• Published 14th Sep 2015
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Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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Spargus: Into the Dark

As Jak, Daxter, and Shining warped into the Dark Maker's ship, they were immediately under attack from more Dark Troopers, which they were quickly able to dispatch. "Alright, which way are we heading?" Jak demanded, looking around.

"I'd suggest following the only available path until we get to something we can blow up, then cutting and running," Daxter suggested, pointing to the door that opened as all the enemies fell.

"Works for me!" Shining agreed, racing ahead along the path through the dark ship.

The trio raced ahead, crossing a narrow rotating path over a deep pit into the rest of the ship, shooting down the flying Troopers that tried to attack them. A quick slide down a frozen hall led them to a wider area they had to make their way around the outside of, dealing with more foes as they went. Another door opened as they dispatched the last of them.

"So...why would anyone design security doors to only open after a large number of their troops dies?" Shining inquired as they raced through.

"We'll ask Elder about it when we get back," Jak suggested, racing ahead. "For now, we're on the clock, and we don't know how long we've got!"

Through the door, they found a Light Eco vent which allowed Jak to charge up to spread his energy wings to glide over a wide pit. "That's the real stumper, anyway," Daxter pointed out as Shining teleported them to Jak's side. "Light Eco, here?"

"Probably something to do with balancing the energies," Jak muttered.

Before long, the group found their way to an elevator that carried them deep into the spacecraft. At the other end, they found the cargo of the Dark Ship, a whole host of massive Dark Walkers that looked like supped up versions of the Dark Satellites, only even more heavily armed and armored, and each easily the size of a building.

"If these nasty things ever wake up, the planet's finished," Daxter murmured worriedly.

"Then let's give them an extra lullaby," Shining offered.

Waiting for them, however, was Errol, who seemed to have no intention of letting them succeed. "All of these Dark Makers at my command!" he proclaimed. "Just think what I could do!"

"I am thinking," Jak proclaimed. "That's why we're stopping you, here and now!"

"Oh?" Errol called out with a laugh. "And just how do you expect to do that?"

At that moment, a lance of energy cut through the Dark Ship, causing it to start to crumble.

"That ought to do it," Shining muttered, starting to lose his footing.

"Shining, can you teleport us back to the surface?" Jak demanded.

Shining stretched with his magic, then shook his head. "At most, I can get myself and Daxter. But I'm not-"

Grabbing Daxter, Jak shoved him onto Shining's back. "Go! I have a plan!"

Staring into his brother's eyes, Shining finally nodded and warped away.

Errol laughed as he merged with the one Dark Maker he'd managed to activate. "Oh? A plan to stop this power?"

"Yes," Jak agreed, his eyes going distant. "Tell me...do you have any idea how much Dark Eco there is in the very air of this ship?" He began to take a deep breath.

"What does that have to do with-"

Errol was cut off as Jak shifted into Dark Jak and leapt at the Dark Maker...expanding as he did so.

As Shining and Daxter arrived in Spargus, they stared upward at the exploding ship. "Do...do you think Jak's plan worked?" Daxter asked worriedly.

"We...we can only hope-" Shining cut himself off as he saw two burning streaks shooting down into the desert. "Look!"

Seeing the two streaks of fire impact way out in the desert with matching explosions of light, Daxter rushed to a nearby buggy. "Come on! One of those might have been Jak!"

"And the other might be Errol," Shining growled as he leapt in, using his magic to wield the controls. Much to the pair's surprise, they found the charge of their buggy was just the lead as the entire amassed force of Spargus' citizenry was driving out behind them, armed to the teeth and ready to battle.

However, none were ready for what they saw when they reached the crash site.

The Dark Maker stood taller than either Spargus or Haven, easily as tall as a mountain, and resembled a twisted camel made of black metal and sparking dark energy. Errol was linked into the cockpit, fusing himself with the behemoth as he faced down his foe.

Dark Jak slowly stood up from the desert, standing as tall as the Dark Maker as he stared Errol down. "Let's dance!" he growled out, his voice echoing over the desert like thunder.

"You think you have greater mastery of the darkness than I-"

Errol's voice was cut off as Dark Jak's clenched fist slammed into the cockpit of the Dark Maker with the force of a speeding train. "You talk too much!" he growled out, following the punch up with another that twisted the Maker's long neck back around, before delivering a firm kick straight to the central body, knocking the mechanical monstrosity backwards, crashing against a mountain. As it staggered upright, it launched numerous Dark Eco explosives...which Dark Jak caught in his massive hands and drained of their energy before dropping as empty husks of Precursor Metal.

"What...what are you?" Errol gasped out as the Dark Maker got upright again, firing off a barrage of lasers that cut into Dark Jak's flesh...only for the wounds to heal almost as soon as they took shape.

"I am a Son of Damas..." Dark Jak growled out. "The blood of Precursors burns in my veins...and by the will of the Ancients and the strength of my peoples...this world will live!" On the last word, he leapt into the air...coming down atop the Dark Maker in a gigantic Dark Strike, crushing the machine beneath him and reducing it to so much scrap.

At the last minute Errol broke free of the cockpit and shot out into the air, hovering on his jetpack. "I will make you pay for this-" His eyes popped open as his words cut off, staring at the silver arm through his chest...as for the first time, with the Dark Giant fading away, Shadow Jak was witnessed.

His entire body had turned silver, reshaping slightly to be somewhat streamlined. His outfit was replaced with a glowing silver bodysuit that fit his frame like a second skin, but bearing all the durability of Precursor Metal. His eyes blazed white...and a crimson scarf wrapped around his face just under his eyes, billowing out behind him in the dead still air like a banner.

Shadow Jak stared into Errol's eyes. "You turned your back on life to embrace the Darkness...and to Darkness you are condemned." Ripping his arm from Errol's chest, he spun, his arm held out like a blade.

Errol's lifeless body and head fell towards the ground separate from each other, spinning in the air.

Shadow Jak floated in his position for a time...and then the power left him, and he fell limp towards the ground. As he slipped into unconsciousness, a gentle telekinetic aura caught him, slowing his fall.

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