• Published 24th Oct 2015
  • 1,799 Views, 28 Comments

Mobians and Equestria Girls 3: Fate of the Dimensions - DarkMaster0224

Following the events of M&EG 2: A Dark threat from the Nightmare Dimension has come to threat the universe of the Mobians and Equestria Girls. Can our heroes unite against this enemy? Or will this be the end of their line?

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Chapter 3

Chapter 3
Beach Party!
(Group POV)
(Canterlot High School Grounds)

The Mobians and Equestria Girls were each gathered at Canterlot High.

"It's great to be back finally." Sonic said.

"It's great to have you back." Rainbow said.

"Oh, we have so much to catch up on." Rarity said.

Suddenly the portal into Equestria began to ripple.

"Oh Tails. Someone's here for you." Silver chimed smiling.

Tails quickly turned to the portal and stared at it.

Then a girl walked through it. She had dark indigo, pink, and purple hair, she wore a light violet shirt with a dark blue shirt that had a pink star with white ones surrounding it on one spot, her eyes were purple, her skin was light purple also. She had on a dark indigo backpack also.

"Hi girls. I'm back for awhile." Twilight said smiling, but then she gasped when she saw Tails and the other Mobians. She rubbed her eyes, but they were still there, "H-How is this possible?"

"We found a portal in Mobius that brought us to here." Tails said walking up to Twilight, "It's great to see you again, Twi."

Suddenly Tails was given a tight bear hug by Twilight, "I thought I wouldn't ever get to see you again."

"Gack! Twilight… can't… breath." Tails said as his face began to turn blue.

Twilight gasped a little and let Tails go.

Tails gasped for air, "Holly crap. I knew you'd have missed me, but I didn't know you'd miss me that much."

Twilight giggled, "I'll always miss you, Miles."

Tails blushed.

So the heroes continued to talk about their many adventures between the last time they were together, and now.

However, they didn't notice a mysterious female figure watching them in the dark shadows of an alleyway, "We will take this world, and plunge it into the eternal night."

"Why can't we just take them now, my queen?" A male creature asked.

"Because they are strongest when they are all together. We will strike at night, when they are all asleep." The female said turning and walking into a shadows of the ally and disappearing into a shadowed wall, "I will not fail you like your previous queen did."

Dark had felt a small familiar presence, but then shrugged it off.

(1 Hour Later)
(Sugar Cube Corner)

The teens were all at Sugar Cube Corner, each having a smoothie.

"Wow. These are good, Pinkie." Sonic said drinking his vanilla shake.

"That's what everyone says." Pinkie said slurping her shake.

"So how are things in Mobius?" Dark asked.

"The usual. Eggman tries to take over the world, and we stop him." Sonic said.

"And how are things here?" Silver asked.

"Boring. Nothing exciting has happened." Rainbow groaned.

Sonic chuckled and wrapped his arm around Rainbow, "Well it should get a little better now that we're back."

"Hey, seeing as we're all here. Why don't we go do something fun together?" Silver suggested.

"OOOOH! PARTY!" Pinkie shouted.

"Or better yet, a beach party!" Rarity said.

"Yeah!"" Everyone agreed. Everyone except Sonic.

"You guys go ahead. I ain't going no where near a beach." Sonic said.

"Aw c'mon Sonic. Why not?" Rainbow said.

"Don't bother Rainbow. Sonic's too chicken to even step into the water." Shadow said smirking.

"What was that!?" Sonic said getting into Shadow's face.

"I said you're too chicken to even go in the water." Shadow responded, grinning.

Sonic growled, "I'll show you I'm not chicken."

Shadow turned away and then looked at Rainbow. He winked.

Rainbow smiled and mouthed, 'Thanks,'

(Canterlot Bay)
(Play Don Omar - Danza Kuduro ft. Lucenzo)

The teens got to the beach and they noticed no one was here.

"Sweet. We've got the entire beach to ourselves." Rainbow cheered as she grabbed some of the beach stuff.

"You guys go ahead and play along. Silver and I will unpack the beach stuff." Knuckles said picking up a beach table.

The other ran onto the beach.

All of them ran into the water, minus four.

Sonic had walked into the water and instantly began to shiver, "C-C-Cold."

Rarity, Dark, and Sunset all laid out towels on the beach and then laid down.

Sonic stood waist deep in the water, still shivering.

However, he didn't notice the bubbles coming up from behind him. Until Rainbow burst out of the water and tackled him down under water.

Sonic broke the surface, gasping for air.

He was followed by Rainbow, laughing her brains out.

"I'm gonna get you for that Rainbow!" Sonic said tackling Rainbow back down.

Shadow, Pinkie, Applejack, Twilight, Tails, and Fluttershy were passing the beach ball back and forth in the water.

However, Silver and Ace had noticed Dark, Rarity, and Sunset were still laying on the beach.

They both snickered and grabbed buckets. Silver filled two and carried them with his telekinesis, while Ace carried his one with his hands.

They quietly walked over to the three teens and stood over them.

'One.' Ace mouthed raising his bucket over Dark.

'Two.' Silver mouthed raising his buckets over Sunset and Rarity.

"THREE!" They both shouted together, dumping their buckets of cold water on the three.

"GAH!" Dark yelled.

The girls screamed in shock.

Dark looked at Ace and Silver, and his rage began to build.

"Run!" Ace said laughing.

"It was worth it!" Silver said following Ace.

"ACE! SILVER!" Dark yelled in pure rage.

"Aw. I was enjoying a good nap." Sunset whined.

And I was starting to get a nice tan." Rarity said.

The three teens glared at Silver and Ace.

"My turn." Dark said walking over into the water.

Ace and Silver were still laughing their brains out.

"Did you see the look of anger on Dark's face when he woke up?" Ace said, "I've never seen my brother so mad in my life."

"I know. And it was totally worth it." Silver laughed. Then something brushed against his leg, "Hey, was that you brushing against my leg?"

"No." Ace responded. Then something brushed against his legs, "What the hell?"

Then Silver's eyes widened in horror as he looked behind Ace, "A-Ace." He pointed behind Ace.

"What?" Ace said turning, then his eyes widened.

The two boys saw a dark blue shark fin swimming towards them.

"C-Chaos Javelin!" Ace said throwing a blue javelin at the shark, but the shark dodged the javelin.

"AHHH!" The two boys yelled swimming towards the shore.

When they got on the shore, they saw Sunset and Rarity laughing at them.

"What's so funny?" Silver asked.

"You two swimming for your lives." Sunset said smirking.

"Well what were you expecting? We were being chased by a shark!" Ace said pointing behind him.

"Wrong darling. You were being chased by Dark." Rarity said.

"What?" Silver said turning back towards the water.

The shark jumped out of the water and morphed into Dark, "You guys completely forgot about my Shadow Morph ability."

Ace's eyes widened, "Why you."

"Serves you right. Next time, you won't disturb us when we're laying down." Sunset said.

Ace and Silver growled, but then nodded, "Fine."

So they all went into the water for a few more hours, and then came out for lunch.

As they all continued to hangout at the beach, the sun began to set.

The teens all got out of the water and sat down on towels and admired the beautiful sunset.

I'm admiring a different Sunset. *Realizes I spoke outloud* Gah. Umm… ehehehe 0/0

When it became dark out, the teens each said their goodbyes and left for their homes, unaware of several strange shadows watching them.

(Canterlot City)

Through the night streets of Canterlot City, in an alley, a rip in the dimensional continuum was seen opening.

Out of it fell a female adult. She had dark blue skin, her hair looked like the midnight blue sky, she had black boots and gauntlets, and her eyes were cyan dragon daggers.

The human form of Nightmare Moon struggled to get up, "I must warn them." She began to walk, "They are coming."

But then she saw a group of several dark shadows split and run in different directions, "Oh no. I'm too late."

"Indeed you are." Nightmare Moon heard a female voice behind her say.

She turned and her eyes widened, "No." Then she was hit by a dark beam, causing her to black out.

Author's Note:

And that's chapter 3. So, the gang just had a fun day at the beach. But what of the dark shadows? Who are they? And what is Nightmare Moon doing here? Find out next chapter. Until then, Darkmaster0224 signing off. PEACEOUT!

P.S. I don't typically go to the beach much, due to the fact that I can't swim. So I don't know much about what goes on at the beach, other than what people have told me. So if the beach stuff sounds stupid, you know why.