• Published 17th Nov 2015
  • 4,862 Views, 35 Comments

Nation of Clowns - MaskedPony

upon Twilight Sparkle getting Clownified after visiting a circus. Equestria is soon going to become clownified after Twilight makes something that would change Equestria forever.

  • ...

A Clownified Apple

Author's Note:

Well here is the chapter at last. Sorry it took so long, had writers block.

Anyways, hope you enjoy,

It's now Monday and Ponyville was becoming real crazy. Over the course of the week the Circus was seemingly becoming quite a popular place. Surprisingly, some of those who attend came out as clowns. Ever since Twilight became a clown, most of Twilights friends became Clownified.

At the farm of Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack was waiting for her friend, Coloratura, to come and visit. Ever since Svengallop was fired as Coloratura manager, and had his right to be a manager revoked, Coloratura took a hiatus from her career to hang with her friend. When Applejack found out, she was happy.

As Applejack was sitting on the couch, Big Mac walked up to her, looking worried. "Applejack? What is going on in Ponyville? Does....it seem different then normal?" Big Mac asked curiously.

Applejack then looked at Big Mac. "Ya mean the Clown trend, right?"

"E...Eyup. What is going on?"

Applejack then sighed and looked at Big Mac. "Ah....Ah don't know. But, don't let it bother ya. Unless it gets out of hoof, then it's an issue."

Right at that moment, Applejack heard a knock on the door. Being the big Brother, Big Mac gladly opened the door for Coloratura. Coloratura then was greeted in and walked to Applejack. After greeting one another, they went to the kitchen and Applejack bought out two mugs of cider. Bringing em to the table, Applejack sat down and smiled. "How was ya trip Rara?" Applejack asked.

"It was amazing Applejack, I haven't felt this free before. I...am glad that Svengallop had his Managers right taken away for abusing my fame. Although.....Ponyville seems a little sillier." Coloratura giggled.

"Yeah, ah...kinda noticed."

"Speaking of which, have you heard of the Clown Circus. I found this flyer."

Coloratura then bought a flyer and showed Applejack. As Applejack read she was shocked, but amaze at what she read. From all the things she heard of, a all Clown Circus was one of the strangest, but strangely a entertaining idea of a circus ever. "Ah heard of this before. We suggested this to Twilight when she was all bored and stuff.. But....come to think of it, she somehow....changed when she returned from the circus."

Coloratura took a sip of her cider and looked at Applejack curiously. Unkowingly to her, she wasn't aware of what was going on. "I'm....confused."

"Well, when we saw Twilight, she was riding a big pink circus ball through town, and....looked like a clown. Ah saw her mane color and look has changed, her tail, and she started to wear a clownish dress and clown nose Even some of our friends joined in this trend. Ah....honestly have no clue what is going on."

Needing to explain, Applejack began to explain what she is talking about. As Coloratura listened, she could hear the Applejack is nervous about the whole thing. First and forremost, Applejack mentioned the way Twilight changed, like, something happen to her. Next, Applejack explained that the trend was going around Ponyville. As Applejack went on and on, Coloratura smiled, and walked to Applejack and put a hoof on her. "Relax Applejack, your stressing yourself over this. Besides, it's not like it is magic." Coloratura assured.

"H..how can you be so sure?"

"Applejack, let's pretend and say it is magic and....let's say it changed your friends personality, and clowned them. For example, think like if I got clowned, do you think I will still be your friend?"

Applejack thinked long and hard. While she began to think, she visualized it. In her mind, she thinked she was overreacting. Looking at Coloratura, Applejack then visualized if she was part of the trend. "I...guess I will still be your friend if that happened." Applejack responded.

Coloratura smiled and hugged Applejack. "See? Your just overreacting. If I ever got clowned, I would never reject you if you didn't join in. Even if I did got effected by whatever is causing it and my personality changes, I will still be self aware."

As they finished their cider, Applejack took the dishes and put them in the sink. Upon finish cleaning them, Applejack then decided to go and walk around Ponyville with Coloratura. Putting her hat on, they then began to walk to the door and went outside. Heading to the path to Ponyville, Applejack then saw Big Mac. "Will you make sure Applebloom does her homework Big Mac?"


"Good, but keep an eye on her."

Musical Rodeo

Walking through Ponyville felt different for Applejack as any other day she's been in town. Usually on days like this, the town is usually busy; Ponies working, hanging out, even Lyra and Bon Bon sitting on the bench, but, ever since the now seemingly popular circus came to Ponyville, the town has been getting extreamly different with the clown trend happening, even since towns folks were laughing before they got clowned. Although Applejack was going write to the princesses about having an investigation be put in effect due to the strange trend and personality changing, but what Coloratura said was catching her off guard. Even since Spike has been clowned too, she couldn't send the letter.

As she walked through the town, she saw ponies juggling, riding circus balls, and ponies laughing. While walking, she saw Bon Bon making Lyra laugh. While looking at it, she saw Bon Bon put a clown nose on her; While watching, she saw a lot of changes happen to Lyra. When it finished, Lyra began to acting goofy, even going through a whole transformation. This led Applejack to cringe and shiver. Rara also noticed, and wrapped a hoof around her. "Relax Applejack. Just calm down." Coloratura said.

"How can I when all mah friends have been...?"

Right when she was going to finish her setence, she saw her clownified friends began to come over riding on circus balls. To Applejack, she even noticed Pinkie was also riding on one and Clownified. While they were riding, they kept bumping into eachother while approching Applejack and Coloratura. Seeing the silliness made Coloratura giggle, along with Applejack, whom was trying to hide her fear.

When they approched, they sorround them and began to lay on their Circus balls, completely trapping em in the middle. "Hi there Applejackie. Having a fun walk in Clownyville?" Twilight asked with a giggle as she honked her clown nose.

"This is Ponyville Twilight! W-why are you doing this, this ain't like you!"

At this point Twilight leaned on her ball going straight to Applejacks face and honked her nose much to Applejacks annoyance. "Silly Applejackie, my old life was dull and boring, you should no better. No one liked the egghead me, when you and the girls told me about the circus, it made me realize who I truly wanted to. Besides, the girls love being clowns, even Pinkie Pie."

At this point, Applejack was panicking. Coloratura noticed and patted her on the back before speaking. "Applejack, she is still your friend. Like I said, even though they changed, they still remember their old lifes and friendships."

Hearing this made Twilight smile. While Coloratura was calming her friend down, Twilight began to imagine Applejack as a clown. A Rodeo styled clown. She visualized Applejack walking on her circus ball preforming rodeo tricks, and having fun. Seeing this made Twilight giggle. After seeing Applejack calm down, she saw Coloratura step forward. "Twilight....can you clown me? I...want to show Applejack there is nothing to worry about." Coloratura said.

When hearing this, Applejack was stunned, "R-Rara...y-y-you can't be serious? A-are you?"

Coloratura nodded. "I am, it's so I can show you there is nothing to worry about."

Twilight began to think for a few minutes. While she was going to clown Applejack, Coloratura was asking if she can be clowned first. As she looked at Applejack, she can tell she was nervous. For two minutes she began to think of her decision. After a while, she looked at Coloratura and smiled. "Sure. But only if Applejackie becomes a clown too."

Upon hearing this made Applejack start to feel like she was going to pass out. Hearing something like this sounded like total blackmail, even since it seems to be against ones own will, which, from what she saw, the transformations were seemingly looking like they were showing signs that it's unwilling. While trying to remain calm, she saw Rara to go through the transformation. She saw her holding her head, and such. Even, her mane and tail began to turn into Clownish colors. However, to Twilights surprise, she was telling Rara the process.

Three minutes have flown, and suddenly, Rara was no longer herself. Her eyes were now the pink color like every pony else, and her outfit was a Clowny version of her Countress Coloratura outfit. Applejack even was frozen, seeing this. She was broken out by the sounds of Rara giggles. She approached Applejack with a goofy grin. "Ready to join Applejackie? Come on, don't you want to make Clowny Rary happy?" Rara, now under the name of Clowny Rary asked.

While Applejack was trying to think of bolting and alerting the princesses, she began to think that the Princesses might of joined the "fun" already. However, she noticed that her now "Clowny" friends will not let her escape. Applejack was starting to feel panic and was thinking of escaping, but, she couldn't because she was trapped. Knowing that she wouldn't be able to escape, Applejack knew that she had to do one thing she will regret, surrender. Sighing, Applejack looked at Twilight. "You....win. Clown me... I will be a clown, just to make my friends happy." Applejack said as she saw a smile form on their faces.

Soon, a clown nose is put on Applejacks nose, with a smile seen on Twilights face. At this point, Applejack began to feel lightheaded. While the lightheadedness began to happen, Applejack began to see and hear cheers, calling her by a certain name, "Rodeo Jumper". While trying to remain calm, Twilight place a mirror in front of her, and in the allusion itself, Applejack saw the mirror. First, she began to see a rainbow bow appear on her body and a poke-dotted bow appear on her tail, as if, it was magically doing so. While Applejack was trying to remain calm and collected, Clownish and silly thoughts began to go through her head, while witnessing clownish rodeo boots appeared on her for hooves.

Next, was shocking, her mane began to change color and began to mix with pink and light blue streaks. The last body appearance was a skirt that was green with Pink Hearts, Red Apples, and Blue diamonds on it, with Brown fur on the bottom. Finally, her eyes began to change as well as her cutie mark. As her eyes began to change to total pink. As the transformation began to complete itself, Applejack began to notice the allusion fade, and see Twilight and co grinning. "Ready to have clowntastic fun Rodeo Jumper?" Twilight asked giggling calling Applejack by her clown name.

Applejack, now Rodeo Jumper looked at them and began to giggle. "Aha ready for Clowntastic fun as a silly filly." Applejack said, hopping on her clown ball that was created.

Seeing that now all her friends are now clowns, Twilight began to ride her clown ball around town. With the mane 6 now clowned, the mane 6 were no more, now, they were known as the Clowny 6. Riding around town, Twilight then decided it was time to combine her friends houses with her clownish palace. All that remain, was her student.

Comments ( 8 )

Is that student Starlight or Sunset?

7428320 Well, I hate to spoil it, but since I owe my readers, It is going to be Starlight.

nice when my oc going to in

When's the next chapter coming?

Enough clowning around! Time to get serious!

(I came here only to make that joke)

does it have to be permanent? I did say that I was going to make a trilogy extension of this series and it involves curing ponies of the clownifacation. is that impossible then? :raritydespair:


Well, that would be interesting.

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