• Published 17th Nov 2015
  • 4,862 Views, 35 Comments

Nation of Clowns - MaskedPony

upon Twilight Sparkle getting Clownified after visiting a circus. Equestria is soon going to become clownified after Twilight makes something that would change Equestria forever.

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A Clowny Day with a chance of Skittles

The next day started a great day for day for Twilight. When she went to had breakfast, Spike began to goof off with twilight. Since becoming a clown, Twilight and Spike had been having such a fun day yesterday. During their breakfast, and goofing off, they were telling jokes to one another, even laughing like crazy. After breakfast, Rarity came over and delivered some gems that Twilight had promised. Upon seeing Twilight, she asked her why she looks different, and, to cover it up, Twilight told her a lie, just to protect the Circus.

Shortly after breakfast, Twilight and Spike went and got their circus balls and began to clown around in a room Twilight created for this. Surprisingly, Owlicious, who was watching em clown around, was also having fun. Together, Spike and Twilight began juggling together tossing pins, and balls. Judging by their faces, they were having fun. Additonally, Twilight hasn't stepped one hoof in the library. While they juggled, Owlicious was tossing pies at them. At that point, Twilight looked at Spike. "Hey Spike, what do you call a magic owl?" Twilight asked giggling.



Hearing the punchline, Spike fell on the ground laughing, especially Twilight. To them the joke was really funny. While they were laughing, they heard somepony enter the castle. Letting out her laughter, Twilight got up and looked to see who it was. Walking to the hallway, she saw it somepony who she didn't expect to visit. It was the ringmaster, Sasha. Twilight walked to her and smiled. "Hello Sasha." Twilight greeted.

"Hello Twilight, how are you?"

"I'm clowntastic." Twilight replied with a giggle.

When she joined the circus, Twilight got along with Sasha really amazingly. Surprisingly, they got along really well. Especially during the performance where Twilight was doing a fantastic job entertaining. Not only that, Twilight learned that Sasha has a dream of living in a nation full of clowns.

Since the circus is still preparing for the next performance and it starts in several hours, Twilight, Spike, and Sasha decided to clown around. While clowning around, Sasha revealed at least 5-8 ponyvillians became clowns. This made Twilight giggle, ponies becoming clowns will make Equestria much a fun and happy place. However, Twilight had a plan. "Hey Sasha, am...I able to clownify my friends?" Twilight asked.

"You mean your five friends who helpped you save Equestria multiple times?"


"Sure....If I may suggestt, I would start with somepony that means alot to you."

Twilight then smiled and giggled. "Well, they will have to come to the circus first."


In Sugarcube corner, the mane 5 were hanging out. Unexpectedly, Discord was with them. Today was there usual hangout day. Unlike anyother day, this was the time of year they can hang out more often. Even for Fluttershy, since her critters are preparing for hibernation. However, Twilight wasn't with them.

While hanging out, they saw few ponies whom were looking like clowns coming in and getting snacks. Not knowingly, the mane 5 nor Discord didn't know why. One by one, clowns were coming in getting snack, even causing em to get suspicous. Unlike previous days, this one was getting suspicous. Even since when the circus opened up.

After the last one left, the mane 5 and Discord look at one another. To them, it was like something you don't see everyday, especially when its not Nighmare Night. They were filled with questions, like what was going on, or if they were dreaming. Applejack was even surprised. "What the hay is going on? Do any of yall feel a little freaked out over this?" Applejack asked.

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "No kidding Applejack. If I had a guess, I think Discord is up to something, aren't you Discord?"

Discord then picked Rainbow up. Since Rainbow started to befriend Discord, she had been getting a littlee suspicous here and there with his random chaotic abilities. Unkowingly to her shock, Discord couldn't have done it. Even though Discord caused several problems in the past, this one wasn't his doing. "Come now Rainbow, you think I would do this now would you? I mean, its pretty obvious this is....how do I put this so you can understand...." Discord said nervously.

Fluttershy looked at him with curiousity. "It...It's not good isn't it?"

Discord Sighed. "Yes, reason is, is that the magic I am sensing is not oridnary magic. Nor doesn't originate from Equestria."

Silence broke em all. Hearing that its not equestrian magic was one of the most surprising things ever. Not only that, it seems what ever is causing the ponies to become clowns must be magic related. While they were thinking, Rarity remembered something, when she went to Twilights to deliver Saphires for Spike that Twilight promised, she saw something different about Twilight. When she saw Twilight, she was all clown even looking like the other ponies and all giggly. "Come to think of it.....Twilight was dressed like a clown also when I went to deliver gems for Spike." Rarity pointed out. "If..... I had to guess, it must be something dealing with the circus that..."

At that moment, the girls saw somepony riding a circus ball outside. Examining closer, they were shocked to see who it was; It was Twilight, whom, surprisingly, looked different and, clownish. As they watched, they saw her heading to the circus, not only that, but, from what they saw, they saw some strange magic happen, causing an inanimated object to grow legs an litterly run away while somepony was chasing it like crazy. Witnessing this caused them to look at eachother shocked and speechless. Their friend, their alicorn friend, has now gone clown and possibly a circus member. Not only that, this was not like Twilight. She always goes in her library and reads books.

"Shall.....one of us go to the circus and see what is going on?" Rainbow asked curiously.

"Well, since you asked Dashie, how about you go check. You and Twilight are close friends after all."

Realizing she should of kept her mouth shut, Rainbow knew they were right. She is Twilights best and close friend. Feeling worried, Rainbow got up and looked at the circus tent. As she took a deep breath, Rainbow walked out of sugarcube corner and followed the path to the circus tent. Little did she know, something was going to happen.

Rainbow Dash's turn

The walk wasn't long for Rainbow Dash to reach the tent. Luckily, no pony was walking around, possibly since they were busy. Although Rainbow was waiting to go to the circus with her friends when it first opened, plans changed. Witnessing what she saw, she had a bad feeling something was up.

When Rainbow approched the tent, she noticed it was locked. Reminicsing that one time, she remembered when she recovered from her injury and was out of the hospital and wanted to finish the book, she was sneaky enough to sneak back in the hospital in order to finish the Daring Do Book. Using this, Rainbow waited till someone came out, and fastly, Rainbow snuck in.

While she walked through the circus tent, she began to search for her best friend. Unexpectedly, she slightly felt wrong for breaking into a circus. Not letting that bother her, she continued to search until she arrived somewhere. Right infront of her were houses, not oridnary ones. Looking at em, she found one that looked out of the oridnary. It was a lavender house with pink mixture. Straight away, she knew one thing, that was seemingly Twilights. As she was approching it, she heard something from behind her. "How did you get in here?" Sasha asked acting like she was surprised.

Rainbow jumped and looked behind her. Her eyes were gazing upon something Twilight sees in the other world; A Human. "W-wheres my friend Twilight?"

Dodging the question, Sasha smiled. "You must be Rainbow Dash, one of the heros of Equestria and a member of the Wonderjokers?"

"Hey! They are the Wonderbolts, where is my friend? I saw her come here. She is no clown."

Just at that moment, a pony appeared in front of Rainbow, right next to Sasha. Upon seeing this, Rainbow knew who it was. "Hello Dashie. I guess your having a "Dashing" day." Twilight joked making herself and Sasha laugh.

Rainbow couldn't help but look with shock and disbelieve. She wasn't dreaming, or hallucinating. This WAS Twilight. However she looked very different. "Oh no nononononono, this can't be true. This aint Twilight. Twilight is supposed to be an eggheaded princess of friendship, not a clown" Rainbow said scaredly.

Twilight onlyy could giggle like it was a joke. "My name is Twilight "Twinkle" Sprinkle now Dashie. My old life was SO boring, being an egghead and bookworm all the time was Sooooo boring and no fun. Being a clown is so much fun. I mean even being part of a all clown circus like this is fun." Twilight said with a grin. "Even, I want to make everypony a clown, because Clownquestria will be so much fun, happier and sillier if we are all clowns. Speaking of which, I want you to join Dashie."

Rainbow now couldn't believe what she heard. She now understood this is Twilight. Additionally, the strange magic must be circus magic and it must of done something to her. Rainbow was lost at words. Her best friend, HER Bestest friend, wants to clownify her. Now, she was nervous. "I-I am not a clown Twilight." Rainbow said trying to control her embarresment.

"Well, maybe this will change your mind." Twilight giggled as she singled sasha to use her magic. At that moment, Rainbow saw a clown nose on her nose. Within that moment, Rainbow felt weird. She then felt her mane growing long, she looked and saw what was happening. Something strange was happening. Not only that, but the bottom of her mane curled into a ball and became a bow. "W-What is happening?" Rainbow asked.

Neither Sasha or Twilight were paying attention. Next, a neckless appeared around Rainbows Neck which had two comedy masks on it. While some things where happening, Rainbow felt light headed and saw something horrifying. Glimpsing at it, she was in a feild and saw Sunflowers with happy looks who started singing.

Covering her ears didn't work but while they sang, Rainbow released a giggle. On and on the song went on and Rainbow went through more changes. First she was struck by a Rainbow which then converted into a Rainbow clown dress on her. Next, the lightheadedness was really going at her that it made it increasingly foal like, causing her to have a filly mind. Trying to communicate, all that could come out of her mouth were giggles. Just then, she felt paint on her making rainbow circles. Then came the circus shoes, following her eyelashes becoming pointier, while her eyes became pink. Finally, her cutie mark changed.

With it complete, Sasha approched Rainbow Dash with a smile. "You okay, Skittle Giggle?" Sasha asked?

Rainbow, now Skittle Giggle, looked at Sasha and Twilight and giggled. "I feel Clowntastic, like I can clown around all day. I'm sorry for doubting you my Clowny Best Friend Forever." Skittle said smiling.

With that, Sasha smiled and walked away. Twilight then gave Skittle a tour. Through out the tour, Twilight and Skittle began to laugh and have a fun time. Upon the tour ending and walking towards Twilights clown house, which now was made into a house Twilight and Skittle will share as CBFFs, Jullie, the ballerina clown walked up to em. "Sorry to bother you Twilight Sprinkle, and new clown....but do you know where I can get some new clown themed clothing for my wardrobe based off what type of clown I am?"

Skittle looked at her and smiled. "Well, me and Twilight Sprinkle know somepony who may help you." Skittle replied. "Right Twilight?"

"Oh yes. And I believe she may be next to be clowned."

Author's Note:

Well, Rainbow got clowned. I guess you have to wait to see whos next in the next chapter

The "Hoo-dini" joke is a reference to VanossGaming

If there are errors, plz tell me.

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