• Published 2nd Oct 2015
  • 1,663 Views, 123 Comments

No Heroes: Beyond the Everfree - PaulAsaran

Fluttershy takes it upon herself to cure a friend, but to do so she must acquire a rare ingredient. Accompanied by a few others, she sets out to the lands forgotten by history, the lands beyond the Everfree.

  • ...

18 – Lord Rex

Fluttershy fiddled with the strap of her pack saddle, eyes shifting to the rising sun outside the window. “Are you sure we’re doing the right thing?”

Rainbow helped Nye get his saddle on. “For the last time, yes. It’s been five days, Fluttershy.”

“A little tighter, RD.” Nye shuffled from hoof to hoof, testing the balance of his bulging packs. He happened to be carrying his and Rainbow’s gear. He’d insisted, and she’d agreed only after everypony else forced her into it. “We’ve already discussed it, Shy. Three times. If we haven’t found Fine by now, chances are we’re not going to.”

“He’s probably already in Equestria by now,” Rainbow added with confidence. “It’s a lot easier when you know where you’re going.”

“B-but, what if he’s—”

Rainbow heaved an exasperated sigh. “He’s not hurt, okay? Fine can take care of himself better than any of us could.”

“But you don’t know that.”

Fang, who stood in the doorway watching the four ponies, scoffed. “If Fine did get hurt, he’d have been found by now. Thestrals are natural hunters. Trust me on this.”

Fluttershy chewed her lip, then turned her gaze to the one pony who had yet to speak up. “Pinkie?”

The normally noisy party pony sat in the corner of the room, calmly putting her supplies into her bags. Of all the ponies, she was the farthest behind in packing. Her mane had lost a lot its curls and her gaze remained downcast. When she spoke, it was in a quiet voice. “If he’s still out there, he’ll meet us on the way.” She didn’t bother looking at the others, her movements almost mechanical.

For the hundredth time, Fluttershy was tempted to apologize. The first time she’d tried that had brought out a frighteningly fierce reaction from Pinkie though, so she held back. Her heart ached at the sight of Pinkie’s forlorn manner, but she had no idea what to do about it. It seemed the only pony who might be able to cheer her up was the one on their team they couldn’t find.

Fluttershy sat and focused her gaze out the window. She knew talking to them wouldn’t help. Rainbow, Nye and Polar seemed to think everything would turn out okay. Fang was perhaps the most confident in Fine’s survivability, as if being beaten by him made him invincible in her eyes. And Pinkie?

She’d never known Pinkie to be so cold. It got a little scary at times, something Fluttershy never thought she’d associate with her energetic friend. She seemed like an entirely different pony. There had only been two other times when she’d seen Pinkie behave in such a way, the first coming from a misconception regarding her birthday. A silly and honest mistake, really.

But the second time? Silma Ril. Fluttershy knew nothing about what Pinkie had been ordered to do in the Crystal Caverns back then, largely because Pinkie herself refused to talk about it. She could still recall when Applejack and Rarity brought her from below. The damage looked a lot worse than it was, but the memory of seeing Pinkie covered in her own blood still brought about chills. What had she been doing to force Fine to use such violent methods?

Fine Crime. His face had been burned into her gaze, frozen in incomprehension. She should have stayed. She should have explained and helped him. How could she just run away like that?

In the past five days, her view towards him hadn’t budged… but that was no excuse for the pain she’d undoubtedly put him through. Pinkie was right, she should have treated the situation with greater care. Fine didn’t deserve what she’d done to him.

She felt a wing wrap about her shoulders. Rainbow smiled down at her. “Hey, he’ll be alright. We’ll visit with him first thing when we get back, just to make sure.”

Fluttershy looked to her hooves. “Will he even want to look at me after what I did?”

“You didn’t lead him on, Shy,” Rainbow insisted. “You just… didn’t know.”

“But why didn’t I know? I should have known.” Fluttershy pressed a hoof to her forehead with a grimace. “It all seems so obvious in hindsight.”

“I think you’re all overthinking this,” Fang said, idly studying the bottom of her hoof. “Fine’s tough, he’ll bounce back. He’ll have another marefriend in no time.”

Nye’s retort came as quick as a whip. “Is that a confession?”

“What? No!” Fang stuck out her tongue as if she’d tasted something foul. “He’s got no wings and a giant ugly bone sticking out of his head. Not exactly attractive.”

Rainbow cackled. “Oh, I can’t wait to introduce you to Rarity.”

Fluttershy tuned their banter out, her gaze shifting to Pinkie. She’d shot Fang a dark look a moment ago, but was now back to packing. Even at her deliberate pace, she was almost finished. If only she’d talk, let everypony know what was really bothering her. Alas, Fluttershy knew that nopony had managed to get anything from the mare.

She felt at the pouch resting close to her heart. Inside, the rock-hard skin of the alpha gargoyle rested. They had it, the special ingredient they’d come here for. Was it worth it? Fine’s misery, Pinkie sudden personality shift, the deaths of so many thestrals…

Discord. All for Discord. Would he appreciate the lengths they’d gone to for his sake? She liked to think he would; Discord was unhinged, but not a bad guy by any means. If only there was some way to make all of this feel right.

At last, they were all prepared to leave. Fang led them outside, where they were met by Sera and her fellow elders. Fang promptly gave her aunt a tight hug.

“Don’t worry, Nibbler,” Sera said as they parted. “I’ll tell your father all about how well you fought.”

Fang lowered her head almost to the ground. “Do you think he’ll forgive me?”

“Of course he will. Gallant will be nothing but proud that you stood up for what you thought was right.”

The young thestral turned her head away. “Even if it turns out I was wrong?”

Sera lifted her chin and smiled. “Especially if it turns out you were wrong.”

Doubt filled every inch of Fang’s countenance, but she nodded anyway. As she stepped back, Elder Bright Eyes approached Fluttershy. “The thestrals owe you all a debt of gratitude. The return of our princess is not something we can repay, but we will do our best. Should you or your friends have need of us, the Guardian Tribe will answer.”

Fluttershy returned his warm smile. “We appreciate the offer, Elder. I’m sure Princess Luna will be eager to visit herself before very long.”

“I don’t know why she hasn’t left the castle already,” Rainbow said.

“When that day comes we will be sure to regale her of the tale of your actions here. Especially you, Count Stone.” He nodded to Nye, who returned it with red cheeks and a lopsided smile. “This will be the dawn of a new era for our race. May that era let us flourish under the Night Mother as we did so long ago.”

“I’m sure it will.” Sera gestured to them. “Come, let us escort you to the edge of the city. There we have a small group of warriors prepared to escort you back to the Weeping Waters. We trust you’ll know the way back from there.”

Fluttershy nodded to her. “That is most kind.”

As the party walked, the thestrals turned up in large numbers to see them off. Some even tried offering farewell gifts, which were graciously accepted. All except the kiss on the cheek one thestral mare gave Nye; his dopey smile disappeared when he saw the expression on Rainbow’s face. She kept close to his side from that point on and gave every young mare that came near the evil eye.

Polar met them halfway out of town. He walked next to Fang and the two spoke in hushed whispers. Fluttershy was happy to leave them to it, and so lingered near the back. She never stayed alone for long, though; more than one thestral stallion was eyeing her with a look she’d come to recognize from a lifetime of Hearth’s Warming suitors. Maybe it was because she never saw that particular ‘hungry’ look in his eyes that she never picked up on Fine’s interest?

Speaking of Fine, she couldn’t resist casting her gaze around the crowd, hoping to spot the missing unicorn amongst the throng. Alas, she had no such luck. This didn’t surprise her, of course; if Fine wanted to be seen, she wouldn’t have to actively search for him. His continued absence ate at her heart, and she tried to distract herself by talking with Sera.

The only silent pony among them was Pinkie. Though she accepted what gifts were offered her – mostly fruits and spices – her smiles were small and short-lived things and she made no effort to engage anypony in conversation. She trudged at the back of the herd, her presence a constant miasma to Fluttershy’s mind.

She knew Pinkie had liked Fine, but this reaction of hers was beyond anything Fluttershy would have anticipated. Just how close had they gotten? Fine always spoke fondly of Pinkie, on the rare occasions that he did. On the surface, it seemed bizarre; Pinkie struck her as the absolute last kind of pony Fine would appreciate. Not to say he wouldn’t like her, oh no, but surely a pony who loved quiet, calm and patience wouldn’t be able to tolerate Pinkie’s… ‘Pinkie-ness’ for very long.

Then again, he had gone to help – fight? – her during the Silma incident. Ever since that time, Pinkie seemed to have grown much more fond of Fine, despite the fact he left her with enough physical trauma to force her to stay in the hospital for over a week even with Celestia’s healing magic. Fine still didn’t talk much about her, but…

What happened between those two?

“If you keep your face like that, it’ll get stuck there.”

Fluttershy blinked and realized she’d been staring at Pinkie this entire time. “Oh… Um, sorry.”

Pinkie sighed and looked to her hooves. “It’s okay. We’ve got lots on our minds.”


Sera, still walking beside her, shook her head. “I don’t know much about pony customs, so take this with a grain of blackspice, but you shouldn’t feel guilty about this, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy looked forward once more, suddenly focusing on the ache in her chest. “How can I not feel guilty? I hurt Fine. Badly.”

The elder narrowed her eyes. “Did you do anything to lead him on?”

Fluttershy cocked her head. “If I did, I didn’t know about it.”

“You didn’t,” Pinkie said, but any comfort she might have been attempting was lost in her downtrodden tone. “Fine led himself on. I just wished I’d realized it sooner.”

“Well then, you are guiltless.” Sera gave a curt nod. “Fine will come around. He is strong. Nopony could beat my Nibbler and not be.”

Fang, still near the front of the line with Polar, leaned her head back. “Stop talking bad about me, Auntie.”

Sera raised her voice. “Maybe if you’d stop giving me things to talk about, I would.” She turned her attention back to Fluttershy. “By the way, Polar will be going with you, at least to the edge of Equestria. He and Fang are like siblings, so he volunteered.”

Eager for something else to think about, Fluttershy latched onto the new topic. “Why not go all the way? I’m sure Princess Luna would be eager to meet him too.”

“Fang wants to do this on her own. She made the deal, she will carry it out herself.” Sera raised a hoof to dissuade Fluttershy’s next statement. “Please, do not try to talk her out of that stance. It is a thestral thing.”

They were approaching the edge of the ruins. Two lines of thestral warriors, fifteen in all mixing both Guardian and Night Eye tribes, stood waiting for them at the edge of the jungle. The ponies gathered before them, the throng of thestrals at their backs. Elder Bright Eyes stood between the two groups, his attention set on the thestral warriors. Fluttershy sat and and prepared herself for what she was sure was going to be a speech of praise. She didn’t feel at all in the mood for such a thing, but she wasn’t about to say so. Besides, the way Rainbow Dash was puffing up suggested not everypony wasn’t interested.

Pinkie’s hoof slapped against Fluttershy’s chest, as if to hold her back. Fluttershy turned to find her friend staring into the woods with wide eyes, her legs trembling. “Pinkie? What’s—”

Everypony get down!” Pinkie tackled Fluttershy. At the same moment, a loud buzzing noise filled the air and a flash of red light nearly blinded her. There came the sound of falling trees and shouts.

When Fluttershy looked up, all the thestrals and ponies had turned to faces the woods, the warriors with weapons at the ready. Her jaw dropped; amidst fallen trees and smoldering trunks was Fine Crime, approaching them with a satisfied smile.

Fluttershy’s heart slammed into her throat. She stood and started to approach. “Fine! I thought—” Pinkie jerked her back with surprising strength.

Rainbow jumped into a hover, hooves on her hips. “Hey, jerkface! What’s the big idea frying the landscape? Somepony could have been hurt.”

“Ah.” Fine raised his hoof, expression bright. “You must be Rainbow Dash! I’ve learned a bit about you, Miss ‘Fastest Flyer in Equestria.’ ”

Nye leaned forward, his expression peering. “Fine? Are you alright?”

“Fine?” The unicorn looked around as if puzzled, then regained his happy smile. “Oh, right, that’s my name! Well, the name of this body.”

“What’s going on?” Fluttershy pulled from Pinkie’s grip and moved closer, ears low. “Fine, what are you doing?”

Bright Eyes stomped, his fangs bared. “And why did you attack us?”

Fine’s eyebrows rose. “Attack? Oh, no no no. That was just a warning shot. You know—” He rolled his hoof in the air, “—to make it clear that submission is your best option.”

“Submission?” Rainbow asked with an incredulous look.

Pinkie stomped forward with a gaze so fierce Fluttershy had to wonder if she wasn’t seeing things. “You’re not Fine. Who are you?”

“Who am I?” Fine sat and tapped his chest, then spread his hooves wide as if to put himself on display. “Come on, don’t you all recognize me?” Except his gaze wasn’t on Pinkie, or any of the ponies. It went to the thestrals, who all stared at him mutely.

He let out a long sigh, legs going limp. “You leave town for a few centuries and everybody forgets. No matter.” His smile disappeared, replaced by an expression of menace such as only Fine could provide. “I’ll just have to remind you.”

The beam came so fast that it had passed before anypony could react. Fluttershy, along with everypony else, tried to follow its trajectory. Her eyes landed upon what had once been the face of Elder Iron.

Only now it was a black, sizzling stump.

The ground disappeared. Fluttershy dropped at the same time as the body, her legs twitching almost in time to Elder Iron’s spasms. Screams shook her eardrums. One of them may have been her own. Her brain scrambled in a desperate effort to deny what she’d just witnessed.


Dazed, she turned her head to the sound. Fine Crime – not Fine Crime – had dropped to a low stance, strain marring his features as his horn glowed brighter than she’d ever seen from it. A lone object rose from his back, bloodsoaked and skeletally thin. Arcs of red electricity streaked up and down as if it were some sort of macabre antenna.

Fine screamed, and another of the ugly things broke out of his skin, splattering blood on the nearby trees. His lips worked, and Fine’s voice was warped into something deeper, darker, meaner.

“I once ruled your pathetic kind.”

Out of the corners of his hooves, long, thick claws broke through the walls, bringing forth even more blood.

“I carried out my destiny, for the glory of She Who Came Before.”

Thin membranes grew out of the squirming appendages on his back, forming into the thin skin of wings larger than any thestral could boast.

“In your worthlessness, you worshipped me as a god.”

Gone was the pain in Fine’s eyes. Within there only remained a wicked glee.

“Your deity has returned.”

He reared back, eyes aglow and bloody wings spread wide.

“And he expects you to bow. I am Lord Rex. Fall upon your knees or be cleansed.”

The screams redoubled. Some thestrals fled. Others were already groveling. A few, mostly warriors, charged. Fine gave a grin filled with fangs and took them on. Fluttershy could only watch in mute horror, the world spinning around her and her heart holding her down like an anchor.

Laughter. Curses. Crying. Something pulled her by the shoulders. She had no idea who, what, how, where or when.

Something struck her head. The blow jarred her out of her stupor, and she looked down.

Elder Evergreen’s head stared back up at her. Just his head. The face was frozen in an expression of shock.

“Fluttershy, we have to go, now!”

She looked up. Rainbow Dash. Her friend’s face was covered in blood. The horror in her eyes proved much more impactful. Fluttershy tried to speak, to move. Her body refused to obey.

The dark voice met her ears. “Fluttershy?”

Her head whipped around. Fine held a thestral’s head in his hooves, the mare struggling to break free of his hold. Fine paid her no mind; his eyes were locked with Fluttershy’s. As if in afterthought, he twisted his legs and snapped the thestral’s neck.

That playful smile returned. “Fluttershy! So you’re the one that has this pony all gibbering and pathetic. I have something special in mind for you.”

Fluttershy’s heart sank into the very depths of her stomach. Her body felt as though it were encased in ice.

“Fluttershy, let’s go!” Rainbow tried to pick her up off her hooves. With only one good leg, she had a lot of trouble. Then, abruptly, she was encased in a red aura and pulled away with a jerk. “Hey, lemmo go! You touch her and I’m gonna—”

Rainbow slammed stomach-first into the trunk of a fallen tree. And again. And a third time. The aura released, and Rainbow was still.

Fluttershy’s legs at last responded. She screamed and ran for Rainbow, but only got a couple steps before something caught her by her shoulders and swooped her into the sky. Within seconds, the town of Tidal was far below her. She looked up and trembled at the sight of her captor. “N-no! Let me go! Fine, stop!”

His neck twisted down so he could look at her, his grin so broad it seemed unnatural. “If I have to live with this lovestruck fool in my head, the least I can do is placate his whimpering. I don’t mind at all, all things considered.”

She squirmed and kicked wildly, but Fine’s – no, Lord Rex’s – hold was like steel. “W-what are you going to do?”

He laughed and shifted course, making for the Temple of Tides. As he did he unleashed a massive spell from his horn. Something orange caught Fluttershy’s eye, and when she looked out she gasped at the sight of flames burning high. She turned her head to follow the fires and soon realized that they formed a towering wall all around the city and temple, taller than any mountain.

“I’m not going to do anything. Except perhaps you.”


Lord Rex waggled his eyebrows and made to land, aiming for the waterfall of the temple. Night Eye thestrals were watching the scene, milling about in apparent confusion. “My host adores the ground you walk on, Miss Darrow. What better way to appease his suffering than to make you his? Besides…

“I think you’ll make a most attractive queen.”

The first thing that clued Rainbow in to her consciousness was pain. She groaned and wrapped her good leg about her barrel. She felt like she typically did after one of her more disastrous crash landings.

“Easy. You took a good beating.”

Pinkie’s voice. Rainbow cracked her eyes open to find her friend standing beside her bed, mane straight and expression solemn. Rainbow lifted her head and saw she was in her room in Tidal. “W-what happened?”

Pinkie tried to speak, but failed. She took a deep breath. Only now did Rainbow realize that her cheeks were stained with dried tears. “Pinkie?”

“Lord Rex.” Pinkie looked away, but not fast enough to hide her scowl. “Lord Rex did it.”

Memories came flooding back; Fine turning into a monster, killing thestrals. The image of a thin beam slicing off Elder Evergreen’s head was burned into her retinas. With a growl, she forced herself to sit up. “What happened after I was knocked out?”

“Fine… I mean, Lord Rex took Fluttershy. He brought her to the Temple of Tides. That’s all we know right now.” Pinkie turned to study her. “How are you feeling?”

“Like I just lost a fight with a manticore.” Rainbow tested her broken leg and winced; still no good, not that she’d been expecting any better. “How long was I out?”

“Not long. A couple hours.” Pinkie turned to a nearby table and picked up a bowl, which she offered. “Here. Sera said it’ll help with the pain.”

Rainbow drank it all in one gulp, not caring about the bitter taste. With that done and a quick wipe of her lips, she hoofed the bowl back. “So what’s happened since then?”

“Well…” Pinkie sighed and offered her hoof. “I think I’d better show you.”

Batting the hoof away, Rainbow got out of bed on her own. She ached, but she wasn’t about to let that slow her down. She trotted in place on her three good legs, testing her body. Best she could tell, she wasn’t badly hurt at all, just bruised. She followed Pinkie to the window and groaned; a massive wall of what appeared to be fire rose high into the sky. “Lemme guess; circles the whole city?”

Pinkie nodded. “Polar and the others looked into it. They say they could fly over it, but the heat is so intense that they’d probably die in the process.”

The mention of Polar caught Rainbow’s attention. “Say, this Rex guy. He used to be some tyrant, right? Oppressed the thestrals and all that?” She gave Pinkie a worried look. “How are they taking this?”

Pinkie bowed her head and her shoulders sagged. “Not well. Sera’s trying to get them ready for a fight, but most of them are too scared. Many think they should just surrender now.”

“Seriously?” Rainbow sat and groaned. “You mean this guy just shows up out of nowhere and they’re gonna lay down and roll over? I thought they were supposed to be a warrior race!”

“I think their fears runs a lot deeper than we know,” Pinkie replied despondently. “He’s more than just a villain to them, Rainbow. He’s… something else entirely.”

Rainbow scowled at the wall of fire. “Like what?”

“Like a god.”

The ponies turned as one to the new voice. Fang stepped into the room, her expression hard. “Lord Rex was like a god to us, Rainbow. An evil god, but a god nonetheless. We were bound to his rule for millennia, and our legends are rampant with his atrocities. Our distant ancestors were helpless, and the other races ignored our plight. Not because they didn’t want to help, but because they couldn’t.”

Rainbow swung her hoof in a cutting motion. “Well, you got out from under him once, right? What’s so different this time?”

Fang’s brow furrowed in frustration. “Aside from the fact that we’re divided into dozens of clans and not united at all? We were only united back then because he forced us to be. If Discord hadn’t shown up, we’d still be Rex’s slaves today.”

“Discord.” Rainbow pressed a hoof to her forehead and sighed. “Of course. And he’s still a lawn ornament in Canterlot. Plus, Fluttershy had our pieces of gargoyle skin for the cure.”

“Don’t forget the giant wall of fire,” Pinkie added.

Rainbow growled and looked out the window once more. “I don’t understand. How did this happen? Did Fine just stumble into the guy’s ghost at random or something?”

Fang sucked down a deep breath before responding. “We already told you, he was trapped in the Weeping Water.” She gritted her teeth at Rainbow’s blank expression. “The ponds! The ponds were we met. Discord trapped him in one of those ponds.”

“You mean that story was real?” Rainbow groaned and flopped onto her back. “Great. Bucking great. What is it with us and running into ancient immortal villains, huh? There can’t be that many.”

Pinkie observed her for a moment, then turned to Fang. “No offense, but with your reaction to Luna’s return I thought you’d be… y’know, groveling.”

“No, it’s okay.” Fang turned her face away with a blush, though her eyes remained hard. “I get why you’d think that. But I’m a Honed Wing. It’s my duty to protect Tidal. Even if we are facing a god, Lord Rex’s return is not something I can allow to happen. I may die, but I’ll die fighting for my home.”

Rainbow sat up. “Alright, so what’s the plan? You guys do have a plan, right?”

Fang’s hard expression faltered. “W-well, right now the only plan we have is to stall. Elder Bright Eyes is on his way to the temple right now to try and negotiate. We know Lord Rex won’t accept anything but capitulation, but hopefully the elder will learn something we can use to defeat him.”

That didn’t sound like much progress to Rainbow, but she figured she should take what she could. This was all happening way too quickly! She turned to Pinkie. “Is there any way we can get a message to the princesses?”

Pinkie shook her head. “Nye’s potion got smashed, remember? Fine brought one too, but the rebels dumped it in the fighting.”

“So we’re on our own. Wonderful.” Rainbow stood, stretching her legs as she did. “I want to take a look at this fire wall for myself. But first, where’s Nye? He’s alright, right?”

Fang and Pinkie exchanged uncertain looks. Pinkie tapped her hooves together meekly. “Well…”

Nye looked to Elder Bright Eyes. “Are you gonna be okay?”

Sweat beaded on the elder’s brow as he stared up at Luna’s stone face. “Forgive me, Mr. Stone. I need a moment.”

“Yeah, Polar did too.” Nye sat and stared into the darkness of the temple’s entrance. Somewhere inside, a monster was posing as his friend. Was it really Fine Crime, or did it just look like him? Could it be a form of brainwashing, like what Silma Ril did to Rainbow and the other Element Bearers? Perhaps it was worse than that. Perhaps Fine wasn’t in there at all.

Nye shuddered at the thought. After watching this Lord Rex kill so many thestrals without even having to catch his breath, he knew that Fine was at least no longer in control. And had received a significant upgrade in power. That anything at all could defeat the Mane Archon… A cold feeling made itself known in Nye’s chest.

This wasn’t how things were supposed to go. Fine was meant to be invincible, undefeatable! The thought of him losing to this thing was heart wrenching for a number of reasons.

Even so, Nye had volunteered for this task. The more likely candidates were all out of action, and he wouldn’t leave his friends hanging. Besides, Nye wanted information, and there was only one pony who could give it to him.

Elder Bright Eyes stood and approached the temple entrance. “Thank you for your patience, Mr. Stone. Let us be on our way.”

Nye noted the wobble in Bright Eyes’ legs, but chose not to say anything. He doubted he’d be helpful. As they passed into shadow, Nye couldn’t help marveling at how dark things became in spite of it being late morning outside. “What is this place made of?”

The elder’s eyes glowed in the darkness. “You’re asking this now?”

“It’s the engineering part of me sneaking out.” Nye gave him a weak smile. “Besides, I think you could use the distraction.”

“Hmm.” The elder nodded. “I appreciate the thought. I’m afraid the construction technique was lost centuries ago. One of the downsides of not having a writing system is that we have to remember everything by recitation.”

“Well, whatever it is, it’s clearly either enchanted or made of something special.” Nye stepped sideways to touch the stonework. It remained smooth in spite of its age. “This stuff absorbs light like Celestia absorbs cake. I’m sure Luna would approve.”

Bright Eyes responded with an incredulous, “What?”

Nye shrugged. “You know, dark and shadowy. Right up her alley.”

“No, not that,” the elder said. “About Celestia.”

“What? She really likes cake.”

Bright Eyes licked his lips, appearing lost in thought. “That’s an… ‘interesting’ observation, Mr. Stone.”

Nye chuckled, although it was marred by nervousness. “Yeah, Celestia’s adoration of cake is legendary. The cooks at the palace tell me a tenth of their budget is just for making them. I could never tell if they were joking or not.”

In spite of everything, the elder huffed a small chuckle. “Almost makes her sound normal.”

Nye smiled as he thought of the royal sisters and his conversations with them. “Celestia and Luna are normal. Most ponies tend to forget it. Being close to them helps to clarify things a bit.” His thoughts turned to Twilight and his smile broadened. “For some of us, at least.”

The exit to the courtyard was near. The pony and thestral paused just at the edge of the light. Nye’s throat dried as he wondered what may be awaiting him out there. The gargoyles weren’t half as frightening as an overpowered Fine Crime.

Bright Eyes looked to him. “I want to thank you, Count Stone, for volunteering to come with me. I don’t know if we’ll leave this place at all, but if we don’t… for what it’s worth, I am glad you and your friends came to Tidal.”

Nye sucked down his fear and tried to keep his face as calm and determined as possible. “We were just trying to do the right thing by Discord, but it turned out a lot bigger than we expected. There’s no need to thank me, Elder.” He took a deep breath. And another. “I’ve fought zombies and gargoyles. I’ve been to the Moon and faced the wrath of an angry princess. If I can’t do this, it would be a sad end to a good record.”

Bright Eyes patted his shoulder. “If it is an end, it shall be a proud end.” He looked forward and remained still. Nye glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw in the elder’s face indecision, doubt… and fear.

Nye pursed his lips, realizing he would have to take the lead. He hated taking the lead. Why did he volunteer for this job?

Because he had to. With that thought, he squared his shoulders and stepped into the sunlight.

“Ah, I was wondering when you’d come out.” Lord Rex sat atop the Sanctuary in a leisurely pose. “Come to deal with the Big Bad Rex?”

Nye cocked his head, face twisting in uncertainty. He just couldn’t get past the big red wings and hoof-claws. Talk about unnatural. Still, he found his words. “We’re not here to fight, Fine.”

“No?” Lord Rex leaned over the edge with a toothy grin. “Well, of course not. After all, from what I can see in my host’s head, you’re the most pathetic of his friends. Aside from the pink one. Talk about worthless. I’d have killed her, but figured she wasn’t worth the energy.”

At last, Elder Bright Eyes appeared at Nye’s side. The thestral shook like a leaf, but somehow managed to keep his voice steady. “We have come to negotiate, Lord Rex.”

Rex sat up straight once more, his wings flapping for balance. “Bright Eyes! Good to see you. Fine has a lot of respect for you I notice.” He blinked, then smiled playfully. “Oh, and he wants you both to run away as fast as you can. Just so you know. Please don’t. I’d like to be entertained.”

Elder Bright Eyes swallowed audibly. “L-Lord Rex, the Night Eye tribe wants to know what happened to their soldiers who were assigned to guard the temple.”

“Them?” Rex returned to his relaxed pose and shrugged. “My temple had a pest infestation. I squashed them.”

The blood rushed from Bright Eyes’ face, which the entity apparently found humorous, for it broke into a fit of laughter.

Nye scowled and stepped forward. “What have you done with Fluttershy?”

The laughter stopped as quickly as it began. Rex rubbed his hooves together with a gleeful look. “Oh, she’s quite the specimen, isn’t she? Fine sure thinks so, which is why I took her. Don’t worry, she won’t be harmed.”

With a stomp, Nye snarled, “Where is she?”

“In a safe place.” Rex eyed the claws of a hoof in a bored manner. “Well away from rabble such as yourself. In time she might even come to appreciate her position. It’s not everyday you become engaged to a god.”

Nye’s jaw dropped. “Engaged?”

“Yes?” Rex looked down at him as if seeing him for the first time, then clapped his hooves together. “Oh, right, you’re her friend, aren’t you? I guess that means you’ll need to be there for the ceremony. You and your mare Rainbow can be our guests of honor, how about that?”

“Lord Rex!” Elder Bright Eyes stood by Nye once more. His expression was firm and his shaking had stopped at last. “The thestrals are independent. They will not just accept your rule. We can settle things peacefully, but we won’t accept slavery for a second time.”

Rex’s face fell and he turned away. “That is an issue isn’t it? I’ll have to go through the process of breaking you all over again. Such a pain in the scales.” He turned back, waving a lone claw at them. “But y’know, I may have a way to speed up that process. You’re the leader of the Coven, right Brighty?”

The elder’s eyes narrowed. “I was chosen by my peers to act as the head of the Coven, yes.”

“Ah.” Rex’s eyes narrowed. “That makes this easier, then.”

The beam came and went before Nye realized it. He jumped back, crying out in alarm as the bolt shot through the elder’s chest, piercing straight through his body and into the stone floor, leaving a black stain. The elder rocked on his hooves, choked… and collapsed.

Nye could do nothing but gape at Bright Eyes’ perfectly still form. His knees shook as a claw gripped his heart. Swallowing, he turned to stare up at the scowling Lord Rex.

The demon’s eyes locked with his. All the mirth left his voice, replaced by something far more ominous. “Go back to Tidal and tell everyone there that they have until sunrise tomorrow to declare their subservience. After that, I will kill every creature within the ring of fire that isn’t prostrate before my temple.”

Already moving backwards, his body low, Nye hissed, “The princesses won’t let you do this.”

A corner of Rex’s lip curled up, revealing his fangs. “Pony princesses. Alicorns. I used to eat them for breakfast. I know all about Luna and Celestia from my host’s memories. I’ll have united the thestrals in slavery well before they send out their search parties, assuming they even bother with it. And if they come?” His horn flashed. “I will show them how battles were fought in the old times.”

Nye paused at the exit’s threshold, his heart pounding. “I want to see Fluttershy.”

“And I want to roast you on a spit with some garlic and a few rubies, but even I don’t always get what I want.” Lord Rex raised his head imperiously. “Now get out, before I change my mind and go to tell them myself.”

Moving at a canter, Nye did as he was told. His heart bled for Bright Eyes, but his mind was calm and controlled. He hadn’t come out of this empty-hooved. He’d learned things, more than Lord Rex intended.

He still had one more stop to make.