• Published 2nd Oct 2015
  • 1,663 Views, 123 Comments

No Heroes: Beyond the Everfree - PaulAsaran

Fluttershy takes it upon herself to cure a friend, but to do so she must acquire a rare ingredient. Accompanied by a few others, she sets out to the lands forgotten by history, the lands beyond the Everfree.

  • ...

03 – Zecora's Boon

Nye craned his neck to take in the tall trees of the Everfree Forest. Though he might have had a flutter in his heart at the moment, he kept his expression steely. Rainbow’s wing stretched over his back, helping him to relax just a little.

“Don’t worry,” she whispered, “we’ll avoid it. We have an idea where it is, so it should be easy.”

He nodded. “Does Scootaloo know where heading out there again?”

“I wasn’t gonna lie to her about it.” Rainbow shrugged, though her eyes betrayed her worry. “Applejack would have told her the truth eventually, so no point in keeping it a secret. She took it like the pro she is.”

“She’s a smart kid,” he acknowledged. “Smarter than she gives herself credit for.” He turned around just in time to see Fluttershy approaching on the road out of Ponyville. Like them, she was loaded with packs. “Hey, Fluttershy. Surprised we beat you here.”

“I had to make a few last-minute preparations for Spring and Tree Hugger.” She paused before the two of them with a disarming smile. “Is everypony ready to go?”

“Yeppie we are, Miss Fluttershy, Ma’am!”

Nye practically flew out of his skin as Pinkie appeared between him and Rainbow, loaded with her own packs and looking as cheery as always. “Pinkie,” he said between huffs, “you could give Fine a run for his money in the surprise department.”

“Oh, I dunno about that,” she said with a dismissive wave of her hoof. “After all, he’s really good.”

Rainbow chuckled and gained that wicked look she often did when a challenge was on the table. “True, but if there’s anypony who could match him, it would be you, Pinkie Pie.”

Pinkie’s laugh was curiously quiet. “Yeah, we’ll just have to see about that.”

“Speaking of Fine, where is he?” Rainbow flew above them to peer at the town. “You’d think he’d have been here first.”

“Maybe he’s going to meet us at his place,” Nye ventured with a questioning look at Fluttershy.

“He’ll be along.” Fluttershy looked at each of her companions. “Are we ready?”

“Yep yeppers!”

“I guess so.”

“I was born ready!”

She nodded. “Alright then, no time like the present.” She trotted past them for the forest, Pinkie hopping behind merrily. Rainbow landed beside Nye and the two shared a curious look before taking up the rear together.

Within a few steps, the world changed. The great trees of the Everfree loomed all around, almost blocking out the sun completely. The sounds of the forest filled their ears with the call of wild animals, the distant buzz of insects and an unseen chorus of birdsong. The path was winding, but smooth from years of use by the assorted townsfolk who came in search of Zecora and her many useful potions.

Yet Nye remained curious. His eye lingered on Fluttershy, who trotted along the dark road as if she were heading to the town market. He picked up his pace until he was close enough behind to be heard without raising his voice. “So… you’re nice and at ease. Since when were you okay with the forest?”

“Oh, it’s not so bad.” She cast her gaze around the woods, not losing her pleasant smile. “After having to come through here so many times when we were treating Fine, I was able to get over my fears. I know the path very well at this point.”

“Really.” Rainbow hovered next to her. “So you visit Fine a lot nowadays, huh?” Nye winced at the suspicious bite to her tone.

“Not really,” Fluttershy replied with a shrug. “He comes to visit me more than I visit him.”

“Hmm…” Rainbow rubbed her chin, eyes narrowing.

“So,” Nye interrupted, hoping his smile was effective, “are we going to his place first?”

“No, we’ll be heading for Zecora’s.” Fluttershy tapped the bag hanging from her neck like an oversized necklace. “I checked the map just before leaving. We’ll get to her hut and run right through the woods from there. We could go past Fine’s place, but then we’d have to go around… um…”

She glanced at Rainbow, then at Pinkie, who continued to hop merrily along. “Well, that is…”

Pinkie’s smile never faltered. “The ghost town, right?”

Nye stumbled and Rainbow whipped around. It was her who managed to cry, “How do you know about that!?”

Pinkie’s hops shifted to a regular walk as she looked up at Rainbow with a curious expression. “Fine told me, of course. There’s this really scary and dangerous ghost town right behind his place where all the inhabitants turn into zomponies and they’re all blank flanks and they think cutie marks are a curse. Talk about silly, why would anypony think a cutie mark is a curse? Well, I guess if you really, really didn’t like what your cutie mark was, like Apple Bloom when she got the Cutie Pox. I bet they’d think she’s extra cursed! Oh, wait, she already visited the place. I forgot!”

Her three companions had spent the entire speech staring in silence, to which Pinkie only giggled. Rainbow was first to recover. “Wait, so Fine knows about the town behind his house?”

“He does,” Fluttershy said. “That’s why the house is there to begin with. It’s a distraction to keep ponies from venturing any farther into the woods.”

“But why would he want to actually live there?” Nye shivered and used one hind leg to rub at the suddenly itching scar on the other. “And how do you know about it, Fluttershy?”

“He told me about it when I was helping him get over the Bloodmane,” she replied easily. “He thought it safer to let me know about it than to risk having me fall for its lure. He also mentioned how you two and Scootaloo got caught in it a couple years ago.” She closed her eyes and shivered. “That must have been terrifying.”

“Nye got the worst of it.” Rainbow flipped backwards to land next to her coltfriend, then wrapped a leg around his shoulder. “He got hurt pretty bad, but he still showed those zomponies a thing or two.”

“Yeah, right,” he grumbled. “All I really did was run around with my tail between my legs.”

“Don’t be modest,” she pressed with a grin. “I saw you fighting, like, a dozen of those things!”

“Wow, a dozen?” Pinkie was at his side in an instant. “That’s so cool! You must be really brave, especially considering how they were all like ‘Rargh, braaaaiiiiinnnnnnsssss…’ ” She reared onto her hind legs and walked at a shuffling pace, forelegs stretched out before her, eyes crossed and tongue lolled out.

Nye laughed at the display even as he wondered how she could hold herself up for so long. “It wasn’t exactly like that.”

“Whatever, you’re still a hero.” Rainbow nudged him with her elbow before flying ahead. “And don’t you forget it!”

The compliment left him blushing, as it usually did. “Alright, alright, new subject. If we’re not going to Fine’s place, how is he supposed to know where to meet us?”

“Don’t worry, Nye, he has his ways,” Fluttershy responded, a smug smile on her lips.

“Believe me, has his ways.”

Zecora’s hut appeared through the trees, its windows glowing with a faint light. Smoke drifted from the highest window, lingering in the air under the thick canopy before finally drifting into the unseen sky above.

Pinkie was the first to react to the sight. “Oh, no! Do you think Zecora’s place is on fire? Don’t worry, Zecora, I’ll save you!”

She darted forward, but Nye caught her tail before she could get away. Her momentum made her stretch out, and he once again had to wonder if she had a single bone in her body. No sooner had she hit the dirt than he spat her tail out, noting the faint taste of bubblegum on his tongue. “The hut’s not on fire, Pinkie.”

“She’s probably just brewing one of her potions,” Rainbow added, landing next to Fluttershy. “Are we going to meet Fine here?”

Fluttershy opened her mouth to respond, but all were distracted by the door of the hut opening wide. Zecora stepped out, facing her visitors with a pleased smile. “Greetings, my dear friends. A brief visit your host recommends.”

“That would be nice.” Fluttershy gave a frail smile, her eyes shifting to the thick woods all around them.

“Hey, Zecora!” Rainbow swooped over to the mare. “Why do I get the feeling you were expecting us?”

“A mutual friend told me of your quest,” Zecora replied. “He asked if I would help settle your unrest.”

“Fine Crime.” Nye rolled his eyes with a smile. “Always thinking ahead.”

“Yeah, he’s the most thinking-ahead-y-est pony there ever was!” Pinkie leaned forward, her expression uncertain. “But what do ya mean, unrest? We’re all perfectly rested, and it’s not even noon yet.”

Zecora answered with a chuckle and gestured for them to follow her inside. The others seemed perfectly at ease as they entered her home. Nye, however, didn't know Zecora or her place nearly as well as his companions and, at the moment, the vials, masks, and strange smells were giving him the heebie-jeebies. He settled himself nearer to the center of the room, away from the strange ingredients on the shelves and the disturbing masks. This did, however, give him direct access to the curiously fruity smells coming from her bubbling cauldron.

Once everypony was inside, Zecora spoke. “Permit me to make my meaning clear; I was not referring to a current fear. You soon go to lands of mystery, long forgotten by history. Surely there will be some threats, and I’d wish you have no regrets. So come and sit with me a while, my brews may help you face a trial.”

“Oooooh.” Nye sat and pounded one hoof against the other. “I get it, you’re giving us something for later.”

Fluttershy approached the cauldron to observe the pink concoction within. “That’s very kind of you, Zecora.”

“Yeah, but how do you know exactly what we’re gonna need out there?” Rainbow landed beside Nye and sniffed the brew. “Hey, that smells kinda nice.”

“Don’t drink it!” Pinkie pushed them away frantically. “I learned my lesson the hard way. Never ever never drink a potion right out of the cauldron without Zecora’s permission!”

“Chill out, Pinkie.” Rainbow batted her hooves away. “I think most of us know better than to go drinking unknown things that might be dangerous.”

Nye nodded. “Yeah, that sounds kinda dumb. No offense.”

Fluttershy had a hoof over her lips, her expression mortified. “Pinkie, did you really do that?”

“Uh-huh.” She deflated just a little. “It was one of Zecora’s memory potions. You know, for ponies trying to recall something important they forgot?”

Nye cocked his head. “That doesn’t sound so bad.”

“It is when you get a dose before it’s distilled.” Pinkie shivered and wrapped her hooves around herself, for once not bothering with exaggeration. “Too many memories far too quickly. It was terrible.”

“Valuable was Miss Pie’s lesson that day,” Zecora said from the opposite side of the cauldron, reaching for a large vial on a nearby counter. “But this brew will not cause such dismay.” She took a moment to ladle the pink potion into the vial, then closed it with a cork stopper. She set the vial down next to two others, one filled with a blue liquid and the other with a clear substance. “Here we have potions three, which may keep you safe on your journey.”

“Cool!” Rainbow flew around the cauldron and dropped her head low to peer at each vial. “So, uh, what do they do?”

“I understand it is not plain, and so I shall now explain.” Zecora lifted the first vial, which possessed the blue liquid. “When the body’s limit is met and you succumb to lethargy, drip in this a drop of sweat, then drink to build your energy.”

Nye cocked his head. “Uh… what?”

Pinkie giggled. “Oh, Nye, it’s easy! When you’re all pooped from working too hard, you put some of your sweat in the bottle and whammo! You’re all zesty again.”

Rainbow scoffed and waved a dismissive hoof. “Like I ever get tired.”

“More than a pick-me-up is this brew,” Zecora noted with a self-satisfied smile. “Several days will it see you through.”

She set the vial down and picked up the pink one. “Made from ingredients quite rare, this one makes you more aware. Scent, sounds, even eyes; you will be tricky to surprise. Even with the darkest foe, they will all seem to glow.”

Rainbow rubbed the back of her head with an uncertain expression. “So it makes us see, hear and smell better?”

Zecora grinned. “What you cite is precisely right.” She set the potion down. “I ask you treat it with devotion, for it is not an easy potion.”

“I can see how that would be useful in the dark forest.” Fluttershy turned her eye to the last bottle. “What about this one?”

“Ah.” Zecora eyed the vial with an uncertain frown. “That one is a new concoction, one to be used with caution. Great strength will the user attain, but this comes at great emotional strain.”

“So it makes you stronger?” Rainbow’s eyes lit up at the thought. “Awesome!”

Nye raised his hoof as if her were in a classroom. “But, uh, what do you mean by ‘emotional strain?’ ”

Zecora gave him an approving nod. “Strength of body it might deliver, but the weak of mind should reconsider. Whatever emotions you should hold will also grow big and bold. If taken by humor, you’ll laugh at every rumor. If filled with wrath, you go on the warpath.”

Pinkie broke into giggles, catching everypony’s attention. At the inquisitive looks she pointed to Fluttershy. “The return of Saddle Ranger!” Rainbow promptly broke down laughing, which only served to make Pinkie’s dam burst.

Nye and Zecora shared raised eyebrows, which they turned on a furiously blushing Fluttershy. “Uh, I don’t get it,” Nye confessed.

Fluttershy kicked at the floor, her pink face – and a sheepish smile – half-hidden by her mane. “I-it’s nothing, just an old joke.” She hurried to put the three vials into her packs, but they didn’t all fit. Flustered, she hurried to stuff the clear one into one of Nye’s bags. “There, I d-don’t think I’ll be taking that one, anyway.”

Zecora stuck her hoof out to stop her from closing the bag. “One more thing that I should note; this one does not go down the throat.”

Nye eyed the vial, now tightly squeezed amongst some bread loafs. Cringing at the unhealthy placement, he took it out and moved it to the pouch at his chest, nestled safe alongside a large bottle of dark blue potion, some parchment and a few ink bottles. “So you don’t drink it?”

“Such would make the potion fail,” Zecora answered with a nod even as she helped the still-giggling Rainbow off the floor. “Rather, that one you inhale.”

“Huh. Weird, but okay.” He closed the flap on the potion and patted it gently. “We’ll keep it in mind. Thanks, Zecora!”

Fluttershy, finally recovering from her embarrassment, offered her charming smile to the zebra. “Indeed, they are all wonderful gifts. Thank you so much. You really didn’t have to do this.”

Zecora returned the smile and shook her head. “Such a price cannot offend when it is offered to a friend.”

Pinkie began to bounce in place, in typical Pinkie fashion. “Oh, I can’t wait to see what it’s like when Nye sniffs it! And it’s gonna totally be the right kind of sniffing… but then this kind of sniffing also gives weird side effects.” She paused in midair with a gasp. “Does that mean you’re giving us—”

“Yeah, gonna stop ya there, Pinkie.” Rainbow did a twirl and flexed her forelegs with a smirk. “If anypony’s taking the strong pony stuff, it’s gonna be me!”

Pinkie jerked her down by the tail and pressed her muzzle to Rainbow’s face. “Rainbow Dash, do you mean to say you’ve been taking—” Her voice shifted to a loud whisper not a pony or zebra failed to overhear, “—performance-enhancing drugs?”

“What? Of course not!”

“But you just said you were gonna take that potion!” Pinkie pointed at Nye, who shuffled and averted his gaze with a weak smile.

“That’s not a performance-enhancing drug,” Rainbow countered with a roll of her eyes. “It’s a potion. Big difference!”

Pinkie rubbed her chin as she peered at Rainbow. “I dunnoooo, it still sounds like an illegal substance to me.” She leaned in close, forcing Rainbow to back away. “I’m watching you closely, missy.”

“Right.” Nye chuckled and pulled Pinkie back by the tail. “If she’s gonna do any racing while we’re out in the woods, you be sure to keep a sharp eye on her.”

“Okie dokie lokie!” Pinkie saluted with a cheery grin.

Zecora, who was rummaging through some cabinets on the other side of the hut, spoke from over her shoulder. “Before your journey gets underway, might I make one more offer this day?”

“Well, I guess.” Nye glanced at the window, but of course couldn’t tell the time of day. He turned his eye to Fluttershy. “But shouldn’t we be on the move by now?”

Yet Fluttershy hesitated, the certainty she’d been displaying for the past few days visibly cracking via her chewed lip. “I think we can wait a little longer. I mean, if we’re not intruding?”

“Not at all, good Fluttershy.” Zecora turned around to display something in her hoof with a grin. “I would merely invite you to have some pie.”

“Whoa!” Nye sniffed the flakey crust displayed before him. The powerful scent of apples hit him full-force and he had to swallow down his saliva. “First the potions, and now you’re feeding us?”

“Now that is awesome.” Rainbow landed and took the pie as Zecora pulled a few more from her cabinets. “You really prepared all that for us?”

“Not often do I receive so many a guest,” Zecora replied, setting a half-dozen pies down on the table. “I must take advantage when so blessed. These were delivered not long back by our good friend Applejack.”

“Oh, wow, isn’t this cool?” Pinkie darted over to examine the pies one at a time. “I knew Applejack delivered all those pies out here for a reason! It’s like you totally predicted that we were gonna show up and that we’d need food before we left. That’s super neato and—Wait, does this mean you can see the future like my Pinkie sense?” A loud gasp as she jerked around to Zecora. “Do zebras have a super-duper-special Zebra sense?”

Zecora opened her mouth to reply, but Pinkie’s words barreled over hers. “Wait, that sounds right, but not? Maybe a Stripe sense? Or a—”

Her words came to a stop as Nye shoved a chunk of pie in her mouth, prompting Pinkie to chew for a moment before grinning with a “Mmm!”

The meal went smoothly after that. Rainbow and Pinkie ate the quickest, naturally, and were soon comparing different ways to use the potions Zecora had given them. Nye stopped paying attention at around the time that Rainbow suggested she’d use the strength potion to carry a massive tree to use as a bridge over a ravine.

Instead, his attention focused on Fluttershy, who was having an animated discussion with Zecora about the forest wildlife. Too animated. Her voice had a slightly higher pitch than normal, and every time the conversation began to quite she’d shuffle in place before hurrying to find a new topic.

And her eyes kept darting to the windows and door.

Ah, now he got it. He fidgeted, wondering if he should say something. They were supposed to have been on their way by now, but he couldn’t bring himself to force the issue. When he glanced around the hut, however, he noticed that everypony had finished their share of pie. Somepony had to speak up. Goddess, but he’d rather it not be him. Yet if it wasn’t him, then who? Bracing for impact, he opened his mouth—

“This has been fun and all,” Rainbow said, landing between Zecora and Fluttershy, “but we should probably get going.”

Nye might have hugged her if he hadn’t noticed Fluttershy’s moment of alarm, which disappeared under a smiling mask as soon as it came. “Oh, r-right.” Her lips twitched as she stepped back. “Yes, we probably should, um, go. Discord won’t wait forever.”

Pinkie shrugged even as she licked the last bit of pie filling from her lips. “Well, he could, if you really wanted him to. I mean, it’s not like he’s going anywhere.” Rainbow shot her a deadpan frown. “What?”

“Indeed, it is good that you leave soon,” Zecora said with a sigh. “But do come by more oft than a blue moon.”

“Oh, of course we will!” Fluttershy gave the zebra a hug. “I’m sorry, Zecora. With everything going on in Ponyville, it gets harder to find the time to visit.”

Rainbow frowned at her hooves. “Yeah, that does kinda bite.”

“Don’t worry, Zecora.” Pinkie bounced close and patted the zebra’s back. “We’ll do our best to come by more often. Pinkie promise!”

“Yeah. After we get this… uh…” Nye turned to Fluttershy. “Whatever it is we’re going to get.” His lead wasn’t followed, for Fluttershy was too busy staring at the floor.

Zecora offered each of them a warm smile. “You are all so very kind, but let me not burden your mind. Curing Discord is your goal, and so it is time for you to stroll.”

“Right you are, Zecora!” Pinkie pulled a distraught-looking Fluttershy out of the hut, the others following them outside. “Come on, everypony, we’ve got a gargoyle to catch!”

Alpha gargoyle,” Rainbow corrected.

Noting how Fluttershy’s gaze was combing the forest, Nye asked, “What about Fine Crime? Shouldn’t he have met us here?”

“I thought he would.” Fluttershy fidgeted. “U-unless he went on ahead. Or… Or maybe got held up? Maybe we should wait.”

“Uh-uh, I don’t think so.” Rainbow dropped beside Fluttershy and gave her a light push, though even that was enough to make her stumble for the treeline. “If he’s up ahead of us, we shouldn’t leave him waiting.”

“Hmm…” Nye turned to the zebra in their midst. “What do you think, Zecora?”

“I know only that he came to my home,” she replied with a shrug. “Perhaps he went to roam? So peculiar did he act, his path of departure could not be tracked. Perhaps he did proceed through the wood, though I cannot say why he would.”

“I say we get going.” Pinkie hopped to the lead of the pack and swept her hoof towards the woods before them. “My Pinkie Sense says he’ll show up before too long.”

Rainbow launched and started for the trees at a leisurely flying pace. “I make it a point to never argue with Pinkie Sense. Come on, guys!”

Yet Fluttershy still didn’t move. Her shoulders were slumped and her head low to the ground, her eyes surveying the woods with trepidation. She shivered and squeezed her eyes shut, and Nye thought he could hear her whimper.

He sighed and stepped up next to her. “Wasn’t prepared for this, I take it?”

“I’ve come this far so many t-times,” she whispered. “I th-thought going farther would be easy, b-but…”

There was a flash of blue feathers, and suddenly Rainbow was on her opposite side. She and Nye shared solemn looks, then both pressed against Fluttershy. The pony gave a quiet squeak, but didn’t protest.

“It’s alright, Fluttershy, we’re with ya,” Rainbow said, using her wing to rub her back.

Nye nodded encouragingly. “Yep. Come on, it’s just one hoof in front of the other.”

Pinkie, her tone gentler than the norm, waved them on. “Yeah, and I’ll be right in front of you to make sure the path is as clear as chocolate milk. Except without the chocolate or the milk, and the glass is one of those clear ones you can see right through, but I’m looking at it from the top so it’s like a spyglass. See?” When Nye looked up, he was not at all startled to find Pinkie looking at them through the top of a long, clear glass, her blue eyes made several times larger by the curved shape.

Fluttershy offered a wan smile and nodded. “R-right. Just one hoof…” She took a step. “After the other…” And another. Soon, with Nye and Rainbow gently pushing her forward, she made her way towards the thick, dark line of trees. With every step her trembling eased, but neither of her friends pulled away.

“You’re doing good, Fluttershy,” Rainbow insisted, pride in her eyes.

“Yeah, real good.” Nye smiled as their pace quickened.

“We’re off to see the temple!” Pinkie sang out. “The wonderful temple of tides! Bye Zecora, and thanks again!”

“Farewell, brave ones,” Zecora called as they passed the tree line. “I look to see you in a few suns.”

And so they passed into the dark forest, Fluttershy’s trembling nearly gone and Pinkie humming a merry tune before them. Yet even as Nye shared Rainbow’s pride at their friend’s determination, he couldn’t help but wonder…

Where the hay was Fine Crime?

Author's Note:

And so the quest begins in earnest. I figured a visit to Zecora's was needed, because it would be unlikely (and perhaps rude) of them not to do so under the circumstances. Also, I need to use Zecora more often; writing her dialogue is a fun challenge.

The next chapter is supposed to be released on Halloween. For those of you not following me or reading my blogs, this might not happen as I'm planning to release a 'Nightmare Night' special this year and it's taking up a lot of my writing time. If I don't publish on Halloween, I'll probably continue my schedule as normal – meaning the next chapter would come out November 10.