• Published 9th Sep 2015
  • 887 Views, 38 Comments

My Little Pony: Mutual Respect is Magic - Frieza665

Starlight Glimmer creates 4 raptors to help her take over equestria. But when things go south, the raptors decide to find a new way of living.

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Turning Point

Twilight panicked! She shot a burst of magic directly in front of the raptors. However the raptors ran off in the cloud of smoke generated. Twilight and her friends ran in the house where Starlight took cover in and shut the door behind them so they couldn't be followed. Soon the villagers ran in the cutie mark vault and broke the huge wall of glass. Cutie mark went flying every where and soon the owners of each one were jumping in the air to catch them. In minutes every villager had their cutie mark back and were celebrating. But a group of villagers named Double Diamond, Party Favor, Night Glider, and Sugar Belle followed the 6 friend to help stop starlight and get the last cutie marks.

Charlie emerged from an ally-way in plane sight of the villagers. They stared at her, and she stared right back with eyes filled with hate, confusion, and disbelief. Suddenly, Delta and Blue bounded around the side of the buildings and charged at the scared ponies. They tried to run but it was no use. Delta jumped the air and pinned a cult to the ground and dug her toe claw into the poor pony's neck, severing a few arteries. Meanwhile, Blue ran to the closed door of Starlight's house. She had seen earth ponies push down on the handle to get in so Blue easily opened the door and entered the cottage. She walked up the stairs to Starlight's room and found a secret door that had been opened that led to the mountains nearby. Blue went down the passage to follow the ponies and try to prevent them from getting their cutie marks back.

The pegasus mare wailed as Charlie bit in to her leg. Charlie hated the taste of pony flesh and broke the mare's neck with a quick but strong bite on the neck. Echo had chased 3 villagers into a house, their muffled screams where heard by other fleeing ponies and were then silenced. Delta was gnawing on the foreleg of a pony that she had killed. After about 3 more minutes of this slaughter, the remained ponies were either hiding or playing dead. Charlie ran to find Blue and join her on her mission while Delta and Echo were left to make sure nopony could escape.

Blue was hot on the trail of the other ponies. She stopped to sniff the air to where they went. Blue concluded that they had split up to find Starlight and the cutie marks. There were six different rocky pathways for her to go down, so she went down the east path. It didn't take long for Blue to hear the clopping of hooves heading in her direction. She quickly hid behind a pile of rocks in the path and sniffed the air. Blue became enraged when the pony's scent was revealed to be that of Double Diamond. Starlight trusted Double more than any other pony she knew, thinking about the same pony who betrayed that trust made Blue grit her teeth.

Blue couldn't stand hiding any longer and she walked around to confront the traitor. Double yelped and began backing away from the raptor, but Blue got closer to him. Double new that if he didn't think of something to stall her until another pony found them, then he was as good as dead.
"Blue listen, Starlight raised you and you sisters as guard dogs because she was afraid we would stand up to her. What you need is a friend, I'll be your friend if you will just let go of your hatred and stop this senseless slaughter." he pleaded.

This made Blue angrier then she had ever been in her entire life. How dare anyone insult her alpha like that. She couldn't wait to rip this pony's intestines out. Blue snarled and began to run at top speed at Double. Double screamed and squeezed his eyes shut. But as soon as she was about to wrap her fore claws around his head she was sent flying into the wall of the mountain, knocking her out cold. Double opened his eyes and saw that Applejack had bucked Blue as hard as she could. Double sighed in relief, thanked the cow-mare, and ran with her to continue the search.

Charlie went straight down the north path and heard Starlight yelling at someone about "true friendship" and "special talents". Charlie trotted down the path and before she could intervene, she was met with a blinding flash. When the flash subsided race walked to the location of the event. What she saw next made her want to scream. All the ponies she and her sister were standing in a half-circle. In the middle of the circle was a small pile of ash. This could only mean one thing...Starlight Glimmer was decintigrated by that alicorn who was standing in the middle. Pure sadness overcame Charlie as she start whining. Tears formed in her eyes as she turned tail and ran away. Fluttershy noticed Charlie behind them and called out,
"Charlie wait!! We can help you!"

Delta and Echo were in the village making sure nopony tried to escape. They had seen the bright flash in the mountains but they didn't think much of it. They thought that it maybe it was Starlight making mince meat out of that alicorn abomination. But soon another bright light appeared in the sky. Echo and Delta stared up at it in awe and it slowly decended down towards them. They knew it was something not right here and they both approached the light. But then the light said,
"Greetings, I am Princess Celestia, I have never seen your kind in equestrian before now."

Now the knew what trouble they were in for.

Author's Note:

Wow this might be the longest thing I've written yet:applejackconfused:. Poor Charlie:fluttercry:! She must be devastated:raritydespair:. Hope you liked this chapter. Please like and please comment:raritywink:!