• Published 27th Oct 2015
  • 518 Views, 36 Comments

The Fall of Roan - Sylvian

Hope, the aged and wise Virtue once ruled over the city of Roan. A city of beauty, she cared for it with all her heart. Yet, her power was not enough to save it from those she had once called friend.

  • ...

Chapter 2: Gardens

Chapter 2: Gardens.

As Hope’s voice fades, the last line of her story finished, Amore blinks and looks up to her mentor, a small smile on her lips.

“Were you really that scared, Nana?” she asks, her voice barely a whisper as if to speak louder would mean the story is truly over. “But you always look so confident and sure of yourself.”

Chuckling, Hope looks down to Amore, and shakes her head. “It took me years of practice, and uneventful leadership, to learn how to look like that. The truth is, I am sometimes quite unsure of what I am doing, but it is best to not let others know that. If a leader looks like they know what they are doing, then others are more willing to follow them.”

“Could you teach me how to do it?” Amore asks, leaning forward and resting her chin on a couch cushion. “I’m still so unsure in public, though everypony seems so nice and forgiving…”

Opening her mouth to both comfort and assure Amore that the best teacher in this case would be experience, Hope is cut off by a loud pop followed by a pony materializing and gracelessly falling on its back onto the couch beside her. Amore scrambles backwards, startled by the sudden appearance, and looks to Hope who hasn’t outwardly reacted or moved besides looking to the upside-down pony and smiling.

“Good evening, Star Swirl,” Hope greets the strange pony. “Still practicing teleportation?”

“Hm? Wh… Oh! Hope!” Star Swirl says as his legs flail in the air for a few seconds before he rights himself with the jingling of bells. “Yes… well no. I was actually attempting a rather complex spell regarding time travel…” he climbs over the back of the couch and goes to a window, stroking his long beard. “In fact, I think I succeeded, despite starting in my library in Equestria! If the position of the moon is any indication, I’ve traveled exactly…. five minutes into the past!” He then turns and grumbles walking over towards Hope and Amore. “Which, now that I think about it is the wrong direction, I meant to go into the future.” He stops as he comes around the couch, looking between the two, a frown on his face. “I hope I didn’t interrupt anything. You two look like you’re having some bonding time.”

“Simply the end of a story,” Hope answers with a chuckle. “I was telling Amore about Roan, she was a young foal when the city fell, and wished to know of her lost home.”

“Oh!” Star Swirl says, his face brightening, then growing dark. “Oh… I remember Roan well. A city near and dear to my heart, I always looked forward to visiting it when Compassion took her acolytes to visit.” He goes over and sits next to Hope on the couch, looking to her with a sad smile. “In fact, I remember when I first met you, Hope. Oh, it was so many years ago, and you looked just as you do now… though perhaps a bit smaller, and less greying.” He chuckles, “Not that you do not wear your age well, my lady.”

“Thank you, Star Swirl,” Hope chuckles, looking to Amore who is now looking between her and the bearded unicorn. “I can see the questions in your eyes again, dear Amore.”

“Oh, I was just wondering how you two met each other,” Amore asks slowly, continuing to look between the two.

“An easy answer,” Star Swirl declares as he removes his hat so he can run a hoof through his mane. “I met Hope here when we were both quite young. She was barely a sapling in a forest of old growth trees, so to speak.”

“And Star Swirl,” Hope continues with a warm smile, “was an acolyte of Compassion, who often came to visit my city.” She chuckles and shakes her head. “In fact, if I recall correctly, we met when you were attempting to sneak out of the guest quarters, and mistook me for a fellow acolyte.”

“Well, you were quite young, and it was my first time in the city!” Star Swirl grumbles in a good natured tone. “How was I supposed to know the young filly I ran into was in fact the Virtue who ruled over the city?”

“The relics should have tipped you off,” Hope chides with a smile. “How many acolytes do you know who got to wear jewelry like this?” She holds up one arm and shows off the bracer adorning it.

“I wasn’t that good of a study back then, okay?” Star Swirl smirks, scooting a little closer to her, one hoof reaching over and lightly brushing against hers. “I figured you just got lucky and were dressed up to go to the banquet held in Compassion’s honor.”

“I did attend; I was the hostess!” Hope boasts with a laugh. “Though, I wouldn’t call it luck. I really did not like attending such stuffy things back then. Can’t say they’ve grown on me any more in my old age, but now I get to complain and everyone listens, rather than assume I’m whining.”

“I take it you two snuck out of the palace that night?” Amore speaks up, both Star Swirl and Hope looking over at her, both blushing slightly in the firelight.

“Yes, we did,” Star Swirl answers with a cough into one hoof, “and we had quite the adventure.”

“Quite an adventure indeed,” Hope chuckles softly with a nod as she looks back to Star Swirl. “Do you want to tell her, or shall I?”

“You told the last story, Nana,” Amore says with a smile. “And I rarely get to hear Star Swirl tell any stories when I visit with Celestia and Luna. Perhaps he can tell it?”

“I guess I can,” Star Swirl says with a smile, “but only because I’ve never been able to say no to a face like that. Ask Celestia or Luna sometime, they’ll back me up.” Clearing his throat, Star Swirl starts the story.


Star Swirl backs up slowly, closing the door as softly as he can so as not to alert any of his fellow acolytes of Compassion that he is, as is his want, sneaking out and looking for trouble. The sounds of the banquet being held in the throne room of Roan’s palace can be heard all the way down in the guest quarters, and it has Star Swirl feeling restless.

Thinking, then instantly discarding the idea to go sneak closer to the party, Star Swirl decides to go and explore the palace a little, perhaps visit the large garden he had been told was out back.

Looking around as he starts down the hallway, Star Swirl finds another question on his mind: how to actually get there. For obvious reasons he cannot ask a guard, that would only land him back in the guest quarters, but perhaps he can ask one of the staff? Pass himself off as lost looking for something, or even as if he is supposed to be out here. Yes, yes, that might work. Walking down the corridor, Star Swirl holds his head high and attempt to mimic the air of power that he has so often seen the Virtues exude when they’re on important business.

Turning a corner, he hears hoofsteps against the marble floor, and does his best to continue to facade, but as the hoofsteps grow louder he starts to feel himself becoming nervous. Turning yet another corner, hoping to avoid whoever it is, he instead bumps right into somepony!

Landing on his plot, Star Swirl looks to the young sky-blue mare he has bumped into, offering a wide smile and scratching the back of his head with one hoof.

“Oops, uhm. Sorry,” Star Swirl apologizes, getting up and offering a hoof to the pegasus. “I guess I should have been looking where I was going.”

“Might have been a good idea,” the mare giggles as she accepts the hoof and stands up, a blue and silver bracelet glinting in the torch light.

“Well, what can I say, when I am deep in thought, sometimes time just slips right by me,” Star Swirl replies, holding his smile steady. “By the way, I’m Star Swirl.”

“Silver Skies,” the mare replies with a smile, “but you can call me Silvy.” She looks Star Swirl over, her eyes shrining with interest. “Are you one of Compassion’s acolytes? I’ve not seen you around here before.”

Nodding and putting a hoof to his chest proudly, Star Swirl smiles. “I am indeed an acolyte of the venerable Compassion!” He then looks Skies over, taking in her dress she is wearing along with the bracers on her arms and legs. “You must be an acolyte of Hope, and one held in great favor if you are dressed to go to the banquet.”

“Well, you could say that I have served Hope faithfully,” Skies says with a shrug. She then looks around for a moment before leaning in close to Star Swirl. “But between you and me, I really didn’t want to go to the banquet tonight. Too many ponies playing politics for my liking.”

“Well, what do you want to do, Miss Skies?” Star Swirl asks with a sly grin. “And would you be willing to perhaps do it with a stallion like me?”

“Well, I don’t know,” Skies sighs slowly, a smile on her face. “I was just going to go take a walk through the garden. I’ve been cooped up in one place for too long,” she stretches her wings and flaps them a few times. “Goes against nature, you know? Pegasi aren’t meant to sit in once place for too long.”

“Well then,” Star Swirl chuckles and offers an arm for Skies. “Then allow me to be the gentle-stallion and escort my fellow acolyte? I was thinking of visiting the garden myself, I’ve heard it is a sight to behold. Hope’s garden.”

Hooking one of her arms in Star Swirl’s, Silvy smiles. “She tries her best. Sadly, not many see it, as hardly anypony is interested in visiting. Poor gardeners work so hard, and never get praised for it.”

Star Swirl chuckles and starts leading Silvy forward, as he does not see her turning her head and nodding to a pair of guards who were standing just out of sight. The guards smile and return the nod before walking away to return to their posts.

Walking through the empty hallways of the palace is not as lonely, nor is there any real danger of getting in trouble. He clearly is escorting perhaps the most beautiful of Hope’s acolytes to the gardens on this perfect night.

Although he is leading, Star Swirl allows Silvy to guide and steer their direction as he has no idea where he’s going. A few times, he thinks he can see a door to the garden a little bit farther down their path, only to be led down a side-corridor or in a circle, leading them not quite directly away from their destination, but certainly adding time to their journey. Not that he minds, really, the more time he gets to spend with his fellow acolyte, the better. He cannot put his hoof on it, but something about her just radiates comfort for him, makes him feel at ease and he finds himself drawing a little closer to her as they walk.

Eventually, though, they make it to the garden. Stopping at the entrance to it, a large stone patio with a few walkways radiating off of it, Star Swirl takes in the sight.

The Garden of Hope is a large expanse of flower beds, trees, and not a few small ponds and fountains. Many of the flowers are in full bloom, the pleasantly warm early-summer evening providing the perfect conditions for them to thrive and glow in the bright moonlight. Looking over to Silvy, Star Swirl cannot help but smile, as much like the flowers planted in the garden she seems to be almost more beautiful beneath pale moonlight.

“Well, this is m… I mean Hope’s garden.” Silvy says with a chuckle. “It’s not a lot to look at, but she takes a lot of pride in it. More so after Life’s personal construct taught her how to properly tend to it herself.”

“She seems to be doing quite an amazing job,” Star Swirl agrees, his eyes never leaving Silvy. “I’ve never seen anything more beautiful in my entire life.”

Silvy nods, her face face growing pink with the addition of a blush. “I am sure she would be quite honored to hear you say that.” She then looks over at Star Swirl, still blushing, but smiles warmly.

“The garden is nice too,” he chuckles, causing Silvy’ blush to spread and her wings to flutter. “But, while we’re here, we should go enjoy it, shouldn’t we?” He looks out to the garden and sweeps his free hoof to take it all in. “So, where is your favorite spot out here? Where do you love to go and just get lost in thought?”

“Well,” Silvy starts, breaking her eyes from Star Swirl and looking around the garden. “There is an old oak tree in the back of the garden, Doctor told me that it was planted by the first Hope who lived here.” She giggles and brushes a few stray strands of her mane out of her face. “I go there to… think and reflect on what it means to be a Virtue.”

“I do that sometimes,” Star Swirl admits. “Sit somewhere related to the Virtue I serve. I think it helps me prepare for the possibility that I might take over for the current one when she… when she passes.” Star Swirl’s smile falters at that last admission.

“I am sure she will be with us for a while yet,” Silvy comforts Star Swirl, patting his shoulder with one hoof. She then smiles and gestures with her head towards an area deeper in the garden. “Let’s go to the spot I was talking about.”

Perking back up, Star Swirl nods. “After you, my fair lady.”

Silvy smiles warmly and starts leading Star Swirl deeper into the gardens. They travel for a few minutes, walking slowly through rows of flowers that are made, in Star Swirl’s humble opinion, less beautiful when put beside the radiant visage of his companion this night. Before long though, they come to an ancient oak tree the branches of which form a large umbrella that shades everything beneath it in soft and comforting shadows. Silvy runs over as they draw near to it, and sits beneath it, looking over her shoulder at Star Swirl with a quite friendly gaze.

“This tree has stood in this garden for centuries,” Silvy starts, placing a hoof against the rough bark, a look of respect on her face. “I found it when I first came here to train as an acolyte, and it’s provided me with some comfort and a chance to escape when things become too much.” She sits down, back against the bark and her arms resting crossed in front of her. Sighing contently, she looks over at Star Swirl. “Going to join me, Mister Star Swirl? Or are you the kind who looks, but never touches?”

Smiling widely, Star Swirl goes over and plops down next to Silvy, scooting over until their sides are touching. “Silvy, I am exactly the kind of stallion who looks and touches,” He winks at her and shrugs. “But only when asked. If I have learned nothing else from Compassion, it is that you always ask the beautiful mare permission before you get friendly.”

“I knew I liked that elderly mare for a reason,” Silvy says softly, leaning her head over and placing it gently on Star Swirl’s shoulder. “You know what I love most about this spot? On clear nights like tonight, if you look up, you can see the stars so clearly.”

“I have always loved looking at the stars,” Star Swirl admits, his own head traveling over to rest against Silvy’. “Not just because of my name, mind you, but because they seem so careless. So free and separate from the strife and hardship we mortals feel here.”

“They’re so beautiful tonight,” Silvy mentions absently as she scoots a little closer to her companion. “Like little jewels in the sky, like the Cosmos knew we were going to meet tonight, and wanted us to have a pleasant evening.”

Smiling, Star Swirl reaches down and gently hooks one of her hooves with one of his, and holds onto it. “I have to disagree, Miss Skies,” he says softly. “Next to you, even the stars lose their luster.” He watches as a deep blush forms on her face, even as his own starts forming. “And if the Cosmos made them especially radiant tonight, it was only to show that you are that much more.” For a long moment, both of them sit there in the shade of the tree, beneath the watchful eyes of the stars. Star Swirl has no idea what has come over him, nor where these words are coming from, but something in him says not to question it. Normally, he wouldn’t be moving this fast; Cosmos, he would normally be avoiding getting involved like this with a fellow acolyte, but this just feels right somehow. And, it looks as though Silvy agrees, because she has yet to flee, let alone protest.

He can’t let this moment pass him by.

And then Silvy sits up, removing her head from his shoulder, and his heart sinks. Perhaps he was wrong, and she wasn’t feeling the same.

“Star Swirl,” Silvy speaks softly, looking up at him, face stained scarlet by a blush.

“Yes, Silvy?” Star Swirl answers, his ears flat against his head in worry, a deep blush on his face.

Without any more words, Silvy reaches a hoof up and gently leans up, eyes closed and ears relaxed and upright. And Star Swirl, knowing exactly what she wants, leans down. The instant their lips meet it is as if time itself stops, and all the world becoming awash with brilliant stars. He wishes this moment can last forever, prays silently to the Cosmos and whoever else will listen, that this moment will never have to end. Yet, all too soon for both of the participants, time resumes and the world fades back to its normal colors. Silvy breaks the kiss, lowering herself a fraction of an inch, their mouths still close enough that he can feel her warm, sweet smelling breath as they both catch their breaths.

“You really are an acolyte of Compassion,” Silvy comments breathlessly.

“And you, dear Silvy,” Star Swirl breathes, “really, truly, are a faithful servant of Hope. That kiss has filled me with more hope and longing for what the future might hold than I have ever felt.”

Both of them develop a deep blush again as they allow themselves to sit back. Star Swirl contemplates what to do now, as before too long the banquet will be over, and their Virtues will soon be looking in on their respective acolytes. Though it might not be such a big deal for Star Swirl, Compassion often finds him out of his bunk and out exploring or getting escorted back by the guards, he worries for Silvy.

It would not be a good idea for her to be found out of her bed, as likely she had excused herself to return to her room. What would the guards think? What would Hope think, discovering that one of Compassion’s acolytes had absconded with one of hers into the garden to make out? No he really should get her back to her room.

“It’s getting late,” Silvy comments, looking up at Star Swirl and biting her bottom lip. “I think perhaps I should be getting to my room.”

“I was just thinking that,” Star Swirl agrees, thankful that she pointed it out first. “Shall I escort you?”

“I would like that,” Silvy replies as she gets up and waits for Star Swirl.

Once they are both standing, the pair starts back towards the palace, one of Silvy’ wings draped over Star Swirl as their sides touch. The walk is quiet, for no words are needed between them right now, and speaking would truly only ruin the feeling of mutual serenity. As they walk, Star Swirl observes Silvy, for despite the fact that she is quite young -- barely old enough to have left her parents and started her training as an acolyte -- she holds herself with a graceful air almost akin to the way he has seen the current Compassion hold herself. This, of course, only reinforces his desire to see her back to her room, as he has no doubt that Hope will be greatly angered to see such a young mare out of bed at this hour and in the company of a scoundrel like him.

Eventually, and quite honestly too soon for Star Swirl, they reach a door that Silvy stops outside of. There are guards nearby, but as they start to react to them Silvy waves a hoof and they return to standing still as statues. Star Swirl raises an eyebrow at this, but writes it off as her likely being one of Hope’s favorites, what with the way she is dressed and the bracers.

“Well, this is my room,” Silvy says softly, looking down at the floor and scuffing a hoof against it.

“Then I guess this is where I go,” Star Swirl sighs sadly as he starts to turn. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“No,” Silvy says suddenly, coming over to Star Swirl who looks at her with surprise. “No, I don’t want you to leave. Not yet. Please?” She gives him the sweetest look ever, and he feels his heart flutter suddenly.

“I…” Star Swirl starts, his body reacting without direction and turning around. “I guess I could stay for a while.” He smiles softly, his horn glowing as he opens the door for her. “Ladies first?” Silvy smiles and walks into the room, followed closely by Star Swirl. The door closes behind them softly, quickly cutting off the sound the two of them kissing again.


“My lady I…” a guard starts as he enters the room, his magic and light from the hallway illuminating the darkened room, but trails off as his gaze falls on the pair that had been decidedly more occupied with each other than his intrusion.

Instantly, Silvy lets out a scream from where she is on the bed as Star Swirl freezes in place. The bright light blinding him for a moment, he doesn’t get a good look at whoever just burst in on them mid… relaxation.

The intruder, whoever it is, is quick to turn around though, and the light soon vanishes, quickly followed by the sound of the door closing loudly. The sound releases Star Swirl from his shock like a splash of cold water, both in the fact that it rouses him to action, and kills the mood in the room. He quickly disentangles himself from his companion, falling rather unceremoniously out of bed as he does, and does his best to try and comfort the trembling mare.

“It’s okay,” Star Swirl speaks quickly as he looks between the door and Silvy. “Whoever it was is gone, but I think I’d best take my leave… don’t want to get you into any more trouble than what you’re likely in already.”

“It was a guard…” Silvy squeaks, quickly pulling the sheets over her head. “That was a guard!” She groans and flops backwards.

“Well, that complicates things…” Star Swirl admits as he starts towards the door. “If we’re lucky, there won’t be any more. But, if there are, I’ll take the blame,” he puts a hoof to the door latch. “Was all my idea; if you tell them that, I am sure they’ll let you off with a slap to the wrist.” He then opens the door and goes to move into the hallway, only to bump face into flank with a guard.

“Whoa there,” the guard says, turning around, eyeing Star Swirl. “Where you off to in such a hurry, acolyte?”

“My room…?” Star Swirl says honestly. “Been a long… studying with my fellow acolyte…” He looks over his shoulder at Silvy, who has a pillow over her face. “So I really should be going.”

“Sorry, but you’re not going anywhere,” one of the guards says with a smirk. “Our Captain told us to make sure you two aren’t interrupted, but I am sure he also didn’t want you wandering off before he gets back.”

“Oh… horse apples…” Star Swirl curses under his breath. “I really stepped in it this time.”

“That... is an understatement,” the second guard chuckles. “Just sit down, son; you shouldn’t have to wait long.”

Star Swirl does so without any further comment or protest, looking back into the room at Silvy. Currently, the mare he had been spending his evening with is still in bed, sitting up now, her wings fully extended no matter how hard she tries to fold them back up. In the quiet, he can hear her cursing softly. What a lousy end to the perfect evening.

The sound of hoofsteps on the stone floor snaps his attention from Silvy, and back to the reality at hoof. He was in trouble, he was in deep, deep trouble. But then, so was Silvy! Quickly drawing himself up and putting on the bravest, most confidant face he can muster with the bone-shaking fear he is feeling, he awaits his doom. And that doom comes in the form of Compassion and Hope’s construct, Doctor. The elderly Virtue is leading the way, a somewhat exasperated look on her face, as if she knows who had caused the commotion. Doctor, on the other hoof, just looks passive, as if this is normal for him.

“Ah, Star Swirl,” Compassion starts with a soft sigh as she reaches the doorway. “It would be you.”

“Lady Compassion,” Star Swirl starts, attempting to keep his tone even and failing miserably. “It wasn’t her fault, it was all my idea and I will take any punishment you can come up with so long as you spare her.”

“What are you talking about?” Compassion asks, blinking. “Why would I punish you?”

“Yesss,” Doctor speaks up from beside Compassion. “Why sshould we punissh you, acolyte?”

“I… I got caught… uhm, exploring the garden of a fellow acolyte?” Star Swirl starts, confused. “A rather young one at that… not that she is not mature, and not like I’ve not seen older acolytes doing this sort of thing before. But it’s still improper, especially because I was told to stay in the guest quarters with my fellow acolytes.”

Smiling almost deviously, Compassion raises an eyebrow. “You have no idea who she is, do you?”

“She’s Silver Skies,” Star Swirl starts, now even more confused. “An acolyte of Hope… right?”

Looking over Star Swirl’s head, Compassion smirks. “Really, dear? You gave him that name?”

“I didn’t want him groveling,” Silvy says from behind Star Swirl as she comes up to stand next to him, the blanket from the bed wrapped around herself like a cloak. “Especially after I left the banquet to get away from being treated like that…”

“Who… who are you then?” Star Swirl asks softly, confused and suddenly very afraid.

“I… I’m actually Hope, Star Swirl,” Silvy, no Hope, admits. “I… I didn’t want you to know, because I wanted to be treated like a normal mare for a while.” She looks at him, tears in starting to form. “I’m sorry I lied.”

For a long moment, Star Swirl’s voice fails to come forth. Instead, he reaches up and gently places a hoof on the side of Hope’s face, causing her to look up at him. “It’s okay,” he whispers softly. “I understand why you did it. You could have told me, though. I wouldn’t think any less of you, Silvy or Hope, I would have treated you the same.”

“You’re just saying that because I can throw you in a dungeon now,” Hope sniffles.

“I won’t say that isn’t on my mind right now,” Star Swirl chuckles, “But I’d be a sorry excuse of a Compassion acolyte if I didn’t try to understand your position.”

“I really do hate to break up sssuch a heartfelt moment,” Doctor hisses, causing everypony present to look at him. “But my Misstress requiress her sssleep.”

“As do I,” Compassion yawns. “I am not getting any younger, and if I want to have any chance of functioning, I should retire to my rooms.” She then looks to Star Swirl, who is looking between Hope and the corridor leading towards the guest rooms. “Star Swirl, I expect you to be on time for tomorrow's lessons.”

“Yes Lady Compassion.” Star Swirl replies, ears going back against his head. He rises to start down the hall, only to have Compassion put a hoof in front of him.

“That, my dear student, is not the direction your heart wants you to go in.” She nods towards Hope who has started back to her own bed. “Go. Spend the night with her. So long as she gets some sleep herself, there is no harm in it.” Star Swirl’s mouth works, but nothing comes out before Compassion turns and starts down the hallway to her own rooms.

It wasn’t really an order, at least not in any sense of the word, but Star Swirl smiles and calls after Compassion. “Yes ma’am!” he then turns and goes back into the room he had just left, a warm smile on his face.

What a wonderful ending to the perfect evening.


Hope laughs as Star Swirl finishes his story. “I had forgotten my own name.” She leans over and nuzzles Star Swirl, who during the telling had worked his way over so that he and Hope were snuggling.

“After that night, it was forever seared into my mind, my love.” Star Swirl replies with a chuckle. He leans over and kisses Hope, who blushes as her wings flutter. “Though, after telling it again, it really does have me wanting to relive those days. No time travel required for that part, thank the Cosmos.”

“Star Swirl,” Hope says as her blush deepens, “there are children present.”

“I’m not a child,” Amore chuckles, “and you two are so cute.” She then rises, blanket still wrapped around herself as she starts for the door. “And, so long as you are not late to tomorrow’s lesson, Hope, I see no reason you should not spend the night with this young scoundrel.”

“Which of us is the ruler here yet, young one?” Hope asks with a teasing grin and an arched eyebrow.

“You are, Hope,” Amore replies, her own teasing grin on her face, “but, if I recall correctly, I am the new Virtue of Love. And by that power, I think I can command two old love-struck fools to spend the night together.”

“She has you there, heart of mine,” Star Swirl chuckles.

“See, even he agrees,” Amore continues, going to the door and opening it. “I will see you two in the morning, provided you don’t tire each other out too badly.” She then leaves before Hope can argue.

“You have chosen her well,” Star Swirl comments, resting his head on Hope’s shoulder. “She has the same fire in her that I saw in you, all those years ago.”

I chose nothing,” Hope chuckles as she uses her magic to remove Star Swirl’s hat, placing it on the nearby table with the jingling of its bells. “You can blame the Cosmos…” She leans over and kisses his head. “I do!”

“I could,” Star Swirl starts, getting off the couch, “but that would cut into my time, and right now I wish to use that time to relive some old memories.” He crosses to the bed and smiles. “What do you say, o’ virtuous heart of mine. Shall we remember what it was like to be young, together?”

“I thought you would never ask,” Hope replies, standing from the couch and crossing to her love.

Author's Note:

Star Swirl the Bearded, don't see him very often in things now do you!?

Or do you? I'm not sure, really, I've not read any stories here that have him... so yeah. :derpytongue2:

Anyway, this was chapter two, in which we see Star Swirl and Hope (Aka Silver Skies!) meet and... relax.

You will be seeing more of Mr The Bearded! Mostly because he is fun to write, and I want to write him more!

Other than that, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, there will be two more to come as soon as I write them!