happened?"

Chrysalis shrugged. "I'm not entirely sure. I was forced to keep my eggs safe from the falling rocks in the cave in. From what my changelings gathered, you managed to lead the siren out of the caves. They saw her fall to the river below, but nopony could find a body. We can only assume that she's escaped… or sank to the bottom of the river." Her eyes softened. "You were in terrible condition when my changelings found you. It took them hours just to dig you out from underneath those stones. You're lucky to be alive."

Peter groaned, wincing in pain. "I'm being told that more often than not nowadays." He sat still, taking in ragged breaths while placing a hoof on his side. "Is everypony okay?"

Chrysalis simply stared at the stallion with a widened gaze before smiling. "You are quite the unusual one. Your body's plagued with injuries, and you just woke from unconsciousness. Yet, your first thought is on our safety?" She let out a low sigh, shuddering contently as calm energies spiraled into her body. Chrysalis grinned. "The hive is safe. There were no casualties, and my eggs are safe thanks to your valiance. I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have no idea how much this means to me."

In spite of his anguish, Peter managed to return the mare's smile with one of his own. "Sure. No problem. That's what friends are for." The stallion arched a brow at the dozens of eggs scattered throughout the room, each nuzzled carefully on a pillow with a blanket covering them. "I don't remember there being this many eggs the last time I came here. What happened?"

Chrysalis paused, feeling the temperature in her face rise. She meekly smiled as her cheeks held a pink glow. "I have you to thank for that, actually," she whispered, earning a befuddled expression from the stallion. Chrysalis took a seat on the edge of the bed, never averting her warm gaze from his hazel irises. "You see, changelings only lay eggs once every three decades. It takes our bodies about five years to prep. You came into my life during the warm-up period." Her eyes softened. "Because you've given so much affection towards me and fed our race, this cycle turned out magnificently. I had never been so… fertile before."

Peter chuckled nervously. "Does that make me the illegitimate father?"

Chrysalis merely smiled, blushing. "Perhaps." She placed a hoof over the stallion's. Her firm visage faltered as a pair of sniffles escaped from the mare. "I love all of my children, but there's something… special about these eggs. When the hatchlings are born, they will resemble the true beauty of what we have formed." Chrysalis wrapped her hooves around the stallion's neck, pausing to plant a soft kiss over his bandaged cheek. She pulled back, unable to contain a teary smile. She stuck out her tongue, holding an enamored gaze on the stallion. "They will be our future, and I look forward to raising them under your guidance and love."

Peter showed a toothy grin. "You're already mother of the year in my book."

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