• Published 25th Sep 2015
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Spiders and Magic IV: The Fall of Spider-Mane - Maximus_Reborn

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Chapter Nine"Prodigy"

Twilight paced throughout the Treebrary while Spike followed her with a quill and scroll. Trixie watched the sight with a blank stare, downing a cup of tea once they had finally finished their checklist. Aunt May walked into the living room and took a seat next to Trixie, peeking inside the saddlebag wrapped around her shoulder before giving a content nod. Peter laid on the sofa with Ben stretched across his chest, cooing playfully as Twilight slowed to a halt hoof-lengths away.

"Must you always do this?" Trixie mumbled, rolling her eyes.

Twilight scanned through the checklist on the scroll, never giving the unicorn a glance. "The Equestria Games are only a week away, and I want to make sure we have everything set and ready."

"We're just going to see Rarity to have a few accessories fitted, dear," Aunt May politely interjected with a chuckle.

"Accessories? That means girl stuff," Peter murmured, rubbing a hoof through the dark violet streak in his son's chocolate brown mane.

Twilight's eyes widened. "Speaking of girls..." The alicorn walked to the closed door across the room before knocking on it a few times. "Mayday! It's time to go!"

"Why do I have to go? It's just ribbons and bracelets," Mayday questioned from the safety of her room.

Using her magic, Twilight opened the door, only for a pile of assorted pieces and parts to fall out that had been stacked against the door. The room itself was a discombobulated mess of tools, schematics, and makeshift gadgets; resembling a busy workshop more than anything else. At the epicenter was Mayday, who sat at the desk with her attention centered on a small device. As the filly tinkered, tightening the bolts on the remote while bypassing the circuits within, Twilight eyed the room with a bemused glare.

"For goodness' sake, Mayday! When are you going to clean this... this disaster?!" she exclaimed, scanning the room for the few places where the wooden floor could still be seen. "This is what the cellar is for, so you or your father don't turn our house into a junkyard!"

"It isn't a disaster, Mom! It's organized chaos! It's my thing!" Mayday retorted, closing the lid to the remote before trotting out of the room with the device in hoof. "Oh, by the way! Daddy, I fixed the remote to your glider! Sorry that I accidentally broke it!"

Peter reached out, accepting the remote with a grin once Mayday was within reach. "Thanks, kiddo."

"Oh no you don't. You're not off the hook yet, young lady," Twilight sternly declared, lifting the filly with her telekinesis. The mare held her daughter in place, never averting her glare away. "You're going to clean this mess up today, and, you will use the cellar from now on. Is that understood?" Mayday grumbled under her breath, something along the lines of hesitant compliance. Twilight levitated the filly closer until their faces were inches apart, with a stern violet glare meeting bright hazel irises. "Mayday. Gwendolyn. Parker. Sparkle. Do you understand me?"

Mayday frowned, glancing off to the side with a weak nod. "Yes, ma'am."

Letting out a sigh, Twilight gently placed the filly down before using her magic to close the door. "Okay. Let's get ready to go."

Mayday scratched the back of her head, whining, "Oh, come on, Mom! Do we really have to go to the Equestria Games all dressed up? I mean, Daddy doesn't have to dress up. Besides, the games are so boring!"

"That's because your father's a brute, and you're a young lady," Trixie deadpanned, freeing herself to a standing position. The mare alternated her gaze between the filly and her mother. "You must present yourself accordingly. You have a tendency to come off as a slob. We're just making certain you look presentable. It's vital for your parents to go because of their importance to the world. They, as well as you, must make an appearance."

Aunt May chuckled. "It'll be fun, dear. Besides, you have to go to the games because everypony's going, including your sitters, and we can't quite trust you on your own yet. Not after the glider incident."

Mayday shrugged her shoulders in a defeated manner. "That was an accident! Geez! I press one button I'm not supposed to, and I'm suddenly the bad guy!"

Twilight lifted Ben into her hooves, kissing the baby colt before levitating him across her shoulders. "Alright, Peter. We'll be right back," she whispered, lowering to give her stallion a soft kiss before walking to the door.

Peter stole a glance at every mare, specifically the filly following loosely behind with a disgruntled expression. The stallion hopped from the sofa, landing in a standing position before placing both hooves over his daughter's shoulders. "Hey, girls? How about if Mayday stays with me until you get back?"

Twilight furrowed her brow. "Are you sure about that, Peter? You should rest."

The stallion waved his hoof dismissively, chuckling. "It's no big deal. Mayday really wants to finish her experiment, and since this is the last day she gets to work in her room, we can at least let her finish today." Peter nodded. "I can take Mayday to Rarity's tomorrow, since my costume has a tear in it anyway."

Twilight pursed her lips, alternating her wary gaze between the filly and stallion before letting out a defeated sigh. "Alright. Just... don't blow up our home while we're gone, okay?"

"We promise," Peter and Mayday said together, sharing a high-hoof behind Twilight's back as she ventured out the door with Trixie, Aunt May, and Spike.

Peter waited until the others were long gone before looking down to his daughter. "Can you keep a secret?" Mayday beamed, earning a nod from her father. "I'll be down in the cellar if you need me. Don't tell your mom. I'm supposed to be resting."

"Tell Mom what?" the filly asked with a grin.

"Good girl." Peter patted Mayday on the head before walking to the door and taking a peek outside to make sure the coast was clear. "I suggest you get to the point where you can move your project by tonight. While I don't really mind, your mom means business about that room of yours."

Mayday let out a small sigh. "I'll figure something out. Thanks, Daddy."

"No problem, kiddo." Peter waved dismissively before sneaking out the door.

With her parents gone and the Treebrary to herself, Mayday wasted no time in returning to her room. Looking about the floor's scattered contents, the filly pursed her lips. "It's really not that bad..." Taking a step, Mayday's hoof struck the sharp corner of a gadget, causing the filly to curse involuntarily. She winced, blowing on the stinging spot before nodding hesitantly. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to clean up a little. Last thing I need is for Mom to ground me. Again."

Mayday walked across the room, retrieving a small box. She peeked inside, finding it empty. However, as the filly reached down to grab a part from the floor, she couldn't pry her hooves from the box's surface. Mayday blinked, furrowing her brow as she attempted to shake the cardboard free from her grasp.

It was like adhesive. The filly tried to throw the box away, but it carried her momentum across the room, causing her to roll across the floor in a heap. Her room resembled a workshop, but now it looked as if a tornado had ripped through it. Mayday weakly pulled herself back to a standing position, using the wall for support.

The filly arched a brow, finding her hoof was stuck on the wall as it was on the box earlier. However, instead of attempting to free herself, she placed her second hoof along the first and proceeded to crawl to the ceiling. Mayday glanced down at the floor with a starstruck gaze, whooping as she raised her hooves over her head triumphantly while her legs remained stationary on the ceiling.

"I don't believe it! This is awesome— Ah!" Mayday yelped as she involuntarily slipped from the ceiling, crashing to the floor. She shook the cobwebs from her cranium before springing back to her hooves. "Holy smokes! It does run in the family! What else can I do?! Oh!" Mayday rushed over to her bed, holding a confident grin. "Super strength! Oh, awesomeness! This is going to be so epic!"

Mayday slid her hooves under the bed and strained, failing to lift the furniture an inch from the ground. She tried to lift again, gaining the same results as the last time. Mayday wheezed, collapsing onto the side of the bed. "Okay. Scratch that. Still... super out of shape."

Her eyes widened at a belated realization. "Oh! Webbing! I can shoot that out now, I bet!" The filly hopped on top of the bed with a heroic pose, extending a hoof. "Go, web!" Nothing happened, causing a bewildered expression to form on Mayday's face. She threw her hoof out a second time. "Fly!" Her brow twitched, leading into a series of attempts. "Up, up, and away, web! Shazam! Go! Stickiness, commence!"

Pursing her lips, Mayday collapsed onto the bed with a groan. "Okay. I can wall-crawl, and... that's about it." The filly paused for a moment before eagerly smiling and analyzing her surroundings. "I'd better see how well I can control this first."

Peter sat in the driver's seat of the Spider-Mobile, shifting through the wires underneath the hatch placed along the side of the steering wheel. "Okay, JARVIS. Let's sync you up with the navigational system of my glider, car, and armor. Are you ready?"

"Yes, Mister Parker. This may take a few minutes to complete. Could you please close my browser so that I may correct any flaws in both systems with minimal delay?"

"Sure thing," Peter whispered, making certain the laptop's wire was hooked in place within the glove department of the car before closing both lids. The stallion hopped out of the Spider-Mobile, stretching his limbs high overhead before a soft set of knocks were heard at the cellar door.

Peter's complexion paled as he processed the situation. "Uh oh... I may be busted..." Hesitantly, the stallion approached the keypad on the wall before entering the combination. The safety protocols disabled, and the door to the cellar opened. Peter waited with a terrified expression, letting out a relieved sigh as a small blue alicorn walked down the stairs. She glanced around the room with a stern expression, her bright blue mane matching her eyes. Peter could only smile at the sight of his best friend. "Oh, Luna! Am I glad to see you."

Luna freed herself from her trance, giving the stallion a warm smile before wrapping her hooves around his neck. "Hello, Peter. I've missed you."

Peter returned the hug in earnest, tightening his hold as his warmth enveloped the mare. "Likewise."

The pair parted, with the mare arching a brow at the stallion. "I believe you should be resting after your appointment."

Peter brushed his cheek against Luna's, holding a coy grin. "You never saw me down here."

Luna scoffed. "Of course I won't say anything to Twilight, but you shouldn't press your luck when you go behind her back. As we both know, that tends to play out rather poorly for you."

Peter grinned sheepishly, nodding. "You're not kidding. I was just leaving the cellar. Come on." Both ponies exited the room, climbing the stairs before the stallion locked the door. Once everything was set, Peter turned to Luna. "So, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit? You're usually asleep at this hour."

Luna huffed. "I wish I could have come under better circumstances, but there has been a situation. Prince Blueblood has invoked the Rite by Combat, and has challenged you to a duel at the Equestria Games."

"Who did what now?" Peter questioned, tilting his head to the side.

"The ruffian that belittled you at the Grand Galloping Gala. Cadance told me what happened," Luna whispered, her voice low with anger. "He is a distant nephew of my sister and I. Though regardless, I would not have stood to tolerate such slander, should I have been present at the time."

Peter shrugged. "What? That guy again? Ignore him. I don't have anything to prove against a guy like that."

Luna frowned. "I wish it was that simple, but you must face him. Rite by Combat is a ritual that has been held since the early days of Equestria's founding. Knights and nobles often challenged each other for their status and royal rights. Those who won claimed the status of the defeated, whether they were knight or prince. Unfortunately, those that lost, if they survived the bout, no longer bore the right of royalty or knighthood."

Peter furrowed his brow. "That's a bit extreme."

The alicorn shook her head. "Times were darker back then. To those that decline the challenge, they must forfeit their status by default, for they lack the honor to hold such a merit. Rite by Combat was created by me as a manner to prevent drastic political plays and subterfuge."

Peter titled his head to the side. "Seriously? The reverse holds true for that. You put one's honor at stake, it forces them into that situation against their will. Sort of like what's happening now."

Luna's eyes softened. "Times were very different back then, Peter, and I wasn't as forgiving as I am now. Rite by Combat is a part of our history. My sister simply chose to ignore it as opposed to outright erasing it entirely after I was banished due to the Nightmare's influence."

With a shrug, the stallion moaned. "What's done is done. It sucks royally, but it's just another day in the office. So, do those rules still apply now?"

"Sadly, yes," Luna muttered, shaking her head. "I just don't understand how Blueblood came to learn of it. More importantly, what makes him think he can best you? He hardly meets any of the qualifications required of a warrior."

Peter mumbled under his breath. "So, what happens if I accept? What are the rules?"

Luna narrowed her gaze on the stallion. "It is a duel, a one-on-one bout, plain and simple. Both individuals are free to use whatever measures they can physically or magically wield. Outside interference is strictly prohibited, and victory is only attained when one yields or… perishes."

"I don't really have a choice, then. Tell Blueblood I accept or whatever," Peter groaned, shrugging. "It really sounds like this guy means business, but I can't forsake my title as a knight and prince due to some jerk's ego."

Luna nodded. "Very well. I will inform my sister of the circumstance. Meet with me on the morning of the Equestria Games. I will consult with you from then on." The alicorn approached the stallion, rubbing the side of her head against his affectionately. She could not ignore the sting in her chest, as well as the sense of warmth it brought. "I must admit, I'm terrified. Blueblood is taking drastic measures. There is a reason to why he is acting more brazen than usual. I don't know what it could be, but I have a terrible feeling in my heart. Please, do be careful, and use this time to prepare."

Peter smiled, giving the mare a small nod. "I'm always careful. If I wasn't, I'd make you and Twilight worry." His eyes softened as he gently patted the top of the alicorn's head. "You look sleepy. You should hurry and talk to Celestia so you can go to bed. I know how much you hate missing your nightly watches."

Luna attempted to protest, only to involuntarily let out a low yawn instead. The alicorn's face burned as she cleared her throat. "I suppose that is rational. I'll do just that." Luna managed a smile. "Good day, Peter. Should your nightmares keep getting worse, don't be afraid to come talk with me. I'll gladly help you as you did for me."

That same moment, Luna disappeared in a flash of light, leaving the stallion alone. "Rite by Combat, huh?" Peter murmured, making his way back to the Treebrary. He paused, his gaze falling to the ground. His nightmares were progressively growing worse, but he pushed those thoughts into the back of his mind, sticking to the doctor's suggestion and longing to avoid anything stressful for the time being. He chuckled lowly. "Oh, man... Twilight is not going to like this."


It didn't take long for the stallion to fall asleep on the sofa, resuming a nap that had long eluded him. Peter's ears perked as the door creaked open, waking him from his brief slumber. Twilight walked into the living room, sharing a smile with the stallion as she placed Ben within his cradle. The mare let out a small sigh before taking a seat on the sofa by Peter after he pulled himself up from his prone position.

"You're back early," Peter yawned, brushing a hoof over his eyes.

Twilight smiled. "I was worried about leaving you and Mayday alone for too long." After patting the stallion on his chest, the mare gave a small nod before pulling herself to a standing position. She analyzed her surroundings. "It looks like nothing's blown up this time."

Peter waved his hoof dismissively. "You're such a worrywart."

Twilight readied herself to respond, but she paused, something having caught her eye. She narrowed her gaze on something above her position. "Peter!" she yelled, sending a wave of shock potent enough to cause the stallion to topple over the sofa and land on the back of his shoulders. The alicorn stomped over to his position, holding a glare. "What have I told you about climbing on the ceiling?!"

Peter blinked, arching a brow as his legs hung over his head. "Uh… don't?"

Twilight's brow twitched as she pointed a hoof at the ceiling. "Then, what is that?" Both ponies shifted their gazes skyward, finding a trail of hoofprints patterned across the ceiling. Peter rolled to a standing position, his brow lowering deep in thought as he stared intently at the sight. Twilight's hoof fell over her forehead while she exhaled. "The ceiling is not easy to clean. Why would you do this again?"

"I didn't," Peter simply declared, his voice lacking any humor. "I can prove it." The stallion flipped high into the air, landing hooves-first on the ceiling. Twilight inhaled deeply, holding a bemused expression as her wings flapped and lifted her frame until she reached the stallion's position. Peter placed his hoof next to one of the prints, their size differences vastly apparent. "See? These are way too small to be my hoofprints."

Twilight folded her hooves and tilted her head to the side. "That doesn't make any sense. Who else could possibly—?" Peter and Twilight's eyes shot open as realization struck their minds like lightning to a rod. The mare blinked at the stallion. "You don't think…?"

"Mayday!" Peter and Twilight called out, causing the filly to burst out of her room.

"Where's the fire?!" Mayday cried out, nearly stumbling over her hooves before skidding to a halt. She peeked up, finding her parents shifting their gazes between the hoofprints on the ceiling and herself. Mayday's demeanor shrank, and the filly scratched the back of her head sheepishly. "Am… I in trouble?"

Twilight landed in front of the filly, pulling her into an embrace. "Of course not, sweetie."

Peter chuckled weakly. "So much for avoiding stress." The stallion furrowed his brow. "When did this start happening, May?"

"Today," Mayday quickly replied, holding out her hooves. "I grabbed a box, but I couldn't let it go. And then..." Mayday approached the nearest wall and proceeded to scale it, crossing the ceiling to join her father's side. "I found out I could do this."

Peter's eyes widened. "Well, I'll be damned. You can climb walls and stuff."

The filly furrowed her brow and frowned. "Yeah. I don't have any strength though. I tried to lift the bed, and nothing. Heck, I could barely pick up a stupid folding chair." Her eyes widened at a realization, tapping one hoof against the other. "Oh! How do I shoot web, Dad?"

Peter shook his head. "The webbing isn't genetic. I have to make my own webbing. That's why I invented my web-shooters." The stallion grinned, poking the filly's wings. "As soon as you learn how to fly properly, you'll be the fly to my spider."

Mayday frowned, waving her hooves defensively. "No thanks, Daddy. I'd rather avoid the heroics. That's not my thing."

Twilight shared a glance with the stallion. "We never thought this would happen. Rather, we thought you might've been born with his abilities, but you displayed none of the signs over the years."

Peter nodded. "I have an idea. My idea is that you'll eventually get my other powers, like the super strength and the Spider Sense. You're only nine years old, and it's probably going to take your genetic makeup time to grow when it's ready to take full form and activate. That's sort of how it worked for mutants back on Earth. Since I was fifteen when I got my powers, that might have something to do with it, too. I'll need to take a blood sample to be sure."

"We'll figure it out over time, but I have to set the ground rules first. As long as you are inside this house, there will be no wall-crawling. Save that for outside," Twilight declared, looking to Mayday before pointing a hoof outside of the room. "Second, if your room is still a mess, I suggest you start cleaning it up. I'm sure you don't want me to clean your room."

Mayday's eyes shot open. Her mother had a knack for throwing away things she thought were unnecessary. The filly quickly flipped down from the ceiling and retreated into her room. "Yes, ma'am!"

Once the filly was busy rummaging through her goods, Twilight glanced off to the side. "This makes me wonder if Ben will start going through the same thing."

Peter hopped down to the floor and wrapped a hoof over the mare's shoulder. "Does it really matter? They're still our kids, no matter what. Whether they're wall-crawling or lifting boulders over their heads, we'll keep loving them and lending our support. The best we can do is just keep them on the right path."

Twilight smiled, her lips finding Peter's for an affectionate kiss before she nuzzled her face into the stallion's neck. "You're right. I love you so much."

Peter reveled in the alicorn's warmth, relishing as her sweet lavender scent filled his senses. "I love you, too."

Twilight's eyes widened at a belated expression. "Oh! By the way, where's JARVIS? I'd like to document this information."

"He's in the… cellar," Peter whispered, his complexion paling.

Twilight leaned back, giving the stallion a blank stare. "You were working on an experiment when you were supposed to be resting, weren't you?"

"Maybe. Just a little bit. Yeah." Peter gave a weak nod, only to receive a patented response from his wife in the form of a hoof to the back of the head.

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