• Published 17th Nov 2015
  • 4,862 Views, 35 Comments

Nation of Clowns - MaskedPony

upon Twilight Sparkle getting Clownified after visiting a circus. Equestria is soon going to become clownified after Twilight makes something that would change Equestria forever.

  • ...

from Shy to humerous

The next day, Ponyville was becoming more wackier. The population of ponies becoming clowns through out the town was fastly growing like a wildfire. Unexpectedly, to the towns shock, Celestia and Luna visited the circus. When they visited, the unexpected happen, when they came out, they were clowns who renamed themselves Sunny Shines and Giggle Moon. Although they visited the circus, they decided to remain in town. Unexpectedly, to Discords surprise, he found this new "clown age" thing quite fun and enjoying.

To Applejack, she found this shocking. Surely she would go up to the ringmaster and complain about the whole thing, but, it became a change of plans when Celestia and Luna got clowned. When that happen Applejack had a odd feeling something was going on. More over, she knew that ponies who were afraid of clowns wouldn't like this.

While hanging out with Fluttershy, they were having lunch together. Amongst the whole clown trend, they were quite surprise when they passed by what was formally Carosuel Boutique, but now Circus Boutique on their way to lunch. Although, Applejack found it weird Rarity's Boutique became Clownified.

While eatting, Fluttershy was looking at some clowns goofing around, everytime they did something funny, Fluttershy laughed. Even Applejack let out some laughs, but saw Fluttershy laughing alot. "Do.....you like clowns sugarcube?" Applejack questioned.

Letting out her laughter, Fluttershy looked at Applejack. "I do Applejack. I love clowns ever since I was a filly when mom took me to circuses."

"Is....Rainbow Dash into clowns?"

"She enjoys seeing clowns do funny things, which is why she developed a pranking hobby,"

While the two chatted, they saw Twilight and Skittle clowning around. Learning that Twilight and Rainbow got clowned was quite a shock for em, even since Discord confirmed it was no oridnary magic, but a magic he began to name Clownification. In time they got used to the new Twilight and Rainbow. When Twilight and Skittle hang out with their friends, they usually make them all laugh, surprisingly, even Rarity, now Glimmer Joy causes laughter. Not only that, but Starlight Glimmer, who now is friends with Twilight and her friends after the time travel incident, accepted the new Twilight.

At that moment, Starlight flew down and landed by the table where Fluttershy and Applejack are. "Hi Applejack, hi Fluttershy. How's your day?" Starlight greeted with a friendly smile.

Fluttershy smiled at her friend. "We're doing great. Um, are you...okay with the clown trend going on?"

Hearing this made Starlight giggle. "I am okay with it. I mean, dealing with Twilight Sprinkle is...kinda strange, but its kinda silly. She explained what the spell does. What it is it's basicallly a type of magic Sasha has due to her clown nose. It makes you go through transformation, changes, even say or do something unexpectedly, like giggle, and it does something to your mind to clownify the pony. But, to make Twilight happy and make my friendship with her grow, I promised to be clownified sometime."

When hearing what the spell does, Fluttershy and Applejack were surprised. To them, it was like a altered version of Discords Disharmony spell, but more silly. in Applejacks opinion, this spell seemed to be awful and she didn't like it. Fluttershy however didn't mind, she felt like it was making ponies more happier. Circumstantially, the majority of ponies who were clowned seemd very happier then usual. At that moment, Fluttershy looked at Starlight. "So, what is Twilight up to? I mean, we saw her with Rainbow." Fluttershy asked nicely.

"Well, Rainbow now goes by the name Skittle Giggle now. But, Twilight will be coming to your house later today, she...wants to talk to you about, well, being a clown. I-I hope you dont mind."

Hearing that made Fluttershy chuckled and smiled. "Well I don't mind, but....she needs to remember that I am shy and...well, have to talk me into agreeing. I...kinda dont want to be...well you know..."

At that moment, Starlight walked over to Fluttershy and put a hoof on you. "She remembers about that, so she willl work things out with you. Don't worry. Anyway, I am going to go help Glimmer Joy."

With that, Starlight went her way. After she left, Fluttershy then bidded bye to Applejack. While Fluttershy walked home , she began to think of what it be like to be a clown. However, her stage fright was in the way. But, Fluttershy was sure going to be in for a surprise. And she was going to know what a clown is like.

Fluttershys decision

The day proceeded on, and Twilight was walking through town. While she was walking, she saw that the ponies who became clowns having fun and being goofy. Among it all, some buildings became clown themed. Amoungs them all, Celestia and Luna were playing around also. From looking at everything, she ended up giggling and honking her nose. Almost everything in ponyville became circusy and clownish.

As Twilight continued to walk on the path to Fluttershy's cottage, she saw Skittle riding her circus ball in what seemed to be the ballerina clown look. Although Skittle always wore her regular outfit as casual wear, the ballerina clown outfit was one of her favorites. Surprisingly, Glimmer Joy even made her the outfit. Amazingly, Skittle did some tricks on her ball as she was riding it around making Twilight giggle as she saw her moving towards her Cloud house, which somehow turned into a clownish cloud house.

Just at that moment, Twilight approched Fluttershys cottage. Taking a deep breath, Twilight knocked on Fluttershys door. As she saw the door, open, she saw Fluttershy standing there, when she saw Twilight, she started giggling like a filly at a party. "Hi Twilight Sprinkle, you came to hang out?" Fluttershy giggled.

"Yes, and to talk about...you know."

"Well, come on in my Clowny friend."

Both Twilight and Fluttershy then walked into Fluttershys cottage. Ever since the circus has opened up and ponies were becoming clowns, Fluttershy was giggling a lot when she saw the town folks acting silly. Even Discord somehow was having fun with this clown trend. Since this was all happening Fluttershy was even planning on going to the circus. Just as they sat dowwn, Twilight Sprinkle looked at Fluttershy. "Fluttershy, I....want to ask you something. You know that like, me and...other ponies Clownification was a force transformation, right?" Twilight asked

"Oh...my....That's...kinda wrong."

"Well, I wanna ask you something. Since.....you do not like to have anything done by...force, d....do you want to be Clownified by me?"

Fluttershy then stared at Twilight Sprinkle and raised an eyebrow. "Can you be more specific?"

Twilight then explained to her about the transformation in detail. While she explained, she went into full detail about the effects, such as changes to physical appearence, the mind alteration part, aand everything else. As Fluttershy listen, it seemed that ponies were clowned by the said magic Twilight mentioned. Cloncluding everything, Fluttershy began to think really hard. Twilight waited as Fluttershy was thinking. Moments later, Fluttershy looked at Twilight. "W...Will it hurt me?" Fluttershy asked nervously only to hear Twilight giggle.

"Of course not silly, its painless, you will only feel lightheaded while the transformation happens. Don't worry its painless."

"....Okay, I....decide, Twilight Sprinkle.....can you....make me a clown?"

Nodding, Twilight then used her magic and a clown nose on Fluttershys nose. Willingly, Twilight decided to help Fluttershy remain calm and at peace whle the transformation happens. First, Fluttershy began to feel light headed, as if she didn't eat. To her, it felt really weird. "Ugh...my head." Fluttershy groaned.

"It's part of the process, Shy. Just keep thinking of happy and silly thoughts. I will warn you when the next thing occurs. Oh, fair warning, you...may have a minor hallucination and...say something unexpected that you dont usually say."

While the Lightheadedness continued, Fluttershy then saw she was outside, and saw cages by her house. Among it all, were animals, running around wildly, seemingly out of control. Even a bear was running around. Seeing this, Fluttershy felt like that they must of escaped. Unkowingly to her, she looked them. She was using the stare. "Get back in your cages, all of you." Shy said only to realize what she said. "D-did I just..."

"Relax shy, thats part of the effects. I think the part with laughter and circus music is coming up, along with an outfit appearing. Just talk to me if it gets annoying."

Right on cue, Fluttershy saw herself infront of a crowd of Ponies. Around her, were her animal critters, who were dressed as clowns and juggling, Among em all, Angel was dressed like a magician clown performing tricks. All around her, laughter and circus music was heard. Just then, Fluttershy felt weird, like something was forming on her. A dress, of three different colors and that looked very nature clown like started to form. Next, around her neck, was like a leave like colar forming, following a pair of butterfly wings appearing on her. "Fillies and Gentlecollts, next up is are nature clown with her animal friends, Nature Humor." A pony announcer said.

"W...who's ready to laugh at my funny animals." Fluttershy said as she realized what she said.

"Relax shy, like I said, its part of the process." Twilight reminded as she looked at Fluttershy. "Alright, now.....it's almost done. Take deep breaths shy, your mind is going to alter. it wont hurt."

Listening, Fluttershy did what she was told as the mind altering kicked in. The laughter was going on alot now along with the music. Even, Fluttershy saw she was preforming. Finally, Fluttershys eyes turned pink. Just then, Fluttershy then looked at the crowd and began giggling as she began juggling the objects that her animals tossed at her, even leading to be juggled by her critters.

After a while, Fluttershy then saw she was back in her Cottage, and saw Twilight in front of her smiling. The lightheadedness was gone, and Fluttershy was now giggling. Even, Fluttershy saw circus equipment and her house was now different. "Now then, you ready to have some clowntastic fun, Nature Humor?" Twilight asked as she honked her nose.

Fluttershy, now Nature Humor giggled and looked at Twilight. "I was born ready."

After that, Twilight and Nature began to hang out and chat for a while. After a while, Twilight bidded Nature goodbye and went her way. As Nature began to relax, she began to think of everything goof she can do now. while relaxing, Discord then appeared. As usual, he is going to hang out with his friend. However, he then saw Nature. It was then he realized, that Fluttershy was now part of the trend. At that moment, he then laughed and put on a goofy outfit. "Oh ho, this is going to be fun."

Author's Note:

Well, here is the next chapter. I hope you enjoy the fic so far. Next up, the farm pony.

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