• Published 27th Oct 2015
  • 516 Views, 36 Comments

The Fall of Roan - Sylvian

Hope, the aged and wise Virtue once ruled over the city of Roan. A city of beauty, she cared for it with all her heart. Yet, her power was not enough to save it from those she had once called friend.

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Chapter 1: A New Hope

Chapter 1: A New Hope

Night in the Crystal Empire is a sight to behold, the multitude of brilliant stars shining in the sky along with the soft colorful glow of the northern lights reflecting on the polished surfaces and mirrored in the lit windows of the silent and still crystalline houses. In the streets, the somber and vigilant night time shift of the Imperial Guard patrol the streets, eyes and ears attent for any and all dangers that might seek to attack their yet young Empire.

The Crystal Castle, above all others, shines with a radiance and splendor unlike anything else. Its windows lit from within by the candles and fireplaces of its many residents as they go about their evening business or prepare for bed. One window in particular, near the middle of the Castle, is lit by the flickering and soft glow of a fireplace as its two occupants enjoy the quiet evening by reading some books.

The first occupant, an aged sky blue pegasus mare with a mane of graying gold and faded silver-blue, sits on a couch to one side of a softly crackling fireplace. The light from the casts her weary features in flickering shadows, occasionally reflecting off of the gold circlet on her head. The second occupant is a young unicorn mare, her usually light burgundy coat currently more reminiscent of a red wine now in the flickering light. Likewise, her mane -- usually the color of a healthy raspberry and slowly fading to a deep cobalt blue -- is more of a darker red and a deep dark blue. Her own circlet is currently off to one side, placed carefully on the end table as if she is not quite used to wearing it yet.

Hope, the blue pegasus, sits quietly in the quiet and dim glow cast by the fireplace in her personal quarters, a book slowly floating before her in the grasp of the magic granted to her by her virtue, and the bracers above her fetlocks. Her aged and weary eyes have some trouble scanning over the scrawling letters on the page, yet she presses on, determined to not let the mounting years best her.

Not yet.

The Empire is too young, too new to this world, to be without her. Even with other nations springing up, such as the Kingdom of Equestria to the south, she could not in good mind give her duties over to her chosen successor at this time.

That is, perhaps, not to say that the time is not drawing closer. Already, the young mare who she had chosen had grown into a capable and kind-hearted adult, befriending all those who would one day be her subjects, and even the leaders of their neighbors to the south. Even Hope had befriended the two alicorn sisters who had been named the monarchs of Equestria, though admittedly Hope is perhaps touch more comfortable around alicorns than her student.

Sighing wearily, Hope shakes her head in an attempt to bring the words on the page back into focus, an annoyed snort escaping her.

“Nana Hope,” the soft, melodic voice of Hope’s companion comes from the couch across from Hope’s own. “Are you alright?”

Smiling softly, Hope lowers the book and nods. “I am, Amore, thank you.” She sighs quietly and stretches a little. “Just feeling a little bit my age tonight.”

“You’re not that old, Nana,” Amore states with a chuckle. She gets up and walks over to Hope, the guilty look on her face offset by a small smile, curiosity burning in her eyes.

“Do you have a question, Amore?” Hope asks softly.

“Nana… I do not remember our home much. Could you…” Amore starts, biting her bottom lip, ears going back against her head like a foal caught stealing cookies. “Could you tell me of Roan?”

Sighing sadly, Hope looks to the mare in front of her with a soft smile. “That is right, you were quite young when the city fell.” She nods to a spot in front of the couch she is sitting on. “Then sit, dear child, and I shall tell you of Roan.”

Amore quickly goes and grabs a blanket from her own seat, wrapping herself in its warm embrace as she lays down in front of the couch Hope is on, the warm flickering light of the fire providing the perfect atmosphere for a story. Hope looks out a nearby window to the stars, her eyes unfocusing as if looking upon a distant object. She opens her mouth, and starts to sing.

“The stars were very beautiful, above the palace walls. They shone with equal splendor, still above far humbler halls.

I watched them from my window, but their bright entrancing glow, reminded me of the freedom I gave up so long ago.

“The royal circlet of bright gold rested lightly on my brow, I once thought only of the rights this circlet would endow…

“But once I took the crown, to which I had been schooled and bred…

“I found it heavy on the heart, thought light upon the head.

“Although I was the head of state, in truth was I was the very least.

“The true Queen knows her people fed, before she sits to feast.

“The good Queen knows her people safe, before she takes her rest.

“Thinks twice, and thrice and yet again, before she makes request.

“For they all were my children, all, that I swore to defend.

“It was my duty to be both Queen, and trusted friend.

“And of my children high and low, from beggar to above. The dearest were my Heralds, who returned my care with love.

“The dearest were my Heralds, swift to spring to my command. Who gave me aid and fellowship, who always understood.

“That land and people first had needs that I could not deny. So I had to send my dearest friends to danger - and to die.”

“A friend, a love, a child.” Hope’s voice falters, her eyes closing as she fights back tears at memories resurfacing unbidden. She takes a few deep breaths, then continues, her voice strong and sure once more. “It mattered not, I knew indeed. That I must sacrifice them all if there should be the need.

“They knew, and they forgave me - doing more than I required.

“With willing minds, and loving hearts, went straight to grasp the fire.

“These tears that burn my eyes are all the tears the Queen could not shed.

“The tears I wept in silence as I mourned my Heralds dead.

“Oh Cosmos, dwelling beyond the stars, if you can hear me cry

“And if you have compassion, let me send no more to die…”

Amore lays, entranced and enthralled, by Hope’s voice. The echoing and haunting quality of it stirring emotions within Amore, bringing a feeling of great loss yet great hope to her.

“Roan, our home, was a city unrivaled in all of Equus,” Hope continues in her age-worn voice. “Her walls and towers shone brightly as a beacon of hope, of acceptance, in the Empire.” Hope looks to Amore, her smile growing fond. “Her people, welcoming and warm to all who came in peace. Brothers and sisters, all, were those who dwelled within the halls of my city.” She sighs, looking back to the fireplace, the flickering orange glow exaggerating the mournful look that forms on her face. “I considered them all, in a way, my family.” She then smiles and looks to Amore from the corner of one eye. “But, to truly know what our home was like, let me tell you of how it greeted me, when I became the Virtue of Hope….”


The young pegasus filly now known as Hope sits in front of the large full body mirror, her pale gold mane accented by silvery blue held back by a circlet of silver with blue topaz gems inlaid to form the sigil of her Virtue. Looking down at the bracers upon her legs, her green eyes filling with tears of worry. How… how had she ended up here? Wearing Hope’s bracelets, wearing her circlet, sitting in her room? Surely, one of the older, more experienced Acolytes should be here, not her.

No. No, she had known when she had come here but a few short months ago that this was a possibility. Hope had been in poor health for years now, but for her to pass so soon… The Cosmos had chosen her to fill this role, and this role she would fulfill.

“Young Hope,” a voice hisses from behind Hope, causing her to jump slightly. “My apologiesss young Hope. It wass not my intention to ssstartle you.”

Placing a hoof over her heart, and putting on her best smile, Hope looks up into the mirror. “It is alright, Doctor. I was simply lost in thought.” She turns and regards the large basilisk construct as it slithers its way over to her, its features impassive as always. “Is something the matter? I… I requested not to be disturbed.”

“Nothing of the sssort, Hope,” Doctor speaks again in his raspy hiss. “I sssimply wisshed to ssee if you were well. Truly, thiss is a sshock. My former missstress passing as sshe did, and your assscension.”

“I… I am alright,” Hope lies, turning back to the mirror as she closes her eyes and tries to breath normally. “I just… I just need time to let it sink in.” The sudden feeling of the construct’s strangely warm scales against her flank causes Hope to open her eyes as the snake pulls himself up to ‘sit’ beside her and look in the mirror with her.

“I undersstand,” Doctor whispers with what could almost be called a smile on his face. “I am glad, however, that it iss you who wass chosen. Truly, I have never sseen a ssoul who embodiess Hope as much as yourss.” He leans over and nuzzles Hope’s cheek. “You will do her proud, little Hope.”

Taking a few more shaking breaths, Hope nods slowly, wiping the tears that had started forming in her eyes with one arm. “I guess it can’t sink in any more than that.” She looks to Doctor in the mirror and smiles. “Well, I guess I should go… meet the city. They have waited for their Hope to return to them long enough.”

“That, they have,” Doctor replies curtly. “Thiss way, Hope. Let uss go and meet your sssubjectss.” Without further word, Doctor turns and slithers towards the door leaving Hope no other option than to follow him.

Opening the door with his magic, Doctor exits and starts down the hallway of Hope’s palace, the guards stationed at even intervals coming to attention as he passes. Hope herself hesitates for a moment, her breath coming in slow deep breaths. When last she had walked these halls, she had been the student, now she was the ruler. Doctor stops a few paces down the hall, and looks back at Hope, if he had them surely he would be raising an eyebrow.

“Right, sorry…” Hope says with a blush as she draws herself up and takes the first steps out of of her new room. As she passes, the guards bend knee and bow to her, soft murmurs of ‘Lady Hope’ echoing in her hoofsteps doing nothing for her embarrassed blush. Once she reaches Doctor, they continue together down the winding hallways of her palace, each and every pony they meet bending knee. Most surprising, is when they pass the library where her now former brothers and sister acolytes are just now getting out of their daily lessons.

One and all stop when they spot her, bowing before her with the usual soft murmurs of her new title and name. It is all Hope can do not to flee from the spot, the constant presence of Doctor beside her willing her forward lest her pace falter and she flee back to her rooms. Yet, from the oldest to the youngest, she sees not a trace of hostility as she passes them. In its place, she sees smiles full of joy, and eyes shining with pride that one of their own, one of their youngest sisters had been chosen to take up the mantle. Especially those who had come with her, all those months ago, to study beneath Hope. In those eyes, she sees the pride and joy shine especially strong, made only brighter by their own hopeful looks.

And then they are past them, and nearing the balcony on the third story of the palace which overlooks the great square outside the palace’s main entrance. To get there, however, means they have to pass through the throne room, in which Hope knows there to be four ponies she would rather avoid right now currently standing within the vast chamber. Yet she must press on, for she knows all too well that Doctor will not let her get out of this. Certainly not now that she’s begun.

Steeling her courage, and summoning all the will she can, she holds her head high as the great doors that bear the emblem of Hope swing open to admit them to the room where she will, before long, govern Roan from. Within, standing before the simple throne that Hope had chosen, stand her fellow Virtues.

All have their back to her, Strength and Life currently discussing something with Compassion, with Love off to one side speaking with a very tall white alicorn who is smiling brightly at whatever it is the young pegasus is saying. On reflex, Hope quickly lowers herself to the floor in a deep, respectful, bow. Beside her, Doctor hisses an exasperated but resigned sigh.

“Say, Doc,” a voice comes suddenly from above Hope, followed by weight and the feeling of something laying on top of her neck and head. “This one looks a little young. I mean, she is wearing the bracelets, but are you sure this is Hope?”

“Yesss, Jinsong. I am sssure thisss isss my new Missstress,” Doctor replies irritably, his tone implying he is rolling his eyes at the drake Hope had often seen around Strength when she visited the previous Hope. “Now, kindly go find sssome other poor sssoul to torment, and leave the young Hope alone.”

“As you wish, O’ mighty healer!” Jin chuckles before the weight vanishes from Hope’s back.

Looking to Doctor, Hope mouths a silent ‘thank you’ before she looks ahead again, a high pitched squeak escaping her as she realises, while she had been focused on the drake the Virtues had come over to her! Lowering herself closer to the floor, Hope whispers oaths mixed with apologies to the Virtues.

“Mother, sshe isss sstill quite nervouss about her new role,” Doctor laments to Life.

“It is understandable, my son,” Life speaks softly, leaning down to smile at Hope. “My dear Hope, there is nothing to fear in these halls, you are among equals.”

Hope closes her eyes and releases another high pitched squeak, wishing, willing even, for this crazy ride to end and let her off. It is not until a soft and age worn voice speaks up from beside her that she looks up to see the unicorn, Compassion, sitting beside her with a grandmotherly smile on her face.

“Little Hope, what troubles your heart?” Compassion asks.

“I… I do not know if I am strong enough,” Hope stutters weakly. “I… I am not worthy to stand amongst you. Beside gods!” She points at the large white alicorn who has by now wandered over with Love beside him.

“And why is that?” Compassion presses gently.

“I… Lady Compassion, I am young. I’m barely of age to be on my own,” Hope attempts to say, but it comes out more of an overwhelmed whine. “I… I barely even started my studies as an Acolyte!”

“I see,” Compassion sighs as she looks to Love. “Love, you are not much older than our dear Hope here. Were you ready when the Cosmos called you?”

“Oh, well yea….” Love starts, but is cut off by the alicorn coughing and poking her in the side with a wing. “Oh, no! No, not at all. I was terrified!” Love continues with a sheepish smile and a flick of her ears.

“Truly?” Hope whispers, looking up at Love and the alicorn beside her with tears in her eyes.

“I can attest to it,” the alicorn says in a voice that exudes strength and confidence. “Nor, too, was my dear Strength ready to take her place among the other Virtues when she was called. Even as staunch and brave a warrior as she is.”

“Shiro!” Strength chides the alicorn, a loving smile on her face though. “I thought we agreed to not talk about that.” She then looks to Hope and inclines her head. “He is right, however. The weight we bear is such that it would easily break a pony, but the Cosmos would not place it upon your shoulders if they were not sure you could carry it.”

“I hope you all are near finisshed,” Doctor says from where he has been the entire time beside Hope. “My missstress needss to go and meet her sssubjectss.”

“Was that a joke, my dear Doctor?” Shiro asks with a smirk and a raised eyebrow. “I didn’t know you had it in you. Spending too much time around Jin?”

“It isss simply the truth, mighty Shiro,” Doctor replies with a hissing sigh.

“Regardless, he is right,” Love cheerfully agrees, walking over and getting down next to the still cowering Hope. “You need to go say hello to all the ponies waiting out there. I am sure once you do, you’ll see there is nothing to fear.” She gently rests a wing across Hope’s back and nods her head towards the door at the other side of the room. “So, come, let us greet your people together.”

Standing on shaking hooves, Hope nods slowly and starts forward. As she walks forward, she cannot help but listen to the echoing hoofbeats against the stone floor, and how they have never sounded louder than in this moment. When they reach the arching doorway to the balcony, the Virtues stop and look to Hope.

“Wait here a moment, dear Hope,” Life requests with a smile. “We shall introduce you, so that your people may know their new Hope.”

Nodding slowly, her legs shaking and ears flat against her head, Hope watches as the Virtues all go out the door. Love is last to depart, aiming a warm and comforting smile to Hope before she folds her wing back up and walks out the door.

“Citizens of Roan,” Strength’s voice booms, the very walls of the palace seeming to almost vibrate with the force of it. “Dry thy tears, and raise your eyes to us, for we bring you glad tidings.”

“Rejoice,” Life’s voice comes next, softer but no less in volume. “For tonight, your vigil shall end.”

“For though we may pass from this life,” Compassion’s age weary voice echoes as she continues the traditional words. “Virtue is eternal, and always another shall rise.”

“Rejoice!” Love’s youthful call comes next. “For tonight, Hope has returned to Roan, and Equus as a whole!”

Then, as one, all the Virtues turn and look to Hope, her heart suddenly beating faster as if to jump out of her chest. She needs to go forward, and stand amongst them as their equal, yet she finds her legs frozen, her hooves unable to takes those steps. Then, suddenly from behind she is pushed. It is gentle, but strong, causing her to take those first steps.

Looking behind herself, she finds Doctor pushing her, with Shiro and Jinsong smiling a short ways off. She is silently thankful, though she cannot find the words, for Doctor. And now that she has stated forward, she finds she cannot stop.

Walking onto the balcony and standing in the center of the Virtues between Life and Love, Hope’s breath catches at the sight before her.

The great courtyard that she had crossed so many times before, is full of ponies holding lit candles. So packed is the courtyard that even the great fountain at its center has ponies -- from pegasi to even adventurous earth ponies -- standing upon its great basin and upon the statues that crown it. It is as if she is looking upon a sea of shifting and breathing stars, so great is the crowd before her.

“Say something,” Love whispers from beside her. “Your people need to hear your voice.”

Hope works her mouth, unsure of what to say. For what could she possibly say to all assembled that would be fitting for a Virtue? How can she possibly even think she could, standing here amongst some of the most powerful ponies in all of Equus? Shaking her head, she chides herself, forcing her voice to come forth.

“Ponies of Roan,” Hope finds herself saying, her voice wavering but loud enough to be heard. “I stand before you as your Hope. As was she the Hope who came before me, I am the hope for the future, the light beyond the darkness, the very candles clutched between your hooves and wrapped within your magic.” She finds herself growing more confident with each word, even if the cold pit of fear in her stomach has yet to leave. “I shall stand for you, and guide you all, my brothers and sisters. If you shall have me!”

And for a long moment, it is silent in the courtyard save for the splashing of the fountain. Even if the last words were a formality, Hope’s fear flairs. What if they do not want her? What if they do not approve of what the young filly the Cosmos have chosen to take the place of the elderly, and well loved Hope who had just passed? What if…

And then, she sees it. A young unicorn on the fountain lifts her candle to the heavens with her magic, and bows deeply a call coming forth from her lips. “I welcome you, Hope! May you shelter us from despair and light our way into the future!” Even before the oath fades from the air, others are adding to it, their own candles lifted towards her and their bows deep and respectful.

And in Hope’s eyes there are tears. Tears of joy and pure relief. Roan, her home, accepted her.

Author's Note:

So this is my side-track.

Behold, Equus in its golden age! There will be more chapters like this, but likely not too many too quick, as I am writing another story that is my primary focus.

Also, the song was based off of this one, like I said in my latest blog post.

But, hopefully you enjoy this story too!