• Published 2nd Oct 2015
  • 11,487 Views, 307 Comments

Fractured Bonds - Midnight Ronin

Spike is accused of a crime he didn't commit and his friends and family turned their backs on him. There is only one who can understand the hatred in his heart of being betrayed and Spike will use that hate to severe the ties once and for all.

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Chapter 1: Memories and Purpose

I scratch another line on the wall to represent my weeks within my small dark prison, then scratch a line through it so I will be reminded that a month had passed. I found this task quite superfluous since time meant nothing to those who are imprisoned here. For those who are imprisoned in Tartarus is life until death... and that is if they commit suicide and succeed since most of the inmates are immortal or just have an incredible life span, like yours truly. After marking the passing of another month, I inspected the wall and looked over all the other months that had passed.

I sighed deeply, “That makes twelve months... again... Making it three whole years in this dreaded place."

I clenched my teeth as my emerald green eyes turned into sharp reptilian eyes, I was flowing with pure hatred and rage while tears formed and poured down my face like a waterfall as my mind faded from my current situation and into my memories.

Within the Friendship Rainbow Kingdom, Celestia's orb of light had risen into the sky for quite some time, signaling the time of a late afternoon. The princess of friendship and her number one assistant lived and grew together, physically and mentally as their bond of friendship grows stronger. It had been four months since Twilight gained her own castle and has grown so far in life and has learned so much since then... well in other places at least. She still doesn't know how to cook.

“Spike, when will it be ready?” Twilight asked impatiently.

“Just a minute Twilight. My famous nachos only get its title from the hard work and love I put into it,” Spike said as he finished cooking the beans. Then he poured a healthy sauce into two bowls for him and his closest friend just before walking over to her.

“Finally! I've been waiting for this all morning!” Twilight said while drooling some from hunger.

Spike, chuckling from Twilight's actions, brought a big tray full of the toppings and nacho chips he hand-made to the table. “How will you survive while I'm gone Twi?” He asked as he placed the tray on the table in front of Twilight as she marveled at the offering presented to her.

“I will be fine Spike, there is plenty of instant food in the refrigerator and besides," Twilight responded as she slowly looked up at Spike with a warm smile and continued, "You will only be gone for a day and a half, counting today. Now are you ready for your trip to Canterlot?”

“Of course, I got my train ticket and my bag packed ahead of time. It's only the usual Royal Canterlot business that Princess Celestia has me doing. I honestly think she brings me up there on purpose. The work I do has nothing to do with it in my opinion.” Spike said.

Twilight laughed as she still smiled warmly. “Well, it's to be expected. She did raise you Spike and in the few letters she has sent me, she always asks how are your doing. She always knows what happens in my life, but you rarely send her letters.”

Spike sighed. “Yeah... I guess.” He sat down in front of her and then the two began eating. After they finished eating Spike stood up and began to wash the dishes as Twilight stayed at the table and watched him from behind.

She thought back to how far her number one assistant has grown with her. Princess Celestia raised him, teaching him how to cook, clean, be polite, caring and many other domestic skills as well as skills in an art such as painting, drawing and sewing. She was his mother and then what seemed to come out of nowhere, Princess Celestia made her and Spike a team. Spike was to take care of her while she studied. It was as if the princess of the sun raised Spike to be in her life, something that Twilight was forever grateful for. Twilight's thoughts were then interrupted by an outside voice.

“Did you hear me, Twilight? I said I'm off after I'm done here,” Spike repeated.

Twilight shook her head, bringing herself back to the real world, “Oh, yes, sorry Spike, I was lost in thought,” Twilight said with a big smile then continued as she looked down at the table, “I'm just glad that we met.” She said quietly but loud enough for Spike to hear.

“Same here,” Spike, smiled as precious memories flooded through his mind then continued, “If it wasn't for my mother arranging me to be your assistant, my life would have never gotten to be this awesome,” he said as he finished the dishes.

Twilight giggled, “Awesome? You think fighting Nightmare Moon, Discord, Changelings, and Tirek is fun? Rainbow Dash's personality must have rubbed off on you over the years.”

Spike smirked then responded, “Maybe so... and I like it!” He said proudly.

Twilight grinned, “Well, don't let that attitude get you into trouble in Canterlot.”

Spike smiled, “I'm always on my best behavior”. He walked over to the door and grabbed his bag and turned around to face Twilight as she got up and was heading to the door. “I'll see you soon princess, he winked at her, causing Twilight to blush lightly from his action.

Spike stood at the wall with his head low, full of despair and hate. “Friendship is Magic... heh yeah right...” Spike said sarcastically. Then all of a sudden he heard a voice from behind him, just outside of his cage.

“You say friend, I say foe... There can never be a bond with friendship. It is nothing more than a temporary control over another,” Said a cloaked figure.

Spike who was startled by the sudden voice turned around in his cell until he noticed a being standing outside his cage. “Who are you?” Spike demanded with a shaken tone.

“I am the one who hates friendship just as much as you child.” The cloaked figure responded.

“What? You don't know anything about me,” Spike said back.

“I don't have to know you personally to know that you were betrayed by your friends. Don't deny it.” The cloaked figure responded.

Spike didn't respond, but he clenched his fists tightly, non-verbally telling this unknown figure he was right.

“Come... and join me... and I will give you something that is worth far more than.. friendship.” The cloaked figured said the last word with a bit more disgust in his voice.

“And what would that be?” Spike asked curiously as he inspected the cloaked figure.

“Power!" The cloaked figure responded back and then continued, “It's the one thing that won't betray you and can get you whatever you desire, so what do you say, child?”

Spike was silent for a while then grinned and responded, "You got yourself a deal, but tell me, what is in it for you?”

"First off, my freedom, and second is to become powerful once again." The cloaked figured said.

Spike nodded his head, “I see. So you want me to help you regain your former strength?”

"All in due time, but freedom comes first.” The cloaked figure charged up a magic ball in his mouth, putting all the magic he currently contained and then shot the magic on a lock that bonded Spike's cage, making the lock shatter.

Once Spike was set free, the cloaked figure looked up at him then lead Spike to the very edge of the dimension they were in. In this area, contained two large pony statues that were clad in ancient armor, no doubt from Celestia's past. Each statue was on the right and left of the edge of the cliff and then below that was a never ending dark abyss.

Spike walked over to the edge of the cliff and looked down.”Where are we?”

"We are at the junction between this dimension and the world of light, where Equestria resides."

“Interesting, why would you bring me here?” Spike asked curiously.

“This place is guarded by powerful magic that prevents anyone from escaping. The guards and princess are the only ones who are able to open the portal at will and that is where you come in. You're a dragon with a very special dragonic abilites .”

“Hmm... and you need me to use my ability to cut a way into Equestria?” Spike responded.

“Precisely," The cloaked figure said eagerly as freedom is within his grasp the continued, "Do you think you can handle this task?”

Spike studied the statues then held out his claw as emerald green aura emerged from it. “Keep up your end of the deal and freedom is yours.”

The cloaked figure's eyes glowed a dark yellow as he spoke with eager in his voice. “All the power you could ever want will soon be in your grasp. Now do it!”

Spike upon hearing those words slashed out at both of the statues a few feet away. The green aura from his claws went out with the slash, forming a blade of green energy that effortlessly sliced through the heads stone statues. Soon after there was a huge explosion of sound, that rivaled Rainbow Dash's Sonic Rainboom. From the explosion a vortex formed by pulling wind vacuum.

The cloaked figure stood by Spike in amazement. “Magnificent, child!”

Spike nodded then responded to the cloaked figure while looking slightly down at him out of the corner of his eye, “My name is Spike, Spike The Dragon.”

“And you may call me..." the cloaked figure slowly removed the hood of his cloak. "Tirek! And from this day forward we shall gain what is rightfully ours!”

Spike's eyes widened a bit but quickly went back to normal then nodded as he looked at the spiraling vortex, so many things were going through his mind at the moment, but there was one memory that took center stage in his mind.

Deep within Canterlot on a private trial, Spike Dragon lost the against Prince Blueblood and now awaits punishment.

“How many times do I have to say I didn't do it?!”

Spike stood in the center of a pitch black room with the only light coming from a circular light that shined from high above him. Special red glowing chains that are specifically made to contain dragons restricted his moments as the chains were strapped to his wrists with the red chain leading to the ground. All in attendance was The Elements of Harmony, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Prince Blueblood and a group of royal guards who had their spears at the ready.

Twilight and her friends walked up and stood over Spike and looked down at him in disgust. Twilight was the first to speak as Princess Celestia stood in the darkness with her head held down in shame.

“I can't believe you would do something so cruel. I saw you as my closest friend. You helped me get through so much. You bring shame to me, my title “the Princess of Friendship”, to Canterlot and to the royal family.”

“T-Twilight please listen to me.” Tears formed in Spike's eyes as he pleaded with someone he loved as a sister. "I'm telling you, I didn't kill Fleur. I was nowhere near her-"

“Lies!” Prince Blueblood shouted in pure rage as he charged at Spike only to be stopped by two guards who kept him at bay from assaulting Spike. "You filthy beast, you took the love of my life right in front of me and you even tried to kill me too!”

“Spike”, Princess Luna spoke, “her heart was pierced by dragon claws. We even did a DNA test and found your DNA on her”.

“I was with Shin-”

Spike was soon cut off by Twilight. “Stop using my brother's name and stop trying to use him as an excuse!” Twilight said in anger. "Shining Armor did say you were with him, but that was minutes later!"

“S-S-So I couldn't have murdered Fleur. She was in one of the chambers that was a very long walk from where me and Shining-”. Spike was suddenly cut off by a magically enhanced slap from Twilight that was so strong that Spike would have flown back a few feet if it wasn't for the powerful red chains keeping him bounded to the ground.

“Didn't you hear what I just said?! Stop using his name!"

Spike looked at the ground as he winced from the pain and then began to cry. Spike continued to look at the ground as his tears soaked the floor and spoke to the other five girls that surrounded him. “Why are you all so quiet... I-I thought we were friends..."

“What else is there to say to a savage beast like you?” Said Rarity.

“She's right ya know, and talkin' any further is rather pointless. You're getting what you deserve.” Applejack, spoke as she looked down at him.

“I actually believed you were different from the rest of your kind, but Rarity is right. You're nothing but a savage beast!” Fluttershy spoke as she gave Spike her stare.

Both Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash remained silent, not wishing to speak to them. Then suddenly Rainbow Dash finally spoke, not to Spike, but to Twilight. “Can we speed this up? I'm sick of looking at him!” Rainbow Dash said as she looked at him with disgust.

“Not yet Rainbow, the princess wants to have her final moment with him.” Twilight looked back at Celestia as she calmly walked forward in a dignified fashion, causing the other girls to step back to give her plenty of space.

Upon seeing Celestia, Spike rose up from the ground and looked her in the eyes. “M-Mom, please I-”. Spike froze as Celestia placed her hand on his chest.

Celestia looked into Spike's eyes with a cold glare and spoke, “Spike, for the crime against Canterlot, for not only killing Fleur De Lis in cold blood but also attempting murder on royalty, Prince Blueblood, I hereby banish you from Equestria and sentence you to life in Tartarus until death and I hereby remove my link you have connected to me, forever severing the magic bond we had.” Her hand glowed brightly as a bright white light shined through the room, briefly revealing all of the guards who was hidden in the dark with their weapons aimed at Spike, should he attempt escaping or assault. The light faded as the magic bond Spike had with Celestia faded.

Spike winced from the feeling. It felt like a piece of his heart was removed. Princess Celestia removed her hand from his chest then she concentrated magic into her horn as she prepared to send Spike away. Two guards walked up to his sides then one of the guards spoke as he bowed down, “Princess Cadence has sent me and one of the guards in her stead. Her words were that she couldn't bare to watch a once hero of the Crystal Empire get punished for a crime that is unfit for his title.”

Celestia looked down upon the guard and nodded. “I completely understand, this is quite painful. Now then, what is your name, will you remove the chains from the ground?”

The guard stood up with a serious expression. “Flash Sentry, your highness, and I would be honored to." He turned to Spike and looked at him with hate as the other guard removed the chain from the left side of him. "The Crystal Empire looked to you as a hero and savior, but now.... you're nothing but a murderer. You don't deserve your noble title...” Flash then removed the last chain on his right side and stepped back as Celestia covered Spike in her yellow magic and teleported him in a blinding light to Tartarus, but not before giving him her final words.

“I made a grave mistake to mother a creature like you. You were better off living with your own kind. I am truly sorry it had to come to this.”

Spike lost the will to move as those words pierced his heart as the bright yellow light swallowed him, teleporting him into Tartarus and soon was sealed within a jail cell once Celestia's magic wore off. Spike immediately ran for the metal bars in an attempt to break free, but was soon shocked and burned from the metal bars, this threw Spike back as he clenched his hands in extreme pain as a hologram of Celestia appeared in front of him and spoke, “Spike, this is nothing more than a recording I had left. I had this cage made specifically for dragons, as you probably know. The bars are made of a special iron, that is a dragon's poison and the wall behind you is indestructible. I'm sorry such measures had to be taken, but for the sake of Equestria, I must look past bonds I have with others... Nightmare Moon is an example of how far I will go... So good by Spike The Dragon..." She closed her eyes in solemn. "...forever.” The hologram ended and Spike collapsed on the ground with no will to live and cried.

A sinister smirk grew on Spike's face as he looked at the vortex and spoke. “Let's go, there is so much to change and I plan to completely destroy the bonds I once had and I intend to make them truly understand my hatred, pain, and despair...”

“Then from this day forward a new era will fall upon Equestria..."

The two entered the portal and for the first time in years for Spike, he left Tartarus and had a desire. To crush all that he cherished and start anew.

Author's Note:

Okay I re-uploaded Chapter 1 which is now edited for your viewing pleasure by The Pony Spartan. Thanks for the likes and comments I really appreciate it.
It tells me my story is good....for the time being or doing something wrong and I need to do better.
