• Published 2nd Oct 2015
  • 11,488 Views, 307 Comments

Fractured Bonds - Midnight Ronin

Spike is accused of a crime he didn't commit and his friends and family turned their backs on him. There is only one who can understand the hatred in his heart of being betrayed and Spike will use that hate to severe the ties once and for all.

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Chapter 2: Origins

It has been three years since Spike and Tirek escaped from Tartarus and their whereabouts remained unknown. Not even with all the power Princess Celestia and Luna held could locate them, but that didn't stop them from trying.

“Your highness! I'm sorry, but the search was a failure again.” Shining Armor told Princess Celestia while shaking his head.

“It is okay. I'm sorry for overworking you and your squad. Please have you and your subordinates take the night off.” Princess Celestia spoke as she stood up from her throne.

“Yes, your highness! Thank you.” Shining Armor bowed before leaving.

"I wonder how Lulu's doing?" Celestia thought as her horn glowed brightly, teleporting her into her dimension where she is able to watch all past events of her followers.

“Where art thou....Where art thou!?” An exhausted dark blue alicorn stood in front of several magical TV monitors that showed all of the inhabitants that existed within Equestria. Her eyes were very baggy and red, and her mane laid flat down her back, no longer having that ethereal glow. She squeezed her wrist tightly in a failed attempt to stir her from her creeping sleep. “We failed... again...”

“Luna, you need to get some sleep. When was the last time you went to bed?” Celestia asked as she approached Luna from behind as she kept scanning the magic monitors.

“I can't sleep sister...” Luna turned from the monitor to look at Celestia. “How can I sleep, knowing that Spike and even worse, Tirek are out in the world, doing who knows what... It's been three years since their escape and their location still alludes us.”

“I know... I feel the same, but if we can't locate them through dreams or through these monitors then it means that they... are no longer in Equestria.”

“I have increased the security on the borders of the country, so if they were to be seen, we would know, but there is only so much we can do. That dragon, I can't believe he would do such a thing. I thought him living among ponies would mean his draconic urges would be dulled down. I guess I was wrong. We all were...”

“I understand Luna, but if Spike were to return, we would know,” Celestia said as she placed a hand on her sister's shoulder. “Come on, time for bed. And besides, you need to be well rested for the upcoming wedding. We must make preparations.”

“You don't have to treat me as a filly, sister. I-” Luna yawned deeply then lowered her head. "Fine, I shall rest. Good night sister.” Luna's horn glowed a sparkling blue and she teleported away in a midnight flash.

Celestia stood in the center of her monitors, preparing to leave until one particular monitor caught her attention.

Princess Celestia stood in front of a table that had a large purple egg with darker spots covering it. A smile crept on her face as she prepared to use her magic on it.

“Sister, are you certain you didn't want to leave that egg where it was?"

“Yes Luna, this poor egg was left out in the cold. No one to take of it. No one to fill this unborn child with love."

“I understand your need to guide and nurture Tia, but this is a dragon's egg. Dragons are prone to greed and destruction. Do you think you can change that?"

“Yes, I do. And if things work out, this child could be the bridge between both races and help be a beacon of peace. Now please sister, I must concentrate.” Celestia's horn started to glow as bright as the sun, energy surging off of her horn.

Luna covered her eyes as Celestia's magic shot from her horn and hit the egg dead on. Soon the egg burst open and from it a purple dragon with small green spikes laid there, stretching.

"Aww so cute." Celestia cooed as she lowered her magic to look at the baby dragon, who looked around then started sucking on his tail.

“What shall you name him?” Luna asked as she approached the dragon.

Celestia reached out and picked the dragon up and held him close to her bosom, paying close attention to the green spikes that acted as hair on his head. “I will name him... Spike.”

Luna shook her head and spoke in a sarcastic tone. “That sounds very creative sister. How do you do it?”

“Hush sister, this name suits him well.” Celestia smiled as she watched the baby dragon suck on his tail more. “You will be the jewel of Equestria, Spike. I know you will bring great things to everyone around, and create an everlasting bond.”

As Celestia watched the events of her past she felt tears go down her cheek. ”Spike, where did I go wrong? I really should have left you where you laid. I should have realized you were a danger to my ponies. As you grew, so did your powers. Fighting King Sombra should have been an alarm to me, but I saw you as my son, as family and not as a threat... Next time we meet, I will have to do what needs to be done for Equestria. Spike... please forgive me.”

Far Away

A huge explosion occurred sending powerful shockwaves through the air, creating ash and smoke then leaving red and green flames on the ground.

“Good Spike! Your mastery of fire has greatly improved over the years. But how will you do against this?” Tirek’s horns glowed as red energy sparked around it like electricity as a big orb of red magical energy fired from the center space between them at the dragon, only for a green wave of fire to slice through it, cutting the energy blast in half. The separated energy sphere then hit the ground behind the dragon, causing an explosion. “You're getting stronger day by day. You will soon be ready to erase your past!” Tirek was much stronger and bigger than he was three years ago.

“It's all thanks to you Lord Tirek. Without you, I would have never had gotten this strong.” As the smoke cleared Spike stood there, wearing a black robe. His body grew much bigger, even outperforming Celestia, but with a slight difference. His muscles were more defined, thanks to his training over the years, giving his body a natural proportion.

Tirek smirked at the compliment then replied with another blast of magic, this hit Spike dead on, or would have if Spike didn't hold up his claws to block it. The energy started to burn slightly at his hands as he held the blast back. The force of the energy causing would have made Spike burn terribly by now, but because of his dragon nature and tough scales he was fine. The force made him grind against the stone floor below his feet as he was pushed back.

“I can do this! Just like before!!!” From both of Spike's claws came green fire that swirled around Tirek's energy blast and in an instant it vanished. It reappeared behind him and made its way towards the stone wall behind them, creating a powerful explosion that sent rubble and smoke flying. Spike then inspected his hands and saw the slight magical burns as his wounds slowly started to heal, thanks to one of his magical dragon powers. It would have been worse if it wasn't for his dragon scales.

“Your powers are greatly improving Spike." Tirek crossed his arms and grew a smirk. "Hmph, how ironic, the transportation magic that allows you to send objects across any distance, that was used to send letters between ponies will now be used to destroy them!” Spike turned to Tirek to listen more, he grew to enjoy Tirek's belittlement of his once so called mother and his friends. “Spike, your transportation powers was limited because of that spell Celestia placed on you. Your power was tamed to only transport objects between her and Twilight. But now that her magic is gone, you have taken your powers further, much more than I thought you would in just three years. Your magical power is boiling.”

“Thanks.” Spike stretched, causing a few of his bones to make pop and crack then started to walk off towards the exit of their base. “I'm taking a break for today. That's enough training.”

“Right, you should. We must collect more unicorns that exist outside of Equestria before we confront the princesses. I have a location I will be heading too soon, called Maremiscyra.”

“Maremiscyra? Isn't that place just a myth?” Spike asked quizzically.

“Yes, to those who exist now in this time frame. But thousands of years ago, Maremiscyra was well known. Filled with warrior mares which I know will be a great power boost, but the rest of their history and knowledge is unnecessary. They are nothing but food to me.”

Spike nodded and walked off not responding, going to his room to get a new black robe to put on to replace the worn out one he wore during his training with Tirek. After he was finished he walked out of the room and entered the main room that had a massive purple crystal orb in the center of the floor with purple smoke swerving around in it. The room was also lit with torches and doorways led to different locations within the base. Spike closed his eyes briefly then opened them as he held out his hand, creating a green flame that started to swirl around his body very fast.

“Where are you going, Spike? Tirek asked, but knew as he saw the look on Spike's face.

“I'm going to reconfirm my rage, reminding myself of my ambition.” And with that last sentence, Spike vanished from the lair.

Author's Note:

Thank you for waiting. Its been nearly four months since chapter 1. I'll try to upload faster. Also I currently don't have a name for the chapter. I'll add it when I think of a good name.

I would like to thank the following people for their help:

Proof Readers: The Pony Spartan, jld23

Editor: The Pony Spartan