• Published 2nd Oct 2015
  • 1,663 Views, 123 Comments

No Heroes: Beyond the Everfree - PaulAsaran

Fluttershy takes it upon herself to cure a friend, but to do so she must acquire a rare ingredient. Accompanied by a few others, she sets out to the lands forgotten by history, the lands beyond the Everfree.

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04 – Pinkie

With every springy bounce, Pinkie practically radiated joy. She delivered it to every pony she possibly could and did everything in her power to keep its spreading. Joy was her livelihood! Well, not literally, but it played an important role. Without joy – the blissful narcotic that was happiness and laughter – the world could be a very sad place. Pinkie knew this from firsthoof experience.

Without joy, she would be nothing, and for that reason alone did she continue to bounce and hum and smile as they made their way deeper into the forest.

Pinkie’s job was a baker, but out here, on these whirlwind adventures? Her job was to keep spirits up, and she was very good at it. Yet Pinkie was not always joyful. She wanted to be. Keeping up the image was foal’s play. That was one of the keys to her craft; no matter what problems might stand in her way, she always had her mask ready to flash a smile and keep everypony else’s hopes up. If she didn’t, who would maintain morale? Who would keep everypony going?

It was their second day in the Everfree Forest, which remained as thick and difficult as ever. No creatures came for them, but that was partly Fluttershy’s doing. She spoke with the many small animals they came across, and in that way she was able to determine how to avoid the places predators most frequented. Rainbow complained sometimes, saying they were missing the ‘adventurous’ part of the adventure, but only with halfhearted eagerness.

The group had been quiet most of the day. Pinkie had a reputation for being a motor mouth, but she knew when it was time to keep said mouth shut. None of them were particularly bothered by the walking and the quiet amongst them, much less Pinkie’s humming. They’d all been on long journeys before. They were all veterans in one way or another.

Nye in particular took the journey well, and Pinkie knew it had more to do with the presence of friends than bravery. After all, he’d almost always travelled alone before now. Ponies thought Pinkie was oblivious to things like that. On the contrary, she knew so much more than they could imagine. That mask of hers had its perks.

She bounced along to a merry tune, something she’d heard on one of her excursions in Canterlot. To the others, she was perfectly Pinkie Pie. Her mind, however, was focused on two things. The first was in the woods, stalking, waiting, watching. It had been for some time now. Most ponies would have found this ominous, but that presence was the one thing Pinkie needed right now to really lift her spirits.

The other was Fluttershy. The pony hadn’t quite gotten over her nerves, but she was faring far better than she had in the past, like when they went to deal with that dragon. But Pinkie could see the anxiety in her feathered friend; the way her lips curved down just slightly, the crease in her brow, the frustration in her eyes, the tension in her wings. She’d noticed Focus Number One, Pinkie had no doubt.

Third, her eyes were set upon the funny purple flowers in the trees.

She promptly began going over her options.

Option One: call the stalker out and see what would happen.

No, too confrontational. Besides, she didn’t want him anywhere near Fluttershy right now.

Option Two: bring it up with Fluttershy, quietly.

No, that didn’t fit her MO, and everypony knew MOs were important. It would be like putting peanut butter on the sandwich without jelly; you just don’t do it.

Option Distraction: point out to Nye how those flowers would look really good on Rainbow and watch the antics. That certainly sounded fun, and it wasn’t often she got to tease both of them at one time.


Option Silly: find some convoluted way to go into song. That usually raised ponies' spirits and did a great job of keeping them from noticing creepy stalkers in the woods. But then, that didn’t always work, as the Buffalo had shown her.


Option Sneaky: wander off into the woods on her own and meet the stalker in private.

She liked that one. In fact, she liked it too much. As much as she didn’t want Fluttershy going near him, she wasn’t sure she wanted to talk to him herself. She knew she shouldn’t be upset, but deep down…

Moving on!

Option Random. That always worked.

Random it is.

She reached into the endless recesses of her mane, fishing around without any direction. She caught something and pulled out… a fork? Eh, she’d make it work. Her already smiling lips curled up even more as she took a look at the flowers overhead. “I wonder what—”

A hoof tapped her shoulder. She looked to find Nye at her side and pointing behind them. Following his gesture, she spotted Fluttershy glaring into the woods, a confused looking Rainbow Dash at her side. Her opportunity for randomness wasted, Pinkie refrained from sighing and instead asked a chipper “What’s up?”

Of course, she already knew.

“Dunno,” he admitted. “Fluttershy just stopped. And now she’s, uh, staring.”

“Oh, oh, oh!” She hurried to Fluttershy’s side, bouncing and grinning. “What did ya find, huh?” She stopped right next to her and peered at the forest. “Is it… uh… leaves? Is the tree whispering something to you? Are you using your super-awesome senses taught to you by Tree Hugger to convene with the spirits?” Even knowing the truth, any one of those seemed perfectly legitimate without it, or so Pinkie theorized.

Fluttershy sighed and took a step forward. “You have to know you’ve been caught by now. Come out.”

The leaves of a nearby bush rustled, and everypony turned their attention in that direction. Nye backed away, Rainbow leaned forward in an aggressive pose. Pinkie questioned whether bouncing would be a good idea right about now, sucking on the tongs of her fork – she could really use some candy.

Fluttershy just glared.


Nye cried out and leapt behind Rainbow. Everypony turned around, gasping at the sight of a smug Fine Crime.

“I love doing that.”

Nye peeked out from behind Rainbow and shook his hoof. “What’s the big idea, scaring ponies like that?”

Rainbow chuckled and rubbed her hoof in her coltfriend’s mane. “I thought it was amusing.”

“Wow, that was great!” Pinkie announced with a little bounce. “You totally had us all fooled!” Well, except for her. “How’d you make the bushes move like that when you weren’t even near them?”

“Where have you been?”

All attention shifted to Fluttershy, who held a glare that gave even Pinkie pause.

Fine’s smirk faded in an instant and he leaned back a little. “I’ve been… around. You know me, I can’t resist an opportunity to be sneaky.”

Sneaky?” Fluttershy stomped and turned her face away. “I needed you! I thought you’d meet us at Zecora’s. I was counting on it. You were supposed to help me with those first steps.”

“Ooh, lover’s quarrel,” Nye whispered. Rainbow’s eyes narrowed as she watched the pair. Pinkie forced a chuckle from her taut throat, glad that Fluttershy hadn’t heard.

“And you did wonderfully.” Fine’s easy smile came back. “I watched you overcome that fear, with a little help. It was a delight to see.”

Nye’s ears perked. “Wait, you mean you were there the whole time, just hiding?”

Fine turned to tap his cutie mark. “Old habits die hard.”

Fluttershy sighed, her head hanging. “I didn’t want your approval, I wanted your support. How could you have just stood by all this time?” Her lip trembled and her eyes shifted to the surrounding woods. “I was scared.”

But you knew he was there! Pinkie held her tongue, knowing she had no place in this argument. The pained look on Fine’s face was like a small dagger in her heart, a feeling she knew all too well.

“Uh…” Fine hesitated, casting a glance towards Pinkie and the others; a call for help. Pinkie saw those fretful red eyes and, oh, how she wanted to answer their call! But she didn’t dare.

Nye had no such problems. He stepped up and set a hoof to Fluttershy’s shoulder. “If he didn’t step up, it’s only because he believed you could handle it. He’s trying to help, just… in his own way.”

Rainbow sat back and crossed her hooves with a scowl. “Yeah, maybe, but I don’t like it. Fine, you told Fluttershy you’d be there, didn’t you?”

At that, Fine cocked his head. “Nope.”

Even Pinkie gaped at him with that one. She turned to Fluttershy. “You mean you didn’t know for sure he was coming?”

“I knew.” Fluttershy leveled Fine with a frown. “There was no way Fine would let me go on this journey without him. He’s protective like that.”

Fine flinched under her gaze, but managed a small smile. “You really think you’ve got me figured out, don’t you?”

Pinkie was impressed… and annoyed. She crushed that feeling under a smile and bounced between them. “Alrighty, looks like the gang’s all here! But we should probably get moving, those gargoyles aren’t getting any closer with us just standing around, y’know?”

To her relief, everypony accepted this suggestion and the walking resumed. Pinkie kept close to Rainbow and Nye. “So, anypony know how long it’ll take to get there?”

Fine spoke up without hesitation. “Two weeks, best guess.” He sidled up to Fluttershy and spoke in a hopeful tone. “Hey, you’re doing really good, and that was a great job spotting me like that.”

She sighed and gave a small nod. She wouldn’t look at him. “Thank you.”

At her frigid tone, Fine fell behind her, ears flat against his skull. As the others moved ahead, Pinkie dropped back. “Don’t worry, Fine. She’ll get over it soon.”

“I really messed up, huh?” He watched Fluttershy’s tail swishing back and forth with a frown. “It’s times like this I wish I understood… things a little more.”

She felt the same way. Patting him on the back, she said, “Remember what I told you? It takes practice. You’ve just got a late start, that’s all.”

He glanced at her. “Thanks, Pinkie. You know, I didn’t expect to see you on this trip.”

It took every bit of extra sugar energy she’d stored prior to this journey not to seize up at that. Somehow she managed to keep walking, and even managed a little giggle. “You didn’t think I was gonna let all of you go on some fun trip without me, did you?”

Fine’s voice lowered, his expression turning serious as he turned his eyes ahead to the others. “Now I know you have more sense than that, Pinkamina. Not that I mind you being here, but I am curious as to why.”

She winced, cheeks burning and eyes darting frantically between him and the others. “I just wanted to help. It’s not like Sugarcube Corner doesn’t have a lot of extra ponies these days. Besides, I have a hunch that everypony here’s going to need me eventually.”

He considered her answer, eyes rolling up to the canopy and brow furrowed. Then he shrugged. “I’m not about to argue with your hunches.” He turned that warm smile upon her, and the heat came back to her cheeks. “Besides, it’s always nice having you around.”

She gave a little bounce, no effort required.

“What’s with the fork?”

“Huh?” She paused and looked to find she still had the fork in her hoof. Things clicked together in her mind rapidly and she gave a loud gasp. “Oh, I almost forgot. Be right back!”

She darted off, pausing the moment she was behind one of the trees.

Rainbow’s voice rose. “Hey, where’d Pinkie go?”

“Dunno,” Fine replied. “She had a fork and just… blurred off. You know Pinkie.”

Fluttershy’s voice was barely audible. “Oh, I hope she’ll be alright. It’s not safe to be out here alone.”

“She’s right,” Nye said. “Somepony should probably go after her?”

Fine laughed. “I think Pinkie’s got enough sense to stay out of danger, you guys.”

Pinkie smiled, her hooves toying with the fork absent-mindedly. “I’m here because of you, silly.”

With a quick turn, she found herself before the trees with the curious purple flowers. She promptly stabbed one with her fork and brought it down to eye level. She sniffed it, detecting a hint of something sweet. Zecora had called them ‘Sugar Bells,’ and when she gave it a lick she immediately knew why. She took a bite and savored the flavor for a moment, then began to collect the flowers. They would make a great addition to the drab meals they’d been having.

They were pretty things, those flowers. Long and slender petals curled out and back in, the purple coloring starting light and growing darker towards the tip. Fine liked darker colors, didn’t he? With a soft smile, she slipped one into her mane and wondered how it looked.

Maybe she should suggest – subtly – that they’d look good in Fluttershy’s mane. Fine could use a little extra help every now and then. They probably would look good, too. After all, it was Fluttershy.

Oh, it was happening again, wasn’t it? “It won’t do to be sad now, Pinkamina,” she whispered, brushing a hoof over her eyes. “Fluttershy saw him first, you know that.” With a sigh, Pinkie went back to plucking flowers. “Not that she’s noticed. Not that he’s noticed.”

She worked in silence, letting her mane fall flat now that nopony could see. Ten flowers, twenty, forty. The tree was running low, but there was another one. She could have worked faster, but that would mean going back to the group. Funny, she’d believed that hanging around Fine and Fluttershy at one time wouldn’t be a big deal.

And she’d retreated after only five minutes.

“So much for not being jealous,” she muttered.

After a time, she pulled the flower from her mane. It did her no good. After all, she wasn’t pretty like Fluttershy. In fact, given how many stallions had asked her out, she probably wasn’t pretty at all. No, best to not even try.

Still, she could imagine. She tried to envision Fine before her, offering to put a flower in her mane. She smiled, a little fire lighting in her cheeks, and quietly accepted. He would slip it in, just behind the ear, and not be able to pull his hoof away. He’d tell her she was the prettiest mare in Ponyville.

Then… maybe he’d read her a poem. She’d always wanted a stallion to read her a poem.

Fine would make it a good one.

The second tree was devoid of flowers. To avoid going back now would be pathetic, and Pinkamina didn’t want to be pathetic. She wiped a hoof across her vision, and the pleasant little image was gone. Try as she might, she couldn’t avoid sighing. It was just a little crush. In a month, she’d have totally forgotten. True, she’d said that last month, and the month before that. Third time’s a charm, right?

She slapped a hoof to her forehead. “Stop thinking about it, Pinkamina!”

Then she pulled the hoof back, and her eyes fell upon the scar. It wasn’t much, just a little line on her wrist which her coat couldn’t quite hide. She knew that if she pushed back the hairs, she’d see a much larger mark. One of three, the others on her back and inner thigh. Her friends had fussed and fumed over them, especially Rarity, and she chose not to talk about them very often.

But every time she saw them, she couldn’t help but smile. Oh yes, getting those scars hurt, but sometimes getting hurt could be a blessing. To Pinkamina, they were a gift, her own little present from a stallion who understood her in ways her best friends never could. Nor did she want them to.

Her smile turned sideways as she whispered. “You’re still thinking about it, you foal.”

She set her hoof down and walked at a trot, heading back the way she knew her friends were. She had wasted too much time out in the forest already, and the others would likely start to worry soon. Well, Fine probably wouldn’t. After all, he knew.

By the time she saw them through the undergrowth, her mane was back to its usual poof and a silly grin adorned her face. She allowed the tiniest hint of pleasure at the sight of Fine being in the front and Fluttershy near the back. It was her who first noticed Pinkie’s return.

“I’m glad you’re okay,” she said as Pinkie fell into step beside her. “You were gone an awfully long time.”

“She wasn’t gone that long,” Rainbow said from a little ahead of them. She looked over her shoulder to study Pinkie with a lone eye. “What were you doing out there, anyway?”

“Getting these!” Pinkie pulled out one of the flowers and bounced ahead so she could tickle Rainbow’s muzzle with the petals. “Zecora called them Sugar Bells. I thought they’d be great for dessert for the next few days.”

Nye looked over Rainbow’s back only to get a face full of flowers. He pulled away with a wrinkled muzzle. “Are you sure they’re safe to eat?”

“Absopositivolutely!” She hopped forward to Fine and offered him one.

He took it with a smile. “Thanks, Pinkie. I’m sure they’ll make a fine addition.”

He could be so handsome sometimes.

“Um, but you shouldn’t go alone,” Fluttershy said, somehow managing to be heard despite being in the back of the group. “Next time ask somepony to go with you, okay?”

Pinkie hurried back to her and offered a flower, which she took with that pretty smile that Pinkie was in no way jealous of, no ma’am! “Don’t worry, Fluttershy, I’ll be careful. I just didn’t want to make everypony double back for a few flowers.”

Rainbow hopped into the air and struck a gallant pose. “You can invite me along next time, Pinkie. I’m so fast we could have the flowers or whatever picked and be back in the group before danger even knows we’re out there!”

“And then you’re gonna get caught by zomponies or something and I’ll have to bail you out,” Nye added with a grin. “Remember, Rainbow, I made you promise to never make me do that again.”

Rolling her eyes, Rainbow crossed her hooves. “Yeah, because I actually liked being a damsel in distress. Not gonna happen again, trust me.” Then she landed and gave him a brief nuzzle. “Although I gotta admit, it was pretty cool seeing you go to such lengths to save me.”

He could only blush and stammer at that.

Pinkie was all smiles as she bounced ahead again, landing next to Fine. She offered him a second flower, using the opportunity to lean in and whisper, “Do they know the whole thing was an illusion?”

He waved the flower away, a lone petal still poking out between his lips. He sucked it down like spaghetti before replying, “Nah, I don’t intend to tell them. Do you want to cheapen Nye’s first big hero moment?”

She shook her head frantically. “Nope, not me, nosiree!”

“Good.” His keen eyes scanned the forest, his ears swiveled around. Always alert, even when he didn’t seem to be. He cast her a smile. “I’m really glad you’re here, Pinkie.”

She nearly came to a stop, but managed to make it look like she was just shifting back into her bouncing gait. She couldn’t do anything about the grin. “Really?”

“Yep.” His gaze turned forward once more, but his smile didn’t fade. “You always manage to make things… ‘better.’ ”

Pinkie thought she might bounce for an eternity.

Author's Note:

Whew, somehow I managed to finish and not be late! Well, finished is a strong word; I intend to do some further editing later with the help of GMP. It's just getting harder to keep up these days.

I saw the potential for PinkieXFine a long, looong time ago and was always eager to explore the idea. One of this story's major aims is to finally address and settle the concept, although exactly in waht way it's to be settled remains a mystery.

Short one today. For one, I was running low on time for the update, but mostly this has to do with me not being able to think of anything worth adding. I mean, the goal of this chapter was straightforward and didn't require much on my end.