• Published 24th Oct 2015
  • 1,799 Views, 28 Comments

Mobians and Equestria Girls 3: Fate of the Dimensions - DarkMaster0224

Following the events of M&EG 2: A Dark threat from the Nightmare Dimension has come to threat the universe of the Mobians and Equestria Girls. Can our heroes unite against this enemy? Or will this be the end of their line?

  • ...


25 Years Later
(Group POV)

Over the hills past Canterlot City, a wedding was happening.

As the wedding march was played, Rainbow Dash walked down the aisle, escorted by Shadow.

Sonic stood at the altar, waiting for his bride to stand with him.

All their friends had come, along with their families.

Shadow and Pinkie, with their 15 year old son, Aric; Silver and Rarity with their two 13 year old twin daughters, Sophie and Lily; Tails and Twilight with their 12 year old daughter, Jasmine; Knuckles and Applejack with their 6 year old son, Ronald; Fluttershy and Ace with their 10 year old daughter, Alex, and 9 year old son, Evan; and Sunset and Dark with their 14 year old daughter, Agatha, and their newborn baby girl, Lilac. Lightning had taken a break from working in the ARK to come to this event, along with her 12 year old adopted son, Spark; and Hikari was here to visit, but wouldn't miss the wedding for anything.

When Rainbow got up to the altar with Sonic, she smiled at him, tears leaking from her eyes.

"We are here to celebrate the joining of these two souls. If anyone thinks these two should not be together, please stand and speak now." The man behind the altar said to the crowd.

But no one spoke up.

"In that case, Rainbow Dash, do you take Sonic, to be your wedded husband, and promise to care for one another in sickness and health?" The man said.

"I do." Rainbow replied smiling and crying.

"And do you, Sonic, take Rainbow Dash, to be your wedded wife, and promise to care for one another in sickness and health." The man asked Sonic.

"I do." Sonic said smiling at Rainbow.

"Then I now pronounce you, husband and wife." The man said, "You may kiss the bride."

Sonic wrapped his arms around Rainbow and gave her a passionate kiss, which she returned back.

"I love you, Sonic." Rainbow said.

"I love you more." Sonic replied.

Everyone stood up and clapped for the two.

"Yeah! Go Sonic!" Tails shouted.

"Yeah, Uncle Sonic!" Jasmine said.

Twilight giggled.

Sonic and Rainbow walked down the aisle, hand in hand.

"Congratulations, Sonic." Knuckles said.

"You keep that speed demon out of trouble, Dash." Twilight said.

"Great job, faker. I proud of you." Shadow said punching Sonic's shoulder.

Sonic and Rainbow walked to the wedding cake and smiled. They grabbed the knife together, and then cut a slice. Then they split that slice in half and each picked one up.

Sonic and Rainbow smirked at each other, then they stuffed the other's face with cake, laughing too.

After dinner was served, Rainbow whispered something into Sonic's ear. Sonic's eyes widened and he then kissed Rainbow.

The two then stood up.

"Can we have everyone's attention please." Rainbow said.

Everyone stopped talking and looked up at the two.

"Rainbow and I have something important to tell you all." Sonic said holding Rainbow's hand.

Everyone was giving them their full attention now.

Rainbow smiled, "Sonic and I are having a baby."

Their friends gasped in shock, then they cheered in excitement.

"Congratulations you two." Rarity said walking up to the two, "Have you any ideas what it is? Or if you're having more than one? Silver and I were so shocked when we discovered I was carrying twins, we both passed out." Rarity said looking at her two daughters.

"As far as we are aware, we are only having one, but we don't know what it is yet." Rainbow said, "I hope for a boy."

"I want a girl." Sonic said wrapping his arms around his wife.

"Whatever it turns out to be, we'll love it anyways." Rainbow said.

Then the families heard the DJ speak, "Hey what's going on people!? Are we ready for some music!?" Vinyl Scratch said.

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered.

Vinyl Scratch inserted a cd into the player and spun some discs.

(Play Yours to Hold - Skillet)
I see you standing here
But you're so far away
Starving for your attention
You don't even know my name
You're going through so much
But I know that I could be the one to hold you

Sonic held out his hand to Rainbow, who took his hand gladly. They took to the dance floor and began to dance slowly to the music, enjoying the lovely music.

"This is the best day in my life." Rainbow said as she danced with her husband.

"Not for me." Sonic said, "Mine was the day I met you."

The two smiled and continued to dance.

"What should we call our child?" Rainbow asked, "I want Swift if it's a boy."

"That's strange, Swift is what I wanted if it was a girl too." Sonic said.

"Then Swift it is." Rainbow said hugging her husband.

Sonic returned the hug, and the two continued to dance.

Every single day I find it hard to say
I could be yours alone
You will see someday
That all along the way
I was yours to hold, I was yours to hold

As the music continued playing, the others began to dance along with their partners. Even the children and teens danced together.

However, some of the teens weren't having an easy time getting a dancing partner.

"He's mine!" Sophie said pulling on Aric's arm.

"No he's mine!" Lily said pulling Aric's other arm.

"I'm gonna be ripped in half." Aric groaned.

"Girls. Girls. Stop pulling on poor Aric's arms. You're going to pull his arms off." Rarity said as she and Silver pulled their daughters away from Aric.

"But I want to dance with him." Sophie said to her mom.

"I wanted to first!" Lily said to her dad.

"Why don't you go dance with someone else?" Silver and Rarity told their girls.

Aric took this to his advantage and slipped away from the two girls.

I see you walking by
Your hair always hiding your face
I wonder why you've been hurting
I wish I had some way to say
You're going through so much
Don't you know that I could be the one to hold you

Agatha was currently sitting at her table, holding Lilac in her arms, while her mom and dad went to dance.

Agatha had watched Sophie and Lily fight over Aric, and laughed, "Those two are always fighting over boys."

Baby Lilac laughed also.

Agatha smiled at her baby sister, "I'm glad you're enjoying this too, Lilac."

Then something bugged Agatha, "I wonder if your name has to anything with the person dad keeps mentioning. Her name was Lilac too. I wonder if she was dad's girlfriend before mom was."

Lilac only giggled and blew bubbles.

Agatha smiled and continued to bounce Lilac.

Every single day I find it hard to say
I could be yours alone
You will see someday
That all along the way
I was yours to hold, I was yours to hold

Ace and Fluttershy danced together happily.

"I'm so proud of Rainbow and Sonic." Ace said, "Those two were meant for each other. Just like you and I." He said to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy smiled, "And look at what we got with our love for each other." She said looking at her two children dancing together.

"I'm proud for us too." Ace said giving his wife a kiss.

The two continued to dance.

I'm stretching, but you're just out of reach
You should know
I'm ready when you're ready for me
And I'm waiting for the right time
For the day I catch your eye
To let you know
That I'm yours to hold

Tails and Twilight danced together happily.

"This wedding was something isn't it?" Tails said.

"With all the things happening today, this day is amazing." Twilight said.

Then the two saw Jasmine walk up to them.

"Hey sweetie. What is it you need?" Twilight asked her daughter.

"Well... I just wanted to ask you... I wanted to ask..." Jasmine stuttered and blushed.

"Jasmine, you can tell us anything. We're your parents." Tails said.

"I just wanted help on how to ask... one of the boys to dance with me." Jasmine said blushing redder.

Twilight gasped, "Oh. I think Jasmine has a crush on one of the boys."

"I do not!" Jasmine half shouted, "I'm just bored and... I-I wanted to dance with someone."

"Who is it you wanted to dance with?" Tails asked.

Jasmine looked over at Spark, who was sitting at his table with his mother.

"You want to dance with Spark?" Tails asked, "Wasn't expecting that."

Twilight nudged him in the side, "Just be yourself sweetie, and go ask him."

"Are you sure?" Jasmine asked.

"It's how I ask your mother to our first dance together." Tails told his daughter.

"Ok. I'll do it." Jasmine said walking towards Spark and Lightning's table.

Tails and Twilight watched as Jasmine started to talk to Spark, then he got up and they went to dance together.

"Those two are cute together." Twilight said putting her head on her husband's chest.

Every single day I find it hard to say
I could be yours alone
You will see someday
That all along the way
I was yours to hold, I was yours to hold
Every single day I find it hard to say
I could be yours alone
You will see someday
That all along the way
I was yours to hold, I was yours to hold
I'm stretching, but you're just out of reach
I'm ready when you're ready for me
(Stop Playing Yours To Hold)

When the song ended, everyone went back to their seats.

As the rest of the wedding went on and evening approached, people started to leave, Sonic and Rainbow being the last.

When they got home, they went straight to bed, due to the need for a nap.

"I love you, Sonic." Rainbow said laying down.

"I love you too, Dash." Sonic said laying next to her.

Rainbow then frowned slightly, "Sonic."

"What is it?" Sonic asked.

"Once Swift is born, I don't think we should tell him/her about Mobius. Or any of the adventures we had over the past years." Rainbow said, "It could put him/her in danger. This includes if /he/she inherits your speed. We can't let them find out about their powers. Or what happened to us, could happen to them."

"You have a good point, Dash. I think we should also tell the others this." Sonic said, "The kids can't know about their powers, or ours."

"I'm just glad we're at peace now." Rainbow said, "We can live a happy, and normal life."

And with that decided, Rainbow and Sonic fell asleep.

(Unknown Locations)

Little did the heroes know, evil was still stirring up, and darkness was rising in many other places.

There was no such thing as peace. Especially for heroes. And even more for their kids.

Author's Note:

Darkmaster0224: AND THAT'S THE END OF THE M&EG TRILOGY! BUT, is this the last you'll see of the Mobians and the Equestria Girls? The heroes of the trilogy now have kids of their own. It's time for a new generation of heroes to rise, and face against evil. But the parents are vowing to keep the worlds of Mobius and Equestria, and their powers a secret from their kids. But how long can they keep it from them? Find out in the next amazing series: M&EG Next Generation. (Still in progress)
I will put in descriptions of the kids in the next story. Once chapter 1 is complete.

Because some of you wanted them to appear in the previous two parts, I plan to TRY and put in the Dazzlings/Sirens. I am not say I will, and I am not saying I wont.

Those Wedding Vows probably sound stupid, and that's probably because I have only been to weddings when I was younger. I also have no idea what the man behind the altar is supposed to be called.

See you all in the next great story! PEACEOUT! Darkmaster0224 signing off!

Next time: Mobians and Equestria Girls: The Next Generation

Comments ( 9 )

6768934 Already in the process of making the first chapter. However, adding the Dazzlings wont be easy

6769030 KO awesome chapters and can't wait for the next generations story. Bet it's gonna be so AWESOME. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::rainbowdetermined2:

7434920 oh. Can I recommend a new story based on the events of Halo 4? Well, if so, then I would make an audiobook out of it.

7448057 Halo 4 you say? Hmm... Maybe, but ive got my hands full right now. PM your idea to me and maybe ill consider it.

Damn just finished this will there be a 4th one or not? It was really good

7533275 what do you mean will? There already is. Fanfiction.net exclusive. Mobians and Equestrian Girls 4 The Next Generation. Not as good as the original trilogy. But better than #2

7533602 i didn't see when I was going through your stories I'll check again

7533602 i found it now

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