• Published 7th Jun 2012
  • 737 Views, 7 Comments

Epic Quest - dorianator

When a colt finds himself with no trace of identity, he meets a few friends and becomes a hero.

  • ...

Something About Statues

"So, now that we've had breakfast, what's the plan?" I asked. "Well, Spike has errands to run for me, and I already organized the library..." Twilight responded.

"Hmm... Oh! You could take me to see those friends of yours!" I suggested.

Twilight thought for a moment, tapping her chin again. "What, is it a bad idea?"

"No, no, I was just trying to remember if any of them had plans today..." Twilight reassured, continuing to think.

"Well, why don't we just go walk around town for a bit?" I suggested. "It would give me a chance to know this place better AND we might just run into one of your friends!"

"That's... actually not a bad idea!" Twilight beamed.

"Good, because I'm ready to start the day."

Twilight got all ready as I waited impatiently at the door. After a few minutes of pacing in front of the door, Twilight's voice came down from her room. "Okay, I'm already!" Soon, the purple unicorn trotted down the stairs from the second level.

"Hey Twilight?" I asked. "Where did you get that cool saddlebag? It matches your Cutie Mark."

"Oh, this? Rarity made it for me! She's quite the generous pony." Twilight responded proudly.

"One of your friends, I presume?"

"Well, yes, actually. She runs Carousel Boutique if you want to visit."

"Great! Let's go! I want to get one of those saddlebags myself."

I opened the door and we headed out into the town. "See how one thing can lead to another?" I said on the way out.


"So, which way to Carousel Boutique?" I asked as we trotted along the pathways of Ponyville.

"It's just that way a little further." Twilight responded. "Speaking of Cutie Marks, what does your Cutie Mark represent?"

Hearing this, I made an abrupt stop. I hadn't really thought about that, let alone seen what it looks like. "Well, to tell the truth, I haven't even got a good chance to look at it yet." I explained. Twilight seemed shocked.

"You mean to tell me that you don't know what your Cutie Mark is? Do you even remember GETTING it?!"

"Actually, I don't remember much of anything before you found me in that field." I continued.

"If that's some sort of pickup line, it's not working."

"No I'm being honest! I can't remember anything!"

"Your parents?"


"Brothers or sisters?"




"You can't remember anything at all?" Twilight exclaimed.

"No, not really." "Hmm. That sounds like some serious amnesia..."

"Well do you think we could sort this out later?" I asked. "I need to get a good look at this Cutie Mark of mine."

I trotted over to a nearby fountain with a chiseled sculpture of a happy-looking pony on it and took a seat on the edge. I stretched my head around my body until I could see my Cutie Mark. "Well," I said, massaging my now sore neck, "It looks like a shooting star thingie."

"Top notch observation!" Twilight replied, sarcastically. "Now let's get going." "Alright, alright"

As I got up off the edge of the fountain, I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, as if a cool breeze swept by. The problem was, it was a warm windless morning, which made my suspicion rise even further. I quickly whirled around, hoping to find that somepony was just following me, but I got what I hoped I didn't. Instead I found that the statue on the fountain lost it's wide smile, and in place of it was a cold stare, directed toward me.


"So you're telling me that statue moved while you weren't looking?"

Twilight looked at me as if I was crazy or something, but I could've sworn I saw it happen! "Yes, Twilight! Before I went to look at my Cutie Mark, the statue was like this," I insisted, mimicking the statue's smile in a rather melodramatic way, "and when I looked up again, it was staring at me! I swear!"

"Or maybe you're so excited that you mistook it for a smile the first time?" Twilight suggested.

"I sure hope so." I continued. "There's just something about statues that creeps me out sometimes..."

"Well, we're here." Twilight announced. "I sure hope Rarity's mannequins don't scare you too much."

"Haha, very funny."

A small bell rang as we entered the fancy shop. Everything was so lavishly decorated that I felt rich just standing there. There were several mannequins set up displaying the latest fashions. They all seemed to be tilting their heads up, as if strutting and showing off there new dresses and fancy suits. As I checked out the interior, trotting alongside my guide, we came to a staircase, leading to a second floor if I had to guess.

"Wait, Twilight," I hesitated at the foot of the stairs, "are you sure we're allowed up there?"

"Of course," Twilight reassured, "I know Rarity personally, remember? We're the best of friends!"

"If you say so..."

We climbed the steps and came to the second floor. It was an absolute mess! Cloth was strewn everywhere, crumpled up balls of paper littered the floor, and everything was completely disorganized. I looked past all the chaos and mess to see an ivory colored unicorn with a purple mane zipping from a drawing board to a mannequin dressed up in some sort of work-in-progress dress. She seemed fully immersed in her own world and strongly reminded of a marshmallow.

"Um, Rarity?" Twilight spoke up. Suddenly the unicorn looked up from her work and turned around. A smile formed on her face as she recognized her friend.

"Twilight, darling!" she said with delight. "How nice of you to visit! How have you been?"

"Just fine, Rarity. I see you've been busy?" Twilight asked, looking past Rarity and at the mess currently concealing the floor.

"Oh, it's just a little project I'm working on." Rarity replied. "Business has been a bit slow lately, but enough about me. Is this your friend?"

"Yep. He finally woke up and he wanted to get to know Ponyville, so I'm showing him around town."

"Come on, Twilight," I complained,"You're making me sound like a little colt!"

Twilight only rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Anyway," Twilight continued, "Rarity, this is Nathan, Nathan, this is Rarity."

"Pleased to meet you!" I smiled, offering her a hoofshake.

"Oh, the pleasure is all mine, dear. I've just been dying to meet you!" Rarity beamed. "So, what brings you to my little shop today?"

"Well, before Twilight and I left, her saddlebag caught my eye." As I continued to explain, I noticed Rarity pacing around me, as if she was scanning me. "I asked where I could get one and here we are!"

"Say no more!" Rarity exclaimed. "I'll get right on it! I have the design thought up already!"

"You mean for my saddlebag?"

"Why of course, what else?"

"Oh, it's just that I didn't expect for inspiration to come to so suddenly."

"Well, then you underestimate me, for I AM RARITY!" she exclaimed quite proudly.

With that, she grabbed some cloth, thread, and trotted over to her sewing machine. She threw down a few sheets of cloth and got right to work. "So, Nathan, tell me about yourself." Rarity suggested.

"Oh, well, I don't know much about myself. I woke up in a field-"

"Where Twilight found you?" Rarity interrupted.

"Um, yeah. Did Twilight tell you??"

"Yes, yes. It almost sounds like the beginning to a sweet love story."

Twilight blushed a little at hearing this. "What?" I protested. "I barely know Twilight!"

This only made Twilight blush harder.

"Oh, I apologize. I seem to have hit a touchy subject..." Rarity said, looking for something else to talk about. "So, have you met anypony else?"

"Actually, you're the first I've met other than Twilight, and you seem very nice! I look forward to meeting the others."

"Why thank you, darling! You're such a gentlecolt." Rarity said gratefully. After a few moments of the sewing machine's clicking, Rarity broke the silence. "Alright then! All done!" she announced.

"Already?!" I asked in shock.

"Why, of course! Saddlebags are such a quick job, I always have them finished in the blink of an eye!" Rarity beamed. "Well, what are you waiting for? Try it on."

Using her magic, she levitated the brand-new customized saddlebag in toward me. It was made of a cool, hardy-looking brown leather, and the darker brown in the stitching really matched. But the real icing on the cake were the blue, laser-cut gemstones adorning the leather straps on both sides. The were shaped like stars, which matched my Cutie Mark, like Twilight's bag did, and it was a perfect fit.

"Wow, Rarity! I don't know what to say!" I said, overjoyed. "You did a really nice job!"

"Oh, it's was nothing." Rarity smiled modestly.

"Alrighty then! So how much do I owe you?" I asked.

"Where did you get money?!" Twilight spoke up.

"Well," I admitted sheepishly, "I don't exactly have any money at the moment, but is it okay if I pay you back as soon as I can?" This earned a somewhat disapproving look from Twilight.

"Oh, that won't be necessary." Rarity told us.

"What?!" I exclaimed. "But, the craftsmanship!"

"Like I said, piece of cake."

"And the gemstones?"

"I have tons of them." she said like she found gemstones in the middle of street. She opened three chests toward the back of the room, all filled to the brim with sparkling gems. "And that's just the tip of the iceberg."

"Wow, thanks so much Rarity!" I thanked her. "I guess I owe you one!"

"Oh, think nothing of it. I'd do anything for a good friend, and a friend of Twilight's is a friend of mine!"

"Well," Twilight popped in again, "we'd better get going if we're gonna do anything else today."

"Oh, that's quite alright," Rarity replied, "I must get back to my work. I have a feeling it's going to be my best yet! See you two later!"

As Rarity waved us goodbye, we headed downstairs. "Bye, Rarity!" I yelled as we headed toward the door. On our way out, I decided to take another glance at the shop before we left. I wanted to remember this place. But I soon regretted that. Because when I looked back, the sight made my blood run cold.

All the mannequin's heads were turned to look at me.

Well, there's a bit of a twist at the end, huh? What could this threat be? Is it really a force of evil, or is Nathan already losing his head?

Once again, comment and rate so I can hear your guys' thoughts and opinions. Any grammatical errors, spelling errors or any other ideas for my story would be appreciated. Until then, stay epic!