• Published 2nd Oct 2015
  • 11,471 Views, 307 Comments

Fractured Bonds - Midnight Ronin

Spike is accused of a crime he didn't commit and his friends and family turned their backs on him. There is only one who can understand the hatred in his heart of being betrayed and Spike will use that hate to severe the ties once and for all.

  • ...

Chapter 3: The Wedding

Twilight walked around in pure darkness, hearing only the echoes of her hooves hitting the floor beneath her. She was alone and had no idea where she was.

“Princess Celestia? Anyone? Is a-anyone there?” Twilight yelled aloud as she got worried, only to receive no answer to her question.

It was silent for seconds when one voice did call out to her.

“I thought... we were friends...” Said a voice in the darkness, with no clear source from where the voice came from.

It sounded sad.

“H-Huh? But we are friends!” Spoke a frantic Twilight as she tried to find the source of the one speaking to her. She didn't know who was talking, but it sounded like a friend to her.

Then how could you betray me Twilight!?”

Twilight immediately jumped and swirled around to meet face to face with Spike. “S-Spike...” Twilight stood in front of her once treasured friend.

“I trusted you... I... loved you and you couldn't see that I... was framed...” Spike looked down, his face showing great depression as his eyes started to water.

“Spike... I-”

“Is friendship truly magical? Because.... I feel like it's a curse...” Spike's eyes started to glow a bright green as he revealed his dragon fangs and continued, "That will consume you all"!

Spike started to grow into a full-sized dragon, towering over Twilight, forcing her to look in terror. When he stopped growing, he grabbed her with his claw and brought her up to his eye level and looked at her straight in the eyes.

Twilight screamed in utter fear as she tried to free herself from his powerful grip. “P-please Spike, forgive me! I should have had more faith in you!”

“You must live with this curse for the rest of your life!” Spike snarled as he glared at her. “Tell mother she was right. She should have never mothered a monster like me.” Spike then opened his mouth, showing his sharp set of teeth. He tossed Twilight inside and swallowed her whole. Twilight screamed as she fell into the darkness of Spike's being.

“AHHH!” Twilight screamed at the top of her lungs, so high that it shook the very room she was in as she leaned up quickly in her bed as sweat poured down her face and body from her night terror.

“Will these dreams ever end...?” Twilight panted. She looked down as she tried to calm her pounding heart, wiping the sweat from her head.

“It has been five years since these dreams started to occur, and I'm afraid tis even beyond my power to completely shut it away, Twilight Sparkle.” Princess Luna floated in through the window for the second time this week and landed down in front of Twilight's bed.

“P-Princess Luna... I just... I just don't get it.” Twilight covered her face as tears started to stream down her cheeks.

“I believe I understand. These dreams of yours, is your mind having doubt in your actions during Spike's trial. Celestia used to have such dreams, but that stopped two years back when she finally accepted what she did and realized that it needed to be done. Spike is a serious threat that murdered in cold blood and now that he's free, there is no telling what he will do, especially now that he is with Tirek. And we all know how dangerous he is.“

“Yes, I get it... It's just really hard to accept is all.” Twilight looked up at Princess Luna as she wiped the tears from her face. “Me and Spike... were really close... close as family... maybe even more.” Twilight clenched her fist as she remembered Spike's plead to believe him.

“You... loved Spike didn't you?” Princess Luna asked as she kept her stoic expression.

Hearing that question only pushed Twilight into a more depressed state. “ Y-Yes... I guess you could say that... When Princess Celestia assigned him to be my assistant, I really didn't care. He was nothing more than a servant to fetch me whatever I asked for, but as time went on I saw him more than that. Even though I would have never admitted it to him or myself back then, he was my friend, my very first friend and I treasured that, as much as a dragon would for gems.”

“W-When Spike tried to p-plead his case I... I just felt so angry.” Twilight's hands started trembling as she thought back to slapping Spike and yelling at him. “When I stood in front of Spike, all I felt was a burning rage inside me. I felt an anger that I've never felt before... Spike meant so much to us and the evidence pointed to him that it was undeniable, so for him to do such a thing..."

“I understand Twilight, Spike means a lot to you, just as much as he does to us. It breaks our hearts to see someone we care for to fall.” Princess Luna walked towards Twilight and placed her hand upon hers. “Give it time Twilight. These dreams will go away in time once you accept the truth of Spike."

Twilight nodded in response as she tried to smile. “Th-Thank you Princess Luna.”

“You're welcome Princess Twilight Sparkle. Now please get some rest. We must be prepared for the wedding, later on, tonight.” Princess Luna then walked towards the window as she spread her wings preparing to take off.

Before she had a chance to take off, Twilight asked, “Princess, did you... accept what happened with Spike?”

Princess Luna stood there with her back towards Twilight, motionless as she became lost in thought. She lowered her head and spoke, “I must... even if I didn't want to.” Luna looked back at Twilight, an expression of sadness on her face. “Even if we don't want to accept it, it did happen Twilight... Just stay strong. Guilt is an enemy of the mind, an enemy that must not win... That we must not let win.”

“I won't, and thanks. See you later in Canterlot.” Twilight yawned some and got comfortable, preparing to go to sleep.

“Yes, I shall see you later.” Luna then flew out of the window and went back to Canterlot to prepare for the event to come.

Later that morning, as the sun rose high in the sky, Fluttershy was already up taking care of her animals.

“Good morning Mr. Cock and Ms. Hen, how are you? Are you hungry?” Fluttershy asked the chickens before her. The chickens then nodded in response and clucked which Fluttershy responded by pouring bird food on the ground for them, making sure to feed the other hens that were in the area and those who were still inside the chicken coop.

As Fluttershy stood aside and watched the birds eat, she remembered about Tirek and how he was free along with Spike. Her mind wandered through her memories as she thought back to Spike's trial.

Fluttershy stood there over her ex-dragon friend with her friends surrounding him.

“Why are you all so quiet... I-I thought we were friends...” Spike asked as he looked up at the ones he considered friends.

Fluttershy just stood there and looked at him. So much was going through her mind. “ I... I know Spike wouldn't do something like this... I was one of the first to have spoken up before his trial. We had to look at the evidence, so... he couldn't have... no... no he had to have done it, he must have, there is no way he couldn't have not done it... That dragon...” The more Fluttershy looked at Spike, the more pain and conflict she had. Fluttershy then opened her mouth to speak and what came from her mouth was fueled by hate.

“I actually believed you were different from the rest of your kind, but Rarity is right. You're nothing but a savage beast!” Fluttershy spoke while giving him the stare, peering straight into his soul and what she found were pain and despair. He wanted to be trusted, to be held, shielding his heart from the cold atmosphere around him. A part of her wanted to hold him and the other part, which was stronger, wanted nothing more than to throw Spike to Tartarus once and for all.

Fluttershy's thought's were interrupted by an impatient rabbit who was slamming his foot on her hoof. “Oh! Sorry Angel, I'll feed you right away.” She took Angel inside to fix him his special salad. She looked through her refrigerator for the ingredients to create Angel's salad, once she did she turned around with a smile. “Angel, I almost forgot. Later tonight is the sleepover we will be having with our animal friends. I'm not sure I will be back in time to help with the sleepover, so I will need you to make sure everything is ready for tonight. Don't worry about groceries I will take care of all of that."

Angel looked at his master with great annoyance but complied in the end.

Speaking of groceries Fluttershy searched high and low for the ingredients she uses for Angel's special salad, only to find out that she doesn't have all the ingredients to make it, so she rushed out of her cottage to the farmers market to shop while on the way one thought came across her mind. “I need to hurry. I must be prepared for the wedding tonight.”

Celestia's sun had risen enough to shine through the apple orchard of Sweet Apple Acres. The Apple family were well known for rising with the sun, so they could get to their daily chores and during this time Applejack was up on the hill, leaning against an apple tree, watching the sun rise. It was one of her favorite things to do to start off her morning, like having a cup of coffee to start the day. As Applejack watched the morning sky, she soon was lost in thought. Hearing Spike had escaped from Tartarus had her worried. What could he be doing and why couldn't she shake this feeling of guilt?

Standing in front of Spike, all she felt was anger, and when he spoke, all she felt was disgust. The evidence pointed right at Spike, his words and his body language said he didn't do it, but her mind wouldn't accept it.

"He had to have done it... no, there is no way he could... no,” Applejack mumbled to herself as Spike was pleading with Twilight, tears going down his face.

“Why are you all so quiet... I-I thought we were friends..."

After Rarity made her response, Applejack made hers and what came out of her mouth was something she never thought she would say to her dragon friend. “She's right ya know. And talkin' any further is rather pointless. You're getting what you deserve...”

Applejack was then shaken from her thoughts as she heard her brother call out to her.

“AJ, are ya going to help me with these or not?” Big Mac asked as he carried two barrels of apples in his arms.

“Huh, what? How long was I standin' there?” Applejack questioned as she realized that the sun had shifted in the sky a bit as she stood there.

“For a while, 'bout five minutes, but hey, we need to work harder today so we can finish up and get ready for your friend's wedding.” Big Mac said as he walked through the orchard and towards the barn.

“Oh yeah, your right. Let's get to it!” Applejack spoke as she put on her work gloves and went to work, knocking apples out of the trees.

Within the city of Canterlot rests one of the most well-known fashion shop in Equestria, Canterlot Carousal, and within it stood the owner herself.

“At last! It's been a rough road, but finally, the day has come! This will be the wedding of weddings that Canterlot will have ever come to witness!” Rarity pranced around the room in delight as she gathered gems of different colors.

“I'm glad for you Rarity, but... you should really relax. All of our customers are getting uncomfortable.” Sassy Saddles spoke as she glanced at the nervous ponies who shuffled out of the way of Rarity.

“Oh! Sassy Saddles, you MUST come to my wedding! Everyone in Canterlot will be there and of course, this shop will be closing early, so you will have plenty of time to make it. You must come.” Rarity stopped by the door as she turned back to get a response.

“O-Of course miss Rarity.” Sassy smiled widely “I wouldn't miss it for the world. I still can't believe you're going to marry him of all ponies!”

Rarity giggled loudly “I know! It's been rough, but things have changed so much for both of us. He really is my true love.” Rarity then placed her hand on the doorknob and opened the front door. “Well, I'll see you tonight!” And with that Rarity exited Canterlot Carousal and walked down the streets of the city.

As Rarity walked down the Canterlot streets. She stopped when she noticed Canterlot Castle then started to head towards it because it held the room she was staying at for the event. As she walked into the castle she had many memories in that place, mostly when Twilight had to come and bring the Elements of Harmony for a threat or another, but one memory she had hit her the most and every time she thought about it, she just wished it was a bad dream.

When she was summoned to the castle, by Princess Celestia, it was of an urgent matter and all of her friends had to be there.

“We're here, Princess Celestia!” Twilight spoke as she and her friends ran into the throne room.

“Thank you for coming, my loyal subjects. I am sorry for summoning so abruptly, but this concerns you all.” Celestia spoke as she walked down the steps from her throne, towards Twilight and her friends.

“What's wrong, Princess?” Twilight asked as Celestia stopped in front of them.

“I recently got word that... Tirek escaped from Tartarus... again.”

“WHAT!?" The entire Main Six yelled in unison, save for Fluttershy, as she only whimpered in fear while hiding behind her mane.

“Yes, but... that's not all.” Celestia took a deep breath before speaking again. “I've also received information that... Spike has escaped as well. We have reason to believe that they are working together.”

The entire room suddenly became quiet as looks of shock and terror came upon the Mane Six until Twilight opened her mouth to speak.

“S-Spike e-escaped?” Twilight choked the last words out as the look of a panic attack was preparing to come.

Rainbow Dash clenched her fist tightly and spoke. “Then as his ex-friends, it is our duty to stop him.”

“Dashie is right. A-As his friends we must do what's right...” Pinkie Pie quivered as her hair deflated. “I don't like this at all... but it must be done.”

“I-Isn't there anything we can do to help him? What about the Rainbow Power?” Fluttershy asked, very uneasy.

“The only thing we can do is capture him and put him back in Tartarus. I know it is difficult, but it must be done. I want you six to take it easy. My sister and I shall handle finding Tirek and Spike and I shouldn't have to say this, but I'm sure you will contact me the moment you find anything of their whereabouts." Celestia spoke as she looked at Twilight.

“Of course princess. You will be the first to know." Twilight spoke as she looked at Celestia.

Celestia nodded her head. “Very well, I will have Luna search the dreams of Equestria while I search my Ethereal Plane monitors.” Celestia's horn started to glow, until our next meeting young ones.” And in an instant, she vanished in a yellow light.

Rarity's mind wandered in her memories. She stood in her room and sighed deeply as she looked at the floor. "Spike... these six years without you have been tough... not just on me, but all of our friends. Twilight struggled in life without you. You did everything for her and so she had to learn to care for herself when you left. Rainbow Dash and Applejack, even though they never admit it, they miss you as well. You helped them so much in their lives, like helping Rainbow prepare for her various races and Applejack on her farm... You even helped Pinkie Pie with her cakes and even tested her proclaimed masterpieces. Fluttershy feared dragons and you helped her get over that fear... well sort of. She got used to being around you at least and even went out of her way to save you when you went on your dragon rampage. And you even helped me."

Rarity moved towards her dresser and pulled out a black box with a key. She then opened the box and looked down at a gold necklace with a heart-shaped ruby in the center.

"Spike... I never truly realized how much of an effect you had on our lives.... You always helped me. You went out of your way and used your status as Princess Twilight's assistant to get in contact with sophisticated ponies who had big things going on in their lives, and you managed to bring them to my shop. Sapphire Shores, someone who wants the best of the best would have never come to my shop if it wasn't for you... You helped me get so far life that you were vital to my success... Canterlot Carousal was extremely difficult to start... When I started, I struggled to keep the shop open, there were times I wanted to close the shop, to quit, but then I found him and he helped me keep my shop open, but still I can't help but think that things would have been smoother if you were by my side.” Rarity's eyes began to water some as she creased the Fire Ruby in her hand, tracing the outline of the gem.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and a guard slowly opened it. "Miss Rarity, lunch will be ready soon and all preparations for tonight have been taken care off." He told in his low voice.

“O-Oh thank you.” Rarity wiped her eyes quickly and placed the necklace away then turned around. “I will have my lunch in my room. Please bring my wedding dress to me when it is ready.

“Certainly, ma'am.” The guard nodded and closed the door.

Rarity sat on her bed and looked out the window. She shook her head of her depressing thoughts. “Don't think of such things Rarity, not on your special day!” Rarity took a deep breathe and laid back on her bed. “I'll just take a quick nap until my lunch is brought, and then the wedding of a lifetime will begin."

It was during the time Luna's moon took the spotlight in the star lit sky, creating a perfect scenery in Canterlot, for it was a big event. All the nobles from Canterlot and various species beyond to the very edges of Equestria came to bear witness to one of the most memorable moments in Equestria history soon to come.

Celestia's nephew, Prince Blueblood was to marry one of Ponyville's finest, Rarity, the Element of Generosity. In the east tower of the Canterlot castle, Celestia stood out on a balcony, looking up into the night sky as Luna floated down beside her.

“Is everything prepared?” Celestia asked her sister.

“Yes sister. The preparations are complete.” Luna folded her arms as she looked down over the kingdom, next to her sister, enjoying the night sky she has created. “Not only is Equestria's borders guarded, but also the kingdom. Plus while my night guards will watch the night sky, you will have your royal guards will be guarding the inside since they are apart of the wedding.”

Celestia nodded and then spoke. “Very well then. We better get ready. The wedding will start in a few minutes and our nephew wants me to make a stage for his big entrance...” She says in annoyance.

“I still can't believe Rarity would marry him of all stallions... Love is love I guess.” Luna turned around and proceed to walk out with Celestia right behind her.

During the beginning of the wedding, Celestia stood at the alter in a regal fashion while to her left, Twilight and her friends stood there as Rarity's brides maids and to Celestia's right was Prince Blueblood's "friends" as his best colts.

As the music played, Shining Armor and his subordinates walked in, in a militaristic fashion.

As the guards walked Lyra gasped as she shook Bon Bon. “Look Bon Bon look, it's Silver Guard! That pony there with the black mane with the silver streak in his hair! He is so handsome! I heard he was the one who arrested Spike after Spike killed Prince Blueblood's girlfriend.”

“I know I know. I heard the news as well Lyra. Apparently he was quick to act when going after Spike. I guess it pays to have royal guards with you at all times. Now relax, your shaking is making me dizzy!” Bon Bon's eyes started to swirl some, causing Lyra to stop.

“Oops, sorry Bon Bon.” Lyra giggle as she went back to staring Silver Guard.

Once Shining Armor made his way to the last row of chairs near the alter, he turned to face his squad as they saluted. Each one separated from their single file line and stood at each row in the center isle of the room then held out their right hand and pointed it upwards in front of him, creating a tunnel like fashion. At that moment the music suddenly changed and everyone's chattering came to a stop as Prince Blueblood made his way down the isle. He wore a black and gold tux with the most magnificent diamonds that Canterlot could offer around the collar. The light shined off the gems in a way that made everyone in the room yell their ooh and ahhhs, all except Rarity's friends and the royal sisters who stared at him in annoyance. It's Prince Blueblood after all....so this wasn't a surprise.

“I can't believe we're related to him, sister...” Princess Luna whispered to Celestia.

“Just smile Luna. This will be over soon.” Celestia spoke.

As Prince Blueblood walked he had a smug look on his face until he got to the alter. He stopped in front of his aunts and stood with elegance. Soon after, Rarity walked out on to the isle. She wore a long white wedding dress with gold trimmings around the chest area with golden flowers on her veil. Everyone's eyes were soon drawn to her beauty. They were at a loss for words as she walked with grace with a smile upon her face as she thought of the current event.

"Finally! This hour, I, Rarity, will marry true love! This is just as how I envisioned it. This dream is real!" Rarity smiled brightly as her eyes glistened liked polished diamonds as she stopped beside Prince Blueblood and looked around to see Sassy Saddles sitting beside Fancy Pants before looking at the Princess.

As Celestia spoke the formalities of the ceremony, something made Rarity's mind anywhere but the solar princess.

"What is this... strange feeling... I feel like someone is staring at me...intently. It's so different from the other eyes on me... No, these eyes feel... different. What is this feeling-" Rarity's thoughts were interrupted as Celestia called her name.

“Now is the part you say 'I do' Rarity.” Celestia whispered to her.

Rarity blushed some from the embarrasment, then opened her mouth and spoke. “I do.”

Celestia nodded her head and looked down at Flurry Heart who held the rings. She then looked at Prince Blueblood, waiting for him to pick up the rings.

Rarity cleared her throat and nodded her head at Prince Blueblood, trying to tell him to get the rings.

Prince Blueblood smiled with such an arrogant tone that greatly annoyed Rarity to the point she wanted to walk out, but she didn't want to make a scene, so she used her magic to take the rings and slide them on their horns instead. After that was done, Celestia smiled and spoke.

“You may now kiss the bride.”

Prince Blueblood smiled as he leaned in and lifted Rarity's veil and kissed her on the lips. This was all Rarity could ever wish for in life. A kiss that felt like 1000 suns exploding one after another and it came from him! The stallion of her dreams... that turned into a nightmare, but then turned into a dream again, Prince Blueblood!

As Rarity melted into the kiss, she knew she couldn't let the kiss last too long or things would get awkward, so reluctantly she pulled away with a visible blush on her face.

“How was that my fine Rarity?” Prince Blueblood asked in a low whisper as he smiled, gazing into her eyes.

“T-That was... amazing.” Rarity stared back into his eyes, getting lost in her love daze as she fluttered her eyes at him.

As they stood there, everyone started to stand up, clapping and taking pictures of them. As time went on, everyone wanted to get a picture of Rarity and Prince Blueblood and even pictures of the princesses and the brides maids. This eventually led to the massive throne room where the wedding reception was being held.

During the wedding reception, Rarity stood with her friends as they kept praising her for her marriage.

“Congratulations again, Rarity! I have to throw a party for you. This is so amazing!” Pinkie Pike spoke as she bounce around in one spot.

“Thank you, darling. I'm just so happy that this has finally happened. I am now married to him!" Rarity giggled as she looked back at Prince Blueblood who was talking to other noble ponies, one of them being Fancy Pants.

Rarity stopped giggling and turned her attention to Twilight. “So Twilight, when are you and Flash Sentry going to tie the knot?” Rarity grinned at her now blushing friend.

“W-Well, I-I don't know. I mean, we've only been dating for a year and all and-” Twilight was cut off by Rarity as she spoke.

“Yes, but you knew him for six years. You know, ever since the trial.”

“I... I know, but I've also been very busy with the work Princess Celestia has given me. Ever since I became an Alicorn, things have become very rough and Flash has become second in command of the crystal guards, so our schedules are really conflicting.” Twilight forced a laugh through her sad expression. “I mean, I don't have an assistant anymore. The last one quit after the humongous work load I put on them.”

Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Fluttershy just stared at Twilight with concerned expressions on their faces.

“L-Look I'll be fine! I-” Twilight stopped as she heard a loud laugh across the room. This got the attention of the main six as they looked over at Prince Blueblood.

“That dragon got what he deserved! To be honest, I wish he was executed on the spot. He was such an eye sore to our nation. My aunt, thinking he would be 'something great', is rubbish.”

“I must say ole chap, I would have never expected Spike to murder, even in cold blood. And that's saying something, considering he is a dragon after all.” Said Fancy Pants.

“I knew it would have happened eventually, it was only a matter of time until he fell back to his beastly nature.” Blueblood took a glass of red whine off a tray off a passing waiter and sipped it. He then looked into the remaining liquid in the glass and thought. "And with that dragon gone, the families bloodline is pure again. Hmph, a dragon mingling with high societies and princesses is just preposterous, and even more, sitting on the throne is what should always be mine... Spike, you're lucky I wasn't the one who decided your fate..."

As Prince Blueblood and Fancy Pants continued to talk, an air of depression washed over the Main Six as they were reminded of the judgment they had to call.

“I-I'll be right back. I need some fresh air.” Rarity told her friends as she walked towards the balcony that led outside, she soon felt the feeling that she had when she was at the alter again, the feeling of someone watching her intensely. She stopped and looked around to find no one. She shook it off the feeling and kept walking until she reached the balcony railing. Gazing upon Luna's starlit sky, she thought back to a time when things were so simple between those she cared about. Any form of conflict that rose would be delt with and their friendship would become stronger, but for one that wasn't possible, her Spikey Wikey.

"Spike was a true friend to me. He took his precious time out of any free time he had after working with Twilight to help me work on my dresses. My business skyrocketed when Spike used his title as being Princess Celestia's son and go to and get world renown ponies to come to Carousel Boutique, such as Photo Finish and Sapphire Shores. When ponies like that showed up, everyone wanted to come to my shop. Spike was truly something special to have around."

After taking a deep breath, Rarity turned back and walked inside. As she walked in she stopped as someone caught her eye. At the table was a strange figure, covered in a black robe with a hood. The robe had a unique design on it, definitely tailored. Her curiosity got the better of her as she approached the stranger.

Just as Rarity was about to talk to the cloaked stranger, she heard Princess Celestia speak through a microphone.

“Attention everyone! Thank you so much for attending this special day. I would love to congratulate another princess rising up in Equestria, and this princess is the very first Unicorn, Rarity, the Element of Generosity!” Celestia spoke as all of the ponies clapped their hands and cheered. "A princess who knows the meaning of generosity, a pony who is willing to go above and beyond for those who need help and a pony who will teach those to be generous and help strengthen the bonds of our strong nation. Just as Twilight spreads friendship across Equestria, so too Rarity with her generous spirit, because I believe in the words of my dear student and fellow princess, Friendship is Magic.” Celestia spoke in a assured tone causing everyone to clap and cheer harder.

Rarity stood there and smiled at Princess Celestia's words, completely touched by her speech. She knew she would become a princess by marrying Prince Blueblood, but the role she would play alluded her until now and she liked it! She could make a difference in the world just like Twilight and the other princesses. Rarity was brought out of her thoughts as she heard laughing behind her, causing her to turn around to face the source of the laughter.

It seemed she was the only one who heard the laughter.

“Pray tell, what are you laughing at?” Rarity asked the cloaked figure.

“I'm laughing because it's funny. Friendship is Magic... it's a joke.”

Rarity glared at the creature and spoke. “Friendship is a magical thing to have.”

“Really? I find it disgusting... Friendship only causes pain... The greater the bond, the more one will suffer...” The cloaked figure spoke in a tone that was filled with dread while looking down at the table.

At that moment, Rarity felt this unknown being's pain. Every word he spoke, she felt it. This male has been through a lot. This pushed her to speak.

“I'm not sure who you encountered to make you feel such a way, but those people who made you think this way are certainly no friends to be had. They don't deserve to have such a title.” Rarity thought back to a time, Rainbow Dash's friend Gilda first came to Ponyville she was so rude. "To have someone like that be called a friend, I was glad Rainbow Dash broke off from her. She didn't deserve to have such a loyal pony to be her friend."

“Is that so?” The cloaked figure spoke.

Rarity nodded her head. “Yes, such friends should not exist. There are always better friends out there in the world.” Rarity suddenly turned from the cloaked figure as she heard a loud scream, coming from Pinkie Pie who was dancing wildly from her intense sugar rush.

“I agree,” the cloaked figure stood up suddenly. As his arms laid by his side, his right purple scaled claw started to gain green flames on each one. The very air around him became filled with malice and hate. Something that didn't go unnoticed by Rarity as she turned around to face him. "This friend of mine is very close to you, Rarity."

"T-They are? Tell me, is it Blue Bloo-" She was stopped by another voice.

“Miss Rarity, you are needed to stand by your friends for a picture." Silver Guard spoke as he approached quickly, this caused the cloaked figure to retreat his claw back into his robe and looked down as he noticed the one who called her, the very pony who arrested him.

“Oh okay, thank you!” Rarity turned to face the cloaked figure and nodded. “Nice talking to you.” She then walked away.

Silver Guard watched her leave then turned to the cloaked figure, only to find that he was gone. He then smirked at this then looked out at the moon and starlit sky from the window before walking back to stand with the other royal guards.

After the wedding reception, everypony went home to prepare themselves for the next day. In Ponyville, the Elements of Harmony went their separate ways.

Fluttershy trotted down the dirt road that led to her cottage, lost in thought of tonight's event.

"I hope Angel has everything prepared for tonight's sleepover. Oh! I can't wait to read them the latest manga I ordered, Ryuasha. A romantic tale of a dragon who was pinned to a tree by his pony love for 50 years!" Fluttershy exhaled in excitement as she slowly approached her cottage.

As Fluttershy gazed upon her home she realized... something was off. It was completely silent inside. This silence was unnatural for a home filled with animals, and even if they were sleep, the sound of snoring would be heard coming from the inside, especially from Mr. Bear. Fluttershy took a deep breath before slowly approaching the door, turning the door nob slowly, peering inside.

What she saw made her scream. “AHHH!” Fluttershy screamed in absolute terror from what was before her. On the floor laid the corpses of her animal friends. Their blood soaked her wooden floor.

Tears quickly streamed down her cheeks like a waterfall as she looked at the horror in front of her. She wanted to run, but one thing was holding her back.

The only animal she noticed not being there was her favorite.

“A-Angel! P-Please, let this be one of your pranks!” But it was all in vain, the silence was the only thing that returned her call. Fluttershy wanted to run away, but she couldn't, she needed to find Angel, her most beloved pet.

With all of Fluttershy's strength, she gathered enough courage to walk into the cottage. As she walked passed the bodies, she noticed the bodies were ripped apart. It appeared to be the work of claws or a blade. Fluttershy was about to run, but realized that she needed to find her bunny. “Angel, a-a-are you in here?" Fluttershy shuddered as her feet shook with fear as she walked down the hall, checking room per room for her pet, to no avail. All she found was more of her animal friends ripped apart in the rooms.

“W-Who could do such a t-thing,” Fluttershy spoke as she slowly became dizzy from the scent of blood and dead bodies then fell to the floor and threw up.

As tears continued to pour from her eyes, she tried breathing slowly to calm her pounding heart. There was one area left that needed to be checked and she couldn't leave without searching that area.

"C-Come on Fluttershy, y-you got to get it together. A-Angel needs you!" Fluttershy thought as she forced herself to her feet then proceeded to walk towards the stairs, only to stop at the first step. As Fluttershy looked up the stairs, all she saw was darkness. The lights above were cracked and wouldn't turn on. This only terrified her more. She knew this wasn't a good idea, but she had to go, she had to know if her friend was alright.

Fluttershy gulped, swallowing whatever fears that held her back and proceeded to walk up the stairs. When she finally made it to the top floor, she went over to her hall table and grabbed the candle and match that sat on it then lit the candle stem, creating light.

"Okay Fluttershy... you must be brave, you must!" Fluttershy thought as she walked down the hall. "Angel must be in one of these rooms." Fluttershy thought as she stopped at the first door, the bathroom. Slowly she grabbed the door handle and turned it, opening the door slightly, causing the door to make a loud creaking sound that only caused her to wince from the noise. “A-Angel if you're in here p-please come out.” But no reply. Fluttershy felt her fears coming back, brining up the worst of the worst case scenarios in her head, but quickly steeled herself from this fear and entered the bathroom. She searched under the sink and then went to the bathtub, she saw it. Mr. Bear, her dearest animal friend, second only to Angel was beheaded. His blood almost filled the bathtub, with some starting to drip out of it and on to the tile floor.

At this point, Fluttershy was losing it, she was soon losing the will to keep going, but she knew she had to finish. There was one room left. Her room.

“O-One more room to go.” Fluttershy walked to her bedroom and stood in front of the door, contemplating her next action. She knew she had to go in, but what would be inside? What demon could have caused the deaths of everyone precious to her, besides her friends? Whatever this thing is, is a monster to its very core. Deep down she wanted this to be a nightmare. Waiting for Princess Luna to make her appearance and free her from this hell.

Fluttershy reached for the door and pushed it open since the door was cracked open some. Once the door was open all the way, she saw what looked like an odd shaped figure on her dresser.


Fluttershy's feet started to shake. She slowly approached her dresser and then shined her candle light upon it to find Mr. Bear's head laying there. His eyes were gorged out and his jaw line was ripped open. Her body shuttered in terror as she took one step back, but then froze as she gazed into the mirror. Within the mirror, showed two emerald green eyes filled with malice and hate looking back at her. She could feel the thirst for blood coming from this being and this stopped every movement in her body, but she was able to force out one word in a low whisper.


Author's Note:

Finally chapter 3 is done! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Next chapter I will give you some insight on what Tirek up too, so get ready.

As always, thanks goes to The Pony Spartan for proofreading and editing my work, making it even better than it was when I typed it.

Chapter 4 will be coming soon and thank you all for favoriting and liking my stories. I really appreciate this.