• Published 14th Sep 2015
  • 11,485 Views, 3,294 Comments

Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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Perfect Day, part 2

Shining Armor stood at his post in the Castle Courtyard, directing the Guard to their posts in preparation for the big event that was to come. Many of the Guard were a bit confused at the last minute changes he'd made to both assignments and general layout of guard positions, putting veterans at seeming unimportant points and raw recruits at seemingly key positions. This was because his time in Haven had showed him just how effective 'traditional' guard setups were, leaving him to work feverishly to recreate the work Jak had done in coming up with a Guard patrol and detail that had successfully kept them out (the final test before the plan was approved). It was his hope that the new lineup - leaving those with experience and expertise but weighed down by age at command and observation posts, while those with stamina and fire but lacking in wisdom were at combat positions - would prove at least somewhat effective in keeping the city safe.

As he directed them, he heard a familiar voice calling out to him. "I have something to say to you, mister!" the lavender unicorn proclaimed as she stomped towards him.

Guards immediately leveled weapons, but Shining waved them off. "Twiley!" he called out eagerly, discarding his helmet as he rushed forward, eager to get to know her all over again. "I've missed you, kid! How was the train ride?" He reached his hoof towards her chin. "I-"

She immediately pulled back angrily. "How dare you not tell me in person that you were getting married?" she demanded, glaring at him. "I'm your sister for pony's sake!"

Okay, looks like language is the biggest thing I'll need to get used to, Shining thought to myself. "Well, to be fair, with how busy I've been snapping the Guard into shape to deal with an unknown threat and preparing for the wedding, I haven't even told Mom and Dad in person yet, and they live here in Canterlot. It's not like you were singled out."

"And that's supposed to make me feel better that I learned about this 'from the desk of Princess Celestia'?" Twilight countered back, plainly not willing to give an inch until she got all her anger out. "You could have at least written the invitation yourself!"

"I meant to, Twiley, I really did," Shining promised. Glancing up, he saw his Aegis starting to dim as the energy cycling lost enough juice to show. "But this..." Focusing his mind, he sent his magical energy up into the sphere, charging it once more to full strength. "...takes a lot of my mental focus, and between that and the Guard details, I just couldn't manage to write a good letter. Princess Celestia offered to do it for me, and probably kept it 'official' to avoid spilling any details to anyone not cleared for them, depending on who was around when Spike belched up the letter." He paused mentally as he realized how much he was saying that he hadn't even been aware of before, but he now remembered. Fire breathing fax machine. Keira will have a field day with that. "Besides, she's the only one who can send to you via Spike's dragonfire." Turning, he led Twilight up to a bridge between two towers where they could have some privacy.

Twilight, for her part, lowered her eyes. "Okay, okay, I get it. You've got a really important job, and that has to come first. But still...how could you not tell me about something as important as your wedding?"

"Oh, like we've had so many opportunities for face to face discourse since you moved to Ponyville," Shining teased. "Like when you told me you defeated Nightmare Moon- no wait, I learned that from the official report." He shot her a playful glare, smirking as he did so.

Much to his pleasure, Twilight countered with a blown raspberry. "Har har," she grumbled petulantly. She then sighed sadly. "I guess...we've drifted apart. Are we just...not as important to each other anymore?"

"It's called growing up, Twiley," Shining offered softly. "It happens to the best of us eventually." Though some of the older guards still wonder at times when it's going to be Celestia's turn, he thought ruefully. "And hey, would I be asking you to be my Best Mare if you weren't important to me anymore?"

"You want me to be your Best Mare?" Twilight gasped in shock.

"Well, yeah!" Shining insisted warmly.

"I'd be honored," Twilight spoke warmly, bowing. She happily accepted the embrace Shining offered, but then pushed him away. "I'm still pretty ticked you're marrying somepony I don't even know-"

"You mean your old foalsitter, Princess Cadence?" Shining interrupted with another smirk.

Shining chuckled softly to himself as he watched Twilight wax eloquently about how great Cadence was. He didn't really need to track the exact words, as even as Twilight spoke the memories started to come back. As she danced and cheered, he noticed Cadence herself stepping out onto the bridge...but something was off about her. As Twilight nearly bumped into her, the Princess asked, "I hope I'm not interrupting anything," her voice...unpleasantly harsh.

Shining wanted to just shrug it off on wedding stress/jitters, but something about the whole thing bothered him. Looking at her...he felt nothing. He tried to pretend, hoping it was just some sort of disconnect. But the more he saw, the more he was convinced something was off.

And then when she hugged him...he could have sworn he felt Dark Eco inside her. And not a corruption like when it had been forcefully infused into him, but as though it had been embraced like with Errol. As she turned away - he still pretending everything was 'normal' - he stared after her, frowning. Noticing Twilight staring at him, he faked a quick smile before going about his day.

He hoped he was able to put together what was going on sooner rather than later. He really wished he could get Twilight's help...but he didn't know enough about what was going on to take any risks...yet.

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