• Published 9th Sep 2015
  • 886 Views, 38 Comments

My Little Pony: Mutual Respect is Magic - Frieza665

Starlight Glimmer creates 4 raptors to help her take over equestria. But when things go south, the raptors decide to find a new way of living.

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The Scent

Morning had just arrived for the land of Equestria. It had been a year since Tirek attempted to steal equestria's magic. Luckily the power of the tree of harmony sent him back to Tarturus. All had been peaceful for Twilight and her friends until the cutie map sent them to a place that needed friendship. It was a small village in the middle of an arid desert. Little did they know that ponies with creepy smiles weren't the only ones living in the village, and that's where our story starts.

Blue had just got done roaming the perimeter of the village and went to Sugar Belle to get a meat pie. Most of the towns ponies have spent enough time around Blue and her sisters long enough to understand their shrieks, barks, and other raptor noises. Sugar Belle immediately ecommidated Blue with a squirrel on a stick, to which held in her claw. She barked a thanks to the unicorn and trotted off to meet up the other raptors. She sniffed at the air to smell them and find them quicker when suddenly she smelt something else. It was unmistakably a scent of ponies, to be more exacted it was 2 earth ponies, a unicorn, 2 pegasi, and something else. It seemed be the combined smells of a Pegasus and Unicorn. Whatever it was, the founder of the village, Starlight Glimmer, would jump at the chance to equalize the new pony.

Delta, Charlie and Echo were about the village interacting with the equal ponies. Delta was chatting with Party Favor, Charlie and a filly were headbutting a ball back and forth to each other, and Echo was watching Night Glider zoom around the town. All this came to an end though as Blue rounded the corner, gnawing on a squirrel. Before Blue could swallow the squirrel and tell her sister of what she smelt, the other raptors had already caught the new scent. It seemed like the ponies were heading towards the village. Blue barked at Echo to tell Starlight the news and Echo ran into her cottage to tell her. Delta and Charlie went to tell the other citizens about the newcomers and prepare for a welcome ceremony.

Echo casually walked into Starlight's sitting room and barked out,
"There are six ponies approaching our town, one of them seems to have the combined scents of a unicorn and a Pegasus."

Starlight's eared perked up upon hearing this. What echo was talking about was an alicorn, most likely a princess of equestria. Starlight dismissed Echo to prepare the village. Starlight just couldn't contain her excitement. If a princess joined them then everyone in equestria would be convinced that cutie marks are bad.

The raptors told everyone to act natural and welcome them as they walked through. After being told to they went back to their business and pretended not to notice them coming. Not even 5 minutes of waiting later, the raptors used their binocular vision and saw six siloettes walking side by side in their direction. Blue had a feeling in the back of her mind that this visit would be one to remember.