• Published 31st Aug 2015
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My Little Pony: The Element of Distortion - Thunderwing250

A year has passed after the attacks on Equestria from two Bronco-Titans. Now, a new threat appears not on the surface, but under the murky aquatic depths of the planet. Journey under the sea as Twilight and her friends encounter the "War Master"

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Chapter 16: Battle of the Western Ocean

Hearing the creature roar, as it echoed, the Archivist turned.

“Leviathan!” she paused.
“Everypony, keep him occupied!” she continued.

Hearing her, StoneColt noticed what she was thinking and took her advice. Ordering the ponies to fight off Leviathan would serve as a distraction. Now distracted, the ponies continued their decent soon arriving at an underwater city filled with ancient structures and artifacts. Passing through each one, they could not believe it at first. Looking at one another, they noticed Rarity was missing. Calling for her, they noticed she was viewing herself through a mirror. Going towards her they soon began viewing themselves not knowing they are distracting themselves from their mission. While Daring Do was reading the inscriptions on the Temple pillars and the walls, she scratched her head.

“Out of most adventures, I’ve never seen a language like this.” She said, continuing to observe them.

Rainbow Dash swam towards her, only to bump into an armored suit falling and creating a loud sound. Hearing the sound, the ponies froze in place hoping nothing heard it. Unfortunately, Titannus, sleeping in one of the Temple, heard the sound. Feeling his beauty sleep was disturbed he lifted his head. Growling in anger by the intrusion, he sensed who it was and cloaked himself within the murky water. Twilight turned to Rainbow Dash.

“Rainbow!” Twilight said.

“Hehehe…sorry.” Rainbow Dash replied nervously.

Rarity remained by the mirror admiring herself on her new fashionable look. Suddenly, from behind the mirror something was looking right at them. Thinking it was behind them, they saw nothing, but looking back towards the mirror Titannus crashed through the mirror clamping his crocodile-like jaws missing the ponies. This whole mission was a trap, Daring Do thought to herself and served as a distraction for Titannus. Swimming around loops and pillars, Titannus crashed into them knocking them down.

“No. He’ll bury the city and we won’t be able to find the Element of Distortion…” Twilight paused.

Glowing around her body and unihorn, a blast from her horn shot at a Monolith that stood nearby. Inside the Monolith, an object began to glow brightly, blinding Titannus temporarily.

“That fool, Alteros burying his Element inside the Monolith!” he roared out.

“The Element!” Twilight shouted as she charged for it.

Titannus quickly recovered and charged after her, only to miss and hit another pillar. Successfully retrieving the Element, the Archivist, Cabaleron, StoneColt, and Discord sensed the Element, contacting them to return to the surface. However, removing the Element revealed another trap not by Titannus, but by hydrothermal vents. Titannus sensing underwater volcanoes erupting felt it was the perfect time to trap them. Twilight and the others continued their way to the surface. Unfortunately, Titannus fell into his own trap as rocks buried him from the volcanic eruption. Above the surface, matters were only worse as the Leviathan slammed its tail right in the middle of one of the ships, sinking it. Luckily, the ponies abandoned ship before it went down. The Leviathan turned towards Amplitude and Bronze Compass as it raised its tail.

“NO!” Cabaleron yelled out.

Suddenly, another Serpent like creature rose and bit the Leviathan in the face, shutting its mouth closed. Immediately, both ponies realized its colors.

“Father!” both of them said.

Alteros had shapeshifted into a Sea Serpent saving his two children. Within seconds, he pulled down the Leviathan keeping it away from the ponies. After several minutes, Alteros jumped out, shapeshifting back into his normal form.

“What is this madness, Cabaleron?” Alteros exhaled.

“Twilight and her friends went down to the Temples to retrieve the Element.” Cabaleron replied.

Alteros looked around and noticed Spectra was missing. He turned towards them.

“Where is my daughter?” Alteros angrily said.

“She’s with them.” The Archivist said.

Alteros’ rage grew and could only blame Twilight for their troubles. Cursing her out, the Archivist walked up and hit Alteros in the face with her hoof.

“Listen here, you stupid horse. I don’t care how you feel about Twilight! She has done more things than you have and now she’s done their retrieving YOUR element so that she can use it on Titannus. So pull it up and help us! GET IT!” the Archivist yelled.

There was an immediate silence from everypony for they could not believe what she did and said. Below the surface, Twilight and her friends hurried back to the surface, hoping to escape Titannus. Unfortunately, she was wrong, Titannus charged up and halted their advances.

“Everypony! Split Up!” Rainbow Dash said.

As each one swam in different directions, Titannus’ hunt became easier. Not knowing his plan, none of her friends realized Twilight was the intended target as he charged for her. Not willing to abandon her, Applejack and Rainbow Dash turned around trying to find Twilight. As Twilight swam faster and faster, Titannus crashed out from a mountain of rocks, knocking Twilight to a nearby seabed. Bruised from the impact, she felt a strange power, running through her body. As her pupils slit, she began to growl as she looked up to the Bronco-Titan. Luckily, Applejack and Rainbow Dash swam forward, blocking Twilight from Titannus.

“Ya want Twilight, varmit…” Applejack spoke.

“Then you have to go through us!” Rainbow Dash said

“Get out of my way, you filth!” Titannus growled.

Suddenly, Daring Do, Fluttershy, Spectra, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity swam to Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Looking at them, Titannus sensed their courage for they would do anything to protect the Princess.

“Very well, then. You can watch as I destroy the ones on the surface.” Titannus spoke, using the force of his tail to knock them backward.

Charging for the surface, Titannus immediately punched through the first vessel as it sunk within minutes. Crewmembers on that ship, were able to jump off just in time as it sunk and exploded into a massive fireball. Now resurfaced, StoneColt on the second tramp steamer, turned to one of his crewmembers.

"Sailor...Get a group and bring out the big boys" StoneColt ordered.

"Big Boys?" the sailor asked.

“Yes...Bring out the cannons.” He said.

Without a word, the sailor went below deck with a small group of sailors, carrying out six cannons. The Archivist turned to view the tramp steamer only to strain her eyes.

“What is that idiot doing?” she asked.

Cabaleron picked up a pair of binoculars and viewed the situation. Once he saw cannons he dropped the binoculars.

“He’s gonna shoot Titannus with the cannons…” Cabaleron said.