• Published 31st Aug 2015
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My Little Pony: The Element of Distortion - Thunderwing250

A year has passed after the attacks on Equestria from two Bronco-Titans. Now, a new threat appears not on the surface, but under the murky aquatic depths of the planet. Journey under the sea as Twilight and her friends encounter the "War Master"

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Chapter 11: Matters Getting Worse

“Soldiers, keep a certain altitude. This guy can jump up and snatch ya.” StoneColt warned.

The Pegasus ponies remained high above the flooding river, until suddenly Titannus jumped up and used his magic to unleash a powerful lightning bolt, blowing a hole through two buildings. Thought they dodged it, many of them trembled for his power was unexpected.

“Didn’t see that comin’. Gotta lure him out of the city.”

He turned to his regiment.

“Alright, boys. Let’s lure the reptile back out to sea.” StoneColt commanded.

“Yes, sir!” they all responded and split into two groups.

One group distracted Titannus, who was unable to take flight, swung his tail at the Pegasus ponies only to slam into a building. Annoyed that his time was being wasted, the storm became stronger and stronger, creating hurricane like winds and knocking the Pegasus ponies out of the sky and onto the roof tops. Twilight, who was watching the battle flew down and confronted Titannus.

“No! Twilight!” the Archivist called out.

As Twilight landed, Titannus stopped and snorted. Turning his head, he stared at the princess.

“We meet again, Twilight Sparkle!” Titannus growled.

Twilight gulped as she slowly showed fear, but knew the safety of Las Pegasus depending on her and the other ponies. Titannus, sensing her fear chuckled.

“Your facial expression towards me is none other than a pony who has fear.” Titannus slowly walked towards her.

“Look at this precious city of yours. A land that I want to sink…”

“Yes. I know. You want to beat me and watch as you dismantle the western coastlines, just because Star-Swirled…”

“Thou shall not speak that name in front of me.” Titannus roared.

Twilight backed off a bit and sensed his weakness.

“Don’t worry, I already know?” Twilight snared.

Titannus soon noticed Twilight’s eyes slitting, like a venomous serpent. Not understanding what it was, he stomped his hoof on the rock Twilight stood on.

“Your eyes…may show your deathly power, but they are no match for me.”

The Archivist immediately sensed what Titannus meant by Twilight’s eyes. She couldn’t believe it, but turned and fell to her knees. Daring Do walked over to her.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

The Archivist’s eyes widened, breathing heavily. Yet, without an answer Cabaleron walked over, followed by Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity.

“You seemed to be afraid of something?” Rarity.

“Well of course she’s afraid. Look at her…shaking.” Pinkie Pie shouted.

The Archivist looked up and looked at Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity, only to drop her head again. Discord picked up his head and squinted his eyes. Something was seriously wrong with the Archivist and decided to use the Telepathy Spell. Asking her what was wrong, she exhaled.

“Twilight’s dark side is slowly growing. She’s being baited by Titannus.” She whispered telepathically.

Discord and Cabaleron jumped and ran to the ledge.

“Twilight! Get away from Titannus.” Both of them yelled out from the rooftop.

Hearing them, Twilight continued to lock eyes with Titannus.

“I sense get fear in your, Twilight Sparkle. And I am looking forward to seeing it.” Titannus raised his tail.

Twilight feared, shielding herself from his tail. Luckily, Titannus’ tail was snatch and as they looked, it was Alteros. Titannus roared back at Alteros forcing him to free his tail. With such strength, Alteros stood and lifted Titannus, flipping him over and landing on his back as he crashed into the water. StoneColt looked down with disgust.

“Great. The grumpy one has arrived. Yet, at least he saved Twilight for the time being.” He said.

As Titannus resurfaced, a battle between him and Alteros ensued, slamming buildings, sinking each other underwater. The ponies witnessed a ferocious battle between the two only for Titannus to retreat back out to sea. Seeing this as an advantage, StoneColt led his squad and flew down towards Titannus, but failed as soon as he dove, disappearing beneath the dark blue surface of the sea. Holding position, StoneColt knew the storm prevented them from going any further as lighting and thunder roared over the sea. Throughout the remainder of the dark morning, the storm soon subsided revealing sunlight. Bright skies shone on the city as the flood drained into storm drains, leaving debris on the streets. Ponies walked out of buildings as they looked around in total confusion. Nothing like this has ever been experienced throughout the city. Rarely does Las Pegasus flood, one pony thought until the mayor of the city called out to the ponies to attend a meeting in the Mane Hall. High above the rooftop, the Archivist breathed a sigh of relief, happy that the battle was over, but not Titannus. He was still out there, in an environment that they could not go. Discord and Cabaleron stared at the Archivist for a moment then looked at one another.

“Madame Archivist, if I may. I don’t have the power to defeat Titannus, however I think there is a way to defeat him. Won’t kill him but at least imprison him.” Discord said.

The Archivist looked at Discord and fainted from exhaustion.

Down below, Twilight turned and focused on Alteros.

“Th…Thank you, Master…”

“No need to thank me, pony. I wasn’t doing this for you. I only did it because that stupid fish has become a thorn on my shoulder. You are of less importance to me.” Alteros rudely replied.

Twilight with her feelings hurt teared up.

“Why do you hate me so much, Alteros? Whatever did I do to you that you have to become some jerk.” Twilight cried out.

Alteros turned and stomped his hoof in front of her.

“Your stupidity to go through a dimensional portal to go after Sunset Shimmer into the world of the Homo-Sapiens is the reason why I am disgusted with you. It is against my Laws to go through the portals, yet funny…both you and Sunset Shimmer are so much alike in so many ways. But don’t worry, I’ll deal with her later. As of now, you want my respect. Good luck getting it.” Alteros roared out and disappeared.

Twilight stood speechless, wanting to cry. No one had offended her this bad to deeply upset her. StoneColt who stood nearby heard the whole conversation, only to realize that Twilight’s words are somewhat similar to somepony before. There, he knew what set off Alteros.