• Published 7th Jun 2012
  • 737 Views, 7 Comments

Epic Quest - dorianator

When a colt finds himself with no trace of identity, he meets a few friends and becomes a hero.

  • ...

The Doctor Is In

"Nathan, how many times do I have to tell you," Twilight explained, "it was probably a group of vandals. The group of griffins that have been messing with everything around here? They should really get the local authorities on that..."

"But, Twilight!" I continued. I've been trying to convince her what I saw in the shop was real, but she just wasn't buying it. "I'm telling you, it was totally out of the ordinary! Some heads were turned all the way around, that's 180 degrees!"

"That would only make sense for anyone vandalizing them." Twilight said, confident of her conclusion.

"Then why were they all turned to face ME?"

"That's purely coincidence."

"But, I...then how did..." I tried my best to come up with another defense, but every one of Twilight's explanations sounded reasonable. "Wait! Why did we not HEAR the alleged 'Griffin Strike'?" I asked. She couldn't possibly explain that.

"Well," she started, "not only were we on the second floor talking to Rarity, but they're griffins. Griffins that have experience in vandalizing while only getting noticed ONCE."

"But wouldn't we have heard the bell?"

Twilight stopped in her tracks and looked back at me, cocking an eyebrow. "Bell? What bell?" she said a somewhat frightened tone in her voice.

"When we entered the boutique? A bell at the door went off, remember?" I explained.

"You're...right..." Twilight mentioned. "And it was fairly loud..."

"That's exactly what I'm saying! If nothing went in or out of the shop, then how di-" I stopped talking and stared straight ahead.

"Nathan?" Twilight asked. "Nathan? Nathan, what's wrong?!"

Despite Twilight's worried tone of voice, I couldn't talk. Instead, I slowly slowly raise a hoof to point at the fountain we stopped at earlier.

"What are you pointing at?" Twilight asked. She looked in the direction I was pointing and gave a little gasp. She tried to pretend she hadn't, but I knew better. "Well," she started, "there are tons of fountains in Ponyville. They all aren't the same, you know."

"Twilight, are you kidding me?!" I shouted. "We just went back the same way we came! It's the same fountain and the statue is GONE! I can tell you know it too!"

"You mean you saw it too?" an older voice from behind me asked. It sounded strangely familiar...

"Huh?" I turned around to look at the colt who had joined our conversation.

"The statue. That was on the fountain earlier, correct?" he said, pointing to the spot where the statue previously stood.

The colt had a light brown coat and an even darker brown, spiky mane. He had an hourglass as a cutie mark and what sounded like a Canterlot accent. "Did the statue look at you?" he asked

"Doctor!" another voice called from behind him. "Quit messing with everypony!"

Out from behind him came a gray Pegasus mare with a blond mane and bubbles for a cutie mark. But the most noticeable feature about her was her eyes. Both of them were wandering in different directions. I didn't want to seem rude, so I avoided staring at her.

"Actually," I started explaining, "something like that did happen."

The colt's ears perked up. "Really?" he asked. "Ha! I knew it!"

"Wait a minute," Twilight butted in, "you mean to say that you think the statues in this town are moving? I guess I was right. Everypony in this town IS crazy!"

"Tell me about it." the gray mare replied.

"Okay, everypony hold on. Who exactly are you?" I asked, facing the two ponies that just showed up.

"Oh, well, my name is the Doctor, and this is my assistant, Derpy Hooves." he announced.

"I keep telling you, my name is Ditzy Doo!" Derpy complained. "Oh, forget it."

"Well, nice to meet you Doctor!" I smiled. "My name is Nathan. This is my friend Twilight Sparkle."

"Hold on, the Doctor?" Twilight asked. "Doctor Who?"

"Just the Doctor." he replied. "But enough about me. You said you saw the statues move, is that right?"

"Well, I didn't see them." I admitted.

"But you looked away and then back and they had moved?" he inquired further.

"Um, yeah, how'd you know?" I asked in surprise.

"Because I've been seeing the same thing happen all over town."

I glanced at Twilight, shooting her an 'I-told-you-so' look. She just rolled her eyes.

"So, 'Doctor', if the statues in Ponyville are in fact alive, then how are they supposed to harm us?" Twilight asked. "Statues aren't exactly dangerous."

"That's because they aren't statues, Twilight." the Doctor explained. "They're Weeping Angels"


"So," I started as our little group made it's way through town, "What exactly are the 'Weeping Angels'?" I asked.

"Well, they're not exactly from this dimension and they aren't supposed to be here, so I'm not exactly sure what they are capable of here, but where I come from, they are quite dangerous." he explained. That could have been a lot less complicated.

"Dangerous?" I asked. "How dangerous?"

"Very!" he replied.

"No, I meant what do they do that makes them so dangerous?"

"Weeping Angels," he started, "the only psychopaths in the universe to kill you nicely."

"What the hay is that supposed to mean?" I asked confusedly.

"It means they zap you into the past with a single touch and let you live to death." he explained. "The rest of your life used up and blown away in the blink of an eye. You die in the past and they consume all the days of your life in the present that might have been. They're the creatures of the abstract, feeding off potential energy."

"So, they teleport you back in time and consume the energy of all the moments you would've lived?" I asked.

"That is what I said," he answered, "but there's worse."

"Worse? How could anything be worse than that?!"

"Well," he continued, "they have a certain instinct where, in the event that something is looking at them, they become Quantum Locked."

"What does that mean?"

"Whenever you look at them, they literally cease to exist and turn to stone, but when you look away, they can kill you, quite literally, in the blink of an eye. But, due to the fact that they turn to stone when looked at-"

"They can't ever die." I finished for him.

"Precisely! That's why they're practically as old as the universe itself. The only thing that worries me is how much more powerful they could be..."

"How much more? So you've encountered these things before?"

"Yes, but they shouldn't even exist any more."

"What do you mean?"

"I tricked them into a trap and they fell out of the universe. Well, my universe, at least. The thing is, they should've been erased from existence completely."

"Wait, fell out of the universe?" I asked. This is really confusing now. "How does that work?"

"Well, way back when, my TARDIS exploded, causing the very fabric of time and space to rip apart at the seams, but I fixed it by flying the Pandorica into the heart of the explosion, thus rewriting history and restoring the universe to normal!" he finished. I only stared at him blankly. "What, don't believe me?"

"Oh, no! I believe you, but I didn't understand a word that came out of your mouth."

"Oh, that's fine." he reassured. "It's a long story anyway. Ah! Here we are!"

We all stopped, but I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Derpy followed the Doctor up to a big, blue box that read "POLICE PUBLIC CALL BOX" across the top. Twilight and I stood there confused. "Um, where are we, exactly?" I asked.

"We're at the TARDIS!" he announced.

We still had no idea what that was.

"It's the Doctor's time machine." Derpy explained. "It's also a spaceship."

"It stands for 'Time and Relative Dimension in Space'." he explained, pulling out a key.

I shrugged. "Seems legit." I said as I trotted up to the box. Twilight followed close behind.

"I don't see how we're all going to fit in there." Twilight pointed out.

"That's strange," I said, "I'd sooner expect you to put up an argument about how time travel is impossible."

"No, not at all," Twilight explained, "there are plenty of spells capable of doing the job."

"Well, Miss Sparkle," said the Doctor as he unlocked his TARDIS, "there is no magic here, I assure you. Ladies and gentlecolts, I give you, the TARDIS!"

He unlocked the door and swung it open. What I saw inside made my jaw hit the floor.

Derpy and the Doctor entered ahead of me and Twilight, who lagged behind in shock. It was so bizarre!

"It's bigger on the inside than it is on the outside!" Twilight gasped wide-eyed. Then she proceeded to walk back outside and walk around it, making sure it wasn't an illusion, while I walked around the interior, awestruck.

"This is just amazing!" I exclaimed. The inside appeared to be a circular room with a large contraption running through the center, outfitted with a ring-like control panel. The controls seemed very strange, but I've never been in a "TARDIS" before, so I didn't expect to think anything else.

"You...you're not from around here, are you?" Twilight asked.

"Great observation, genius!" I said, trying to mimic her voice when she had said the same to me. Unfortunately, I failed to elicit a response.

"Are you..." Twilight paused, "an ALIEN?!"

"Yep pretty much." said the Doctor, flipping switches and pushing buttons on the control panel.

"And this is your spaceship?" she asked.


"And we're about to take off, aren't we?" I asked, gripping the railing of the platform we stood on.

The Doctor took hold of a wibbly-looking lever and looked at me. "How did you know?" he smiled, pulling the lever down. Just as he pulled it, the entire room lurched and there was a strange sound, almost as if the ship itself was wheezing. Inside the contraption I previously mentioned, something that looked like a glass piston could be seen pumping up and down inside a large glass cylinder. Within a few seconds, the sounds stopped and everything was still.

"Well, that's all!" the Doctor announced. "We've landed!"

"Landed where exactly?" Twilight asked, a little shaken from our trip.

"Take a look for yourself." the Doctor suggested, motioning toward the door.

Twilight trotted toward the door and slowly opened it, bracing herself for the worst. When the door finally opened, Twilight gasped.

"Twilight?" I asked, confused. "What is it?"

She whispered, "We're in the Canterlot Castle."


After exiting the TARDIS, we all started to roam the halls. It didn't seem like there was anyone in particular around this section of the castle. We were all enjoying the scenery in our own way. The Doctor's being to scan the area with what looked like a futuristic flashlight, only it made a really weird noise.

"Wow," Twilight gazed around in awe, "that contraption of yours really travels through space!"

As Twilight trotted from place to place, raving about the TARDIS, I trotted up to the Doctor. I had a few question for him. "So, Doctor, why exactly are we at the Canterlot Castle at extreme risk of being caught by the Royal Guards?"

"We are going to have a meeting with the princess about the sudden appearance of the Weeping Angels. Hopefully she will have some sort of solution to our problem, because they have recently become active, and that means they're getting power from somewhere, but where..."

Suddenly, a forceful voice sounded from behind us. "Halt!" the voice demanded. "Identify yourselves!"

We all spun around to see who had caught us when another group of guards appeared behind us, as well as behind the first guard we were now facing.

We were trapped.


Uh oh! Looks like trouble in Canterlot Castle! Will Nathan, Twi, and their new friends be able to get out of this one? Probably, but stay tuned to find out!

Once again, constructive criticism is appreciated, like and comment if you will, and all Doctor Who related content in this chapter belongs to it's original creator, not me. Until next time, stay epic!