• Published 27th Oct 2015
  • 517 Views, 36 Comments

The Fall of Roan - Sylvian

Hope, the aged and wise Virtue once ruled over the city of Roan. A city of beauty, she cared for it with all her heart. Yet, her power was not enough to save it from those she had once called friend.

  • ...

Interlude: Stealing the Sun and Moon

The stars shine brightly above the city of Fillyon, their bright glow hardly dimmed by the smoke rising from the city as parts of it are engulfed in orange flames, the screams of those unfortunate enough to be within the city’s walls echoing skyward as if to plead the stars to save them.

Yet, as he sits on the back of the wagon that is quickly bringing him and his fellow ‘recruits’ closer to the city, Star Swirl knows that there will be no salvation from the Heavens, not tonight. Lord Nox, the bringer of Night and Guardian of Dreams, had his own problems. Nopony could ask more of him than what he was already doing, for Lady Aurora and Lord Nox were doing all they could to stem the growing tides of death and darkness that were already sweeping through the shattered Empire.

No. Tonight, it would not be the Gods that would save the ponies, it would be the ponies that would save the Gods.

“You okay, Swirly?” A voice comes from behind the grey unicorn. “You look troubled.”

“I am fine, Clover,” Star Swirl replies wearily. “This whole… situation is just tiresome.” He looks back towards the city, his ears folded backwards in an effort to ignore the distant screams. “I’ve just seen so many… friends, family, lose their lives to this insanity.”

“You didn’t need to come,” Clover says with a smile. “I know you’re old bones would have prefered to keep looking for Hope…”

“You’re right, I didn’t need to come,” Star Swirl interrupts, “but I had to. We are two of the last acolytes of Compassion. It’s our duty to… try and make this right.” He then looks towards the large pony pulling the cart they’re on. “Something our companion knows all too well. Isn’t that right, Lord General!”

“I told you not to call me that, you old bag of wind.” The white and blue pegasus calls back. “I’m not here as a General, I am here because my... “ he trails off, his pace slowing as well.

“Because you think your mother is in there,” Star Swirl finishes for the pegasus. “I know what you’re thinking, Blaze, but you shouldn’t hold out hope. Your father and you haven’t seen here in nearly a month, she might be dead.”

“Says the unicorn who sticks his horn in the literal embodiment of Hope!” Blaze retorts, followed by a laugh as he looks over his shoulder and spots Clover’s wide mouthed shock and Star Swirls disapproving frown. “I take it miss ‘the clever’ here has never been around soldiers?”

“Putting aside the fact that your choice of comeback was… crude at best,” Star Swirl replies with a sigh as he puts a hoof against his face, “I cannot help but agree. Hope would frown upon me telling somepony to give up hope. Strength is a warrior without equal, I am sure she is yet alive.” He then looks towards the city, and speaks almost too quiet for the others to hear. “And Gods willing, she is not yet beyond our power to save…”

The other two go quiet at that, the only indication that they had heard being Blaze picking up his pace and causing the city to advance towards them all that faster.

As they draw closer, a sudden bright flash of light catches their attention, causing Blaze to stop in his tracks. Eyes looking skyward, Star Swirl is amazed to see the stars above the city starting to… fall. It is slow at first, but then it becomes a cascade of brilliant lights crashing towards the ground with a sound akin to an avalanche. Where they impact, great columns of smoke and dust rocket skyward accompanied with a bright flash and a peal of deafening thunder.

“Nox has joined the fighting,” Star Swirl says slowly, his tone somber. “The attacking army must have breached the walls close to the Tower.”

“Then our time is running out,” Blaze states firmly as he starts forward at a quicker pace than before. The city continues to bombarded by the stars as they approach, the light of the strikes illuminating the trio as well as the countryside, so as they approach the gates it is no surprise that they are met by a force of guard ponies wearing the colors of many different forces. One pony stands out before all of them, a stallion wearing the colors of the personal guard for Nox and Aurora. He waves his hooves to the others as the cart draws closer, and as Star Swirl’s group pulls to a stop they are suddenly faced with a lot of drawn weapons.

“State your business,” the stallion commands.

“We’ve been summoned by Lord Nox and Lady Aurora,” Blaze declares, unhitching himself from the cart and striding forward as he stands taller, all but towering over the other ponies.

“The city is closed, nopony is allowed in,” the stallion replies stepping up to Blaze and narrowing his eyes. “No matter who is making the request.”

“Captain, I outrank you by far more than is even funny,” Blaze states bluntly, “let me and my companions into the city so we may do what we have been summoned to do.”

“And who are you companions,” the Captain continues, looking around Blaze.

“They were also summed by Lord Nox,” Blaze continues, growling dangerously. “Now get out of my way before I have you discharged and thrown in the stocks.”

“Now just a moment, Lord General,” the Captain shouts, anger clear in his voice. “You have no…”

“Enough of this pointless bickering!” Star Swirl shouts, getting off the back of the wagon and walking over to the two arguing soldiers. His sudden outburst causes all eyes to go to him, not a few gasps of recognition coming from the soldiers behind the Captain. “Captain Clearfield, we do not have time for these debates, let alone these brash shows of power. Lord Nox summoned us to help him, and if you do not let us in you will have to take it up with him.”

“I am not letting you… you traitors anywhere near Lord Nox!” Clearfield roars, drawing his sword and pointing it at Star Swirl. “It is because of your Virtue that we are in this mess! All of Compassion’s students are traitors to the state, and you should all be put to the sword!”

“Clover and I are loyal servants of peace and order,” Star Swirl replies calmly, gesturing a hoof to the city behind the guards. “And I am going to go in there, and I am going to serve Lord Nox, my friend, in whatever capacity he might ask of me.”

“Even if it should claim your life,” Clearfield asks in a sarcastic manner, “because I doubt a pony as arrogant, as power hungry as you, would ever follow such an order. Even if that is all you are good for now.”

“Even if it should claim my life, Captain,” Star Swirl says solemnly. “I can never make good for what Compassion has done, but if I can fulfill her original purpose in some small way, then I will.”

Captain Clearfield opens his mouth to continue, likely with more insults, when he is cut off by a loud explosion ripping through the air. In an instant, the great gate behind them suddenly blows outward, screaming ponies spilling forth. Many of them are civilians, but a good few are wearing the garb of Life’s personal guards. They rally around a light red unicorn mare holding a banner in the crook of one arm, a saber held aloft in the her magic.

“Hold them back! Protect the civilians!” the mare shouts above the screams, a horde of dark cloaked shapes rushing forward and quickly joining in battle with the ragged looking soldiers. Captain Clearfield wastes no time, turning on the spot and charging towards his embattled fellow guards, his own troops hot on his tail.

At a glance, Star Swirl knew they would not win the fight, there were too many of the cloaked figures pouring out of the gates, and too few loyal soldiers…

“Clover!” Star Swirl shouts, taking a few steps towards the chaos, head held high. “I’m going to need your help!”

“With what?” Clover asks as she runs over, skidding to a stop next to Star Swirl with a look of panicked determination.

“Copper, Indy, Mint.” Star Swirl says calmly, his horn already aglow with his magic. “It might just be the only thing that can stop them.”

“Y… you sure about that, remember last time…?” Clover stammers, even as her own horn starts glowing.

“No choice,” Star Swirl grunts, the power in his horn reaching almost unbearable levels. “We can’t let them harm anyone else…” He closes his eyes and grits his teeth against the sheer pressure of the spell he is attempting to cast. When next he opens his eyes they are glowing a bright indigo, much like Compassion’s magic. “NOW!”

Without another word Clover adds her magic to Star Swirl’s as the elder unicorn rears up, then slams his hooves down against the worn cobblestone of the road they are on. As his hooves reach the ground power explodes forth from his horn causing all sound in the area to suddenly cease as the silver, green, and indigo shockwave rolls forward. It quickly overtakes the battle, the glow of it causing everypony to flinch and stop fighting, horror quickly filling the eyes of both defender and attacker as they see the discharge barreling down onto them. It passes harmlessly through the ranks of the defenders, imparting only the feeling warm hearths, loving family, and reunions with old friends.

The attackers, however, are not so lucky. Many burst into flames as the magic ripples through their ranks, screams of dismay and horror filling the air as they try to retreat, only to be overtaken and struck down by the magic. Those who do not burst into flames stumble as they are struck, moving a few more slow steps before they collapse to the ground, their cloaks falling limp as their bodies turn to ash and dust before they even hit the ground.

And then, it is over.

The defending soldiers stand there watching in amazement as the last attacker falls to the ground and vanish with a keening screech not unlike a wendigo. They remain frozen for a few moments before one lets out a cheer, followed by another, and soon the entire compliment of ponies. As the cheer dies, they all look back towards Star Swirl, who is now leaning heavily on Clover and breathing in slow panting breaths, Blaze standing next to him with a wing draped over his friend.

“You do too much, old friend,” Blaze states with a frown. “Something of that magnitude, you are too old to be channeling such magic.”

“Says the pony who was complaining about me refusing to just teleport us here,” Star Swirl retorts with a grimace. “I’ll be fine. More importantly, that should clear the way for us for a short while…”

“I hope so. I don’t know if you’d survive another attempt,” Clover says softly, her hooves digging into the ground as she does her best to support the older, and heavier, pony leaning on her. “We should get you back into the cart, you shouldn’t be walking to the tower in your condition.”

“Ponyfeathers,” Star Swirl swears as he stands up straight again and smiles. “I can walk just fine, I’m not that old yet, young filly.” He starts forward, stumbling a little but catching himself. “Now, let’s get going before Captain Clearfield decides to stop us again.” Blaze smiles and retracts his wings and getting a little bit ahead of his friend. Clover hesitates for a moment, looking towards the war torn city with a worried frown that quickly hardens into determined look as she starts after the two stallions.

They soon reach the soldiers who are making the most of the lack of foes for the moment, many resting or treating their own wounds or the wounds of a friend. Those who are able get out of the way, many saluting or bowing to Blaze or thanking Star Swirl for the rescue. As they reach the other side of the crowd, they are met by the mare who had been holding the banner who is currently talking, unsurprisingly, to Captain Clearfield.

“I know what you’re thinking, Field,” the mare starts, pointing a hoof towards the city, “but I am not going to agree to such drastic measures! It goes against everything I was taught as an acolyte, and everything I was trained to do as a member of the Lifeguard!”

“Sergeant Merryweather,” Clearfield starts, narrowing his eyes. “I am the ranking officer on the field, and I will order you to be stripped of command if you do not follow my orders. We cannot tell who is, and who is not, corrupted by this tainted magic!”

“And culling the entire city is the answer!?” Merryweather shouts. “I will not, I can not, do such a thing!” She then points towards Blaze. “Besides, you are not the ranking officer on the field. If I am not mistaken, that is Lord-General Glory Blaze. He was named Supreme Commander of the Equus Military!”

“For all we know, he is tainted too!” Clearfield retorts, his blade coming up and pointing at Blaze, then at Star Swirl. “He is in the company of one of Compassion’s most trusted, most influential and powerful, acolytes!”

“Who just saved your sorry flank!” Merryweather shouts. By now the argument had garnered the attention of the soldiers under the command of both Merryweather and Clearfield. “You’re insane if you think Star Swirl would betray us. He was the one has been helping us figure out how to beat her!”

“Gah! Enough! If you won’t do what is necessary, then I will do it for you!” Clearfield shouts, slashing his blade at Merryweather, who jumps backwards and raises her own blade to protect herself. “Soldiers! The Lifeguard refuse to do their duty to Equus and the Lord-General is in league with our foe! Help me to bring them to justice!”

Looking behind himself, Star Swirl watches with a small smirk as not a single soldier goes forward or even reaches for their weapons. Many, in fact, look between each other and frown as they whisper.

“I can’t let you do that,” Merryweather says softly, her own blade raising as she steps between Clearfield and his targets. “I swore to Life that I would do everything in my power to stop the killing here, I won’t let you cull the city, and I sure as Tartarus won’t let you harm the Lord General or his friends.”

Blaze starts to step forward to join the Sergeant, but Star Swirl puts a hoof in front of him, and shakes his head with a smile. The larger pony raises an eyebrow in confusion, only to notice the soldiers walking up from behind them and surrounding them, their blades now drawn. Catching onto what is happening, Blaze looks over towards the Captain, who has lowered himself into a fighting stance.

“Captain Clearfield,” Blaze calls out, his voice cutting through the the tense air. “You are relieved of your commission. Lay down your sword, and come peacefully.” For a few moments, it looks like Clearfield will fight, his eyes darting between the soldiers who are now facing him down. The odds, however, are clearly not in his favor and after a few more heartbeats he lowers his blade.

“Fine, but you’re all traitors.” Clearfield mutters as he sits down and looks away from Blaze as a couple of earth ponies come forward to escort him away. As he passes Blaze he is still muttering various things, mostly curses and oaths to various Gods about them all being traitors.

“Poor stallion, he’s been in this city since the start of the siege. I can’t imagine the pressure he has been under,” Merryweather says slowly before she looks to Blaze and Star Swirl. “Now, what are you doing here? Especially without an army at your backs.”

“We were summoned by Lord Nox,” Star Swirl states calmly, as if this isn’t the thousandth time he has explained this. “He did not say what he wanted, only that we were to come to him at the Tower with all due haste.”

“I still think he wants us to help him turn the tide of the battle, free the city,” Clover speaks up from where she is sitting a little ways behind Star Swirl. “I mean, why else would he summon me and Star Swirl? I mean, sure, Blaze is a good fighter, but he isn’t good for much else.”

“Thanks,” Blaze deadpans, rolling his eyes.

“Your welcome,” Clover says with a smile, not quite getting the sarcasm. “But, me and Star Swirl are two of the most powerful spellcasters in Equus… well okay, mostly just Star Swirl, but I help!”

“Well, whatever it is you three were summoned for,” Merryweather starts as she points over her shoulder, “you’re not getting through that without an army at your backs. When last we were in there, we lost nearly ninety-percent of our forces when the thrice-cursed creatures, because it is an insult to stain any pony tribe by associating them with any of them, broke through the walls just before the Palace’s defenses.”

“That explains the light show,” Blaze comments dryly, looking towards the heavens. “Lord Nox would not make the stars fall onto the city unless he had good cause.”

“That he wouldn’t,” Star Swirl agrees, his eyes fixed on Merryweather. “If we need troops to get in there….” He sighs, looking at the tired and ragged soldiers that are now just standing around looking nervous. “I can’t ask it of you, nor any of the ponies here, but… well… you’re all we got.”

“You don’t even have to ask,” Merryweather says, holding a hoof up. “I can’t let an old stallion cross the street alone, more so in a war zone!”

“Thanks… I think,” Star Swirl chuckles.

“No problem.” She then looks to Blaze, “Now, Lord-General, I think I had best rally your new personal guard.” She then walks a short distance away and turns. She pulls herself up to her full height, which is still shorter than Star Swirl, and holds her head high as she calls out. “Soldiers of Equus! General Blaze and Star Swirl the Bearded have need of us!” The soldiers all grow quiet, and look towards Merryweather. “I know you are all tired, thinking of your homes, your families. Believe me, I want to go home to my wife, but we cannot. Not yet. Lord Nox has summoned our General and his companions, and we are duty-bound to help them to get to their destination!” She turns, pointing towards the hellscape that was once the city of Fillyon. “And that destination is in there!” She looks over her shoulder, smiling warmly, her eyes full of hope and determination. “So, what do you say, mares and stallions? Shall we march through Tartarus one last time?”

A few soldiers look unsure, looking to the city beyond Merryweather with true terror in their eyes, but the majority nod and start to fall into ranks, taking the ones who look unsure with them and giving them the needed bolster of confidence. Once they’re all formed up, Merryweather smiles and walks back up to Blaze, sitting down and offering a salute to the large stallion.

“The troops are ready to walk into Tartarus for you, Blaze,” Merryweather chuckles. “Just, when we get out of this, you’re coming over for dinner, and you’re bringing your wife and that adorable filly of yours.”

“Get us through this, and I’ll steal some of my parent’s rice wine to bring to dinner,” Blaze replies, “Now stand at ease, and lets get in there.”

Lowering her salute, Merryweather nods and turns as she calls out.“Troops, box formation!”

The troops instantly form a box around Star Swirl and company, weapons at the ready as they start towards the city at another command from Merryweather.

Once inside, the true scope of what has been going on becomes clear.

The area beyond the gates put even the darkest nightmares that Star Swirl had ever had to shame as not a single inch of the street is without damage, or often without a body lying motionless on the cobblestones or spied through the battered down doorway of a house. The smell, the smell forces Star Swirl to quickly cast a spell to keep the air fresh around him and Clover as the cloying stench of death and ruptured sewers, mixed with the burning smoke that comes from the fires freely burning in other parts of the city, makes even the normally cheery Star Swirl grimace. Yet, the most disturbing part isn’t the smell, nor is it the sights. It’s the sound.


When they had approached the city, there had been screams, and then the distant thunder of the heavenly retribution brought down by Nox. But now, with the exception of the occasional blood freezing scream in other parts of the city, the only sound around them is the clopping of their hooves against the stones of the street. Star Swirl cannot help but attempt to watch every shadow, every corner, and every doorway through the ranks of soldiers around him. This silence must mean that something is watching, something is waiting to ambush them.

“It’s too quiet,” Blaze comments, reading Star Swirl’s mind almost exactly. “Where are the ponies attacking the city?”

“Perhaps they are deeper in?” Clover provides, her side pressed to Star Swirl’s, her eyes darting around frantically. “Or… or perhaps our spell was more effective than we thought? Perhaps it washed over the entire city?”

“It did not,” Star Swirl states calmly, “they’re simply biding their time, I am sure of it. Many likely know who I am, and are confused as to why I am here, wondering perhaps even if I am here to join them.”

“But you’re not,” Merryweather says softly, her own eyes scanning the buildings.

“No, I am not.” Star Swirl replies with a nod, and a small smile, “but we can use their confusion for now. They won’t attack a potential ally as powerful as I am. It should give us a clear path for now.”

“And when they figure it out?” Clover asks, looking to Star Swirl with a worried expression.

“Then, my dear student, we pray.” Star Swirl says softly, looking towards the distant Tower of Fillyon which is currently slightly obscured by smoke, “and we hope that Lord Nox, or Lady Aurora can hear us.”

The group travels in silence after that. The deeper into the city they get, the thicker the smoke and bodies get. Many of the civilian casualties look to have been caught as they attempted to flee towards the Palace, the soldiers having fallen when they attempted to defend the civilians. The only hope in the whole situation is that there are far more soldiers, and even cloaked attackers, strewn across the pathing stones than there are civilians. It’s a grim hope, especially for the soldiers with them, but they had all sworn the oaths and would rather lay down their lives for the common pony than let them get killed.

Eventually, the smoke becomes too thick for them to advance further, so Star Swirl casts a spell to push the smoke back around the group, soldiers included, and keep the air as fresh as possible. He also casts a spell that creates lights that hang over each corner of the box formation so the soldiers can see where they are going. Once they’re going forward again, Star Swirl takes a moment to compose himself, further separate himself mentally from the horrors he had been seeing. Also, to prepare for what is to come.

He had not lied earlier, when he had said he did not know why he was summoned, for he really did not know for sure why he was here in this war torn city. Star Swirl, however, has a theory.

That theory hinged on Nox and Aurora being the kind and loving ponies he had always known them to be, that he had come to know on his many visits with Hope to their tower to discuss various things, such as magical theory or even the weather that day. He had always known them to be calm and gentle people, much like the night and day skies they had painted every day.

Star Swirl could only hope war had not changed them.

“We’re near the tower now,” Star Swirl comments, his eyes unfocused as he looks towards the heavens. “We’ll be in line of sight of it soon.”

“Is this one of those magical things that only you unicorns can do,” Blaze asks with a sigh.

“No,” Star Swirl replies with a raised eyebrow. He points over towards the ruined entrance of a house -- an entire side of the building had been blown out, and judging by the crater next to it it was from one of the stars impacting -- and shrugs. “I know that house. Hope and I… once talked about how it would have been a good place to raise foals.” He lowers his hoof back to the street as the formation continues onward. “It’s two streets over from the walls that surround the Palace of Virtue and the Tower.”

“Then we’ll soon be in the thick of it,” Merryweather comments wearily. She looks over at Star Swirl and smiles softly, not even breaking her stride as she speaks again. “I’ve heard stories about you and Lady Hope; how you two are all but inseparable.”

“Were,” Star Swirl sighs, “I’ve not seen her since… since this all started.”

“You will,” Merryweather replies with a nod as she looks forward again, her eyes once more scanning the area around them. “You really love her, I can tell, I have an eye for these things.”

“If you could see those two in a room together you’d know how much of an understatement that is,” Blaze comments dryly, rolling his eyes. “It’s like nothing else in the world exists but them. Once, my mother had to call Hope’s name for a full minute before she got her attention.”

“It likely saved him, too!” Clover chimes in, smiling widely. “His love for Hope outweighed the power Compassion had over him! Hope’s love overpowered Envy’s influence on her former acolytes.”

“I am sure Love would be quite interested in that theory,” Blaze comments with a smirk.

“Oh, she told me I was likely right last time I spoke with her!” Clover declares happily, a bounce in her step. “She agreed with me rather easily, though… which was unfortunate, I had flow charts and graphs all prepared, and a chalk board! All that work gone to waste.”

“I told you when you went there that you wouldn’t need to try hard to convince her,” Star Swirl deadpans, “but, this conversation is better left for when we’re all out of here.” He gestures forward, “We’re here.”

Everypony stops, weapons and spells at the ready, as the smoke clears for a moment to reveal the smoldering, body strewn, ruin of large courtyard that stands before the gate to the inner city. Many of the bodies here are covered in the thick black cloaks that mark the attackers, but there are still not a few bodies wearing the once fine armor of the various remaining virtues. One of the ponies in Star Swirl’s group raises Life’s banner as they start forward, and for a moment Star Swirl wonders why until he notices movement on the wall. Archers, from the look of them, and he can also spy a hastily constructed barricade where the gates used to stand, the banner behind it claiming it for Nox’s personal Night Guard.

As they cross the courtyard, Star Swirl can feel unfriendly eyes watching them. Its an oily feeling, akin to the time he had messed up in his alchemy lesson and caused an explosion that coated everything -- ponies and furniture alike -- in an oily substance that had taken a week of bathing to remove. He knows it is not coming from the guards on the walls, for while he does not doubt that he won’t be met with the most friendly of welcomes, they are not the source.

No, he had felt this feeling once before, when Compassion had turned down her dark path. Envy’s followers were close, and they were watching, waiting, to see if he attacked Nox’s guards to give them a chance to storm the Tower. They still did not know what to make of him, and were questioning if he would become their most powerful ally. Or their most feared enemy.

This uncertainty buys them the time to get across the courtyard, and the defenders some much needed rest.

It isn’t until they’re through the barricade and well on their way to the entrance to the Tower that the first cry goes up and the ponies on the walls start firing their bows and spells at the attackers, who had by now realized Star Swirl was not going to give them an opening. Star Swirl pays the battle no mind, though, as he walks forward. He is near his goal, and though the sacrifices of every pony that had died before he had come weighs heavily on his heart, he knows he cannot let it stop him from what must be done. What he has been summoned to do.

“Merryweather, you and your troops should reinforce the barricade,” Blaze commands as they walk. “I can protect Star Swirl and Clover from here. We’ll collect you all when we leave, hopefully by the same entrance.” Merryweather nods, and wordlessly signals to her troops, causing them to break formation around the three who they had been guarding and head back towards the gates with determined looks.

“I really do hope they all survive the night,” Clover comments sadly. “Merryweather especially, I like her.”

“She is one of the finest officers my father and I trained,” Blaze agrees in a forced neutral tone. “I would be… saddened if I had to relay her death to her wife.”

“Are those cracks in the stone heart of the great Glory Blaze?” Star Swirl comments with a smile. “What ever will your father do when he hears you actually care for the officers you’ve trained!”

“I should have left your flank to be chewed on by the mad-ponies,” Blaze growls.

“And, moment ruined,” Star Swirl sighs with a shrug. “Well, let’s get back to the matter at hoof, I really do wish to see what Nox has summoned us for. Not to mention, Aurora’s friendly face will be a sight for sore eyes, too few friendly faces these days.” Star Swirl picks up his pace a little, looking over his shoulder and smiling to Blaze. “Not that it’s your fault, Blaze, I am sure you just ate something sour and your face got stuck like that.”

Blaze narrows his eyes and mutters under his breath. “No one is watching! The old fool tripped on his own beard, broke his neck! So sad.”

“What’s that? You’ll have to speak up! I’m an old fool and my hearing isn’t what it used to be!” Star Swirl calls back as he starts mounting the steps to the tower’s doors. Blaze mutters again, and Star Swirl chuckles as he goes up to the doors, stopping as the guards on both sides lower their weapons.

“State your business,” the guard on the right says quickly.

“I’m here at the request of Lord Nox,” Star Swirl replies. “What business he has with me is his own.”

Nodding, the guard raises his weapon. “Alright, go on in Star Swirl.”

“Wait, you’re just going to let the former student of our foe in?” The other demands, his own weapon not raising.

“They were summoned by Lord Nox,” the other guard states flatly, “and I know Star Swirl. We’d all be dead already if he was our foe.”

“But-” The second guard starts, only to be cut off by Star Swirl.

“Son, I am not getting any younger,” Star Swirl interrupts with a frown. “Now, please let us pass, and if you have any more problems with me being here, you are free to escort us to Lord Nox so he can tell you to get your head out of your ass.”

“That’s not very compassionate of you to say,” the disgruntled guard mutters as he raises his weapon back to a resting stance, so as to allow Star Swirl through.

“I just walked through a city I have fond memories of, which is now on fire and filled with dead bodies,” Star Swirl sighs as he walks by. “I am a little short of kind words tonight.” He walks through the large crystal wood doors, and sighs once again as he sees the inside. “And I doubt I will regain them anytime soon.”

Beyond the doors is the large circular hall that serves as the primary meeting and gathering hall for the tower. The once beautiful mobile of the solar system that hung from the ceiling is on the floor, the once spacious room full of wounded and unmoving ponies being treated by obviously overworked unicorns attempting healing spells. A few of them are still wearing the robes of Compassion, and are of the few that Star Swirl had been able to convince to leave when Compassion had fallen. Many, though, are of Life and explain the presence of the Lifeguard.

Crossing through the mass of ponies, Star Swirl and his companions draw more than a few curious, and even baleful, glances from various ponies. Star Swirl ignores them all, not wanting to face any of the ponies who had been harmed by his former mistress, more so for those who were his fellow brother and sister acolytes, even if he wants to talk to them, comfort them, explain to them how absolutely sorry he is for all this pain and suffering. Pressing on, he does his best to keep a straight face, eyes and ears forward.

Heading up the stairs at the back of the entrance hall, Star Swirl traverses the floors above, many now having their classrooms and various other rooms replaced with bunks for soldiers, and even wards for the less critically injured from below. It is quite a change from the once studious and welcoming halls he had known, but then war changes many familiar things.

By the time they reach the first of the personal residence of Nox and Aurora, Star Swirl is slightly out of breath, his age being what it is and all the walking and fighting he has done in the past weeks. Leaning against the doorframe that leads into the apartment, Star Swirl takes a moment to rest, catch his breath, and look around subtly.

“You alright?” Clover’s voice comes from behind Star Swirl, followed quickly by the mare herself with a concerned look at a hoof on his shoulder. “Do you need a minute to rest?”

“No,” Star Swirl replies, waving a hoof dismissively, “I am…”

“STAR SWIRL!” the voice of an energetic filly suddenly echoes from inside the apartment, and is quickly followed by two sets of hooves stampeding forward, their owners tackling Star Swirl.

“Tia, Lulu,” Blaze says with a chuckle. “Leave the poor old stallion alone, he’s been through a lot.”

“Aww, but Blaze!” Tia, a young white alicorn with fur the color of a fresh snowfall, whines. “We’ve not seen Star Swirl in ages!”

“Yah!” Lulu, a dark blue alicorn with cobalt hair and also the younger of the two, adds. “He promised he’d be back a long time before now!” She gets off of Star Swirl, and crosses her arms in a pout. “You lied to us.”

“Now, now Lulu.” Star Swirl says breathlessly as he gets up, Tia joining her sister in sitting and staring at Star Swirl. “You can’t blame me for taking a while to come back… Life got in the way… and…”

“You mean the thing that mother and father won’t talk to us about?” Tia sighs. “You’re going to tell us that we’re too young to know about what’s going on too, aren’t you?”

“It’s not my call, girls.” Star Swirl replies with a sigh and shrug, “but I need to go talk to you father, so I can bring it up with him, if you like? He might agree if I agree to tell you about it? He likes me.”

“O… okay,” Tia sighs and a slump of her shoulder. “Guess that means you won’t be showing us a magic trick.”

“Not right now, but I promise if I am here for the reason I think I am, then I promise I’ll show you all the magic tricks you want when the time comes,” Star Swirl promises, putting a hoof to his heart and a crossing motion. “Cross my heart.”

“As an alicorn, I’ll hold you to that, Star Swirl.” Tia says in what is likely supposed to be a commanding manner, but really comes across as cute.

“I never break my promises, little Princess.” Star Swirl says with a wink. “But your parents are expecting me, and I should not keep them waiting.” He smiles and nods over his shoulder to Blaze, who is now standing a little ways off looking bored. “Your cousin looks like he could use some cheering up, why don’t you go ask him how he is?”

“Okay!” Lulu agrees, sprinting over to Blaze and hugging him. She is quickly followed by Tia and the two of them quickly start bombarding him with questions.

“That wasn’t very nice,” Clover smirks.

“I think it was, Blaze has seen too much death in the past few weeks,” Star Swirl says softly as he starts into the apartment. “We all have.” Clover says nothing in response and follows behind Star Swirl quietly.

Inside the personal residence of Aurora and Nox, Star Swirl is comforted to find that, for the most part, it is the same as when he last visited. Which is to say, clean, tidy, and holding a welcoming and comfortable air. This was a place of peace, and of friendly gatherings. Yet, this was not a friendly time, nor is he here to talk idly about topics he was interested in.

Starting up the winding staircase at the back of the room, Star Swirl can not help but slow as he reaches the top. He dreads speaking with his friends a little, almost as if this time will be the last.

Shaking his head he starts forward once more with renewed purpose. No, this won’t be the last time, there would be many more days of him and… and Hope sitting in the parlor or on the balcony sharing tea and friendly conversations with their alicorn friends. Once the war is over, that is. Provided they survive.

Stopping in front of a familiar door, Star Swirl reaches a hoof up and knocks on the door to Nox’s personal study.

“Enter,” a deep commanding voice echoes from within, prompting Star Swirl to open the door and enter with Clover close on his tail.

Inside is an intimate room, large bookshelves lining almost all the available wall space, and what is not covered by the shelves is covered by banners or paintings of the night sky. The carpet beneath Star Swirl’s hooves is a dark purple, worn with age and many trampling hooves, the ceiling is a deep polished wood with a single magical light hanging from it in the center, providing just enough illumination currently to see the two other occupants of the room.

Nox, the Lord of the Night, is an alicorn of impressive stature with a coat of rich dark blue speckled with what could only be described as stars. Likewise, his mane and tail are smoky purple in color and also filled with stars. He is currently leaning wearily on the desk he is sitting behind. In front of the desk, currently looking towards Clover and Star Swirl as they enter, is Lady Aurora.

Unlike her husband, Aurora is a mare of brilliant white that fades to a warm amber along her legs and the end of her wings. Her mane and tail are also of warm amber, but fade into a shade of rich, almost royal, purple.

Upon seeing two of his closest, and most valued friends, Star Swir cannot help but smile warmly.

“Lady Aurora, Lord Nox,” Star Swirl says happily he moves quickly over towards the desk, a spring in his step. “It has been too long since my last visit, Celestia and Luna are growing into fine young mares.”

“They are indeed,” Nox agrees with a small smile of his own. “And it is good to see you again, my young friend. I wish only the situation was better.”

“It cannot be helped,” Star Swirl shrugs with a dismissive wave of his hoof. “It is just good to see you again… I… have too few friends these days.”

Extending a wing over Star Swirl, Aurora smiles down at him in a motherly fashion. “You are always welcome here, Star Swirl, no matter what your former mentor has done.” A cough from behind her causes Aurora to look behind her and smile. “Hello there, you must be Clover!”

“Y… yes ma’am.” Clover stammers, sitting down a little ways away an unsure expression on her face. “I… I am also a… that is to say I am Star Swirl’s student.”

“Come closer,” Nox says with a smirk, “I assure you my wife and I do not bite.”

Walking over to sit on the other side of Star Swirl, Clover looks between the two Gods with some trepidation despite the warm smile on Aurora’s face, and the fatherly smirk on Nox’s.

“Now,” Nox starts as he clears his throat. “I didn’t ask you to come because I wanted to see you, as much as I enjoy your company Star Swirl.” He sighs and looks to his wife who nods slowly, prompting him to continue. “My friend, I have a very important task for you, something that I cannot trust anyone, and I mean anypony, griffin, or creator beneath me, with. And before I tell you, I need you to swear to me, on your life, that you will do your utmost to see the task done, even if it should cost you your life.”

“I swear,” Star Swirl says without missing a beat or blinking. “I trust you, both of you.”

“And we you,” Aurora says from beside Star Swirl, her gaze turning somber. “It is why we are asking of you what we are.”

“An...and what are you asking of him?” Clover speaks up from beside Star Swirl, her eyes going between Nox, Aurora, and Star Swirl rapidly.

“You know what happened to Roan?” Nox asks, looking at nopony in particular.

“The entire city is… it’s been tainted.” Star Swirl says softly. “It was one of the first targets Envy struck, we don’t know why yet.”

“Nor do we, but the fact remains she turned a once shining jewel of a city into a death trap.” Nox says softly. “We do not know if she will do it to any other city, but the fact remains her next target could very well be here, since her… Umbra, are here.”

“And so are our daughters,” Aurora continues, looking down at Star Swirl. “And we… cannot defend this city if we are worrying about our daughters.”

For a long moment the room is quiet, the gravity of what he is being asked sinking in for Star Swirl. Two of the Gods of Equus… no, two parents and two of his most trusted and beloved friends are asking him to take their daughters and protect them, potentially hide them somewhere safe, far away from this gods awful war and all the death. Could he do it? Tia and Lulu would be heartbroken at being taken away from their parents, they would ask when they’d see them again, and honestly Star Swirl wouldn’t be able to answer.

But, he had to. Those two fillies were important, precious, not only to Aurora and Nox, but to him as well. They were still innocent foals, and had no place in a war zone, let alone a besieged city.

Nodding slowly, Star Swirl looks to Nox, his eyes somber but determined. “I understand. Clover, Blaze, and I will take your daughters out of the city… I honestly thought that is what you’d want us to do, and have been dreading it.” He looks up at Aurora, a smile on his face. “But I will do it. Even if I have to lay my life down to ensure their safety, I will see them safe.”

“Good.” Nox sighs, slumping over sightly. “Then we had best be about it… there is no point delaying, and… and the longer we wait the more I’ll try and justify not doing it.” Rising he starts around his desk, all the others in the room rising with him and following behind as he goes to the door and then through it.

They journey back down to the first floor of the apartment is short, and yet it seems like the longest walk Star Swirl has ever had to do. The hallway that he had been so eager to walk through on so many occasions feels like it stretches onwards forever, the stairs feel as if there if there is one more riser than he remembered, and above all else he feels as if he is walking in slow motion. None of these things are actually true, and in reality it is simply him dreading what is to come, he cannot help but wish it was true if only to delay the meeting with the two energetic fillies downstairs.

The sound of Celestia and Luna giggling brings Star Swirl out of his somber thoughts.

“Did you really tell your father that?” Celestia inquires between giggles.

“Yes, well when I was your age I didn’t want to be a soldier!” Blaze declares, putting a hoof against his chest and smiling. “No, I wanted to be a scholar, and read my books all day. Perhaps, when I was older, I could open up a small bookstore, and help other ponies enjoy books as much as I do.”

“But, why are you a solider now?” Luna asks, stumbling over ‘soldier’ slightly.

“Soldier, dear cousin,” Blaze gently corrects with a smile. “And, it is because my mother told me that, just because I am a warrior does not mean I can’t also enjoy books and know lots of stuff! In fact…” He trails off as he spots Nox and Aurora. His smile brightens and he goes over and embraces both of them. “Aunt Aurora, Uncle Nox! It has been too long… I just wish I was here at a better time…”

“We all do, nephew.” Nox says softly, returning the embrace. “Have you been enjoying talking to your cousins?”

“I always do,” Blaze says with a smile as he looks over his shoulder at the two fillies. “They’ve grown, before too long I’ll have to be chasing off all the colts when I visit! Only the best for my two favorite cousins.”

“We’re your only cousins, Blaze!” Celestia giggles.

“Why, that makes you my favorite by default, Tia!” Blaze retorts with a wink before looking back to his aunt and uncle, his smile slipping. “So… I take it you four talked about whatever it is you needed to talk about?”

“We have,” Aurora nods with a sigh.

“That’s good, right?” Blaze says hopefully, “Means we can get out of here… possibly get back to the battle outside… help the defenders beat back the siege… give them some breathing room?”

“I am afraid not,” Nox states, walking around Blaze to look at his daughters. “Celestia, Luna, did you pack your saddlebags like your mother and I asked?”

“We did.” Celestia says slowly as she furrows her brow. “I still don’t understand why you asked us to. Those nasty ponies outside will never get inside!”

“Yeah!” Luna agrees, hopping up and spreading her small wings. “And if they do, Tia and I can help you and the guards teach them some manners!”

Smiling softly, Nox shakes his head. “Sweet, sweet Lulu. You truly are my little warrior.” He looks between Luna and Celestia, his smile remaining. “Go and get your saddle bags, and then I will explain why I had you pack them.”

“Do we have to…?” Celestia and Luna both ask in unison, it’s almost a whine.

“Yes.” Nox says firmly, the two alicorn fillies sighing and going off towards the stairs to grab their stuff.

“You’re sending them away,” Blaze states from behind Nox. “Uncle… you’re sending them away, and you’re having Star Swirl go with them?”

“We are,” Aurora sighs with a nod. “We cannot risk them… being injured, and your uncle and myself cannot focus on the defense if our foals are in potential danger.”

“Then I am going with them.” Blaze declares, standing up and looking between his aunt and uncle. “Star Swirl is a capable pony, and I do not doubt that he has taught Clover here well,” he gestures towards Clover who has been quiet the entire conversation, “but they are not warriors, and I… I cannot allow my cousins go without proper escort.”

“We expected as much.” Aurora agrees. “I sent word to your parents, informing them that Nox and I have… coopted you to help get Celestia and Luna to safety.” She chuckles and shifts a little. “Shiro had some… rather strong words in his letter. Apparently, you two had an argument before you left, and he stated he hoped your mission went quickly, as he needs to have words with you again.”

“Of course he does,” Blaze rolls his eyes and sighs.

The sound of two pairs of small hooves stops any further conversation, as Celestia and Luna come down the stairs quickly with their bulging saddlebags on their backs. The two come over to their parents and sit down, looking up at Nox and Aurora with frowns.
“We got our stuff…” Celestia says quickly. “So why did we have to pack? Are we going somewhere? Are the four of us going to leave the city?”

“Not the four of us,” Aurora says, her smile faltering. “Just you two.”

“What?” Luna asks, leaning her head to one side. “But… we need to be together! What if the bad ponies break in and attack you two!? What if Tia and I aren’t here to help you!?”

“It is for that very reason we are sending both of you away,” Nox says around a growing lump in his throat. “Your mother and I could not bear to see you two hurt, it would break our hearts. We… we do not want to do this, but it is for the best.”

“No!” Celestia shouts, rushing forward and latching onto Nox as tears start streaming down her cheeks.

“We don’t want to go!” Luna agrees, going forward to wrap her own arms around Aurora’s stomach as her own tears start to flow.

Both of the elder alicorns wrap their own arms around their foals as tears form in their eyes.

“It will be alright, my beloved daughter,” Nox says softly as he runs a hoof through Celestia’s pink mane, “It won’t be for forever. You’ll be home again before you know it.”

“Your father is right,” Aurora whispers as she nuzzles Luna’s cheek. “Before you know it, you’ll be back here, safe in your own beds. I’ll even make you both your favorite breakfasts when you get back.”

“Promise?” Luna asks, sniffling.

“I promise.” Aurora nods. “Now, you and Celestia need to go stand over with your cousin.”

Celestia and Luna hold onto their parents for a moment longer, then with sniffles and dragging hooves they walk over to sit next to Blaze, who is sitting next to Star Swirl and Clover.

“So, now what?” Clover asks, looking around.

“Now, you stand still,” Nox says. “And hold onto your lunch.”

“Wh…?” Clover starts to ask when there is a sudden loud bang and a flash of light.

When his eyes clear, Star Swirl finds himself standing next to the cart they had arrived on, the moon high in the sky, and the burning city behind them. Celestia and Luna huddle together, looking towards the city with tear filled eyes.

“Come on, you two,” Blaze says softly, gently prodding Celestia with his nose. “We need to get out of here, and somewhere safe.”

“O… okay, Blaze,” Celestia stammers as she slowly gets to her hooves in a stiff-legged fashion. She pokes her sister, who likewise gets up in the same manner, and they both head to the cart.

“Here, let me help you two get up,” Clover says with a smile in an attempt to put them at ease. She levitates the two into the back of the cart, then gets up herself.

Star Swirl is not far behind them, getting into the cart with a little difficulty as he mutters about his old bones not being built for all this running and fighting. As he settles down into the cart, he is surprised when Celestia and Luna come over and lay down against him, more surprising still they’re both shivering.

“It’ll be alright,” Star Swirl says softly in an attempt to comfort the two, his gaze locked onto the city as Blaze gets himself hooked back up to the cart, and then gets it turned around and heading away from the city. “We’ll see your parents again, I am sure of it.”

Despite the confidence in his words, Star Swirl cannot help but feel he should have told Aurora and Nox how honored he was to be their friend… because somehow, he feels he’ll never see them again.


“What happened to them?” Amore asks with a frown as she clutches her teacup tightly. It’s early afternoon in the newly built Castle of the Two Sisters. Amore, along with Hope, had come to see how well Celestia and Luna were settling into the Castle that would act as the new seat of power for Equestria.

“We don’t know,” Star Swirl admits with a shrug. “I went back… a few months later after we had found a good place to lay low. Fillyon was… gone.” Shaking his head he takes a sip of the tea in front of him. “The city is still there, but it was too damaged and stained for anyone to continue living there.”

Sighing heavily from where she is sitting next to Star Swirl, Hope puts her own teacup down. “I had hoped other cities would avoid what happened to mine, but I guess it was a futile hope.” She then smiles to Celestia and Luna, who are seated across from her and Starswirl on a couch in the small private parlor. “But, you two got out before it happened, that is all that matters.”

“Agreed, Hope,” Celestia nods with a somber smile. “But then, so did others, and I would rather the common pony have survived than us.”

“My sister is right,” Luna agrees as she takes a sip of her own tea. “Far too many suffered while we were spirited away.” She looks over her shoulder at a Royal Guard mare standing a short distance off. “I wish we could have helped you back then, Captain Merryweather. Perhaps then more of your friends would have made it to us.”

“We knew our duty, Celestia,” Merryweather states with a bow of her head. “Soldiers of Equus did not fear death, and we gladly laid down our lives during the final evacuation.”