• Published 24th Oct 2015
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Mobians and Equestria Girls 3: Fate of the Dimensions - DarkMaster0224

Following the events of M&EG 2: A Dark threat from the Nightmare Dimension has come to threat the universe of the Mobians and Equestria Girls. Can our heroes unite against this enemy? Or will this be the end of their line?

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Chapter 6

Chapter 6
The First Portal
(Sonic and Rainbow Dash POV)

Sonic was running, carrying Rainbow Dash, to the location that Lightning said the first portal was.

"Sonic." Rainbow said.

"Yeah?" Sonic replied.

"There's something I've been wanting to ask you." Rainbow said.

"What is it?" Sonic asked.

"What do you think of Spitfire?" Rainbow asked.

"Spitfire?" Sonic said, "Well… She's a good girl. But she's definitely not my type. You are my type." He said as he and Rainbow nuzzled their noses and smiled.

"I love you, Sonic." Rainbow said.

"I love you too, Rainbow." Sonic said, "Now let's get to that portal."

Rainbow nodded.

Sonic and Rainbow then dashed off.

(Sweet Apple Acres)

The others were monitoring Sonic and Rainbow using Lightning's Spy Hawk.

"I hope they'll be ok." Applejack said.

"I'm sure they will be." Lightning said.

Then the heroes heard a yawn. They turned and saw Nightmare Moon wake up.

"I haven't had such a great nap since I was in the moon." She said stretching.

"Huh?" Silver asked.

"Nevermind. How are Sonic and Rainbow Dash?" Nightmare Moon asked.

"They are heading to the site now." Shadow said.

"Good. They need to get there as soon as possible." Nightmare Moon said, "I can feel Nightmare Lilac building up her energy for the eternal night."

"What happens when we close all the portals?" Silver asked.

"We will have to strike the heart of the attacks." Nightmare Moon said, "We'll have to strike at Nightmare Lilac."

"But we can still save her, right?" Ace asked, looking worried at his brother.

Nightmare Moon looked down, "I do not know."

(Sonic and Rainbow POV)

Sonic and Rainbow had stopped at the edge of the forest, and were walking through it, towards the portal site.

"Are you sure this is the right way?" Rainbow asked.

"If you want my honest answer, no I'm not sure. I'm just following my instincts." Sonic said pushing bushes and leaves out of the way.

Then the two heard several voices shouting orders.

They ran towards the source of the shouting and gasped.

In a large open clear area, thousands of people could be seen, including Nightmare Warriors. Except they had people from this world, enslaved and doing the work for them.

"How cruel." Sonic growled, his anger rising a little.

Rainbow saw this and placed her hand on Sonic's shoulder.

Sonic calmed down upon her touch.

They saw the slaves were carrying several metal beams and pillars. They were building a large sphere-like structure.

"That must be where the portal will be created." Rainbow said.

"We have to destroy it." Sonic said.

"But what about the enslaved people? We can't destroy it until they are out of harm's way." Rainbow said pointing at the people.

Sonic nodded, "You're right. But how do we free them? There are too many Nightmare Warriors for us to fight alone."

Rainbow smirked, "We start an uprising."

Sonic smiled, "I like the way you think."

The two then walked back into the forest to discuss their plan.

(15 Minutes Later)

The portal frame was nearly complete.

One of the enslaved people fell down and dropped her support beam.

"You there. Get up and keep working!" A Nightmare Warrior shouted at the girl.

The girl tried to get up, but her legs were too weak now, "I can't. My legs hurt too much."

The Nightmare Warrior's eyes glowed green, "Then suffer the consequences."

Then the girl's eyes glowed green too and she grabbed her head and screamed, "No! Make it stop!"

"Mika!" A boy shouted, glaring at the Nightmare Warrior. "You're hurting her. Please stop!"

"So what? She is weak. So she needs to be dealt with." The Nightmare Warrior said to the boy, "Now you get back to work."

But the boy just stayed there with the girl, "I will not let you continue doing this to her."

"Then you will suffer worse punishments." The Nightmare Warrior said drawing his sword and walking over to the two.

The boy just covered the girl.

However, something tripped the Nightmare Warrior, causing him to land on his face, "Gah!" He got up and looked around, "Who's there?"

Then someone tapped his shoulder. He turned and saw Sonic standing behind him.

"Me." Sonic said, then he punched the guy in the face.

When Sonic punched the Nightmare Warrior in the face, he landed on the ground and tried to get up.

"We could really use a strong guy like you, Sonic." Nightmare Warrior said hoping it will save him from a fight.

"How do you know my name" Sonic asked in concern of the Nightmare Warrior knowing.

"Our Queen supplied us with necessary data on our enemies." Nightmare Warrior said, "Nightmare Lilac has found an interest in you and you will go to her."

"What if I don't accept" Sonic asked.

"Then these two will pay the consequence" Nightmare Warrior said pointing at the boy and girl.

"What did you do to them" Sonic said.

"That's none of your concern." The Nightmare Warrior said slashing his sword at Sonic.

Sonic jumped back and then did a homing attack on the warrior, knocking him down, "If you're hurting innocent people, it is my concern."

The warrior got up and charged Sonic, tackling him down a hill. They both rolled down to the bottom of the pit.

Sonic kicked the warrior off and then did a spin dash into him.

"Gah!" The warrior yelled. Then he grabbed Sonic's spin dash and smashed him down into the ground, creating a small crater.

"Ow." Sonic groaned, "I could sure use some help now!"

"Coming right at you." A voice said.

The Nightmare Warrior looked up and received a shuriken to the face, "GAH!"

Chaos Ninja Rainbow landed next to Sonic, "C'mon Sonic. No laying down on the job."

Sonic got up and chuckled, "I didn't want to hog all the fun."

Sonic and Rainbow then split up and went on attacking the rest of the Nightmare Warriors.

When they finished the last of them, and freed all the citizens, they walked over to the first Portal of Night.

"Well let's destroy it." Rainbow said walking closer to it.

'Hmm… It can't be this easy. Those guards were too quick to finish.' Sonic thought. He thought a little more, then he gasped, "Rainbow stop! It's a trap!"

"What?" Rainbow asked.

Too late. Three Nightmare Warriors appeared in front of Rainbow.

Rainbow's eyes widened, "Uh oh."

The Warriors fired Nightmare Beams at Rainbow, knocking her over at Sonic, "AHH!"

"Rainbow!" Sonic shouted as he caught Rainbow.

Then Sonic saw the middle Nightmare Warrior was holding some kind of glass sphere, "That can't be good."

The warrior smashed the glass orb on the ground between the three warriors, causing a purple smoke to engulf them. They began to shout in pain and agony.

"Yeah, definitely not good." Rainbow said.

The Nightmare Warriors began to change morph into one creature. Their bodies began to bulk up, growing in size and strength. The armor cracked and shattered off the creature. The sword had grown in size, and sharpness. And the creature's eyes had become neon green.

"Uh oh." Sonic said as he and Rainbow looked at the giant creature standing before them.

The creature roared loudly and then looked at Rainbow and Sonic.

"Umm, Sonic." Rainbow began.

The Nightmare Titan drew its two swords and began to charge at the two.

"Yeah Rainbow?" Sonic asked.

"I think we should move." Rainbow said.

The Titan brought back its swords and went to swing.

"Good idea." Sonic said.

Sonic and Rainbow jumped opposite directions, just missing the blades.

Sonic saw a few strands of blue hair on the ground, "Hey, I didn't ask for a haircut."

The Titan swung its swords at Sonic.

Sonic leaned backwards, making the blade just miss his nose.

Rainbow saw the Titan's back and saw three purple crystals poking out of it, 'That has to be its weak points.' Rainbow jumped onto the Titan's back and began to pull at one of the crystals.

The Titan began to yell in pain as Rainbow pulled its crystal out of it.

Rainbow pulled the crystal out, a little black blood with it.

The Titan reached behind it and grabbed Rainbow off its back.

Rainbow was being held upside down, holding the crystal, "Ehehe. Hi there."

The Titan roared in her face, splatting her face with saliva.

"Uhg. Gross." Rainbow said wiping the spit off her face, "Fine, you want it back, you can have it back!" She then smashed the crystal across the Titan's face, shattering the crystal.

The Titan let Rainbow go and yelled in pain.

Rainbow landed on her feet and back flipped back to Sonic's side, "One down, two to go. You get the next one."

"Hehe, be back in a jiffy." Sonic said running towards the Titan. Rainbow ran towards the Titan too.

The Titan kept his attention focused on Rainbow, trying to slice her in half with its swords.

Sonic ran around behind the Titan and looked at the crystals, "Too easy." He jumped up and charged a homing attack, then smashed into the crystal, shattering it.

The Titan roared as the crystal fell apart.

"Get job Sonic!" Rainbow cheered.

Then the Titan swung its hand and smacked Rainbow with the back of his hand, sending her into a rock..

"Rainbow!" Sonic yelled.

But then the Titan grabbed Sonic by his waist and lifted him up. Then he brought him down into the ground, then raised him again and smashed him constantly.

Rainbow got up and saw Sonic being smashed into the ground. Her eyes widened, "Sonic!"

The Titan then smashed Sonic into the ground and left him there. It raised its fist and then brought it down upon Sonic, causing the ground to shake.

"NO!" Rainbow yelled.

Sonic lay unconscious in a small crater, bloody and bruised.

The Titan laughed and then looked at Rainbow, but she looked strange.

Rainbow was now breathing hard, her fist balled, and her body now a dark blue aura, "HOW DARE YOU HURT MY SONIC!"

(Play Breaking Benjamin - Blow Me Away)

The Titan growled at Rainbow and drew its sword.

Rainbow's hair went from bright rainbow colors, to dark blue and black.

The Titan charged at Rainbow with its sword raised.

Her eyes went from magenta, to blood red.

The Titan swung down with its sword upon Rainbow.

"Wrong move." Rainbow said in a dark voice. She grabbed the sword's blade and crushed it in her hand, shattering the blade.

The Titan's eyes widened in fear and it drew its other sword and swung it at Rainbow.

Rainbow only did the same thing to the sword before it, "You're through." Rainbow then disappeared.

The Titan looked around in fear.

Rainbow appeared behind the Titan and grabbed its last crystal, "This is for Sonic." She then ripped the crystal out of its back.

The Titan screamed in pain and began to spew purple smoke. It began to bubble all over its body.

Rainbow ran over to Sonic and covered him with her body.

The Titan roared one last time before exploding. The blast also leaked dark radiation.

Rainbow hissed as the radiation stung her back and ripped through her shirt.

When the blast calmed down, Rainbow looked up and saw the Portal of Night was still standing. She walked over to it and used her chaos and new dark abilities to create an energy barrier around it, that would prevent it from being used.

Then she walked over to Sonic's unconscious body and picked it him up.

(Stop Playing Breaking Benjamin - Blow Me Away)
(5 Minutes Later)
(Sweet Apple Acres)

The others were shocked at what had happened at the portal site.

Then the barn doors opened.

Dark Rainbow walked in carrying Sonic.

Then Rainbow returned back to normal and groaned in pain, "Gah!" Her knees buckled from under her and she fell down.

"Rainbow! Sonic!" Twilight said running over to the two. She looked at Sonic first, "Sonic's just been beaten a lot." Then she looked at Rainbow and saw her back, "Sweet Celestia! Rainbow's back has been exposed to deadly radiation! She needs immediate attention!"

"Wait, look!" Ace said pointing at Rainbow's back.

Everyone looked and gasped.

The wounds on Rainbow's back were healing themselves, all signs of radiation exposure had gone.

Rainbow groaned as she sat upward. She shook her head, "Uhg. What happened?" Then her eyes flashed open, "Sonic!"

Twilight put a hand on Rainbow, "Is fine. He's safe because of you."

"B-Because of me?" Rainbow said confused.

Lightning showed Rainbow the footage the Spy Hawk had recorded.

Rainbow's eyes widened when she saw Dark Rainbow Dash, "T-That was m-me?"

"Afraid so." Dark said, "It seems your bond with Sonic has also given you a dark side, just like him."

Rainbow shivered, "So I have an uncontrollable monster in me?" She began to tear up, but then she felt a hand rest on her shoulder. She looked up and saw Sonic smiling down upon her.

"You do not have a monster in you, Dash." Sonic said, "You have a pure and loyal heart in you."

Rainbow jumped up and gave Sonic a death hug, while crying into his chest.

"Shh. It's ok." Sonic soothed Rainbow.

While the heroes collected themselves, a dark figure with a pair of dark blue dragon dagger eyes, watched from the support beams in the top of the barn.

"Heh. Everything is going as planned." Nightmare Lilac said laughing evilly. Then she disappeared into the shadows.

Author's Note:

Darkmaster0224: Aaaand that's chapter 6! So, with the first portal sealed, the heroes have successfully prevented part of the eternal night over the human world, but it's not over yet. And what does Nightmare Lilac mean everything is going as planned? Find out soon. Until then, PEACEOUT! Darkmaster0224 signing off.

P.S. The image is just a recolor. I'm not the best of artists. I know the emotions isn't exactly right either.