• Published 14th Sep 2015
  • 11,485 Views, 3,294 Comments

Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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Spargus: Bonds Rebuilding

Jak came aware very slowly. He found himself floating in water in a large stone chamber, open shutters letting night breeze in through large windows. Torches illuminated a chamber that was on the verge of being royal, but in a more spartan manner than the lavish ones that had been in the palace of Haven before its destruction, though the basic design was similar. As his mind started to come back, he spoke up. "S...Shining? Daxter? ...Pecker?"

"We're okay, Jak," Shining spoke up from nearby. "A bit dehydrated...but the water therapy is helping." When Jak turned, he saw Shining sitting in the water, only his head sticking out. "Hope I can get the sand out of my nose so I can smell again soon..."

"Ahhh..." Daxter sighed as he splashed around a bit. "I love water. Oh yes, it's so good. Desert bad."

"Well, you've came back from the dead, haven't you?" a gravely voice spoke up.

Turning, Jak caught sight of the speaker. He was a tall man, old and grizzled. What white hair that he had left hung from the sides of his head like dreadlocks around his bald crown, and he was garbed in pieced together, barbarian style armor, and wielding a large double bladed spear assembled from bits and pieces of Precursor materials bound together. "Uh..." Jak began.

"This would normally be where I introduce myself, letting you recuperate before asking questions..." the man began, glaring down at Jak with rage. "But one of the things you clutched in your hands when we found you caught my attention."

"...the beacon?" Jak asked, confused.

"While the fact that it was on our frequency is of interest," the man replied coldly, "it is what was clutched in your other hand that requires immediate answers." Lunging forward, he grabbed Jak by the front of his shirt and yanked him up. He held up the Seal of Mar medallion Jak had gotten from his younger self. "Where did you get this?" the man demanded, rage strong in his voice.

Jak blinked, a bit dazed and confused. "...I gave it to myself..." he muttered drowsily.

"Don't play games with me, boy!" the man snarled, his spear flying to his hand. "I know exactly what this medallion is, and if you don't give me a straight answer for how you have hold of it, I'll carve the answer from your entrails!"

Pecker gulped nervously from his perch on the nearby throne. "Sire, I think perchance you might be being a bit hasty-"

"While your wisdom is valuable, creature, you will offer it only when requested or you will be added to the food stock!" the man snapped. Pecker immediately fell silent. "Now answer me boy-"

"Dad, stop!" Shining shouted out, climbing out of the water, his clothing and gear in a pile in the corner of the room.

The man turned angrily towards Shining. "What did you call me-"

"Dad, it's me, Ar-Mar!" Shining proclaimed. "Ar-Mar who shines! I protected Mar, just like I promised!"

"You talk nonsense!" the man countered. "Just a few years ago, Ar-Mar was-"

"How many talking unicorns do you know that are white with blue eyes and mane with a shield on their butt?" Daxter shouted. He blinked. "Wait, you're Damas? Exiled king of Haven?"

"That is I," Damas replied, but his voice was less certain. "But-"

"Precursor Rift Ring Time Travel bootstrap paradoxes!" Pecker blurted out before covering his mouth. "Sorry my liege, but they're my friends and I used to translate for a seer, please don't kill and eat me I taste terrible AWWWWK!"

Damas stared at Pecker for a time. "That...actually answers all of my questions..." He turned, staring into Jak's eyes, before finally setting him down gently. "...Mar? My son? Is...is it truly you?"

Jak managed a smile as he steadied himself. "I...I found you, Dad-oomph!"

Jak was cut off as Damas pulled him and Shining into a tight hug. "My sons," he murmured softly. "I...I thought I'd never see either of you ever again...I didn't even know if either of you survived..." His eyes were closed tight as he held them close. "My sons..."

Managing to smile, Jak and Shining returned the embrace, feeling a hole that had been in their hearts for so long starting to fill.

After a time, Damas pulled back to look at them. "Look at how much you both have grown..." he marveled. "Young warriors both if I'm not mistaken."

Jak chuckled. "Yeah, you could say that."

"We certainly can hold our own in a fight," Shining agreed.

"Good!" Damas proclaimed. "You will do well in the arena then."

"Arena?" Daxter asked, confused.

"Yes," Damas confirmed. "All who are brought out of the desert to Spargus compete in the arena, to prove their strength and ability to survive. Only the victors remain. All others are tossed back into the desert as dead weight."

"What?" Daxter demanded, shocked and more than a little appalled.

"Makes sense," Shining admitted. "With how hard resources are to come by out here, you probably can't waste any on anyone who can't contribute."

"You've learned well," Damas complimented. "I hope you both will perform well. Even if you are my sons, I cannot show you any favoritism."

"Wouldn't want you to, anyway," Jak agreed. "If I'm going to earn the respect of the entire city so they'll hear me out when I suggest uniting with Haven City to fight any new threats against the whole world, and then put you back on a united throne over the whole Wasteland, I'm going to need to work from the bottom up and show just how strong I truly am."

Damas stared at Jak for a time, then chuckled. "Yes...you're my son alright. Not sure how you'll manage to influence Haven from out here, though."

"Well, it'll be easier if you can convince Sig to carry messages from us to our agents in the city," Shining Armor suggested. "He's one of yours, right?"

Damas laughed aloud. "You two are a good team!" he proclaimed. "So, agents in the city, huh? Anyone I know?"

Jak couldn't help but grin. "Baron Praxus," he replied mildly.

"You're joking," Damas countered bluntly.

Jak simply smirked smugly.

Damas stared at him, then crossed his hands under his chin. "You have an hour more of recuperation time before you start training for the arena. In that time, you're going to give me the whole story."

Jak chuckled as he lay back in the water. "Well, it starts out in Sandover Village...I'm not sure how long ago...when Daxter fell into a pool of Dark Eco and transformed into an Ottsel..."

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